Gerrit van der Kooij
Guest Researcher
- Name
- Dr. G. van der Kooij
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727

Gerrit van der Kooij (Schipluiden, 1944) is lecturer in Near Eastern Archaeology (spec. Palestine/ Levant). After attending grammar school in Delft he studied Theology at Leiden University and graduated in 1972, majoring in Old Testament Studies, with a focus on Archaeology of Palestine (with H.J. Franken). With a research studentship from St John's College he continued studies at Cambridge University (1973), focussing on the Old Testament and on Archaeology and Anthropology. His field training was at Deir Alla, Jordan (1967) and at Euphrates sites in Syria (1972-'74), where he also collected ethnographic data on "village life". He received his PhD at Leiden University (1986, promotor J. Hoftijzer) with a palaeographic and archaeological study on N.W. Semitic alphabetic scripts, using an artefact-approach.
His professional connection with Leiden University began in 1974 as assistant for archaeology of ancient religions, continuing, eventually as lecturer in the archaeology of Palestine/Levant. His main research concerns two site-projects: Tell Deir Alla (since 1979), jointly with M. Ibrahim and Z. Kafafi (Yarmouk University) and the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, and Khirbet Belameh (West Bank), since 1998, jointly with H. Taha (Director General, Palestinian Department of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage), financed by the Dutch Government. He is currently responsible for the 2004-2007 project Settling the Steppe; the archaeology of changing societies in Syro-Palestinian drylands during the Bronze and Iron Ages (NWO-programme), combining the Deir Alla project with the Hammam al-Turkman project in N. Syria (D.J.W. Meijer), studying how and why settlements were established and deserted.
He co-organised exhibitions and international symposia: In 1989 with J. Hoftijzer in Leiden, assessing the extensive discussions about the Balaam Texts from Deir 'Alla (published 1991), and in 1998 with W. Wendrich in Cairo, on Ethnoarchaeology in the Near East (published 2002). Special research and teaching interests concern archaeological stratigraphy and use of space of tell-sites, study of artefacts as a result of craftsmanship (concerning several material groups, including script/inscriptions), ethnoarchaeological approaches, and issues of archaeology and society.
Guest Researcher
- Faculteit Archeologie
- World Archaeology
- Near Eastern
- Linde S.J. van der, Dries M.H. van den, Kooij G. van der, Kooij H., Taha H., Taha L., Hense M. & Vos C. (2013), Teacher's Handbook for Archaeological Heritage in Palestine, Tell Balata. Leiden/Ramallah: Tell Balata Archaeological Park Project.
- Kooij G. van der (2012), Chapter 3: Tell Deir ‘Alla: The Middle and Late Bronze Age Chronology. In: Fischer P.M. (Ed.), The Chronology of the Jordan Valley during the Middle and Late Bronze Ages: Pella, Tell Abu al-Kharaz and Tell Deir cAlla. Wenen: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 199-226.
- Kooij G. van der (2011), Near Eastern Archaeology and the Public in the 17th to Early 20th Century in the Netherlands. In: Düring B.S., Wossink A. & Akkermans P.M.M.G. (Eds.), Correlates of Complexity. Essays in Archaeology and Assyriology. Dedicated to Diederik J.W. Meijer on his 65th Birthday. Leiden: NINO. 105-142.
- Kaptijn E., Kooij G. van der & Kafafi Z. (2011), Deir ‘Alla Regional Project, 2010 – Field 81 and Field 27, Munjazat 2008: .
- Kooij G. van der, Kafafi Z. & Veldhuijzen A. (2010), Tall Dayr Alla Regional project 2009: Geophysical survey at Tall Hammeh and Field 81, and excavations at Tall Dayr Alla and Tall Hammeh, Munjazat 2009: .
- Kafafi Z. & Kooij G. van der (2010), A preliminary report on the 1996-2004 excavations at Tell Deir ‘Alla, Newsletter of the Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology 30: 4-7.
- Kooij G. van der (2009), The names of Jerusalem before Islam, Ch.4. In: Kafafi Z. & Schick R. (Eds.), Jerusalem before Islam. Oxford: Bar International series. 23-27.
- Kafafi Z. & Kooij G. van der (2009), Results of the 2009 season of excavations at Tall Deir ‘Alla and Tall al-Hammeh, Jordan Valley, Newsletter of the Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology 229: 11-15.
- Hourani F., Kaptijn E., Petit L.P., Kooij G. van der & al-Ghul O. (2009), Dayr ‘Alla Regional Project: Settling the Steppe. Third campaign 2006, Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 52: .
- Kooij G. van der & Taha H. (2008), The Water Tunnel System at Khirbet Bal'ama. Ramallah: Khirbet Bal'ama Archaeological Project.
- Kooij G. van der (2008), Deir Alla LB clay tablets. In: Maraqten M. & Kafafi Z. (Eds.), Festschrift M. Ibrahim.
- Kooij G. van der (2008), Four "kaderartikelen": Betalingsverkeer, kleding, tell en archeologie, en wapens. In: , NBV-Studiebijbel.
- Kooij G. van der (2008), Stratigraphic Pull-offs: a documenting and teaching tool at Dayr ‘Alla. In: Gebel H. & Kafafi Z. (Eds.), Modesty and Patience. Studies and Memories in Honour of Nabil Qadi (Abu Salim). Berlin: Ex Oriente. 61-84.
- Kooij G. van der (2008), Tell Balata-Sichem, Jaarboek EOL : .
- Kooij G. van der & Al-Karaimeh S. (2008), Umm Qays/ Bani Kanana irrigation survey, 2008 pilot, Munjazat 2008: 8-10.
- Kooij G. van der & Kafafi Z. (2008), Preliminary report about the last four excavation seasons at Tell Deir Alla, Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan : .
- Kooij G. van der (2007), Irrigation Systems at Deir Alla, Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan IX: 133-144.
- Kooij G. van der (2007), Tell Deir Alla: wisselvalligheden van bestaan in de Jordaanvallei, Monumenten 28(11): 10-13.
- Kooij G. van der & Kafafi Z. (2007), Archaeological study of Dayr ‘Alla and Region, Munjazat 2007: 48-49.
- Kooij G. van der (2007), Khirbet Balama, Monumenten 28(11): 14-17.
- Kooij G. van der (2007), Mind over matter of matter over mind?, Schrift: tijdschrift over de bijbel 230: 39-42.
- Petit L.P., Kaptijn E., Hourani F., al-Ghul O., Grootveld E.B. & Kooij G. van der (2007), Dayr 'Alla Regional Project: Setlling the Steppe (Second Campaign 2005), Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 50: .
- Kooij G. van der (2006), Lemma "Deir Alla, Tell". In: , The New Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible. Nashville.
- Kooij G. van der (2006), Tell Deir ʻAlla: The Middle and Late Bronze Age Chronology. In: Fischer P.M. (Ed.), The chronology of the Jordan Valley during the Middle and Late Bronze Ages: Pella, Tell Abu Al-Kharaz, and Tell Deir ʻAlla. Wenen: Verlag der Österreichishen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 199-226.
- Kooij G. van der (2006), The Jordan Valley and the vicissitudes of life at Deir 'Alla during the Bronze and Iron Ages. Nigro L. & Taha H. (Eds.), Tell es-Sultan/ Jericho in the context of the Jordan Valley. . Rome 41-60.
- Taha H. & Kooij G. van der (Eds.) (2006), Khirbet Bal'ama Archaeological Project, Vol IV: A Hoard of Silver Coins at Qabatiya. Ramallah: Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, Department of Antiquiti.
- Kooij G. van der & Ghul O. (2006), Dayr Alla; Settling the steppe, Munjazat 2005: 17-17.
- Kooij G. van der (2006), In memoriam Henk Franken (1917-2005), Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 49: 11-13.
- Kooij G. van der & Kafafi Z. (2006), Excavations at Dayr 'Alla, seasons 1996, 1998, 2000, Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 49: .
- Kaptijn E., Petit L.P., Grootveld E.B., Kooij G. van der, Hourani F. & al-Ghul O. (2006), Dayr 'Alla Regional Project: Settling the Steppe. First campaign 2004, Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 49: 89-99.
- Groot N.C.F., Dik J., Kooij G. van der, Alkemade P.F.A., Sivel V.G.M. & Tichelaar F.D. (2006), Dark and shiny: the discovery of chromite in Bronze Age faience, Archaeometry 48,2: 229-236.
- Kooij G. van der (2005), Irrigation systems at Deir Alla, Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan 8: .
- Kooij G. van der (2004), Julius Euting as a background for modern analysis of Ancient Moabite, Hebrew and Aramaic writing. In: Niehr H. & Reichert A. (Eds.), Julius Euting (1839-1913) and the exploration of Arabia. Tübingen.
- Kooij G. van der (2004), The names of Jerusalem before Islam. In: Kafafi Z. (Ed.), Jerusalem 5000 Years; 1: Jerusalem before Islam. Amman: The Royal Academy for Islamic Civilization Research, Al Albait Foundation.
- Kooij G. van der (2004), Tell Deir 'Alla: The Middle and Late Bronze Age Chronology. In: Fischer P.M. (Ed.), The Chronology of the Jordan Valley during the Middle and Late Bronze Ages: Pella, Tell Abu al-Kharaz and Tell Deir 'Alla. Wenen: Verlag der Österreichischen Academie der Wissenschaften.
- Kooij G. van der (2004), Het wankele archeologische fundament van de Joodse staat Israël: de rol van archeologie in de contemporaine geschiedenis van Israël, Theologisch Debat 1: 42-47.
- Kooij G. van der (2004), Tell Deir 'Alla: from Urban Centre to Graveyard, Strata: Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society 22: 69-72.
- Kooij G. van der (15 June 2004), Man and writing at Tell Deir 'Alla. lezingreeks. Irbid, Jordan. [lecture].
- Kooij G. van der (1997), Excavations at Tell Deir Alla, seasons 1987 and 1994, Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 41: .
- Kooij G. van der & Kafafi Z. (1997), Excavations at Deir Alla, Newletter of the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology of Yarmouk University 18: .