Gjalt Huppes
Lecturer / guest
- Name
- Dr. G. Huppes
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 5615
- huppes@cml.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-2400-2839

Lecturer / guest
- Science
- Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden
- CML/Industriele Ecologie
- Huppes G. & Schaubroeck T. (2022), Forecasting the future sustainability of technology choices: qualitative predictive validity of models as a complement to quantitative uncertainty, Frontiers in Sustainability 3: 629653.
- Huppes G. & Huele R. (2022), Physical analysis of SARS-CoV-2 routes: from primary production and emissions to exposures and COVID-19 infection. Preprints. [working paper].
- Huele R., Huppes G., Kleijn E.G.M. & Sprecher B. (10 May 2022), Zet de energiemarkt ook open voor kleine spelers. Trouw, Opinie.
- Huppes G. (2019), Strategic designs for climate policy instrumentation: governance at the crossroads. Routledge Studies in Environmental Policy. London: Routledge.
- Koning A. de, Kleijn E.G.M., Huppes G., Sprecher B., Engelen G. van & Tukker A. (2018), Metal supply constraints for a low-carbon economy?, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 129: 202-208.
- Huppes G. & Huele R. (2018), Institutionalist Climate Governance for Pleasant Cities and the Good Life. In: Huppes G. & Huele R. (Eds.), Cultures of Sustainability and Wellbeing: Theories, Histories and Policies.. Routledge Studies in Culture and Sustainable Development. Abingdon: Routledge. II-3.
- Tukker A., Udo De Haes H.A., Groot W.T. de, Barendse G., Huppes G., Voet E. van der, Boersema J.J., Persoon G.A., Jongh H. de, Snoo G.R. de, Kleijn E.G.M., Guinee J.B., Vijver M.G. & Bodegom P.M. van (2018), Forty years of Leiden environmental science: the history of the Leiden Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) 1978-2018. Leiden: Leiden University - CML.
- Bai S., Wang X., Huppes G., Zhao X. & Ren N. (2017), Using site-specific life cycle assessment methodology to evaluate Chinese wastewater treatment scenarios: A comparative study of sitegeneric and site-specific methods, Journal of Cleaner Production 144: 1-7.
- Huppes G., Deetman S.P., Huele R., Kleijn E.G.M., Koning A. de & Voet E. van der (2017), Strategic design of long-term climate policy instrumentations, with exemplary EU focus, Climate Policy 17(S1): S8 – S31.
- Kraan O.D.E., Kramer G.J., Lei T. van der & Huppes G. (2017), Modelling the Energy Transition: Towards an Application of Agent Based Modelling to Integrated Assessment Modelling. In: Jager W., Verbrugge R., Flache A., Roo G. de, Hoogduin L. & Hemelrijk C. (Eds.), Advances in Social Simulation 2015. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing no. 528. Cham: Springer. 207-216.
- Heijungs R., Boersema J.J. & Huppes G. (2017), Mathematics and the Anthropocene equation: Comment on Gaffney O and Steffen W (2017) The Anthropocene equation. The Anthropocene Review 4:53-61, The Anthropocene Review 4(3): 259-263.
- Koning A. de, Huppes G., Deetman S.P. & Tukker A. (2016), Scenarios for a 2°C world: a trade-linked input-output model with high sector detail, Climate Policy 16(3): 301-317.
- Wiloso E.I, Heijungs R, Huppes G. & Fang K. (2016), Effect of biogenic carbon inventory on the life cycle assessment of bioenergy: challenges to the neutrality assumption, Journal of Cleaner Production 125: 78-85.
- Wang X.H., Wang X., Huppes G., Heijungs R. & Ren N.Q. (2015), Environmental implications of increasingly stringent sewage discharge standards in municipal wastewater treatment plants: case study of a cool area of China, Journal of Cleaner Production 94(2015): 278-283.
- Simoes S., Huppes G. & Seixas J. (2015), A tangled web: assessing overlaps between energy and environmental policy instruments along the electricity supply chain, Environmental Policy and Governance 25(6): 439-458.
- Simoes S., Fortes P., Seixas J. & Huppes G. (2015), Assessing effects of exogenous assumptions in GHG emissions forecasts – a 2020 scenario study for Portugal using the Times energy technology model, Technological Forecasting and Social Change 94: 221-235.
- Huppes G. & Görlach B. (2015), Towards optimal short, medium and long term climate policy instrumentation no. CECILIA 2050 - WP6, Deliverable D6.4. Leiden: CML - Leiden University.
- Koning A. de, Kleijn R., Engelen G. van & Huppes G. (2015), Resource constraints in successful climate policy : key constraints and bottlenecks, and some solutions. Leiden: Leiden University, Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML).
- Huppes G., Deetman S.P., Huele R., Kleijn R., Koning A. de & Voet E. van der (2015), Instrumentation strategies and instrument mixes for long term climate policy no. CECILIA 2050 - WP6, Deliverable D6.1. Leiden: CML - Leiden University.
- Wiloso E.I., Heijungs R. & Huppes G. (2014), A novel life cycle impact assessment method on biomass residue harvesting reckoning with loss of biomass productivity, Journal of Cleaner Production 81: 137-145.
- Koning A. de., Huppes G. & Deetman S. (2014), Scenarios for 2050 for a 2-degrees world;Using a four regions trade linked IO-model with high sector detail. Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Leiden University.
- Simões S., Seixas J., Fortes P. & Huppes G. (2014), The savings of energy savings: interactions between energy supply and demand-side options - quantification for Portugal, Energy Efficiency 7(2): 179-201.
- Liao M.E.W., Heijungs R. & Huppes G. (2012), Thermodynamic resource indicators in LCA: a case study on the titania produced in Panzhihua city, southwest China, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 17(8): 951-961.
- Huppes G. & Curran M.A. (2012), Environmental Life Cycle Assessment: Background and Perspective. In: Curran M.A. (Ed.), Life Cycle Assessment Handbook; A Guide for Environmentally Sustainable Products. Beverly: Scrivener Publishing. 1-14.
- Liao M.E.W., Heijungs R. & Huppes G. (2012), Thermodynamic analysis of human–environment systems: A review focused on industrial ecology, Ecological Modelling 228: 76-88.
- Liao M.E.W., Heijungs R. & Huppes G. (2012), Natural resource demand of global biofuels in the Anthropocene: A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16(1): 996-1003.
- Huppes G., Oers L. van, Pretato U. & Pennington D.W. (2012), Weighting environmental effects: Analytic survey with operational evaluation methods and a meta-method, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 17(7): 876-891.
- Huppes G. (2011), Instruments for effective global climate policy: the carbon deposit system. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden.
- Huppes G. & Oers L. van (2011), Background Review of Existing Weighting Approaches in Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
- Huppes G. & Oers L. van (2011), Evaluation of Weighting Methods for Measuring the EU-27 Overall Environmental Impact. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
- Huppes G. & Ishikawa M. (2011), Visions for Industrial Ecology, Journal of Industrial Ecology 15(5): 641-642.
- Zhao W., Huppes G. & Voet E. van der (2011), Eco-efficiency for greenhouse gas emissions mitigation of municipal solid waste management: a case study of Tianjin, China, Waste Management 31(6): 1407-1415.
- Guinée J.B., Heijungs R., Huppes G., Zamagni A., Masoni P., Buonamici R., Ekvall T. & Rydberg T. (2011), Life Cycle Assessment: Past, Present, and Future, Environmental Science and Technology 45(1): 90-96.
- Huppes G., Ishikawa M. & Kramer G.J. (2011), Challenges for Industrial Ecology in Practice and Theory, Journal of Industrial Ecology 15(5): 677-679.
- Liao M.E.W., Heijungs R. & Huppes G. (2011), Is bioethanol a sustainable energy source? An energy-, exergy-, and emergy-based thermodynamic system analysis, Renewable Energy 36(12): 3479-3487.
- Luo L., Voet E. van der & Huppes G. (2010), Biorefining of lignocellulosic feedstock: technical, economic and environmental considerations, Bioresource Technology 101(13): 5023-5032.
- Heijungs R., Voet E. van der, Luo L. & Huppes G. (2010), Combining technology modelling with life cycle assessment modelling for eco-innovation in the chemical process industry, Modern Polymeric Materials for Environmental Applications 4(1): 123-132.
- Hu M., Bergsdal H., Voet E. van der, Huppes G. & Muller D.B. (2010), Dynamics of urban and rural housing stocks in China, Building Research and Information 38(3): 301-317.
- Luo L., Voet E. van der & Huppes G. (2010), Energy and environmental performance of bioethanol from different lignocelluloses, International Journal of Chemical Engineering 2010: 740962.
- Hu M., Pauliak S., Wang T., Huppes G., Voet E. van der & Müller D.B. (2010), Iron and steel in Chinese residential buildings: a dynamic analysis, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 54(9): 591-600.
- Heijungs R., Huppes G. & Guinée J.B. (2010), Life cycle assessment and sustainability analysis of products, materials and technologies. Toward a scientific framework for sustainability life cycle analysis, Polymer Degradation and Stability 95(3): 422-428.
- Hu M., Voet E. van der & Huppes G. (2010), Dynamic material flow analysis for strategic construction and demolition waste management in Beijing, Journal of Industrial Ecology 14(3): 440-456.
- Zhao W., Voet E. van der, Huppes G. & Zhang Y. (2009), Comparative life cyle assessments of incineration and non-incineration treatments for medical waste, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 14(2): 114-121.
- González-García S., Luo L., Moreira M.T., Feijoo G. & Huppes G. (2009), Life cycle assessment of flax shives derived second generation ethanol fueled automobiles in Spain , Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 13(8): 1922-1933.
- Luo L., Voet E. van der, Huppes G. & Udo de Haes H.A. (2009), Allocation issues in LCA methodology: a case study of corn stover-based fuel ethanol, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 14: 529-539.
- Zhao W., Voet E. van der, Zhang Y. & Huppes G. (2009), Life cycle assessment of municipal solid waste management with regard to greenhouse gas emissions: Case study of Tianjin, China, Science of the Total Environment 407(5): 1517-1526.
- Luo L., Voet E. van der & Huppes G. (2009), Life cycle assessment and life cycle costing of bioethanol from sugarcane in Brazil, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 13(6-7): 1613-1619.
- Huppes G. (2009), LCA and eco-efficiency. In: Fullana P., Betz M., Hischier R. & Puig R. (Eds.), Life cycle assessment applications: Results from COST action 530. Madrid: Asociación Española de Nomalizatión y Certificación (AENOR). 105-126.
- Suh S. & Huppes G. (2009), Methods in the Life Cycle Inventory of a Product. In: Suh S. (Ed.), Handbook of Input-Output Economics in Industrial Ecology. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York: Springer. 263-282.
- Huppes G. & Simonis U.E. (2009), Environmental Policy Instruments. In: Boersema J.J. & Reijnders L. (Eds.), Principles of Environmental Sciences. Heidelberg: Springer. 239-280.
- Liao M.E.W., Heijungs R. & Huppes G. (2009), Thermodynamic analysis of bio-ethanol from corn stover. Koroneos C.J. & Dompros A.T. (Eds.), Proceedings ELCAS 2009, 1st International Exergy, Life Cycle Assessmanet and Sustainability Workshop & Symposium. 1st International Exergy, Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainability Workshop & Symposium. Nisyros Island, Greece 51-58.
- Heijungs R., Huppes G. & Guinée J.B. (2009), A scientific framework for LCA. Rome: ENEA, The Italian National Agency on new Technologies, Energy and the Environment.
- Guinée J.B., Huppes G., Heijungs R. & Voet E. van der (2009), Research strategy, programmes and exemplary projects on life cycle sustainability analysis (LCSA). Rome: ENEA, The Italian National Agency on new Technologies, Energy and the Environment.
- Zamagni A., Buttol P., Buonamici R., Masoni P., Guinée J.B., Huppes G., Heijungs R., Voet E. van der, Ekvall T. & Rydberg T. (2009), Blue paper on Life Cycle Sustainability Analysis. Rome: ENEA, The Italian National Agency on new Technologies, Energy and the Environment.
- Huppes G. (2009), Eco-efficiency: From focused technical tools to reflective sustainability analysis, Ecological Economics 68(6): 1572-1574.
- Huppes G. (2009), Van LCA naar LCSA: Duurzaamheidsanalyse van producten en technologieën, Nieuwsbrief Milieu en Economie 23(4): 15-17.
- Huppes G. & Ishikawa M. (2009), Eco-efficiency guiding micro-level actions towards sustainability: Ten basic steps for analysis, Ecological Economics 68(6): 1687-1700.
- Luo L., Voet E. van der & Huppes G. (2009), An energy analysis of ethanol from cellulosic feedstock-Corn stover, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 13(8): 2003-2011.
- Simões S., Cleto J., Fortes P., Seixas J. & Huppes G. (2008), Cost of energy and environmental policy in Portugese CO2 abatement - scenario analysis to 2020, Energy Policy 36(9): 3598-3611.
- Ciroth A., Lundie S. & Huppes G. (2008), Inventory methods in LCA: towards consistency and improvement. Germany: VDM Verlag.
- Huppes G. (2008), Socio-Economic mechanisms structured: dynamic eco-efficiency and eco-innovation. In: s.n. (Ed.), Preparatory meeting 3rd international conference on quantified eco-efficiency for sustainability. Kobe Japan: Kobe University.
- Ciroth A., Gensch C-O., Günther E., Hoppe H., Hunkeler D., Huppes G., Lichtenvort K., Kudvig K., Notarnicola B., Pelzeter A., Prox M., Rebitzer G., Rüdenauer I. & Verghese K. (2008), Life cycle costing case studies. In: Hunkeler D., Lichtenvort K. & Rebitzer G. (Eds.), Environmental Life Cycle Costing: CRC Press.
- Huppes G., Ciroth A., Lichtenvort K., Rebitzer G., Schmidt W.P. & Seuring S. (2008), Modelling for life cycle costing. In: Hunkeler D., Lichtenvort K. & Rebitzer G. (Eds.), Environmental Life Cycle Costing: CRC Press.
- Lichtenvort K., Rebitzer G., Huppes G., Ciroth A. & Seuring S. (2008), Introduction: History of life cycle costing, its categorization, and its basic framework. In: Hunkeler D., Lichtenvort K. & Rebitzer G. (Eds.), Environmental Life Cycle Costing: CRC Press.
- Luo L., Voet E. van der & Huppes G. (2008), Life cycle assessment of fuel ethanol from different regional feedstocks. Bilitewski B. (Ed.), Proceedings Venice 2008, Second International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste. Second International Symposium on Enrgy from Biomass and Waste. Venice.
- Luo L., Voet E. van der & Huppes G. (2008), Energy analysis of biothanol production from biomass. Bilitewski B. (Ed.), Proceedings Venice 2008, Second International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste. Second International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste. Venice.
- Koning A. de, Heijungs R. & Huppes G. (2008), The EXIOPOL database management system – main design. Milan: feem - Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei.
- Vagt H., Jacob K., Rubik F., Huppes G. & Ekvall T. (2008), LCA options for sustainable governance assessed. Rome: ENEA, The Italian National Agency on new Technologies, Energy and the Environment.
- Heijungs R., Huppes G., Koning A. de, Hawkins T. & Hertwich E.G. (2008), Conceptual framework for linking in consumer activities and specified post-consumer waste management and recycling activities and related product flows. Milan: Feem - Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei.
- Koning A. de, Heijungs R. & Huppes G. (2008), The EXIOPOL database management system – Computational structure. Milan: Feem - Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei.
- Huppes G., Davidson M.D., Kuyper J., Oers L.F.C.M. van, Udo de Haes H.A. & Warringa G. (2007), Eco-efficient environmental policy in oil and gas production in The Netherlands, Ecological Economics 61(1): 43-51.
- Huppes G. & Ishikawa M. (2007), Quantified eco-efficiency; an introduction with applications. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
- Huppes G. & Ishikawa M. (2007), An introduction to quantified eco-efficiency analysis. In: Huppes G. & Ishikawa M. (Eds.), Quantified eco-efficiency; an introduction with applications. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. 1-38.
- Huppes G. (Ed.) (2007), . Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy.
- Heijungs R., Huppes G., Guinée J.B., Masoni P., Buonamici R., Zamagni A., Ekvall T., Rydberg T., Stripple H., Rubik F., Jacob K., Vagt H., Schepelmann P., Ritthoff M., Moll S., Suomalainen K., Ferrão P., Sonnemann G., Valdivia S., Pennington D.W., Bersani R., Azapagic A., Rabl A., Spadaro J., Bonnin D., Kallio A., Turk D. & Whittall J. (2007), Scope of and Scientific Framework for the CALCAS Concerted Action. Luxembourg: European Commission.
- Huppes G. & Ishikawa M. (2007), Sustainability evaluation: diverging routes combined ?, Tasks for a new working group on modelling and evaluation for sustainability, Journal of Cleaner Production 15(11): 1183-1184.
- Huppes G. & Ishikawa M. (2007), Sustainable futures; the rationale for the working group on modeling and evaluation for sustainability, Journal of Industrial Ecology 11(3): 7-10.
- Huppes G. & Ishikawa M. (2007), Sustainability evaluation: diverging routes combined ?, Tasks for a new working group on modelling and evaluation for sustainability, Ecological Economics 62(1): 199-200.
- Huppes G. & Ishikawa M. (2007), Sustainability evaluation: diverging routes combined ?, Tasks for a new working group on modelling and evaluation for sustainability, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 12(1): 62-62.
- Geldermann J., Schollenberger H., Rentz O., Huppes G., Oers L.F.C.M. van, France C., Nebel B., Clift R., Lipkova A. & Saetta S. (2007), An integrated scenario analysis for the metal coating sector in Europe, Technological Forecasting and Social Change 74(8): 1482-1507.
- Huppes G. (2007), Why we need better eco-efficiency analysis. From technological optimism to realism, Technikfolgenabschätzung, Theorie und Praxis 3(16): 38-45.
- Tukker A., Huppes G., Oers L.F.C.M. van & Heijungs R. (2006), Environmentally extended input-output tables and models for Europe, Ecological Economics (22284EN): .
- Tukker A., Huppes G., Guinée J.B., Heijungs R., Koning A. de, Oers L.F.C.M. van, Suh S., Geerken T., Holderbeke M. van, Jansen B. & Nielsen P. (2006), Environmental impacts of products (EIPRO) - Analysis of the life cycle environmental impacts related to the final consumption of the EU-25, The IPTS report (22284EN): .
- Heijungs R., Koning A. de, Suh S. & Huppes G. (2006), Toward an information tool for integrated product policy: Requirements for data and computation, Journal of Industrial Ecology 10(3): 147-158.
- Guinée J.B., Heijungs R., Kleijn R., Voet E. van der, Koning A. de, Oers L.F.C.M. van, Elshkaki A., Huele R., Huppes G., Suh S. & Wegener Sleeswijk A. (2006), Human and ecological life cycle tools for the integrated assessment of systems (HELIAS), International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 11(Spec iss 1): 19-28.
- Huppes G., Koning A. de, Suh S., Heijungs R., Oers L.F.C.M. van, Nielsen P. & Guinée J.B. (2006), Environmental impacts of consumption in the European Union: High-resolution input-output tables with detailed environmental extensions, Journal of Industrial Ecology 10(3): 129-146.
- Huijbregts M.A.J., Guinée J.B., Huppes G. & Potting J. (2006), Helias A. Udo de Haes: A practical scientist, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 11(1): 3-3.
- Huppes G. (2006), LCA and beyond - a farewell to Helias, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 11(1): 4-5.
- Oka T., Ishikawa M., Fujii Y. & Huppes G. (2005), Calculating cost-effectiveness for activities with multiple environmental effects using the maximum abatement cost method, Journal of Industrial Ecology 9(4): 97-103.
- Mongelli I., Huppes G. & Suh S. (2005), A structural comparison of two approaches to life cycle inventory using the MIET and ETH databases, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 10(5): 317-324.
- Tukker A., Huppes G., Heijungs R., Guinée J.B., Koning A. de, Suh S., Geerken T., Jansen B., Holderbeke M. van & Nielsen P. (2005), Priorities for integrated product policy, 10th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production Antwerpen 2005 : .
- Heijungs R. & Huppes G. (2005), Waarschijnlijkheidsstudie beleidsresultaten zwerfafval. Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences CML.
- Huppes G. & Ishikawa M. (2005), Why Eco-Efficiency?, Journal of Industrial Ecology 9(4): 2-5.
- Huppes G. (2005), Industriële ecologie biedt perspectief, MilieuMagazine 16(4): 79-79.
- Huppes G. & Ishikawa M. (2005), Eco-Efficiency and its terminology, Journal of Industrial Ecology 9(4): 43-46.
- Suh S. & Huppes G. (2005), Methods in life cycle inventory (LCI) of a product, Journal of Cleaner Production 13(7): 687-697.
- Huppes G. & Ishikawa M. (2005), A framework for quantified eco-efficiency analysis, Journal of Industrial Ecology 9(4): 25-41.
- Huppes G., Rooijen M. van, Kleijn R., Heijungs R., Koning A. de & Oers L. van (2004), Life cycle costing and the environment. Bilthoven: National Institute for Public Health and the Environment.
- Udo de Haes H.A., Heijungs R., Suh S. & Huppes G. (2004), Three strategies to overcome the limitations of LCA, Journal of Industrial Ecology 8(3): 19-32.
- Suh S., Lenzen M., Treloar G.J., Hondo H., Horvath A., Huppes G., Jolliet O., Klann U., Krewitt W., Moriguchi Y., Munksgaard J. & Norris G. (2004), System Boundary Selection in Life-Cycle Inventories Using Hybrid Approaches, Environmental Science and Technology 38(3): 657-664.
- Guinée J.B., Heijungs R. & Huppes G. (2004), Economic Allocation: Examples and Derived Decision Tree, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 9(1): 23-33.
- Voet E. van der, Nikolic I., Huppes G. & Kleijn R. (2004), Integrated Systems Analysis of Persistent Polar Pollutants in the Water Cycle, Water Science and Technology 50(5): 243-251.
- Voet E. van der, Nikolic I., Huppes G. & Kleijn R. (2003), Integrated Systems Analysis of Persistant Polar Pollutants in the Water Cycle. Schroeder H.F. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 4th IWA specialised conference on assessment and control of hazardous substances in water. Ecohazard 2003, Aachen Germany 29-1-29-10.
- Heijungs R., Goedkoop M.J., Struijs J., Effting S., Sevenster M. & Huppes G. (2003), Towards a life cycle impact assessment method which comprises category indictors at the midpoint and the endpoint level. Report of the first project phase: Design of the new method. 's-Gravenhage: VROM.
- Guinée J.B., Gorrée M., Heijungs R., Huppes G., Kleijn R., Koning A. de, Oers L.F.C.M. van, Wegener Sleeswijk A., Suh S., Udo de Haes H.A., Bruijn H. de, Duin R. van & Huijbregts M.A.J. (2002), Levenscyclusanalyse: de ISO-normen uitgewerkt in een praktijkgerichte handleiding. Den Haag: Ministerie VROM.
- Guinée J.B., Gorrée M., Heijungs R., Huppes G., Kleijn R., Koning A. de, Oers L.F.C.M. van, Wegener Sleeswijk A., Suh S., Udo de Haes H.A., Bruijn H. de, Duin R. van & Huijbregts M.A.J. (2002), Handbook on life cycle assessment: operational guide to the ISO standards. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Huppes G. (2002), Sustainability in environmental law in the Netherlands. In: Bückmann W., Lee Y.H. & Schwedler H.U. (Eds.), Das Nachhaltigkeitsgebot der Agenda 21: die umsetzung ins umwelt- und planungsrecht. Berlin: Reimer Verlag. 143-158.
- Goedkoop M.J., Heijungs R., Struis J., Huppes G. & Meent D. van de (2002), Combined midpoint/endpoint impact assessment, Proceedings of the fifth international conference on ecobalance - practical tools and thoughtful principles for sustainability, 6-8 November 2002, Tsukaba, Japan. Conference, Tsukuba, Japan. Tokyo: The society of non-traditional technology. 53-54.
- Oers L.F.C.M. van, Koning A. de, Guinée J.B. & Huppes G. (2002), Abiotic resource depletion in LCA: improving characterisation factors for abiotic depletion as recommended in the new Dutch LCA Handbook. Delft: Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management.
- Gorrée M., Guinée J.B., Huppes G.J. & Oers L.F.C.M. van (2002), Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Linoleum, The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 7(3): 158-166.
- Suh S. & Huppes G. (2002), Missing inventory estimation tool using extended input-output analysis, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 7(3): 134-140.
- Guinée J.B., Huppes G. & Heijungs R. (2001), Developing an LCA guide for decision support, Environmental Management and Health 12(3): 301-311.
- Bouman M., Heijungs R., Voet E. van der, Bergh J.C.J.M. van den & Huppes G. (2000), Material flows and economic models. An analytical comparison of SFA, LCA and equilibrium models, Ecological Economics 32: 195-216.
- Udo de Haes H.A., Heijungs R., Huppes G., Voet E. van der & Hettelingh J.-P. (2000), Full mode and attribution mode in environmental analysis, Journal of Industrial Ecology 4(1): 45-56.
- Bouman M.N., Heijungs R., Voet E. van der, Bergh J.C.J.M. van den & Huppes G. (2000), Combining SFA and economic models. In: Voet E. van der, Guinée J.B. & Udo de Haes H.A. (Eds.), Heavy metals: a problem solved? Methods and models to evaluate policy strategies for heavy metals. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 91-109.
- Bouman M.N., Heijungs R., Voet E. van der, Bergh J.C.J.M. van den & Huppes G. (1999), Material flows and economic models. Noorman K.J. & Moll H.C. (Eds.), Proceedings of the international resource accounting modelling workshop. . Groningen: IVEM. 71-93.
- Notarnicola B., Huppes G. & Berg N.W. van den (1998), Evaluating options in LCA: the emergence of conflicting paradigms for impact assessment and evaluation, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 3(5): 289-300.
- Udo de Haes H.A., Huppes G. & Snoo G.R. de (1998), Analytical tools for chain management. In: Vellinga P., Berkhout F. & Gupta J. (Eds.), Managing a material world: perspectives in industrial ecology. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 55-84.
- Guinée J.B. & Huppes G. (1998), Feasibility study to the extension of REIM with the emission compartment sea. Leiden: Centre of Environmental Science.
- Kleijn R., Bruijn H. de & Huppes G. (1998), Positionering van huidig milieu-instrumentarium en doorkijk naar de toekomst. Lelystad: RIZA.
- Wrisberg M.N., Huppes G. & Berg N.W. van den (1998), Waste treatment in LCA: inventory data and their use. Leiden: Centre of Environmental Science.
- Guinée J.B., Bergh J.C.J.M. van den, Boelens J., Fraanje P.J., Huppes G., Kandelaars P.P.A.A.H., Lexmond T.M., Moolenaar S.W., Olsthoorn A.A., Udo de Haes H.A., Verkuijlen E. & Voet E. van der (1998), Evaluation of risks of metal flows and accumulation in economy and environment, Ecological Economics 30(1): 47-65.
- Heijungs R. & Huppes G. (1997), Analysemethoden voor ketenoptimalisatie. In: , Reëngineering van business en productie door ketenbeheer. Utrecht: Novem. 33-42.
- Guinée J.B., Kandelaars P. & Huppes G. (1997), Linking economic models to physical substance-flow models: possibilities and problems. In: Bringezu S., Fischer-Kowalski M., Kleijn R. & Palm V. (Eds.), Regional and national material flow accounting: from paradigm to practice of sustainability. Wuppertal: Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy. 199-204.
- Huppes G. (1997), Towards a general framework for MFA: report Focus Group III. In: Bringezu S., Fischer-Kowalski M., Kleijn R. & Palm V. (Eds.), Regional and national material flow accounting: from paradigm to practice of sustainability. Wuppertal: Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy. 317-323.
- Huppes G., Voet E. van der & Huele R. (1997), Degrees of immobilization: a matter of time. In: Bringezu S., Fischer-Kowalski M., Kleijn R. & Palm V. (Eds.), Regional and National material flow accounting: from paradigm to practice of susainability. Wuppertal: Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy. 252-260.
- Heijungs R., Guinée J.B. & Huppes G. (1997), Impact categories for natural resources and land use. Leiden: Centrum voor Milieukunde.
- Huppes G., Sas H., Haan E. de & Kuyper J. (1997), Efficiente milieuinvesteringen, Acta Simulatio 12(3): 126-133.
- Heijungs R., Huppes G., Udo de Haes H.A., Berg N.W. van den & Dutilh C. (1996), Life cycle Assessment: What it is and how we do it. Paris: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
- Huppes G. & Heijungs R. (1995), LCA en de bedrijfspraktijk. In: Braakhuis F.L.M., Gijtenbeek M. & Hafkamp W.A. (Eds.), Milieumanagement. Van kosten naar baten. Alphen aan den Rijn: Samson H.D. Tjeenk Willink. 271-297.
- Heijungs R., Guinée J.B., Huppes G., Lankreijer R.M., Udo de Haes H.A., Wegener Sleeswijk A., Ansems A.M.M., Eggels P.G., Duin R. van & Goede H.P. de (1994), Seihin no kankyo raifu saikuru asesumento. Tokyo: Science Forum.
- Guinée J.B., Heijungs R., Huppes G. & Udo de Haes H.A. (1993), Quantitative life cycle assessment of products: classification, valuation and improvement analysis, Journal of Cleaner Production 1(2): 81-91.
- Wit R., Tazelaar H., Heijungs R. & Huppes G. (1993), REIM. LCA-based ranking of environmental investments model. Leiden: Centrum voor Milieukunde (CML) Universiteit Leiden.
- Guinée J.B., Udo de Haes H.A. & Huppes G. (1993), Quantitative Life Cycle Assessment of Products: Goal definition and Inventory, Journal of Cleaner Production 1(1): 3-13.
- Huppes G. (16 November 1993), Macro-environmental policy: principles and design : with cases on milk packaging, cadmium, phosphorus and nitrogen, and energy and global warming (Dissertatie, Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Udo de Haes H.A. & Kagan R.A.
- Huppes G. (1993), Macro-environmental policy: principles and design. Development in Environmental Economics no. 3. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publisher BV.
- Heijungs R., Guinée J.B., Huppes G., Lankreijer R.M., Udo de Haes H.A., Wegener Sleeswijk A., Ansems A.M.M., Eggels P.G., Duin R. van & Goede H.P. de (1992), Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of products: Backgrounds. Leiden: Centre of Environmental Science (CML).
- Heijungs R., Guinée J.B., Huppes G., Lankreijer R.M., Udo de Haes H.A., Wegener Sleeswijk A., Ansems A.M.M., Eggels P.G., Duin R. van & Goede H.P. de (1992), Milieugerichte Levenscyclusanalyses van produkten: Achtergronden. Leiden: Centrum voor Milieukunde.
- Heijungs R., Guinée J.B., Huppes G., Lankreijer H.M., Udo de Haes H.A., Wegener Sleeswijk A., Ansems A.M.M., Eggels P.G., Duin R. van & Goede H.P. de (1992), Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of products: Guide. Leiden: Centre of Environmental Science (CML).
- Heijungs R., Guinée J.B., Huppes G., Lankreijer R.M., Udo de Haes H.A., Wegener Sleeswijk A., Ansems A.M.M., Eggels P.G., Duin R. van & Goede H.P. de (1992), Milieugerichte Levenscyclusanalyses van produkten: Handleiding. Leiden: Centrum voor Milieukunde.