Grzegorz Rozenberg
Professor emeritus of Theoretical computer science
- Name
- Prof.dr. G. Rozenberg
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 7067

Grzegorz Rozenberg received his Master and Engineer degree in computer science in 1965 from the Technical University of Warsaw, Poland. In 1968 he obtained his Ph.D. in mathematics from the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. Since then he has held full-time positions at the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland (assistant professor), Utrecht University, The Netherlands (assistant professor), State University of New York at Buffalo, U.S.A. (associate professor), and University of Antwerp, Belgium (professor).
More information about Grzegorz Rozenberg
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Former PhD candidates
Grzegorz Rozenberg received his Master and Engineer degree in computer science in 1965 from the Technical University of Warsaw, Poland. In 1968 he obtained his Ph.D. in mathematics from the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. Since then he has held full-time positions at the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland (assistant professor), Utrecht University, The Netherlands (assistant professor), State University of New York at Buffalo, U.S.A. (associate professor), and University of Antwerp, Belgium (professor). Since 1979 he has been a professor at the Department of Computer Science of Leiden University and an adjoint professor at the Department of Computer Science of University of Colorado at Boulder, U.S.A. He was the head of the Theoretical Computer Science group at Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) and the scientific director of the Leiden Center for Natural Computing (LCNC).
Professor emeritus of Theoretical computer science
- Science
- Leiden Inst of Advanced Computer Science
- Kleijn H.C.M., Koutny M., Mikulski L. & Rozenberg G. (2018), Reaction Systems, Transition Systems, and Equivalences. In: Böckenhauer H.J., Komm D. & Unger W. (Eds.), Adventures Between Lower Bounds and Higher Altitudes - Essays Dedicated to Juraj Hromkovič on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday.. Lecture Notes in Computer Science no. 11011. Cham: Springer International Publishing. 63-84.
- Skowron A., Dutta S. & Rozenberg G. (2018), Linking Exploration Systems with Local Logicsover Information Systems. Schlingloff B.H. & Akili S. (Eds.), Concurrency, Specification and Programming - Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Concurrency, Specification and Programming. 27th international Workshop on Concurrency, Specification and Programming (CS&P'18) 24 September 2018 - 26 September 2018 no. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2240 107-119.
- Kreowski H.J. & Rozenberg G. (2018), Graph Surfing by Reaction Systems. Lambers L. & Weber J. (Eds.), Graph Transformation - 11th International Conference, ICGT 2018, Held as Part of STAF 2018, Toulouse, France, June 25–26, 2018, Proceedings. Graph Transformation - 11th International Conference, ICGT 2018, Held as Part of STAF 2018 25 June 2018 - 26 June 2018 no. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 10887. Cham: Springer. 45-62.
- Graciani C., Riscos Núñes A., Păun G., Rozenberg G. & Salomaa A. (Eds.) (2018), Enjoying Natural Computing - Essays Dedicated to Mario de Jesús Pérez-Jiménez on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday. Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues no. 11270: Springer International Publishing.
- Gheorghe M., Rozenberg G., Salomaa A. & Zandron C. (Eds.) (2018), Membrane Computing - 18th International Conference, CMC 2017, Bradford, UK, July 25-28, 2017, Revised Selected Papers. Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues no. 10725: Springer International Publishing.
- Kleijn H.C.M., Koutny M., Pietkiewicz-Koutny M. & Rozenberg G. (2017), Applying regions, Theoretical Computer Science 658: 205-215.
- Ehrenfeucht A., Kleijn H.C.M., Koutny M. & Rozenberg G. (2017), Evolving reaction systems, Theoretical Computer Science 682: 79-99.
- Leporati A., Rozenberg G., Salomaa A. & Zandron C. (Eds.) (2017), Membrane Computing. 17th International Conference, CMC 2016, Milan, Italy, July 25-29, 2016, Revised Selected Papers. Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues no. 10105: Springer International Publishing.
- Ehrenfeucht A., Petre I. & Rozenberg G. (2017), Reaction Systems: A Model of Computation Inspired by the Functioning of the Living Cell. In: Konstantinidis S., Moreira N., Reis R. & Shallit J. (Eds.), The Role of Theory in Computer Science: Essays Dedicated to Janusz Brzozowski: World Scientific. 1-32.
- Paun Gh. & Rozenberg G. (2015), A Naturally Unique Scholar: Solomon Marcus - a Man Who Was Never Bored, Annals of the University of Bucharest ( Mathematical Series) 6: 15-18.
- Ehrenfeucht A. & Rozenberg G. (2015), Standard and ordered zoom structures, Theoretical Computer Science 608(Part 1): 4-15.
- Ausiello G., Kari L., Rozenberg G. & Sannella D. (2015), TCS in the 21st Century, Theoretical Computer Science 591: 3-4.
- Ehrenfeucht A. & Rozenberg G. (2014), Zoom Structures and Reaction Systems Yield Exploration Systems, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 25(3): 275-306.
- Paun Gh., Rozenberg G. & Salomaa A. (Eds.) (2014), Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science. Bucharest, Romania: Editura Academiei Romane.
- Gheorghe M., Rozenberg G., Salomaa A. & Sosik P. (Eds.) (2014), Membrane Computing - 15th International Conference, CMC 2014 - Revised Selected Papers no. 8961: Springer-Verlag.
- Dulio P., Frosini A. & Rozenberg G. (2014), Strategies for Tomography, Fundamenta Informaticae 135((1-2)): v-xxi.
- Ehrenfeucht A. & Rozenberg G. (2013), Processes Inspired by the Functioning of Living Cells: Natural Computing Approach - (Abstract), Proceedings 12th International Conference on Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation - 12th International Conference (UCNC 2013). no. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Springer-Verlag. 3-5.
- Ehrenfeucht A. & Rozenberg G. (2013), Processes Inspired by the Functioning of Living Cells: Natural Computing Approach, Proceedings Nature of Computation. Logic, Algorithms, Applications - 9th Conference on Computability in Europe (CiE 2013). no. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 120-122.
- Alhazov A., Cojocaru S., Gheorghe M., Rogozhin Y., Rozenberg G. & Salomaa A. (Eds.) (2013), Membrane Computing - 14th International Conference, CMC 2013 - Revised Selected Papers no. 8340: Springer-Verlag.
- Kleijn J., Koutny M., Pietkiewicz-Koutny M. & Rozenberg G. (2013), Step Semantics of Boolean Nets, Acta Informatica 50: 15-39.
- Gheorghe M., Paun G., Perez-Jimenez M.J. & Rozenberg G. (2013), Research Frontiers of Membrane Computing: Open Problems and Research Topics, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 24(5): 547-623.
- Paun G., Perez-Jimenez M.J. & Rozenberg G. (2013), Bridging Membrane and Reaction Systems - Further Results and Research Topics, Fundamenta Informaticae 127(1-4): 99-114.
- Ehrenfeucht A., Kleijn J., Koutny M. & Rozenberg G. (2012), Qualitative and Quantitative Aspects of a Model for Processes Inspired by the Functioning of the Living Cell. In: Katz E. (Ed.), Biomolecular Information Processing, From Logic Systems to Smart Sensors and Actuators. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH. 303-322.
- Skowron A., Chakraborty M.K., Grzymala-Busse J., Marek V., Pal S.K., Peters J.F., Rozenberg G., Slezak D., Slowinski R., Tsumoto S., Wakulicz-Deja A., Wang G. & Ziarko W. (2012), Professor Zdzislaw Pawlak (1926-2006): Founder of the Polish School of Artificial Intelligence. In: Skowron A. & Suraj Z. (Eds.), Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems - Professor Zdzislaw Pawlak in Memoriam: Springer. 1-56.
- Ehrenfeucht A., Kleijn J., Koutny M. & Rozenberg G. (2012), Reaction Systems: A Natural Computing Approach to the Functioning of Living Cells. In: Zenil H. (Ed.), A Computable Universe, Understanding and Exploring Nature as Computation: World Scientific.
- Brijder R., Daley M., Harju T., Jonoska N., Petre I. & Rozenberg G. (2012), Computational Nature of Gene Assembly in Ciliates. In: Rozenberg G., Baeck T.H.W. & Kok J.N. (Eds.), Handbook of Natural Computing volume 3. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. 1233-1280.
- Ehrig H., Engels G., Kreowski H.-J. & Rozenberg G. (Eds.) (2012), Graph Transformation, ICGT 2012. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
- Ehrenfeucht A., Kleijn J., Koutny M. & Rozenberg G. (2012), Relevance of Entities in Reaction Systems. Bordihn H., Kutrib M. & Truthe B. (Eds.), Languages Alive. : Springer. 44-55.
- Kleijn J., Koutny M., Pietkiewicz-Koutny M. & Rozenberg G. (2012), Petri Net Synthesis and Membrane Systems. Aman B. & Ciobanu G. (Eds.), Pre-Proceedings MeCBIC 2012. 7-8.
- Brijder R., Ehrenfeucht A. & Rozenberg G. (2012), Representing Reaction Systems by Trees. Dinneen M.J., Khoussainov B. & Nies A. (Eds.), Computation, Physics and Beyond, International Workshop on Theoretical Computer Science, WTCS 2012. : Springer. 330-342.
- Kleijn J., Koutny M., Pietkiewicz-Koutny M. & Rozenberg G. (2012), Membrane Systems and Petri Net Synthesis. Ciobanu G. (Ed.), Proceedings 6th Workshop on Membrane Computing and Biologically Inspired Process Calculi. . Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 1-13.
- Ehrenfeucht A., Kleijn J., Koutny M. & Rozenberg G. (2012), Minimal reaction systems. Priami C., Petre I. & Vink E. de (Eds.), Transactions on Computational Systems Biology XIV. : Springer. 102-122.
- Ehrenfeucht A. & Rozenberg G. (2012), A Formal Framework for Processes Inspired by the Functioning of Living Cells, Proceedings International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata (CIAA 2012). CIAA 2012: Springer. 25-27.
- Rozenberg G., Bäck T.H.W. & Kok J.N. (Eds.) (2012), Handbook of Natural Computing 1-4. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
- Rozenberg G. & Salomaa A. (Eds.) (2012), Formal and Natural Computing. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
- Gheorghe M., Paun G., Rozenberg G., Salomaa A. & Verlan S. (Eds.) (2012), Membrane Computing 12th International Conference, CMC 2011. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
- Halava V., Karhumäki J., Nowotka D. & Rozenberg G. (Eds.) (2012), Words, Graphs, Automata, and Languages; Special Issue Honoring the 60th Birthday of Professor Tero Harju. Amsterdam: IOS Press.
- Csuhaj-Varju E., Gheorghe M., Rozenberg G., Salomaa A. & Vaszil G. (Eds.) (2012), Membrane Computing - 13th International Conference, CMC 2012 - Revised Selected Papers no. 7762: Springer-Verlag.
- Kleijn J., Koutny M., Pietkiewicz-Koutny M. & Rozenberg G. (2012), Membrane Systems and Petri Net Synthesis: University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK.
- Ehrenfeucht A., Main M., Rozenberg G. & Brown A.T. (2012), Stability and Chaos in Reaction Systems, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 23: 1173-1184.
- Ehrenfeucht A. & Rozenberg G. (2011), A Formal Framework for Bioprocesses in Living Cells, Unconventional Computing. : Springer Verlag. 10-10.
- Kleijn J., Koutny M. & Rozenberg G. (2011), Modelling Reaction Systems with Petri Nets. Heiner M. & Matsuno H. (Eds.), International Workshop on Biological Processes & Petri Nets (BioPPN-2011). . CEUR Workshop Proceedings 36-52.
- Kleijn J., Koutny M. & Rozenberg G. (2011), Petri Nets and Bio-Modelling and how to benefit from their synergy, Fifth Workshop on Membrane Computing and Biologically Inspired Process Calculi (MeCBIC 2011). . Fontainebleau, France.
- Brijder R., Ehrenfeucht A. & Rozenberg G. (2011), Reaction Systems with Duration. Kelemen A. & Kelemen J. (Eds.), Computation, Cooperation, and Life. . Heidelberg: Springer Verlag. 191-202.
- Kleijn J., Koutny M., Pietkiewicz-Koutny M. & Rozenberg G. (2011), Classifying Boolean Nets for Region-based Synthesis. Desel J. & Yakovlev A. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Applications of Region Theory 2011. . CEUR Workshop proceedings 5-21.
- Calude C., Kari J., Petre I. & Rozenberg G. (Eds.) (2011), Unconventional Computation, 10 International Conference, UC 2011. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
- Calude C., Rozenberg G. & Salomaa A. (Eds.) (2011), Rainbow of Computer Science. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
- Ehrenfeucht A., Kleijn J., Koutny M. & Rozenberg G. (2011), Relevance of Entities in Reaction Systems. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
- Ehrenfeucht A., Kleijn J., Koutny M. & Rozenberg G. (2011), Reaction Systems: A Natural Computing Approach to the Functioning of Living Cells: University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK.
- Kleijn J., Koutny M. & Rozenberg G. (2011), Petri Nets for Biologically Motivated Computing. University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
- Kleijn J., Koutny M., Pietkiewicz-Koutny M. & Rozenberg G. (2011), Step Semantics of Boolean Sets: University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK.
- Ehrenfeucht A., Kleijn J., Koutny M. & Rozenberg G. (2011), Qualitative and Quantitative Aspects of a Model for Processes Inspired by the Funcitoning of a Living Cell: University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK.
- Brijder R., Ehrenfeucht A., Main M. & Rozenberg G. (2011), A tour of reaction systems, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 22: 1499-1517.
- Ehrenfeucht A., Main M. & Rozenberg G. (2011), Functions defined by reaction systems, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 22(1): 167-178.
- Bernardini F., Brijder R., Cavaliere M., Franco G., Hoogeboom H.J. & Rozenberg G. (2011), On aggregation in multiset-based self-assembly of graphs, Natural computing 10: 17-38.
- Kleijn J., Koutny M. & Rozenberg G. (2011), Petri Nets for Biologically Motivated Computing, Scientific Annals of Computer Science 21(2): 199-225.
- Paun G. & Rozenberg G. (2010), An introduction to and an overview of membrane computing. In: Paun G., Rozenberg G. & Salomaa A. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Membrane Computing: Oxford University Press. 1-27.
- Paun G. & Rozenberg G. (2010), Other Topics in Membrane Computing. In: Paun G., Rozenberg G. & Salomaa A. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Membrane Computing. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 654-663.
- Paun G., Rozenberg G. & Salomaa A. (Eds.) (2010), The Oxford Handbook of Membrane Computing. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
- Paun G. & Rozenberg G. (2010), Computability elements for membrane computing. In: Paun G., Rozenberg G. & Salomaa A. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Membrane Computing: Oxford University Press. 58-82.
- Bonizzoni P., Paun G., Rozenberg G. & Zandron C. (Eds.) (2010), Models and Algorithms for Natural Processes. USA: Springer.
- Ehrenfeucht A. & Rozenberg G. (2010), Reaction Systems: A Model of Computation Inspired by Biochemistry, Developments in Language Theory 2010. : Springer. 1-3.
- Paun G., Perez-Jimenez M.J., Riscos-Nunez A., Rozenberg G. & Salomaa A. (Eds.) (2010), Membrane Computing. Heidelberg-Berlin: Springer.
- Calude C., Hagiya M., Morita K., Rozenberg G. & Timmis J. (Eds.) (2010), Unconventional Computation, 9th International Conference, UC 2010. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
- Ilie L., Rozenberg G., Salomaa A. & Salomaa K. (Eds.) (2010), Formal Languages and Applications. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier Science Publishers.
- Brijder R., Ehrenfeucht A. & Rozenberg G. (2010), A Note on Causalities in Reaction Systems, Electronic Communications of the EASST 30: .
- Ehrenfeucht A., Main M. & Rozenberg G. (2010), Combinatorics of life and death for reaction systems, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 21(3): 345-356.
- Ehrenfeucht A. & Rozenberg G. (2010), Reaction Systems: A Formal Framework for Processes Based on Biochemical Interactions, Electronic Communications of the EASST 30: .
- Ehrenfeucht A. & Rozenberg G. (2009), Introducing time in reaction systems, 410: 310-322.
- Ehrenfeucht A. & Rozenberg G. (2009), Computational Nature of Processes Induced by Biochemical Reactions. In: , Membrane Computing - 11th International Conference, CMC 2010. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag. 16-17.
- Corne D.W., Frisco P., Paun G., Rozenberg G. & Salomaa A. (Eds.) (2009), Membrane Computing - 9th International Workshop, WMC 2008. Heidelberg: Springer.
- Calude C., Costa J.F., Dershowitz N., Freire E. & Rozenberg G. (Eds.) (2009), Unconventional Computation, 8th International Conference, UC 2009. Heidelberg: Springer.
- Brijder R., Hoogeboom H.J. & Rozenberg G. (2009), Reduction Graphs from Overlap Graphs for Gene Assembly in Ciliates, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 20: 271-291.
- Kreowski H.-J., Kuske S. & Rozenberg G. (2008), Graph Transformation Units - An Overview, 5065: 55-75.
- Kari L. & Rozenberg G. (2008), The many facets of natural computing, Communications of the ACM 51: 83.
- Rozenberg G. (2008), Computer Science, Informatics, and Natural Computing - Personal Reflections. In: , New Computational Paradigms - Changing Conceptions of What is Computable: Springer Verlag. 373-379.
- Penczek W. & Rozenberg G. (Eds.) (2008), Half a Century of Inspirational Research - Honoring the Scientific Influence of Antoni Mazurkiewicz. Amsterdam: IOS Press.
- Calude C., Costa J.F., Freund R., Oswald M. & Rozenberg G. (Eds.) (2008), Unconventional Computation. Heidelberg-Berlin: Springer.
- Möllenbeck M., Zhou Y., Cavalcanti A.R.O., Jönsson F., Higgins B.P., Chang W.-J., Juranek S., Doak T.G., Rozenberg G., Lipps H.J. & Landweber L.F. (2008), The Pathway to Detangle a Scrambled Gene, PLoS ONE 3(6): e2330.
- Harju T., Petre I., Rogojin V. & Rozenberg G. (2008), Patterns of simple gene assembly in ciliates, Discrete Applied Mathematics 156: 2581-2597.
- Brijder R., Cavaliere M., Riscos-Núñez A. & Rozenberg G. (2008), Membrane Systems with Proteins Embedded in Membranes, 404: 26-39.
- Bernardini F., Brijder R., Rozenberg G. & Zandron C. (2007), Multiset-Based Self-Assembly of Graphs, Fundamenta Informaticae 75: 49-75.
- Ehrenfeucht A. & Rozenberg G. (2007), Reaction Systems, Fundamenta Informaticae 75: 263-280.
- Ehrenfeucht A. & Rozenberg G. (2007), Biochemical Reactions as Computations. Cooper S.B., Löwe B. & Sorbi A. (Eds.), Computation and Logic in the Real World, Third Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2007. : Pringer Verlag. 672-673.
- Harju T., Li C., Petre I. & Rozenberg G. (2007), Complexity measures for gene assembly, Knowledge Discovery and Emergent Complexity in Bioinformatics. : Springer Verlag. 42-60.
- Brijder R., Cavaliere M., Riscos-Núñez A., Rozenberg G. & Sburlan D. (2007), Membrane Systems with Marked Membranes, Workshop on Membrane Computing and Biologically Inspired Process Calculi (MeCBIC 2006). . Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS) 25-36.
- Brijder R., Hoogeboom H.J. & Rozenberg G. (2007), From Micro to Macro: How the Overlap Graph Determines the Reduction Graph in Ciliates. Csuhaj-Varjú E. & Ésik Z. (Eds.), Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 16th International Symposium, FCT 2007. 149-160.
- Akl S.G., Calude C.S., Dinneen M.J., Rozenberg G. & Wareham T. (Eds.) (2007), Unconventional Computation, 6th International Conference, UC 2007. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
- Henkel C.V., Bäck T.H.W., Kok J.N., Rozenberg G. & Spaink H.P. (2007), DNA computing of solutions to knapsack problems, Biosystems 88(1-2): 156-162.
- Ehrenfeucht A., Prescott D.M. & Rozenberg G. (2007), A model for the origin of internal eliminated segments (IESs) and gene rearrangement in stichotrichous ciliates, 244: 108-114.
- Muskulus M., Besozzi D., Brijder R., Cazzaniga P., Houweling S., Pescini D., Rozenberg G. & Greef J. van der (2007), Cycles and Communicating Classes in Membrane Systems and Molecular Dynamics, 372(2-3): 242-266.
- Paun G., Pérez-Jiménez M.J. & Rozenberg G. (2007), Computing morphisms by spiking neural P systems, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 18: 1371-1382.
- Ehrenfeucht A. & Rozenberg G. (2007), Events and modules in reaction systems, 376: 3-16.
- Ehrenfeucht A., Harju T. & Rozenberg G. (2007), Finite metrics in switching classes, Discrete Applied Mathematics 155: 68-73.
- Brijder R., Cavaliere M., Riscos-Núñez A., Rozenberg G. & Sburlan D. (2006), Communication Membrane Systems with Active Symports, Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics 11: 241-261.
- Vliet R. van, Hoogeboom H.J. & Rozenberg G. (2006), The construction of minimal DNA expressions, Natural computing 5: 127-149.
- Ehrenfeucht A., Hage J., Harju T. & Rozenberg G. (2006), The embedding problem for switching classes of graphs, Fundamenta Informaticae 74: 115-134.
- Ehrenfeucht A., Harju T. & Rozenberg G. (2006), Embedding linear orders in grids, Acta Informatica 42: 419-428.
- Harju T., Petre I. & Rozenberg G. (2006), Modelling simple operations for gene assembly. In: Chen J., Jonoska N. & Rozenberg G. (Eds.), Nanotechnology: Science and Computation: Springer-Verlag. 361-376.
- Brijder R., Cavaliere M., Riscos-Nunez A., Rozenberg G. & Sburlan D. (2006), Membrane systems with external control. In: Hoogeboom H.J., Paun G., Rozenberg G. & Salomaa A. (Eds.), Membrane Computing: Springer Verlag. 219-237.
- Freund R., Paun G. & Rozenberg G. (2006), Contextual array grammars. Subramanian K.G., Rangarajan K. & Mukund M. (Eds.), Formal Models, Languages and Applications. . Singapore: World Scientific. 112-136.
- Muskulus M., Houweling S., Rozenberg G., Besozzi D., Cazzaniga P., Pescini D. & Brijder R. (2006), Reaction Cycles in Membrane Systems and Molecular Dynamics. Graciani-Diaz C., Paun G., Romero-Jimenez A. & Sancho-Caparrini F. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing, Volume II. : Research Group on Natural Computing, Sevilla University.
- Baldan P., Ehrig H., Padberg J. & Rozenberg G. (2006), Workshop on Petri Nets and Graph Transformations. Corradini A., Ehrig H., Montanari U., Ribeiro L. & Rozenberg G. (Eds.), Graph Transformations, 3rd International Conference, ICGT 2006. : Springer. 467-469.
- Rozenberg G. (2006), Theory Inspired by Gene Assembly in Ciliates. Ibarra O.H. & Yen H.-C. (Eds.), Implementation and Application of Automata 11th International Conference, CIAA 2006. . Heidelberg: Springer Verlag. 10-10.
- Harju T., Petre I., Rogojin V. & Rozenberg G. (2006), Simple operations for gene assembly. Carbone A. & Pierce N.A. (Eds.), DNA Computing. 96-111.
- Ehrenfeucht A. & Rozenberg G. (2006), Computational Nature of Biochemical Reactions. Ibarra O.H. & Dang Z. (Eds.), Developments in Language Theory, 10th International Conference, DLT 2006. 36.
- Kleijn J., Koutny M. & Rozenberg G. (2006), Towards a Petri net semantics for membrane systems. Paun G., Rozenberg G., Freund R. & Salomaa A. (Eds.), Membrane Computing: 6th International Workshop, WMC 2005. : Springer. 292-309.
- Chen J., Jonoska N. & Rozenberg G. (Eds.) (2006), Nanotechnology: Science and Computation. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
- Calude C.S., Dinneen M.J., Paun G., Rozenberg G. & Stepney S. (Eds.) (2006), Unconventional Computation, 5th International Conference, UC 2006, York, UK. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
- Hoogeboom H.J., Paun G., Rozenberg G. & Salomaa A. (Eds.) (2006), Membrane Computing, Seventh International Workshop, WMC7. Heidelberg-Berlin: Springer.
- Corradini A., Ehrig H., Montanari U., Ribeiro L. & Rozenberg G. (Eds.) (2006), Graph Transformations, 3rd International Conference, ICGT 2006, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
- Domaratzki M., Rozenberg G. & Salomaa K. (2006), Interpreted trajectories, Fundamenta Informaticae 73: 81-97.
- Henkel C.V., Rozenberg G. & Spaink H.P. (2006), Application of mismatch detection methods in DNA computing, Natural computing 5: 151-163.
- Besozzi D. & Rozenberg G. (2006), Formalizing Spherical Membrane Structures and Membrane Proteins Populations, 4361: 18-41.
- Harju T., Li C., Petre I. & Rozenberg G. (2006), Parallelism in gene assembly, Natural computing 5: 151-163.
- Kleijn J., Koutny M. & Rozenberg G. (2006), Process Semantics for Membrane Systems, Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics 11: 321-340.
- Ehrenfeucht A. & Rozenberg G. (2006), Covers from Templates, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 17: 475-488.
- Brijder R., Hoogeboom H.J. & Rozenberg G. (2006), Reducibility of Gene Patterns in Ciliates using the Breakpoint Graph, 356: 26-45.
- Paun G., Pérez-Jiménez M.J. & Rozenberg G. (2006), Spike Trains in Spiking Neural P Systems, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 17: 975-1002.
- Janssens D., Kreowski H.-J. & Rozenberg G. (2005), Main Concepts of Networks of Transformation Units with Interlinking Semantics. In: Kreowski H.-J., Montanari U., Orejas F., Rozenberg G. & Taentzer G. (Eds.), Formal Methods in Software and Systems Modeling: Essays Dedicated to Hartmut Ehrig on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday. 2005: Springer-Verlag. 325-342.
- Janssens D., Kreowski H.-J. & Rozenberg G. (2005), Main Concepts of Networks of Transformation Units with Interlinking Semantics. Kreowski H.-J., Montanari U., Rozenberg G. & Taentzer G. (Eds.), Formal Methods in Software and Systems Modeling: Essays Dedicated to Hartmut Ehrig on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday. : Springer Verlag. 325-342.
- Brijder R., Hoogeboom H.J. & Rozenberg G. (2005), The Breakpoint Graph in Ciliates. Berthold M.R., Glen R.C., Diederichs K., Kohlbacher O. & Fischer I. (Eds.), CompLife 2005. . Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Springer Verlag. 128-139.
- Vliet R. van, Hoogeboom H.J. & Rozenberg G. (2005), Combinatorial aspects of minimal DNA expressions. Feretti C., Mauri G. & Zandron C. (Eds.), 10th International meeting on DNA computing, DNA10, June 7-10, 2004, Milan, Italy -- Revised selected papers. International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming 7 June 2004 - 10 June 2004 no. LNCS 3384. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. 375-388.
- Calude C., Paun G. & Rozenberg G. (Eds.) (2005), Contagious Creativity, in Honor of the 80th Birthday of Professor Solomon Marcus. Amsterdam: IOS Press.
- Mauri S.B., Paun G., Pérez-Jiménez M.J., Rozenberg G. & Salomaa A. (Eds.) (2005), Membrane Computing, 5th International workshop, WMC 2004, Milan, Italy, June 14-16, 2004, Revised Selected and Invited Papers. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
- Kreowski H.-J., Montanari U., Orejas F., Rozenberg G. & Taentzer G. (Eds.) (2005), Formal Methods in Software and systems Modeling: Essays Dedicated to Hartmut Ehrig on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
- Henkel C.V., Rozenberg G. & Spaink H.P. (2005), Application of mismatch detection methods in DNA computing. Ferretti C., Mauri G. & Zandron C. (Eds.), DNA Computing. DNA 2004. International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming 7 June 2004 - 10 June 2004. Lecture Notes in Computer Science no. 3384. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. 159-168.
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- Schmidt K.A., Henkel C.V., Rozenberg G. & Spaink H.P. (2004), DNA computing using single-molecule hydridization detection, Nucleic Acids Research 32(17): 4962-4968.
- Rozenberg G. & Spaink H.P. (2003), DNA computing by blocking, Theoretical Computer Science 292(3): 653-665.
- Ehrenfeucht A., Harju T. & Rozenberg G. (2002), Gene assembly through cyclic graph decomposition, 281: 325-349.
- Prescott D.M. & Rozenberg G. (2002), How ciliates manipulate their own DNA - A splendid example of natural computing, Natural computing 1: 165-183.
- Ehrenfeucht A., Harju T., Petre I. & Rozenberg G. (2002), Characterizing the Micronuclear Gene Patterns in Ciliates, Theory of Computing Systems 35: 501-519.
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- Rozenberg G. (2002), Gene Assembly in Ciliates - a beatiful sample of Natural Computing, Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2: 35-41.
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- Harju T., Petre I. & Rozenberg G. (2002), Tutorial on DNA Computing and Graph Transformation - Computational Nature of Gene Assembly in Ciliates. Corradini A., Ehrig H., Kreowski H.J. & Rozenberg G. (Eds.), Graph Transformation, Proc. of the First International Conference. : Springer-Verlag. 430-434.
- Bäck T.H.W., Kok J.N. & Rozenberg G. (2002), Evolutionary Computation as a Paradigm for DNA-Based Computing. Landweber L.F. & Winfree E. (Eds.), Evolution as Computation. . Natural Computing Series: Springer Verlag. 15-40.
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- Ehrenfeucht A., Harju T., Petre I. & Rozenberg G. (2002), Patterns of micronuclear genes in ciliates. Jonoska N. & Seeman N.C. (Eds.), DNA Computing, 7th International Workshop on DNA-based Computers. 279-289.
- Rozenberg G. (2002), Models of molecular computing based on molecular reactions, New Generation Computing 20: 237-249.
- Amos M., Paun G., Rozenberg G. & Salomaa A. (2002), Topics in the theory of DNA computing, 287: 3-38.
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- Ehrenfeucht A., Petre I., Prescott D.M. & Rozenberg G. (2002), String and graph reduction systems for gene assembly in ciliates, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 12: 113-134.
- Martín-Vide C., Paun A., Paun G. & Rozenberg G. (2002), Membrane Systems with Coupled Transport: Universality and Normal Forms, Fundamenta Informaticae 49: 1-15.
- Rozenberg G., Eiben A.E. & Kok J.N. (2002), Special issue on Natural computing, 287(1): .
- Cortadella J., Yakovlev A. & Rozenberg G. (2002), Cocurrency and Hardware Design (Advances in Petri Nets), 2549: .
- Martín-Vide C., Paun G. & Rozenberg G. (2002), Membrane systems with carriers, 270: 779-796.
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- Mateescu A., Paun G., Rozenberg G. & Salomaa A. (1998), Simple splicing systems, Discrete Applied Mathematics 84: 145-163.
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- Rozenberg G. & Vaandrager F. (Eds.) (1998), Lectures on Embedded Systems. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
- Reisig W. & Rozenberg G. (Eds.) (1998), Lectures on Petri Nets I: Basic Models. Heidelberg, Duitsland: Springer-Verlag.
- Reisig W. & Rozenberg G. (Eds.) (1998), Lectures on Petri Nets II: Applications. Heidelberg, Duitsland: Springer-Verlag.
- Martin-Vide C., Mateescu A., Rozenberg G. & Salomaa A. (1998), Contexts on Trajectories. Turku, Finland: TUCS - Turku Centre for Computer Science.
- Paun G., Rozenberg G. & Salomaa A. (1998), Membrane Computing with External Output. Turku, Finland: TUCS - Turku Centre for Computer Science.
- Paun G., Rozenberg G. & Salomaa A. (1998), On Strongly Context-Free Languages. Turku, Finland: TUCS - Turku Centre for Computer Science.
- Ehrenfeucht A., Paun G. & Rozenberg G. (1998), On representing recursively enumerable languages by internal contextual languages, 205: 61-83.
- Martin-Vide C., Paun G., Rozenberg G. & Salomaa A. (1998), Universality results for finite H systems and Watson-Crick finite automata. In: Paun G. (Ed.), Computing with Bio-Molecules, Theory and Experiments. Singapore: Springer-Verlag. 200-220.
- Mateescu A., Rozenberg G. & Salomaa A. (1998), Shuffle on trajectories: Syntactic constraints (Fundamental Study), 197: 1-56.
- Mitrana V., Rozenberg G. & Salomaa A. (1998), On the Crossover Distance. Turku, Finland: TUCS - Turku Centre for Computer Science.
- Paun G., Rozenberg G. & Salomaa A. (1998), Complementarity Versus Universality, Complexity 4: 14-19.
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