Gert-Jan Lelieveld
Associate Professor
- Name
- Dr. G. Lelieveld
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 6615
- 0000-0002-3234-4604

Gert-Jan Lelieveld graduated as a Research Master in Social and Organizational Psychology at Leiden University in 2008. In 2013, he successfully defended his dissertation on the interpersonal effects of emotions in negotiations. Currently, he works as an Associate Professor at the department of Social, Economic and Organizational Psychology in Leiden.
More information about Gert-Jan Lelieveld
Leiden Psychology Blog
Short CV
Gert-Jan Lelieveld graduated as a Research Master in Social and Organizational Psychology at Leiden University in 2008. In 2013, he successfully defended his dissertation on the interpersonal effects of emotions in negotiations. Currently, he works as an Associate Professor at the department of Social, Economic and Organizational Psychology in Leiden.
Gert-Jan developed two lines of research that examine interpersonal processes from a social psychological, social neuroscience, and developmental perspective.
One line of research focuses on the interpersonal effects of emotions. In his research he has shown that different emotional expressions have specific effects on the behavior of others. He studied the brain regions involved in the interpersonal effects of different emotions, and has shown that with increasing age children respond differently to the emotions of others.
The second line of research focuses on the victims, actors, and observers of social exclusion (ostracism). He examined which factors determine whether ostracism is considered a negative experience or not, using neuroimaging as well as behavioral measures. Besides that, he tries to fill an important gap in the literature by also focusing on the actors and observers of social exclusion. His goal is to combine and compare these different perspectives (of victims, actors, and observers) to create an integrated perspective on the consequences of social exclusion.
Besides these two main lines of research, he also investigates deception and lying, economic decision making, and moral behavior. His research also fits perfectly within the area of social neuroscience. He does not only use behavioral measures to answer his social psychological questions, but also physiological measures such as fMRI. Together with colleagues, he founded the LIBC social hotspot (see link below) of the Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition, an interfaculty center for interdisciplinary research on brain and cognition.
Moreover, Gert-Jan is a scientific expert at the Knowledge Centre Psychology and Economic Behaviour (KCPEG). There he develops, applies, and shares scientific knowledge about psychology and economic behavior with the government and organisations that aim to help people make better decisions. At the centre, he also supervises several PhD students.
- Coordinator Research Master track Social and Economic Psychology
- Coordinator and lecturer Presenting Your Research, Research Master
- Coordinator and lecturer Psychology of Advertising, Bachelor year 2
- (Research) Master thesis supervision
Boards and Committees
Within Leiden University, Gert-Jan is a member of the daily board of the department of Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology, in which he is the Coordinator Research and Valorization. He is also a member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Outside the university, Gert-Jan is Teaching Director of the Kurt Lewin Institute (KLI), the national graduate school for social and organizational psychology. In addition, he also is an editorial board member of the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (JESP).
Relevant links
LIBC social hotspot
Knowledge Centre Psychology and Economic Behaviour
Kurt Lewin Institute
Associate Professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Soc., Econom. en Organisat Psych.
- Noordewier M.K., Doolaard F.T., Lelieveld G.-J., Dijk E. van, Hilbert L.P., Marr S., Beest I. van, Gallucci M. & Dijk W.W. (2025), A longitudinal study on the association between financial scarcity and feelings of societal exclusion, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 114: 102319.
- Hilgevoord V.W., Boer H.C. de, Lelieveld G.-J., Doolaard F.T. & Noordewier M.K. (2025), In gesprek over maatschappelijke uitsluiting: KCPEG onderzoeksrapport. Leiden: KCPEG.
- Lelieveld G., Noordewier M.K., Doolaard F.T. & Dijk E. van (2024), You are not selected: two field studies on the association between dehumanization and social rejection, Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology 6: 100182.
- Ye Z., Lelieveld G. & Dijk E. van (2024), Evaluating negotiators who deceptively communicate anger or happiness: on the importance of morality, sociability, and competence, Journal of Business Ethics : .
- Simonse O., Lelieveld G.-J., Kwaadsteniet E. de, Grient R. van der & Bruijn L. de (2024), Labexperiment verkeerslichtenmodel voor de kinderopvangtoeslag: Kenniscentrum Psychologie en Economisch Gedrag (KCPEG) en Dijksterhuis en Van Baaren (D&B). . Leiden: KCPEG.
- Ye Z., Lelieveld G-J., Noordewier M.K. & Dijk E. van (2023), So you want me to believe you’re happy or angry? : How negotiators perceive and respond to emotion deception, Group Decision and Negotiation 32: 1469-1496.
- Ter Mors E., Lelieveld G.-J., Noordewier M., Van der Vliet A., Hilgevoord V., Dijkstra R. & Van Dijk W. (2022), Veilige toegang en verantwoord delen: psychologische determinanten van veilig wachtwoordgedrag en het veilig online delen van persoonsgegevens. KCPEG onderzoeksrapport in opdracht van WODC. Leiden: KCPEG.
- van Kleef G.A. & Lelieveld G. (2022), Moving the self and others to do good: the emotional underpinnings of prosocial behavior, Current Opinion in Psychology 44: 80-88.
- Molenmaker W.E., Lelieveld G., Kwaadsteniet E.W. de & Dijk E. van (2022), Applying a logic of appropriateness to understand behavioral differences between common resource dilemmas and public good dilemmas, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 35(1): e2243.
- Lelieveld G. & Dijk E. van (2022), Emotions in bargaining. In: Karagözoğlu E. & Hyndman K.B. (Eds.), Bargaining: current research and future directions: Palgrave Macmillan Cham. 433-454.
- Doolaard F.T., Lelieveld G.J., Noordewier M.K., Beest I. van & Dijk E. van (2022), How information on sexism may increase women's perceptions of being excluded, threaten fundamental needs, and lower career motivation, European Journal of Social Psychology 52(3): 405-419.
- Lelieveld G. & Molenmaker W.E. (2022), Are emotions the path to the dark side? . In: Ebner N. & Reynolds J.W. (Eds.), Star Wars and conflict resolution: there are alternatives to fighting: DRI Press. 61-72.
- Dillen L.F. van, Lelieveld G.-J., Hofmann W. & Kwaadsteniet E.W. de (2021), ‘Sharing in need’: how allocator and recipient's hunger shape food distributions in a dictator game, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 95: 104152.
- Doolaard F.T., Noordewier M.K., Lelieveld G.J., Beest I. van & Dijk E. van (2021), Go on without me: when underperforming group members prefer to leave their group, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 95: e104158.
- Lelieveld G.J. & Hendriks H. (2021), The interpersonal effects of distinct emotions in online reviews, Cognition and Emotion 35(7): 1257-1280.
- Doolaard F.T., Lelieveld G.J., Noordewier M.K., Van Beest I. & Van Dijk E. (2020), Get out or stay out: how the social exclusion process affects actors, but not targets, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 88: e103946.
- Lelieveld G. (2020), De rol van emoties in onderhandelingen, Tijdschrift Conflicthantering (3): 22-25.
- Lelieveld G.-J., Harris L.T. & Dillen L.F. van (2020), Jumping on the 'bad'wagon? How group membership influences responses to the social exclusion of others, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 15(5): 571-586.
- Van Dijk E., Van Beest I., Van Kleef G.A. & Lelieveld G.J. (2018), Communication of anger versus disappointment in bargaining and the moderating role of power, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 31: 632-643.
- Lelieveld G.J., Inbar Y. & Dijk E. van (2018), Explaining reluctance to benefit from others' misfortune, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 31(5): 662-672.
- Klapwijk E.T., Aghajani M., Lelieveld G., Van Lang N.D.J., Popma A., Van der Wee N.J.A., Colins O.F. & Vermeiren R.R.J.M. (2017), Differential fairness decisions and brain responses after expressed emotions of others in boys with autism spectrum disorders, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 47(8): 2390-2400.
- Kedia G., Harris L., Lelieveld G. & Van Dillen L.F. (2017), From the brain to the field: the applications of social neuroscience to economics, health and law, Brain Sciences 7(8): e94.
- Klapwijk E.T., Lelieveld G.–J., Aghajani M., Boon A.E., Van der Wee N.J.A., Popma A., Vermeiren R.R.J.M. & Colins O.F. (2016), Fairness decisions in response to emotions: A functional MRI study among criminal justice-involved boys with conduct disorder, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 11(4): 674-682.
- Vrijhof C.I., Bulk B.G. van den, Overgaauw S., Lelieveld G.-J., Engels R.C.M.E. & IJzendoorn M.H. van (2016), The Prosocial Cyberball Game: Compensating for social exclusion and its associations with empathic concern and bullying in adolescents, Journal of Adolescence 52: 27-36.
- Lelieveld G.-J., Shalvi S. & Crone E.A. (2016), Lies that feel honest: Dissociating between incentive and deviance processing when evaluating dishonesty, Biological Psychology 117: 100-107.
- Nohlen H.U., Van Harreveld F., Rotteveel M., Lelieveld G.-J. & Crone E.A. (2014), Evaluating ambivalence: Social-cognitive and affective brain regions associated with ambivalent decision-making, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 9(7): 924-931.
- Lelieveld G.-J., Van Dijk E., Güroğlu B., Van Beest I., Van Kleef G.A., Rombouts S.A.R.B. & Crone E.A. (2013), Behavioral and neural reactions to emotions of others in the distribution of resources, Social Neuroscience 8(1): 52-62.
- Scheepers D., Derks B., Nieuwenhuis S., Lelieveld G.-J., Van Nunspeet F., Rombouts S.A.R.B. & De Rover M. (2013), The neural correlates of in-group and self-face perception: Is there overlap for high identifiers?, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7: 528.
- Lelieveld G.-J., Gunther Moor B., Crone E.A., Karremans J.C. & Van Beest I. (2013), A penny for your pain? The financial compensation of social pain after exclusion, Social Psychological and Personality Science 4(2): 206-214.
- Klapwijk E.T., Peters S., Vermeiren R.J.J.M. & Lelieveld G.-J. (2013), Emotional reactions of peers influence decisions about fairness in adolescence, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7: e745.
- Lelieveld G. (29 January 2013), Emotions in negotiations. The role of communicated anger and disappointment (Dissertatie. Psychology, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University) Dissertatiereeks Kurt Lewin Instituut no. 2013-2. Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Dijk E. van & Beest I. van, Kleef G.A. van.
- Lelieveld G.-J., Van Dijk E., Van Beest I. & Van Kleef G.A. (2013), Does communicating disappointment in negotiations help or hurt? Solving an apparent inconsistency in the social-functional approach to emotions, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 105(4): 605-620.
- Lelieveld G.-J., Van Dillen L.F., Van Dijk W.W. & Van Dijk E. (2012), Iedereen aan de bal: De geneigdheid om uitsluiting van anderen te voorkomen. In: Ven N. van, Baas M., Dillen L. van, Lakens D., Lokhorst A.M. & Strick M. (Eds.), Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie 2011. Groningen: ASPO Pers.
- Lelieveld G.-J., Van Dijk E., Van Beest I. & Van Kleef G.A. (2012), De communicatie van teleurstelling in onderhandelingen. Wanneer gecommuniceerde zwakte loont en averechts werkt. In: Strick M., Baas M., Dillen L. van, Dotsch R., Lakens D. & Vries M. de (Eds.), Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie 2012. Groningen: ASPO Pers. 121-130.
- Lelieveld G.-J., Van Dijk E., Van Beest I. & Van Kleef G.A. (2012), Why anger and disappointment affect other's bargaining behavior differently: The moderating role of reciprocal and complementary emotions, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 38(9): 1209-1221.
- Lelieveld G.-J., Van Dijk E., Van Beest I., Steinel W. & Van Kleef G.A. (2011), Disappointed in you, angry about your offer: Distinct negative emotions induce concessions via different mechanisms, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47(3): 635-641.
- Lelieveld G.-J., Van Dijk E., Van Beest I., Steinel W. & Van Kleef G.A. (2010), Wanneer teleurstelling beter werkt in onderhandelingen. In: Prooijen J.W. van, Renes R.J., Derks B., Stel M. & Vliek M. (Eds.), Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie 2009. Groningen: ASPO Pers. 13-22.
- Lelieveld G.-J., Dijk E. van & Kleef G.A. van (2009), Ik ben niet boos, maar teleurgesteld: De interpersoonlijke effecten van boosheid en teleurstelling bij onderhandelingen. Custers R., Beersma B., Berg H. van den, Harinck F. & Zomeren M. van (Eds.), Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie 2008. ASPO 2008. Groningen: ASPO Pers. 245-252.