Universiteit Leiden

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Guido Band

Associate Professor

Dr. G.P.H. Band
071 5273998

Guido Band obtained his master degree (1992) and PhD (1997) in developmental psychology and psychophysiology at University of Amsterdam, where he focused on response inhibition. Since 1997 he has studied performance monitoring, cognitive control, dual-task performance, and more recently various forms of cognitive enhancement. In 2000 he started working at Leiden University. As of 2009, he is an associate professor focusing mainly on educational management and applied cognitive psychology. As of April 1st 2023 Guido Band is chair of the Unit of Cognitive Psychology at Leiden University. Guido is the chair of the European Cognitive Aging Society (EUCAS). 

Research by Guido Band
Guido and his colleagues investigate how cognitive performance and control vary between age groups, between individuals and following interventions. Cognitive enhancement interventions include educative training, video games, meditation and neurofeedback.

PhD candidates

Kerwin Olfers
Julian Steinke


Past PhD candidates:
Nelleke van Wouwe
Merel Pannebakker
Henk van Steenbergen
Edward Spruit
Anne Bolders
Roderik Gerritsen

Associate Professor

  • Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
  • Instituut Psychologie
  • Cognitieve Psychologie

Work address

Pieter de la Court
Wassenaarseweg 52
2333 AK Leiden
Room number 2B10



  • No relevant ancillary activities
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