Giulia Callegaro
Assistant Professor
- Name
- Dr. G. Callegaro
- Telephone
- 071 5276105
- 0000-0002-7627-7271

I obtained my MSc degree cum laude in Environmental Sciences and Technologies at the University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy). Afterwards, I did my PhD student at the University of Milano-Bicocca in the Environmental sciences department, on a project aiming at improving the in vitro prediction of the carcinogenic potential of chemicals with the Cell Transformation Assay (CTA). During my PhD, I developed methods and algorithm to automate the visual scoring through digital image analysis, and I contributed to the unravelling of the process of in vitro transformation by characterizing the transformed clones obtained with CTA. After my PhD, I worked as post-doctoral researcher at the Leiden University on a project aiming at establishing innovative methods to discover translational mechanistically relevant safety biomarkers for drug exposures (IMI eTRANSAFE project During my postdoc, I developed the TXG-MAPr (, a tool based on weighted gene co-regulated networks that aid the interpretation of toxicogenomics data to obtain a mechanistic-based risk assessment. In my current position, I aim to progress the acceptance of omics technologies for chemical safety assessment and exploit network-based methods to improve our understanding of the mechanisms of action of drugs and to improve animal-to-human and in vitro-to-in vivo translation.
More information about Giulia Callegaro
PhD Candidates
- eTRANSAFE (improving the eficiency of translational safety assessment approaches during the medicines discovery pipeline)
- RISK-HUNT3R (RISK assessment of chemicals integrating HUman centric Next generation Testing strategies promoting the 3Rs) - PARC (Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals)
- TD-TRAQ (Characterisation of human variability in toxicodynamics: towards the development of quantitative Adverse Outcome Pathways, qAOPs)
- Regulation of Drug Safety (in AA 2023-2024: Regulatory Toxicology
- Advanced non-animal approaches for chemical safety assessment)
- Coordination of the Bacheloronderzoeksopdracht BFW
Assistant Professor
- Science
- Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
- LACDR/Toxicology
- Wijaya L.S., Gabor A., Pot I.E., Have L. van de, Saez-Rodriguez J., Stevens J.L., Le Dévédec S.E., Callegaro G. & Water B. van de (2024), A network-based transcriptomic landscape of HepG2 cells uncovering causal gene-cytotoxicity interactions underlying drug-induced liver injury, Toxicological Sciences 198(1): 14-30.
- Vlasveld M.P., Callegaro G., Fisher C., Eakins J., Walker P., Lok S., Oost S. van, Jong B. de, Pellegrino Coppola D., Burger G.A., Wink S. & Water B. van de (2024), The integrated stress response-related expression of CHOP due to mitochondrial toxicity is a warning sign for DILI liability, Liver International 44(3): 760-775.
- Sanz F., Pognan F., Steger-Hartmann T., Díaz C., Asakura S., Amberg A., Bécourt-Lhote N., Blomberg N., Bosc N., Briggs K., Bringezu F., Brulle-Wohlhueter C., Brunak S., Bueters R., Callegaro G., Capella-Gutierrez S., Centeno E., Corvi J., Cronin M.T.D., Drew P., Duchateau-Nguyen G., Ecker G.F., Escher S., Felix E., Ferreiro M., Frericks M., Furlong L.I., Geiger R., George C., Grandits M., Ivanov-Draganov D., Kilgour-Christie J., Kiziloren T., Kors J.A., Koyama N., Kreuchwig A., Leach A.R., Mayer M.A., Monecke P., Muster W., Nakazawa C.M., Nicholson G., Parry R., Pastor M., Piñero J., Oberhauser N., Ramírez-Anguita J.M., Rodrigo A., Smajic A., Schaefer M., Schieferdecker S., Soininen I., Terricabras E., Trairatphisan P., Turner S.C., Valencia A., Water B. van de, Lei J.L. van de, Mulligen E.M. van, Vock E. & Wilkinson D. (2023), eTRANSAFE: data science to empower translational safety assessment, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery : .
- Danilyuk T.Y., Niemeijer M.C., Wijaya L.S., Snijders K., Berk L. van der, Braak S.J. ter, Callegaro G., Bouwman R.J.P., Le Dévédec S.E. & Water B. van de (2023), Human-induced pluripotent stem cell reporters for high-content screening of stress response activation identifying target organ-specific toxicities, Toxicology Letters 384: S192.
- Callegaro G., Schimming J.P., Piñero González J., Kunnen S.J., Wijaya L.S., Trairatphisan P., Berk L. van den, Beetsma K., Furlong L.I., Sutherland J.J., Mollon J., Stevens J.L. & Water B. van de (2023), Identifying multiscale translational safety biomarkers using a network-based systems approach, iScience 26(3): 106094.
- Stel W. van der, Yang H., Vrijenhoek N.G., Schimming J.P., Callegaro G., Carta G., Darici S., Delp J., Forsby A., White A., Le Dévédec S.E., Leist M., Jennings P., Beltman J.B., Water B. van de & Danen E.H.J. (2022), Mapping the cellular response to electron transport chain inhibitors reveals selective signaling networks triggered by mitochondrial perturbation, Archives of Toxicology 96: 259-285.
- Vrijenhoek N.G., Wehr M.M., Kunnen S.J., Wijaya L.S., Callegaro G., Moné M.J., Escher S.E. & Water B. van de (2022), Application of high-throughput transcriptomics for mechanism-based biological read-across of short-chain carboxylic acid analogues of valproic acid, ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation : .
- Pognan F., Steger-Hartmann T., Díaz C., Blomberg N., Bringezu F., Briggs K., Callegaro G., Capella-Gutierrez S., Centeno E., Corvi J., Drew P., Drewe W.C., Fernández J.M., Furlong L.I., Guney E., Kors J.A.,Mayer M.A., Pastor M., Piñero J., Ramírez-Anguita J.M., Ronzano F., Rowell P., Saüch-Pitarch J., Valencia A., Water B. van de, Lei J. van der, Mulligen E. van & Sanz F. (2021), The eTRANSAFE project on translational safety assessment through Integrative knowledge management: achievements and perspectives, Pharmaceuticals 14(3): 237.
- Callegaro G., Kunnen S.J., Trairatphisan P., Grosdidier S., Niemeijer M., Hollander W. den, Guney E., Piñero Gonzalez J., Furlong L., Webster Y.W., Saez-Rodriguez J., Sutherland J.J., Mollon J., Stevens J.L. & Water B. van de (2021), The human hepatocyte TXG-MAPr: gene co-expression network modules to support mechanism-based risk assessment, Archives of Toxicology 95(12): 3745-3775.
- Hiemstra S., Ramaiahgari S.C., Wink S., Callegaro G., Coonen M., Meerman J., Jennen D., Nieuwendijk K. van den, Dankers A., Snoeys J., Bont H. de, Price L. & Water B. van de (2019), High-throughput confocal imaging of differentiated 3D liver-like spheroid cellular stress response reporters for identification of drug-induced liver injury liability, Archives of Toxicology 93(10): 2895-2911.
- Copple I.M., Hollander W. den, Callegaro G., Mutter F.E., Maggs J.L., Schofield A.L., Rainbow L., Fang Y., Sutherland J.J., Ellis E.C., Ingelman-Sundberg M., Fenwick S.W., Goldring C.E., Water B. van de, Stevens J.L. & Park B.K. (2019), Characterisation of the NRF2 transcriptional network and its response to chemical insult in primary human hepatocytes: implications for prediction of drug-induced liver injury, Archives of Toxicology 93(2): 385-399.