Göran Sundholm
Professor emeritus Philosophy of Mathematics and of Logic
- Name
- Prof.dr. B.G. Sundholm
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- b.g.sundholm@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-5161-0720

Göran Sundholm is a Professor of Philosophy of Mathematics and of Logic at the Institute for Philosophy.
More information about Göran Sundholm
Curriculum vitae
Göran Sundholm (1953) holds an Oxford doctorate in proof theory (1983). He wrote about 50 research articles, including six Handbook chapters, and presented many invited contributions at international conferences. Sundholm is a regular referee for several European research councils and a frequent evaluator for doctorates,
Habilitationen and tenures at European and American universities. Previously he was Fellow by Examination at Magdalen College, Oxford; Lecturer at Radboud University, Nijmegen; and Reader in Theoretical Philosophy in Stockholm. Since his appointment as Professor in Philosophy at Leiden University in 1987 he was four times Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy. He accepted visiting professorships at Siena, Rio de Janeiro/Campinas and Stockholm (twice).
Areas of Research
Philosophy of Logic, Mathematics, and Language: exploring the possibilities of Mathematical Constructivism (esp. in the form of Martin-Löf's Constructive Type Theory) outside mathematics.
Modern History of Logic: one focus is on Bolzano, Frege, and Wittgenstein's
Tractatus; another field of interest is the Metalogical Turn - Logic as Language versus Logic as Calculus.
Professor emeritus Philosophy of Mathematics and of Logic
- Faculty of Humanities
- Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte
- Sundholm B.G. (2 June 2007), Pehenomenology of mathematics; a constructivist’s perspective. workshop Phenomenology and Mathematics, IHPST. Paris. [lecture].
- Sundholm B.G. (12 May 2007), 'Het analytisch-filosofisch voorbeeld’. de eeuwfeest van de Haagse Wijsgerige vereniging. Den Haag. [lecture].
- Sundholm B.G. (12 June 2007), 'Brouwer’s proof of the Bar theorem'. lezing op de conferentie Intuitionism 100 Years. Cerissy-la-Salle. [lecture].
- Sundholm B.G. (21 June 1999), On the dating of Frege's distinction between Sinn and Bedeutung. LOGICA '99. Castle Liblice, Czech Republic. [lecture].
- Sundholm B.G. (16 January 1999), The semantic value of natural deduction derivations. International Workshop Proof-theoretical Semantics. Tübingen, BRD. [lecture].
- Sundholm B.G. (23 August 1999), A Century of Inference: 1837-1936. XIth International Conference for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Cracow. [lecture].
- Sundholm B.G. (23 June 1998), Identity: absolute, criterial, propositional. LOGICA '98 Conference. Czech Academy of Sciences, Castle Liblice. [lecture].
- Sundholm B.G. (8 June 1998), A Century of Judgement and Inference. Course of invited lectures (3x2 hours). Dept. Philosophy, Åbo University. [lecture].
- Sundholm B.G. (2 November 1998), Inference: Act, Object, Trace. Invited Lecture. Dept. Philosophy, Univ. des Saarlandes/Saarbrucken. [lecture].
- Sundholm B.G. (14 March 1998), The Proof Theory of Stig Kanger. Kanger Memorial Conference. Uppsala. [lecture].
- Sundholm B.G. (30 March 1998), MacColl and the Logical Tradition. Lezing. Greifswald. [lecture].
- Sundholm B.G. (14 May 1997), Wat is een gevolgtrekking?. Lezing t.b.v. het onderzoekinstituut Zeno. Utrecht. [lecture].
- Sundholm B.G. (17 June 1997), Inference vs Consequence. Conferentie 'Logica '97'. Liblice Castle, Bohemia (Czech Ac. of Sciences). [lecture].
- Sundholm B.G. (3 June 1997), 1. Abduktion och deduktion: detektivfiktionens logik, och 2. Slutledningsakt och konsekvensförhållande. Seminar Filosofiska Institutionen. Universitetet i Linköping, Zweden. [lecture].
- Sundholm B.G. (23 October 1997), Logisk tolerans, Högre seminariet i teoretisk filosofi. Seminar Filosofiska institutionen. Universitetet i Stockholm, Zweden. [lecture].
- Sundholm B.G. (12 June 1997), Intuïtionism and Logical Tolerance. Conference 'Tarski and the Vienna Circle'. Insitut Wiener Kreis. [lecture].
- Sundholm B.G. (5 March 1997), Inference and Consequence. Uppsala-Stockholm Logic-Group Seminar. Matematiska Inst., Universitetet i Stockholm. [lecture].
- Sundholm B.G. (26 January 1995), Festrede. tweede lustrumviering van het Type-theorie Seminar: The Essence of Logic. [lecture].
- Sundholm B.G. (15 November 1995), Detektivromanens logik. lezing. Univeriteit van Lund. [lecture].
- Sundholm B.G. (5 December 1995), Wittgensteins "Zeigen" i Freges "Sagen". lezing Universiteit Helsinki. Finland. [lecture].
- Sundholm B.G. (1 September 1995), cursus Frege. gastdocentschap Universiteit van Stockholm. Zweden. [lecture].
- Sundholm B.G. (16 November 1995), Identitet frän Frege till Wiggins. lezing Universiteit van Uppsala. Zweden. [lecture].
- Sundholm B.G. (11 January 1995), Logikens natur: Slutledning eller följd. lezing Universiteit van Stockholm. Zweden. [lecture].
- Sundholm B.G. (1 January 1994), Waarheid. Gastcollegeserie Faculteit der Wijsbegeerte. Universiteit van Stokholm, Zweden. [lecture].
- Sundholm B.G. (21 February 1994), A. Heyting and H. Weyl, Unknown Phenomenologists. Tampere University. Finland. [lecture].
- Sundholm B.G. (19 October 1995), Implication, Consequence, Inference. Congres "Twenty-five Years of Constructive Type Theory". Venezia. [lecture].
- Sundholm B.G. (27 February 1994), De ontwikkeling van Logica van John van St.Thomas tot de Intuïtionisten: een nieuw perspectief. dubbelcollege Universiteit van Helsinki. Finland. [lecture].