Grégory Schneider
Associate professor
- Name
- Dr. G.F. Schneider
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2700
- 0000-0002-3156-4525

Graphene – a one atom thin material – has the potential to act as a sensor, primarily the surface and the edges of graphene. Gregory Schneider aims at exploring new chemical and biological sensing routes by exploiting the unique surface and edge chemistry of graphene.
More information about Grégory Schneider
PhD candidates
Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
Nationality: French
Date of birth: 3 May 1978
2005 PhD, Institute Charles Sadron, University of Strasbourg, France, 6 December 2005 (cum laude)
Thesis title: ‘Functionalization of gold nanoparticle for biomedical use’
Advisor: Prof. G. Decher
2002 MSc in Chemistry and Physics of Polymers, Materials and Surfaces, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Strasbourg, France
Current and previous research positions
2013 - now Tenure track Assistant Professor, Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Leiden University
2009 - 2013 Postdoctoral researcher, Delft University of Technology, Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Department of Bionanoscience (Prof. Dr. C. Dekker)
2006 - 2009 Postdoctoral researcher at Harvard University, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology (Prof. Whitesides)
Grants, awards, recognitions since 2010
2014 EU ERC Starting Grant (k€ 1,500)
2014 NWO-CW Vidi Grant (k€ 800)
2014 Huygens fellowship for a LIC-LION joined PhD student
2013 EU KBBE DECATHLON (co-applicant, k€ 110)
Contribution to teaching and supervision
- Course for MSc Chemistry/Life Science and Technology at Leiden University: Bionanotechnology
Current group composed of 8 PhD students, 4 postdoctoral fellows (1 Veni fellow, 2 SNSF fellows) and 4 interns.
Other responsibilities since 2010
- Guest editor of three peer-reviewed journal: MDPI Biosensors, MDPI Sensors, Flatchem
- Reviewer for Nature Communication, Angewandte Chemie, Journal of the American Chemical Society, APL, Nano Letters, Biosensors and Bioelectronic, IEEE Nanotechnology, ACS Physical Chemistry
- Editor for Pan Stanford Publishing
Publication record including five recent representative publications
38 publications with >2700 citations, H-index 19 (Web of Science): Google Scholar, or Leiden University
- Lima L., Fu W., Jiang L., Schneider G.F., Graphene-stabilized lipid monolayer heterostructures: a novel biomembrane superstructure. Nanoscale. 2016, in press, cover.
- Fu W., Jiang L., Geest E. van, Lima L., Schneider G.F., Biochemical sensing with graphene surfaces. Advanced Materials. 2016, in press.
- Arjmandi-Tash H., Belyaeva L., Schneider G.F., Single molecule detection with graphene and other two-dimensional materials: nanopores and beyond. Chemical Society Reviews, 2016, 45, 476-493.
- Schneider G.F., Dekker C., DNA sequencing with nanopores. Nature Biotechnology, 2012, 30, 326-328.
- Schneider G.F., Kowalcyk S.K., Calado V.E., Pandraud G., Zandbergen H., Vandersypen L.M.K., Dekker C., DNA translocation through graphene nanopores. Nano Lett. 2010, 10, 3163-3167.
Presentations including five presentations at international conferences since 2010
- 2011: March, EU Commission, Graphene 2020, Invited by Marcin Sadowski, Graphene nanopores for DNA sequencing; May, TU Delft, Department of Chemical Engineering, Invited by Prof. Michiel Kreutzer, Graphene bionanoscience and engineering: Toward single molecule DNA sequencing; July, NT11 graphene satellite meeting on graphene applications, Invited by the Nobel Laureate of Physics 2010, Prof. Kostya Novoselov, Toward single molecule DNA sequencing with graphene; 2011, September, Utrecht University, Invited by Prof. Albert Philipse, Opportunities for graphene in colloidal chemistry
- 2012: June, Graphene week, Invited by LMK Vandersypen, Graphene bionanoscience: towards the detection of single-stranded DNA in crystalline graphene nanopore; September, GraphEL conference, Mykonos, GR (plenary, conference opening), Invited by Prof. Costas Galiolis, Graphene bionanoscience and engineering: detecting DNA with graphene; October, University of Mons, BE, Invited by Prof. Carla Bittencourt, Chemistry and graphene: what are the new opportunities?
- 2014: April, NanoTP conference, Nantes, FR, Invited by Prof. Chris Ewels, Graphene nanopores and biointerfaces: Sequencing biomolecules with graphene?; June, Graphene week, Gottenburg, SE (contributing), Tailoring the hydrophobicity of graphene; September, GRD-I Graphene nanotubes, Strasbourg, FR, Invited by Prof. Annick Loiseau, Graphene sensors: chemistry matters; October, IUMRS, Haikou, CN (keynote), Invited by Prof. Wang, Single molecule detection with graphene: Nanopore and beyond
- 2015: May, Noordwijk, RME Rapid methods, Invited by Dr. Kok, Graphene a next generation sequencing material?; October: NanoBioMed, Barcelona, SP, Invited by Prof. Correia, Single molecule graphene biosensors: chemistry matters; November: Science meets business, Leiden, NL, Next generation sequencing with graphene; November, TechTalks Biomaterials, Leiden, NL, Is graphene a biomaterial? November, RAFA conference, Prague, CZ, Focus session on DNA analysis; December, GRDI Graphene and carbon nanotubes, Grenoble, FR, Invited by Prof. Bouchiat Sensing with graphene beyond the Debye screening length
- 2016: October, ICLON, Leiden, “Quantum chemistry in water”; November, Rapid Methods Europe (RME), Amsterdam, NL, Invited by Dr. Kok, Zero depth pore nanocapillary: thinner than graphene; November, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes RTC 2016, Chemical nanotechnology in Leiden: DNA sequencing with graphene, invited by Prof. Noiret; December, 2nd global conference on Nanotechnology, Las Vegas, USA, Opportunities in nanopore technologies for DNA sequencing applications, Invited by Dr. Sekha
Associate professor
- Science
- Leiden Institute of Chemistry
- LIC/Chemical Biology