Universiteit Leiden

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Glenn Aguilar Hernandez

Postdoc / lecturer

Dr. G.A. Aguilar Hernandez
+31 71 527 5557

Glenn is a researcher from Costa Rica that has developed his career in the sustainability field. He holds a bachelor degree in Chemistry from the University of Costa Rica and a master of Sustainability from the University of Sydney, Australia.

More information about Glenn Aguilar Hernandez

Professional experience

Glenn is a researcher from Costa Rica that has developed his career in the sustainability field. He holds a bachelor degree in Chemistry from the University of Costa Rica and a master of Sustainability from the University of Sydney, Australia.  He has combined experience in research and development from academic and non-academic areas in topics such as renewable energy, natural resources, and sustainability analysis.
He worked as Associated Research and Bioenergy Expert in the School of Biosystems Engineering at the University of Costa Rica, where he collaborated on bioenergy projects and the Climate Change Adaptation Program. Likewise, he has experience in the development of biofuels at an industrial scale in Energias Biodegradables de Costa Rica.
During his master's studies, he specialized on techniques for sustainability analysis and developed his capstone project at the Centre for Integrated Sustainability Analysis at the University of Sydney, where he contributed to the application of Multi-Regional Input-Output model in biodiversity studies.
Glenn developed his PhD at CML focusing on a macro-level assessment of material circularity. This research was part of the Circular European Economy Innovative Training Network funded by European Commission under Marie Curie Actions. His research outcomes contribute to a better understanding of the environmental implications of a circular economy on a macro scale. 

Research topic

Currently, he is working on two projects as a Postdoc. First, he is developing an assessment of the COVID-19 impacts on global supply chains, which is a collaboration with the Circular Industries Hub, Leiden-Delf-Erasmus Centre for Sustainability. Second, he is providing support to the coordination of the Work Package 3 in SCRREEN 2 Project, where he focuses on market analysis, trade, and prices of critical raw materials for the European Union.

Postdoc / lecturer

  • Science
  • Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden
  • CML/Industriele Ecologie

Work address

Van Steenis
Einsteinweg 2
2333 CC Leiden
Room number A3.18


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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