Gerard Nienhuis
Professor emeritus of Experimental physics
- Name
- Prof.dr. G. Nienhuis
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 5822
- 0000-0003-3232-6673

Professor emeritus of Experimental physics
- Science
- Leiden Instituut Onderzoek Natuurkunde
- LION - Quantum Matter & Optics
- Nienhuis G. (2017), Analogies between optical and quantum mechanical angular momentum, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 375(2087): 20150443.
- Nienhuis G. (2016), Conservation laws and symmetry transformations of the electromagnetic field with sources, Physical Review A 93: 023840.
- Nienhuis G. (2013), Ray optics, wave optics and quantum mechanics. In: Andrews D.L. & Babiker M. (Eds.), The Angular Momentum of Light. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 98-134.
- Löffler W., Exter M.P. van, Hooft G.W. 't, Nienhuis G., Broer D.J. & Woerdman J.P. (2011), Search for Hermite-Gauss mode rotation in cholesteric liquid crystals, Optics Express 19(14): 12978-12983.
- Habraken S.J.M. & Nienhuis G. (2010), Universal description of geometric phases in higher-order optical modes bearing orbital angular momentum, Optics Letters 35(20): 3535-3537.
- Habraken S.J.M. & Nienhuis G. (2010), Geometric phases in astigmatic optical modes of arbitrary order, J. Math. Phys. 51: 082702.
- Habraken S.J.M. & Nienhuis G. (2010), Geometric phases in higher-order transverse optical modes. Galvez E.J. & Andrews D.L. (Eds.), Proceedings of SPIE, Complex Light and Optical Forces IV. 76130F-1-8.
- Exter M.P. van, Gudat J., Nienhuis G. & Bouwmeester D. (2009), Spin quantum jumps in a singly charged quantum dot, Physical Review A 80: 023812.
- Habraken S.J.M. & Nienhuis G. (2009), Rotational stabilization and destabilization of an optical cavity, Physical Review A 79: 011805.
- Habraken S.J.M. & Nienhuis G. (2009), Stability properties of a rotating astigmatic optical cavity. Galvez E.J., Andrews D.L. & Glückstad J. (Eds.), Complex Light and Optical Forces III. SPIE 72270H-1-11.
- Habraken S.J.M. & Nienhuis G. (2009), Rotationally induced vortices in optical cavity modes, Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 11: 094006.
- Nienhuis G. (2008), Angular momentum and vortices in optics. In: Andrews D.L. (Ed.), Structured Light and Its Applications. Burlington: Academic Press. 19-62.
- Nienhuis G. & Habraken S.J.M. (2008), The structure of twisted cavity modes. Bigelow N.P., Eberly J.H. & Stroud C.R. (Eds.), Coherence and Quantum Optics IX. OSA (2008).
- Habraken S.J.M. & Nienhuis G. (2008), Orbital angular momentum in twisted and rotating cavity modes. Andrews D., Galvez E. & Nienhuis G. (Eds.), Complex Light and Optical Forces II. . Proceedings of SPIE 1-12.
- Nienhuis G. (2008), Tricritical O(n) models in two dimensions, Physical Review E 78(6): .
- Enk S.J. & Nienhuis G. (2008), Rotating photons. Andrews David, Galvez Enrique & Nienhuis Gerard (Eds.), Proceedings of SPIE. Complex Light and Optical Forces II 1-12.
- Habraken S.J.M. & Nienhuis G. (2008), Modes of a rotating astigmatic optical cavity, Physical Review A 77: 053803.
- Nienhuis G. (2007), State reduction by measurements with a null result, Beyond the Quantum, World Scientific : 80-90.
- Nienhuis G. & Habraken S.J.M. (2007), Structure of cavity modes with general astigmatism, Complex Light and Optical Forces. . Proceedings of SPIE 1-12.
- Enk G.J. van & Nienhuis G. (2007), Photons in polychromatic rotating modes, Physical Review A 76: 053825.
- Habraken S.J.M. & Nienhuis G. (2007), Modes of a twisted optical cavity, Physical Review A 75: 033819.
- Aiello A., Visser J., Nienhuis G. & Woerdman J.P. (2006), Angular spectrum of quantized light beams, Optics Letters 31: 525-527.
- Nienhuis G. (2006), Angular momentum of rotating beams, Proceedings of SPIE: Nanomanipulation with Light II. .
- Schuller F., Nienhuis G. & Ducloy M. (2006), Fluctuation-dissipation approach to Van der Waals potentials between atoms and dielectric bodies, Molecular Physics 104(229): .
- Nienhuis G. (2006), Polychromatic and rotating beams of light, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 39: S529-S544.
- Exter M.P. van, Aiello A., Oemrawsingh S.S.R., Nienhuis G. & Woerdman J.P. (2006), Effect of spatial filtering on the Schmidt decomposition of entangled photons, Physical Review A 74: 012309.
- Zambon B. & Nienhuis G. (2006), Increased trapping efficiency with force-assisted velocity-selective coherent population trapping, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 39: 1-15.
- Visser J., Zelders N.J. & Nienhuis G. (2005), Wave description of geometric modes of a resonator, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 22: 1559-1566.
- Visser J. & Nienhuis G. (2005), Vortices and angular momentum in general astigmatic modes, Proceedings of SPIE: Nanomanipulation with Light. 126.
- Visser J. & Nienhuis G. (2005), The spectrum of a resonator with spherical aberrations, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 22: .
- Oemrawsingh S.S.R., Eliel E.R., Nienhuis G. & Woerdman J.P. (2004), Intrinsic orbital angular momentum of paraxial beams with off-axis imprinted vortices, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 11: 2089.
- Visser J. & Nienhuis G. (2004), Orbital angular momentum of general astigmatic modes, Phys. Rev. A 70: 013809-1-12.
- Visser J. & Nienhuis G. (2004), Interference between entangled photon states in space and time, Europhysics Journal D 29: 301-308.
- Haroutyunyan H.L. & Nienhuis G. (2004), Phase dynamics of a multimode Bose-Einstein condensate controlled by decay, Phys. Rev. A 69: 053621-1-12.
- Haroutyunyan H.L. & Nienhuis G. (2004), Diffraction and trapping in circular lattices, Phys. Rev. A 70: 063408-1-8.
- Nienhuis G. & Visser J. (2004), Angular momentum and vortices in paraxial beams, Journal of Opt. A 6: S248-S250.
- Oemrawsingh S.S.R., Eliel E.R., Nienhuis G., Verstegen E.J.K., Kloosterboer J.G. & Hooft G.W. 't (2004), Half-integral spiral phase plates for optical wavelengths, J. Opt. A 6: S288-S290.
- Taichenachev A.V., Tuamikin A.M., Yudin V.I. & Nienhuis G. (2004), Steady state of atoms in a resonant field with elliptical polarization, Phys. Rev. A 69: 33410-1-18.
- Haroutyunyan H.L. & Nienhuis G. (2004), Resonances for coupled Bose-Einstein condensates, Phys. Rev. A 70: 063603-1-9.
- Oemrawsingh S.S.R., Aiello A., Eliel E.R., Nienhuis G. & Woerdman J.P. (2004), How to observe high-dimensional two-photon entanglement with only two detectors, Physical Review Letters 92(21): 217901.
- Haroutyunyan H.L. & Nienhuis G. (2003), Analogy between a two-well Bose-Einstein condensate and atom diffraction, Physical Review A 67: 053611.
- Aiello A., Nienhuis G. & Woerdman J.P. (2003), Subthreshold optical parametric oscillator with nonorthogonal polarization eigenmodes, Physical Review A 67: 043803.
- Visser J., Eliel E.R. & Nienhuis G. (2002), Polarization entanglement in a crystal with threefold symmetry, Physical Review A 66: 033814.
- Visser J., Nienhuis G., Dutra S.M., Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (2002), Quantum-trajectory description of laser noise with depletion, Physical Review A 65: 063809.
- Dutra S.M., Woerdman J.P., Visser J. & Nienhuis G. (2002), Route towards the ideal thresholdless laser, Physical Review A 65: 033824.
- Taichenachev A.V., Tumaikin A.M., Yudin V.I. & Nienhuis G. (2002), Atom in a resonant elliptically polarized field, the exact stationary solution. Andreev A.V., Apansevich P.A., Emelýanov V.I. & Nizovtsev A.P. (Eds.), Proceedings SPIE. Fundamental Aspects of Laser-matter Interaction and Physics of Nanostructures 67-78.
- Aiello A., Exter M.P. van, Nienhuis G. & Woerdman J.P. (2002), Does excess quantum noise exist in spontaneous processes?, Optics Communications 213: 81-87.
- Dutra S.M., Joosten K., Nienhuis G., Druten N.J. van, Lee A.M. van der, Exter M.P. van & Woerdman J.P. (1999), Maxwell-Bloch approach to excess quantum noise, Physical Review A 59: 4699-4701.
- Joosten K. & Nienhuis G. (1999), Analytical calculation of the excess noise for different aperture shapes, Europhysics Letters 48: 526-532.
- Joosten K. & Nienhuis G. (1999), Loss rates of laser cavities, Optics Communications 166: 65-69.
- Lindberg A.M., Eijkelenborg M.A. van, Joosten K., Woerdman J.P. & Nienhuis G. (1998), Observation of excess quantum noise in a geometrically stable laser, Physical Review A 57: 3036-3039.
- Nienhuis G. & Visser P.M. (1998), Transport of atomic wavepackets in an optical lattice, SPIE Proceedings 3485: 132-141.
- Nienhuis G. & Schuller F. (1998), Magneto-optical effects of saturating light for arbitrary field direction, Optics Communications 151: 40-45.
- Bezverbnyi A.V., Nienhuis G. & Tumaikin A.M. (1998), Light-induced force on atoms in a monochromatic light field with arbitrary polarization, SPIE Proceedings 3458: 502-511.
- Hooft G.W. 't, Nienhuis G. & Paasschens J.C.J. (1998), Comment on "Direction of optical energy flow in a transverse magnetic field, Physical Review Letters 80(5): 1114.
- Taichenachev A.V., Tumaikin A.M., Yudin V.I. & Nienhuis G. (1998), Tensor structure of the stationary point of the radiative relaxation operator of an atom, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. 114: 125-134.
- Lindberg A.M., Karman G.P., Joosten K., Nienhuis G. & Woerdman J.P. (1998), Mode crossing interpretation of resonances in the transverse excess noise factor, Optics Communications 153: 55-58.
- Nienhuis G., Taichenachev A.V., Tumaikin A.M. & Yudin V.I. (1998), Steady state of atoms in a monochromatic elliptically polarized light field, Europhysics Letters 44: 20-24.
- Kuppens S., Rauner M., Schiffer M., Sengstock K., Ertmer W., Dorsselaer F.E. van & Nienhuis G. (1998), Polarization-gradient cooling in a strong doughnut-mode dipole potential, Physical Review A 58: 3068-3079.
- Briaudeau S., Saltiel S., Nienhuis G., Bloch D. & Ducloy M. (1998), Coherent Doppler narrowing in a thin vapor cell: observation of the Dicke regime in the optical domain, Physical Review A 57: 3169-3172.
- Visser P.M. & Nienhuis G. (1998), Geometric potentials for subrecoil dynamics, Physical Review A 57: 4581-4591.
- Bezverbnyi A.V., Nienhuis G. & Tumaikin A.M. (1998), Force pattern on atoms in a monochromatic light field with arbitrary polarization, Optics Communications 148: 151-158.
- Joosten K. & Nienhuis G. (1998), Combined longitudinal and transverse noise enhancement in lasers, Physical Review A 58: 4937-4945.
- Dorsselaer F.E. van & Nienhuis G. (1998), Quantum-state diffusion with adaptive noise, European Physics Journal D 2: 175-180.
- Minogin V.G. & Nienhuis G. (1998), Optical pumping of velocity-selective coherent population trapping states in three-level atoms, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. 114: 511-525.