Giulia Pinzauti
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. G. Pinzauti
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 8009
- 0000-0002-5555-4591

Giulia Pinzauti has broad experience in public international law, international criminal law and the law and practice of international courts and tribunals. Prior to joining the Grotius Centre, she served as an associate legal officer at the International Court of Justice (2015-2016) and in the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (2012-2014). Giulia also previously worked as part of the legal staff for the Pre-Trial Judge and the Appeals Chamber at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (2011-2012). Formerly, she worked as a teaching and research assistant at the University of Florence (Italy).
She holds a PhD in international law from the European University Institute, as well as a BA and MA from the University of Florence.
She is a member of the editorial board of the Leiden Journal of International Law and of the editorial committee of the Journal of International Criminal Justice. She is also treasurer of the Antonio Cassese Initiative for Justice, Peace and Humanity, a foundation that promotes global education and training in human rights, humanitarian law and transitional justice.
Assistant professor
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Grotius Centre for Intern Legal Studies
- Duffy H. & Pinzauti G. (2025), Genocide and armed conflict before the International Court of Justice, Questions of International Law 2024(Zoom in 108): 77-100.
- Heinsch R.W. & Pinzauti G. (2024), Observations Pursuant to Rule 103 (Robert Heinsch and Giulia Pinzauti): ICC-01/18-262, 2 August 2024 | Other participants | Observations, Situation: Situation in the State of Palestine (International Criminal Court). [other].
- Pinzauti G. (2023), Belligerent occupation or creeping annexation?: Identifying the red flags, The Military Law and the Law of War Review 61(1): 86-122.
- Pinzauti G. (28 February 2023), Should the ICJ answer the general assembly’s request for an advisory opinion on the legality of Israel’s occupation?. OpinioJuris. [blog entry].
- Duffy H. & Pinzauti G. (14 November 2023), International law in the conflict in Gaza/Israel: meeting the challenges. Leiden Law Blog. [blog entry].
- Pinzauti G. & Lawry-White M. (2023), To repair or not to repair: what are the questions?. In: Dam-de Jong D. & Sjöstedt B. (Eds.), Research Handbook on International Law and Environmental Peacebuilding. Research Handbooks in Environmental Law series. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 253-276.
- Pinzauti G. & Pizzuti A. (2022), Prosecuting aggression against Ukraine as an ‘other inhumane act’ before the ICC, Journal of International Criminal Justice 20(5): 1061-1083.
- Pinzauti G. & Pizzuti A. (17 June 2022), Prosecuting aggression against Ukraine as an “other inhumane act” before the ICC: part I: prospects. OpinioJuris. [blog entry].
- Pinzauti G. & Pizzuti A. (17 June 2022), Prosecuting aggression against Ukraine as an “other inhumane act” before the ICC: part II: problems. OpinioJuris. [blog entry].
- Pinzauti G. & Webb P. (2021), Litigation before the International Court of Justice during the pandemic, Leiden Journal of International Law 34(4): 787-800.
- Heinsch R. & Pinzauti G. (2020), To Be (a State) or Not to Be? The Relevance of the Law of Belligerent Occupation with regard to Palestine’s Statehood before the ICC, Journal of International Criminal Justice 18(4): 927-945.
- Heinsch R.W. & Pinzauti G. (2020), Submissions Pursuant to Rule 103 (Robert Heinsch & Giulia Pinzauti) [Situation in the State of Palestine] (International Criminal Court). [other].
- Pinzauti G. (2018), Principle 22. Nature of restrictive measures. In: Haldemann F. & Unger T. (Eds.), The United Nations Principles to Combat Impunity: A Commentary. Oxford Commentaries on International Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 245-249.
- Pinzauti G. (2018), Principle 23. Restrictions on Prescription. In: Haldemann F. & Unger T. (Eds.), The United Nations Principles to Combat Impunity: A Commentary. Oxford Commentaries on International Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 250-257.
- Pinzauti G. (2018), Common Article 3. In: Pons N. & Djukić D. (Eds.), The Companion to International Humanitarian Law. International humanitarian law series no. 55: Brill | Nijhoff. 256-259.
- Pinzauti G. (2018), Attacks against Historic Monuments, Works of Art and Places of Worship. In: Pons N. & Djukić D. (Eds.), The Companion to International Humanitarian Law. International humanitarian law series no. 55: Brill | Nijhoff. 196-199.
- Pinzauti G. (2018), Attacks against Non-defended Localities and Demilitarised Zones. In: Pons N. & Djukić D. (Eds.), The Companion to International Humanitarian Law. International humanitarian law series no. 55: Brill | Nijhoff. 199-202.
- Pinzauti G. (2018), Nuclear Weapons. In: Pons N. & Djukić D. (Eds.), The Companion to International Humanitarian Law. International humanitarian law series no. 55: Brill | Nijhoff. 536-540.
- Pinzauti G. (2018), State Responsibility. In: Pons N. & Djukić D. (Eds.), The Companion to International Humanitarian Law. International humanitarian law series no. 55: Brill | Nijhoff. 661-664.
- Pinzauti G. (2018), Public International Law. In: Pons N. & Djukić D. (Eds.), The Companion to International Humanitarian Law. International humanitarian law series no. 55: Brill | Nijhoff. 589-590.
- Morgan-Foster J., Pinzauti G. & Webb P. (2017), The International Court of Justice in the Leiden Journal: A Retrospective, Leiden Journal of International Law 30(3): 571-577.
- Goy B., Jarvis M. & Pinzauti G. (2016), Contextualizing Sexual Violence and Linking It to Senior Officials: Modes of Liability. In: Brammertz S. & Jarvis M. (Eds.), Prosecuting Conflict-Related Sexual Violence at the ICTY. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 220-261.
- Baig L., Jarvis M., Salgado E.M. & Pinzauti G. (2016), Contextualizing Sexual Violence: Selection of Crimes. In: Brammertz S. & Jarvis M. (Eds.), Prosecuting Conflict-Related Sexual Violence at the ICTY. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 172-219.
- Pinzauti G. & Savadogo H. (2016), Outcome Paper of the Seminar of The International Court of Justice at 70: In Retrospect and in Prospect: ‘Topic 4: Article 38 of the ICJ Statute and Applicable Law’, Journal of International Dispute Settlement 7(2): 256-260.
- Pinzauti G. (2015), Human Dignity Trumps Compliance with the ICJ?: Reflections on Judgment 238/2014 of the Italian Constitutional Court. In: Cançado Trindade A.A. & Barros Leal C. (Eds.) IV Brazilian Interdisciplinary Course on Human Rights: The Respect for Human Dignity. Fortaleza: Instituto Brasileiro de Direitos Humanos. 157-179.
- Pinzauti G. (2014), It Takes Two to Tango: States' Conferral of Powers on International Organizations and Its Implications for the Responsibility of the Organization and Its Members. In: Sarooshi D. (Ed.), Remedies and Responsibility for the Actions of International Organizations = Mesures de réparation et responsabilité à raison des actes des organisations internationales. Centre for Studies and Research in International Law and International Relations no. 14. Leiden-Boston: Hague Academy of International Law & Brill | Nijhoff. 113-146.
- Pinzauti G. (2012), Good Time for a Change: Recognizing Individuals’ Rights under the Rules of International Humanitarian Law on the Conduct of Hostilities. In: Cassese A. (Ed.), Realizing Utopia: The Future of International Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 571-582.
- Acquaviva G. & Pinzauti G. (2012), Walking the Road He Paved — A Tribute to Antonio Cassese: The Hague Academy of International Law, The Hague, 16 November 2011, Journal of International Criminal Justice 10(5): 1419-1447.
- Pinzauti G. (2011), Adjudicating Human Rights Violations Committed by Private Contractors in Conflict Situations before the European Court of Human Rights. In: Francioni F. & Ronzitti N. (Eds.), War by Contract: Human Rights, Humanitarian Law, and Private Contractors. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 149-170.
- Pinzauti G. (2010), Protecting Prisoners of War: The Mrkšić et al. Appeal Judgment, Journal of International Criminal Justice 8(1): 199-219.
- Pinzauti G. (2007), The Blackwater Scandal: Legal Black Hole or Unwillingness to Prosecute Private Military Contractors?, Italian Yearbook of International Law 17: 125-142.
- Pinzauti G. (2006), La Corte suprema di Israele ritorna sulla questione del “muro”: il caso Alfei Menashe, Rivista di diritto internazionale 89(1): 105-119.
- Pinzauti G. (2005), Aspetti problematici della legittimità del “muro” in Palestina: il Caso Beit Sourik, Rivista di Diritto Internazionale 88(2): 441-463.
- Pinzauti G. (2005), An Instance of Reasonable Universality. The Scilingo Case, Journal of International Criminal Justice 3(5): 1092-1105.
- Editor, ICJ Section
- Member of the editorial committee
- Treasurer
- Advisory Board Member