Universiteit Leiden

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Gerrit van Uitert

Education and Research Staff Member

Drs. G.C. van Uitert
+31 71 527 2117

Gerrit van Uiterts is an education and research staff member at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society.

More information about Gerrit van Uitert


  • Transcription and correction of Early Modern Dutch texts
  • Mediation of digitally published texts
  • Expansion of the Ceneton website

Description of my research

Since 2011 I have worked as an assistant for text editing in the ‘Oude Nederlandse’ programme. In this context, I have edited texts for various colleagues and transcribed manuscripts. I also contribute substantially to the Ceneton (Census Nederlands Toneel) project. Ceneton, coordinated by Dr. A.J.E. Harmsen, contains transcriptions of Early Modern Dutch theater texts, in reliable electronic editions. The site is frequently consulted by researchers. Of the 820 plays on the website, I have contributed more than three hundred. I have also contributed to the Heinsius Collection project and to the website Heldinnenbrieven (edited by Dr. O. van Marion). I am also acting manager of the Education Library.



Research Assistant, Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society


Archival employee, Municipality of Leiden


Cataloguer (retro-input) at the Leiden University Library


Editor/proofreader (among others), Van Oorschot publishing house

Education in Dutch language and literature, specialization in historical grammar with Prof. dr. C. van Bree 

Education and Research Staff Member

  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Centre for the Arts in Society
  • Oude Nederlandse L&C

Work address

Reuvensplaats 3-4
2311 BE Leiden
Room number 2.34


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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