Guido Band
Associate Professor
- Name
- Dr. G.P.H. Band
- Telephone
- 071 5273998
- 0000-0003-0408-0039

Guido Band obtained his master degree (1992) and PhD (1997) in developmental psychology and psychophysiology at University of Amsterdam, where he focused on response inhibition. Since 1997 he has studied performance monitoring, cognitive control, dual-task performance, and more recently various forms of cognitive enhancement. In 2000 he started working at Leiden University. As of 2009, he is an associate professor focusing mainly on educational management and applied cognitive psychology. As of April 1st 2023 Guido Band is chair of the Unit of Cognitive Psychology at Leiden University. Guido is the chair of the European Cognitive Aging Society (EUCAS).
Research by Guido Band
Guido and his colleagues investigate how cognitive performance and control vary between age groups, between individuals and following interventions. Cognitive enhancement interventions include educative training, video games, meditation and neurofeedback.
PhD candidates
Kerwin Olfers
Julian Steinke
Past PhD candidates:
Nelleke van Wouwe
Merel Pannebakker
Henk van Steenbergen
Edward Spruit
Anne Bolders
Roderik Gerritsen
Associate Professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Cognitieve Psychologie
- Steinke J., Band G.P.H. & Ketterij R. van den (2025), Silent Safety:: Assessing cavitation-prevention procedures on board naval surface ships. The International Conference on Military Communication and Information Systems (ICMCIS) 23 April 2024 - 24 April 2024.
- Steenbergen H. van, Wilderjans T.F., Band G.P.H. & Nieuwenhuis S.T. (2024), Boosting arousal and cognitive performance through alternating posture: insights from a multi-method laboratory study, Psychophysiology 61(10): e14634.
- Ceolini E, Kock R.M.D., Band G.P.H., Stoet G. & Ghosh A. (2022), Temporal clusters of age-related behavioral alterations captured in smartphone touchscreen interactions, iScience 25(8): 104791.
- Son D. van, Van der Does A.J.W., Band G.P.H. & Putman P. (2020), EEG Theta/Beta ratio neurofeedback training in healthy females, Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback 45(3): 195-210.
- Gerritsen R.J.S. Lafeber J. Beukel N. van den Band G.P.H. (2020), No panacea? Tai Chi enhances motoric but not executive functioning in a normal aging population, Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition : .
- Delden A.L.E.Q. van Band G.P.H. Slaets J.P.J. (2020), A good beginning: study protocol for a group-randomized trial to investigate the effects of sit-to-stand desks on academic performance and sedentary time in primary education, BMC Public Health 20(1): 1-11.
- Band G.P.H., Borghini G., Brookhuis K. & Mehler B. (2019), Editorial: Psychophysiological contributions to traffic safety, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13: e410.
- Verbruggen F., Aron A.R., Band G.P.H., Beste C., Bissett P.G., Brockett A.T., Brown J.W., Chamberlain S.R., Chambers C.D., Colonius H., Colzato L.S., Corneil B.D., Coxon J.P., Dupuis A., Eagle D.M., Garavan H., Greenhouse I., Heathcote A., Huster R.J., Jahfari S., Kenemans J.L., Leunissen I., Li C.-S.R., Logan G.D., Matzke D., Morein-Zamir S., Murthy A., Paré M., Poldrack R.A., Ridderinkhof K.R., Robbins T.W., Roesch M., Rubia K., Schachar R.J., Schall J.D., Stock A.-K., Swann N.C., Thakkar Molen M.W. van der, Vermeylen L., Vink M., Wessel J.R., Whelan R., Zandbelt B.B. & Boehler C.N. (2019), A consensus guide to capturing the ability to inhibit actions and impulsive behaviors in the stop-signal task, eLife 8: e46323.
- Olfers K.J.F. & Band G.P.H. (2018), Game-based training of flexibility and attention improves task-switch performance: near and far transfer of cognitive training in an EEG study, Psychological Research 82(1): 186-202.
- Wentink M.M., Meesters J., Berger M.A.M., Kloet A.J. de, Stevens E., Band G.P.H., Kromme C.H., Wolterbeek R., Goossens P.H. & Vliet Vlieland T.P.M. (2018), Adherence of stroke patients with an online brain training programme: the role of health professionals' support, Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation 25(5): 359-365.
- Gerritsen R.J.S. & Band G.P.H. (2018), The Respiratory Vagal Stimulation Model of Contemplative Activity, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12: e397.
- Van Ketel J.E. & Band G.P.H. (2018), How to become a maestro: a study on he quantity and quality of practice. In: Pracana C. & Wang M. (Eds.), Psychological Applications and Trends: Inscience Press. 341-343.
- Spruit E.N., Band G.P.H., Van der Heijden K.B. & Hamming J.F. (2017), The effects of spacing, naps, and fatigue on the acquisition and retention of laparoscopic skills, Journal of Surgical Education 74(3): 530-538.
- Bolders A.C., Tops M., Band G.P.H. & Stallen P.J.M. (2017), Perceptual Sensitivity and Response to Strong Stimuli Are Related, Frontiers in Psychology 8: e1642.
- Schiller N.O., Van Lenteren L., Witteman J., Ouwehand K., Band G.P.H. & Verhagen Arie (2017), Solving the problem of double negation is not impossible: electrophysiological evidence for the cohesive function of sentential negation, Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 32(2): 147-157.
- Bolders A.C., Band G.P.H. & Stallen P.J.M. (2017), Inconsistent effect of arousal on early auditory perception, Frontiers in Psychology 8(447): .
- Olfers K.J.F., Band G.P.H., Colzato L.S. & Hommel B. (2017), The case of the Leiden "Lifestyle 2030" study. In: Colzato L.S. (Ed.), Theory-driven approaches to cognitive enhancement. New York: Springer. 305-321.
- Spruit E.N., Kleijweg L., Band G.P.H. & Hamming J.F. (2016), Varied practice in laparoscopy training: Beneficial learning stimulation or cognitive overload?, Frontiers in Psychology 7: e685.
- Band G.P.H., Basak C., Slagter H.A. & Voss M.W. (2016), Effects of Game and Game-Like Training on Neurocognitive Plasticity, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10: e123.
- Wentink M.M., Berger M.A.M., De Kloet A.J., Meesters J., Band G.P.H., Wolterbeek R., Goossens P.H. & Vliet Vlieland T.P.M. (2016), The effects of an 8-week computer based brain training programme on cognitive functioning, QoL and self-efficacy after stroke, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 26(5-6): 847-865.
- Band G.P.H., Basak C., Slagter H.A. & Voss M.W. (2016), Editorial: Effects of Game and Gamelike Training on Neurocognitive Plasticity, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10: e123.
- De Rover M., Brown S.B.R.E., Band G.P.H., Giltay E.J., Van Noorden M.S., Van der Wee N.J.A. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2015), Beta receptor-mediated modulation of the oddball P3 but not err-related ERP components in humans, Psychopharmacology 232(17): 3161-3172.
- Steenbergen H. van, Band G.P.H. & Hommel B. (2015), Does conflict help or hurt cognitive control? Initial evidence for an inverted u-shape relationship between perceived task difficulty and conflict adaptation, Frontiers in Psychology 6: e974.
- Van Steenbergen H., Band G.P.H., Hommel B., Rombouts S.A.R.B. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2015), Hedonic hotspots regulate cingulate-driven adaptation to cognitive demands, Cerebral Cortex 25(7): 1746-1756.
- Spruit E.N., Band G.P.H. & Hamming J.F. (2015), Increasing efficiency of surgical training: effects of spacing practice on skill acquisition and retention in laparoscopy training, Surgical Endoscopy 29(8): 2235-2243.
- Van Steenbergen H., Langeslag S.J.E., Band G.P.H. & Hommel B. (2014), Reduced cognitive control in passionate lovers, Motivation and Emotion 38(3): 444-450.
- Spruit E.N., Band G.P.H., Hamming J.F. & Ridderinkhof K.R. (2014), Optimal training design for procedural motor skills: A review and application to laparoscopic surgery, Psychological Research 78(6): 878-891.
- Wentink M., De Kloet A., Berger M., Van Haastrecht K., Verhoeven I., Jakobs M., Vliet-Vlietland T., Band G.P.H., Meesters J., Goossens P. & Ter Steeg A.M. (2014), The effect of computerized brain training on cognitive impairments and quality-of-life after stroke: A rct, Brain injury 28(5-6): 588-589.
- Bruyneel L., Van Steenbergen H., Hommel B., Band G.P.H., De Raedt R. & Koster E.H.W. (2013), Happy but still focused: Failures to find evidence for a mood-induced widening of visual attention, Psychological Research 77: 320-332.
- Spruit E.N., Band G.P.H. & Hamming J.F. (2013), Feedback during laparoscopic training, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 157(23): A6354.
- Steenbergen H. van & Band G.P.H. (2013), Pupil dilation in the Simon task as a marker of conflict processing, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7: 215.
- Ridderinkhof K.R., Van Wouwe N.C., Band G.P.H., Wylie S.A., Van der Stigchel S., Van Hees P., Buitenweg J., Van de Vijver I. & Van den Wildenberg W.P.M. (2012), A tribute to Charlie Chaplin: Induced positive affect improves reward-based decision making in Parkinson's Disease, Frontiers in Psychology 3: 185.
- Van Wouwe N.C., Ridderinkhof K.R., Band G.P.H., Van den Wildenberg W.P.M. & Wylie S.A. (2012), Dose dependent dopaminergic modulation of reward-based learning in Parkinson's disease, Neuropsychologia 50: 583-591.
- Steenbergen H. van, Booij L., Band G.P.H., Hommel B. & Does A.J.W. van der (2012), Affective regulation of cognitive-control adjustments in remitted depressive patients after acute tryptophan depletion, Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 12(2): 280-286.
- Bolders A.C., Band G.P.H. & Stallen P.J. (2012), Evaluative conditioning induces changes in sound valence, Frontiers in Psychology 3: .
- Brown S.B.R.E., Steenbergen H. van, Band G.P.H., Rover M. de & Nieuwenhuis S. (2012), Functional significance of the emotion-related late positive potential, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6: 33.
- Van Muijden J., Band G.P.H. & Hommel B. (2012), Online games training aging brains: Limited transfer to cognitive control functions, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6(221): 1-13.
- Steenbergen H. van, Band G.P.H. & Hommel B. (2012), Reward valence modulates conflict-driven attentional adaptation: Electrophysiological evidence, Biological Psychology 90(3): 234-241.
- Van Steenbergen H., Nieuwenhuis S., Band G.P.H., Rombouts S.A.R.B. & Hommel B. (2011), Positive affect reduces conflict-driven executive control: behavioral and neural evidence?. [other].
- Van Wouwe N.C., Band G.P.H. & Ridderinkhof K.R. (2011), Positive affect modulates flexibility and evaluative control; evidence from the N2 and ERN, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 23(3): 524-539.
- Steenbergen H. van, Band G.P.H. & Hommel B. (2011), Threat but not arousal narrows attention: Evidence from pupil dilation and saccade control, Frontiers in Psychology 2: 281.
- Pannebakker M.M., Jolicoeur P., Van Dam W.O., Band G.P.H., Ridderinkhof K.R. & Hommel B. (2011), Mental rotation impairs attention shifting and short-term memory encoding: Neurophysiological evidence against the response-selection bottleneck model of dual-task performance, Neuropsychologia 49(11): 2985-2993.
- Spapé M.M.A., Band G.P.H. & Hommel B. (2011), Compatibility-sequence effects in the Simon task reflect episodic retrieval but not conflict adaption: Evidence from LRP and N2, Biological Psychology 88(1): 116-123.
- Colzato L.S., Van Muijden J., Band G.P.H. & Hommel B. (2011), Genetic modulation of training and transfer in older adults: BDNF Val66Met polymorphism is associated with wider useful field of view, Frontiers in Psychology 2:199: .
- Van Wouwe N.C., Ridderinkhof K.R., Van den Wildenberg W.P.M., Band G.P.H., Abisogun A., Elias W.J., Frysinger R. & Wylie S.A. (2011), Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus improves reward-based decision-learning in Parkinson's disease, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 5:30: .
- Van Steenbergen H., Band G.P.H. & Hommel B. (2010), In the mood for adaptation: How affect regulates conflict - driven control, Psychological Science 21: 1629-1634.
- Pannebakker M.M., Band G.P.H. & Ridderinkhof K.R. (2009), Operation compatibility: a neglected contribution to dual-task costs, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 35: 447-460.
- Van Steenbergen H., Band G.P.H. & Hommel B. (2009), Reward counteracts conflict adaptation: Evidence for a role of affect in executive control, Psychological Science 20: 1473-1477.
- Wouwe N.C. van, Band G.P.H. & Ridderinkhof K.R. (2009), Proactive control and episodic binding in context processing effects, Acta Psychologica 131: 245-253.
- Jepma M., Wagenmakers E.J., Band G.P.H. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2009), The effects of accessory stimuli om information processing: Evidence from electrophysiology and diffusion-model analysis, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 21(5): 847-864.
- Band G.P.H., Van Steenbergen H., Ridderinkhof K.R., Falkenstein M. & Hommel B. (2009), Action-effect negativity: Irrelevant action effects are monitored like relevant feedback, Biological Psychology 82: 211-218.
- Zanolie K., Teng S., Donohue S.E., Duijvenvoorde A.C.K. van, Band G.P.H., Rombouts S.A.R.B. & Crone E.A. (2008), Switching between colors and shapes on the basis of positive and negative feedback: An fMRI and EEG study on feedback-based learning, Cortex 44(5): 537-547.
- Pannebakker M.M., Dam W. van, Band G.P.H., Ridderinkhof K.R., Hommel B. & Jolicoeur P. (2008), Does mental rotation affect T2 spatial attention in a dual task?. Leiden, May 2008: Universiteit Leiden. [other].
- Van Steenbergen H., Band G.P.H. & Hommel B. (2008), Emotional arousal drives reflexive saccades. Gent, Belgie, December 2008: Universiteit Leiden. [other].
- Pannebakker M.M., Dam W. van, Band G.P.H., Ridderinkhof K.R., Hommel B. & Jolicoeur P. (2008), Spatial attention is affected by mental rotation in a dual task. San Francisco, USA, April 2008: Universiteit Leiden. [other].
- Van Steenbergen H., Band G.P.H. & Hommel B. (2008), How mood influences attention. Leiden , May 2008.: Universiteit Leiden. [other].
- Band G.P.H., Jolicoeur P., Akyürek E.G. & Memelink J. (2006), Integrative views on dual-task costs, European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 18: 481-492.
- Osman A.M., Albert R.B., Ridderinkhof K.R., Band G.P.H. & Molen M.W. van der (2006), The beat goes on: Rhythmic modulation of cortical potentials by imagined tapping, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 32: 986-1005.
- Band G.P.H. & Nes F.T. van (2006), Reconfiguration and the bottleneck:Does task switching affect the refractory-period effect?, European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 18: 593-623.
- Band G.P.H. & Camfferman E. (2005), Dual-tasking is not affected by gender, alcohol use, or gaming experience, Proceedings of the 14th ESCOP meeting. The 14th ESCOp meeting. Leiden.
- Band G.P.H., La Heij W., Wolters G. & Hommel B. (Eds.) (2005), Proceedings of the 14th meeting of the ESCOP. Leiden, The Netherlands: Universiteit Leiden.
- Van Wouwe N.C., Ridderinkhof K.R. & Band G.P.H. (2005), Keeping the context in mind: Working memory maintenance and prior experience. [other].
- Pannebakker M.M., Band G.P.H. & Ridderinkhof K.R. (2005), The influence of task content on dual-task interference. [other].
- Van Wouwe N.C., Ridderinkhof K.R. & Band G.P.H. (2005), Keeping the context in mind: Working memory and prior experience. [other].
- Pannebakker M.M., Band G.P.H. & Ridderinkhof K.R. (2005), Dual-task interference: Task load or task content?. [other].
- Band G.P.H. & Wiering C.H. (2005), Reward promotes parallel prcessing. [other].
- Band G.P.H. & Scheres A. (2005), Commentary: Is inhibition impaired in ADHD?, British Journal of Developmental Psychology 23: 517-521.
- Band G.P.H. (2004), Control and the bottleneck. Band G.H.P., Memelink J. & Akyurek E.G. (Eds.), Proceedings of the EPOS Meeting "Unique and shared processing limitations in dual-task performance". .
- Kok A., Ramautar J.R., Ruiter M.B. de, Band G.P.H. & Ridderinkhof K.R. (2004), ERP components associated with successful and unsuccessful stopping in a stop-signal task, Psychophysiology 41(1): 9-20.
- Band G.P.H., Molen M.W. van der & Logan G.D. (2003), Horse-race model simulations of the stop-signal procedure, Acta Psychologica 112: 105-142.
- Band G.P.H. (2003), Older adults retrieve one event at a time, Proceedings of the XIIIth Conference of the European Society of Cognitive Psychology. . Granada 119-119.
- Band G.P.H., Ridderinkhof K.R. & Molen M.W. van der (2003), Speed-accuracy modulation in case of conflict: The roles of activation and inhibition, Psychological Research 67: 266-279.
- Band G.P.H., Ridderinkhof K.R. & Segalowitz S. (2002), Explaining neurocognitive aging: Is one factor enough?, Brain and Cognition 49: 259-267.
- Band G.P.H., Ridderinkhof K.R. & Segalowitz S. (Eds.) (2002), . Brain and Cognition.
- Band G.P.H., Ridderinkhof K.R. & Segalowitz S. (2002), New dimensions in neurocognitive aging research, Brain and Cognition 49: 1-8.
- Ridderinkhof K.R., Vlugt Y., Bramlage A., Spaan M., Elton M., Snel J. & Band G.P.H. (2002), Alcohol consumption impairs the detection of performance errors by mediofrontal cortex, Science 298: 2209-2211.
- Nieuwenhuis S.T., Ridderinkhof K.R., Blom J., Band G.P.H. & Kok A. (2001), Error-related brain potentials are differentially related to awareness of response errors: Evidence from an antisaccade task, Psychophysiology 38(5): 752-760.
- Elton M., Band G.P.H. & Falkenstein M. (2000), To err is human, Biological Psychology 51: 83-85.
- Elton M., Band G.P.H. & Falkenstein M. (Eds.) (2000), . Biological Psychology.
- Band G.P.H. & Ridderinkhof K.R. (2000), Cognitive aging. [other].
- Rotteveel M., Band G.P.H., Tieges Z. & Phaf R.H. (10 October 2000), Early and late erp-components with suboptimal affective priming.
- Band G.P.H. & Kok A. (2000), Age effects on response monitoring in a mental rotation task, Biological Psychology 51: 201-221.
- Boxtel G.J.M. & Band G.P.H. (2000), Inhibitory motor control in stop paradigms, Acta Psychologica 105(1): 79-82.
- Band G.P.H., Molen M.W. van der, Overtoom C.C.E. & Verbaten M.N. (2000), The ability to inhibit and activate speeded responses, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 75(4): 263-290.
- Ridderinkhof K.R., Bashore T.R., Van der Molen M.W. & Band G.P.H. (1999), The speed of information processing: Qualitative versus quantitative changes with age. In: Falkenstein M., Hohnsbein J. & Ullsperger P. (Eds.), Cognitive Changes due to Aging and Fatigue as revealed in the Electric Brain Activity. Dortmund, Germany: Bundesanstalt fuer Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin. 172-182.
- Band G.P.H. & Van Boxtel G.J.M. (1999), Inhibitory motor control in stop paradigms: review and reinterpretation of neural mechanisms, Acta Psychologica 101(2-3): 179-211.
- Ridderinkhof K.R., Band G.P.H. & Logan G.D. (1999), A study of adaptive behavior: effects of age and irrelevant information on the ability to inhibit one's actions, Acta Psychologica 101(2-3): 315-337.
- Band G.P.H. & Van Boxtel G.J.M. (1997), Is the locus of response inhibition central and/or peripheral? ERP data from go/no-go, stop, and change paradigms, 11(4): 363-363.
- Band G.P.H. & Miller J. (1997), Mental rotation interferes with response preparation, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 23(2): 319-338.
- Ridderinkhof K.R., Van der Molen M.W., Band G.P.H. & Bashore T.R. (1997), Sources of interference from irrelevant information: A developmental study, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 65(3): 315-341.
- Band G.P.H., Lauer E.R. & Van der Molen M.W. (1997), LRPs during inhibition of a primed response: Are children more impulsive than adults?, 11(1): 90-90.