Giliam de Valk
Assistant Professor
- Name
- Dr. G.G. de Valk
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9028

Giliam de Valk is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs. He is specialized in methodology of intelligence analysis. He wrote his PhD on the Quality of Intelligence Analysis [2005] and is currently focusing on the methodology on how not to miss threats.
He has lectured at various academic institutes on intelligence, intelligence history, military strategy, counterinsurgency and counterterrorism. He wrote his PhD on the Quality of Intelligence Analysis [2005] and is currently focusing on the methodology on how not to miss threats.
Curriculum vitae
- University of Leyden: ISGA [2016 - ]. Assistant Professor Minor Intelligence Studies.
- University of Amsterdam: Politics [2006-2008] & Institute of Interdisciplinary Sciences [2007-2016]. coordinator and lecturer Minor Intelligence Studies
- Netherlands Defense Academy: Military Operational Sciences [2010-2012]. Associate Professor and coordinator Minor Intelligence Studies, and modules on Counterinsurgency, Strategy.
- University of Utrecht: History Department [2006-2011]. Lecturer Intelligence Studies, Military Strategy, Counterterrorism.
Assistant Professor
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Institute of Security and Global Affairs
- Intelligence
- lid - platform wetenschappers/practitioners over COIN
- Lid - gevraagd en ongevraagd advies m.b.t. beveiliging
- Lid - Stichting die onderzoek doet en debat over intelligence en security bevordert
- training, assessments en teamopdrachten voor overheid en bedrijfsleven