Georgios Tsagdis
- Name
- Dr. G. Tsagdis
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727

I work across theoretical and disciplinary intersections drawing on 20th Century, Contemporary and Ancient Greek Philosophy. I believe in the need of contemporary philosophy to engage with the full spectrum of its history and open up beyond the confines of academia, reaching, motivating and inspiring a wider public. I believe that teaching should be a process of co-creation.
More information about Georgios Tsagdis
Fields of interest
- Continental Philosophy
- Ancient Greek Philosophy
- Platonism & Neo-Platonism
- Philosophy of Technology
- Philosophy of Science
- Political Philosophy
- Aesthetics
I come from a diverse educational background and I carry over this breadth of interest to my research and teaching. At the same time, in all my work, I maintain a rigorously philosophical approach.
I am particularly interested in notions of nothingness in the history of philosophy (e.g. negativity, privation, apophatism, absence, etc.). I have a keen interest in the core philosophical categories of time and space, as well as in the notion of matter. I am further interested in exploring how the concept of matter intersects with that of nothingness in the history of philosophy.
At the same time, I believe that work in ontology and metaphysics cannot but extend to questions of practice, with which it is intertwined. Not only science and technology, but also ethics and politics are integral in determining the scope and the significance of questions such as those on nothingness and materiality.
Academic Teaching & Research Positions
7. Lecturer, Leiden University (2019- )
6. Tutor, Erasmus University Rotterdam (2019- )
5. Lecturer, Architectural Association (AA), London (2018- )
4. Fellow, Westminster Law & Theory Lab (2014- )
3. Visiting Lecturer, University of Greenwich, Faculty of Archit., Comp. & Humanities (2017-19)
2. Guest Lecturer, London School of Philosophy (2016-18)
1. Graduate Tutor, University of Surrey, Department of Sociology (2015-2017)
Other Academic Roles
2. Fellow, Higher Education Academy (HEA) (2017- )
1. Member of Board, International Society for Philosophers (ISFP) (2014- )
2008-2013 PhD in Philosophy under the supervision of Prof. Howard Caygill
Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy (CRMEP), Kingston University (committee: Profs. Miguel de Beistegui, Warwick Uni. & Catherine Malabou, CRMEP, Kingston)
Thesis title: Nihil ex Nihilo. The Archeology of Nothing: Heidegger & the Inception of Logos
2007-2008 MA in Cultural History
Goldsmiths College, University of London
Dissertation title: The αυτό and the άλλο: Heidegger and the Way
2003-2007 BA (Hons) in Politics (Major) & Economics (Minor)
University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki
Dissertation title: Eye and Nothing. A liminal study of Theodor Adorno (In Greek)
2003-2007 BA (Hons) in Philosophy
Birkbeck College, University of London
- English (near-native): Cambridge University, Proficiency Certificate (C2) (2000)
- German (fluent): Goethe Institute, Kleines Deutsches Sprachdiplom (C1) (2006)
- Greek (mother tongue), Ancient Greek (fluent for research and teaching)
- Latin (competent for research)
British Red Cross Health & Safety Certificate (First Aid) (2014-2017)
Grants and Awards
- (2009) Erasmus scholarship, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin.
- (2007-8) Prize for MA Dissertation of the Year, Goldsmiths College, London.
- (2005) Erasmus scholarship, Philipps-Universität, Marburg.
- (2003-7) Four consecutive awards of excellence, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki.
Key publications
Books (edited collections)
*1. Incisions: Revisiting The Politics of Friendship’, co-eds. Cillian O'Fathaigh & Luke Collison (Edinburgh University Press, 2020). (projected publication late 2020.)
Journal Editorials
*3. 'Of Times: Arrested, Resigned, Imagined' (special issue, co-eds. Rozemund Uljée & Bart Zantvoort), International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 28:3, 2020. (Editorial proposal accepted; forthcoming)
2. ‘Intersections, At the Technophysics of Space’ (special issue, co-ed. Susanna Lindberg), Azimuth: Philosophical Coordinates in Modern and Contemporary Age, 10, 2017.
1. ‘Issue 4’ (with A. Covaci, F. G. Karioris, A. C. Manta, M. Temmes & E. Zekany), Pulse: A History, Sociology and Philosophy of Science Journal, 4, 2016.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
*5. ‘Subject to Soul, Object to World: Jan Patočka's Platonism of Care’ (co-auth. Rozemund Uljée), Studia Phaenomenologica, 20 (2020, under review).
4. ‘Dispositions: The Technophysical Apparatus’, Azimuth, 10 (2017), 13-25.
3. ‘Suspending the Academic Space’, Continental Thought & Theory, 1:1 (2016), 49-57.
2. ‘From the Soul: Theriopolitics in the Republic’, Philosophy Today, 60:1 (2016), 7-24.
1. ‘Plato’s Errancy, The Voices of Truth’, Parallax, 21:2 (2015), 183-195.
Book Chapters
*5. ‘The Aural: Heidegger and Fundamental Oto-Cheiro-logy II’, in The Ghost of Transparency: An Architectonics of Communication, eds. S. Savić, M. Doyle, V. Bühlmann (Birkhäuser, 2019, forthcoming).
4. ‘The Manual: Heidegger and Fundamental Oto-Cheiro-logy I’, in We need to Talk about Heidegger; Essays Situating Heidegger in Contemporary Media Studies, eds. Justin Michael Battin, German A. Duarte (Berlin; Peter Lang, 2018), 53-72.
3. ‘Love and the Apparatus: on a Hegelian Fragment’, in Can Philosophy Love? Reflections and Encounters, eds. Todd McGowanforth, Cindy Zeiher (London; Rowman & Littlefield, 2017), 119-132.
2. ‘Thoughts on a Parasite and Martyr’, in Urban Fauna Lab: The Valley of Beggars, eds. Vladislav Shapovalov, Katerina Chucalina (Venice; Marsilio Editori, 2015), 108-121.
1. ‘From the Works to the Problem of Love: The Aporia of the Neighbour in Kierkegaard’, in Thoughts of Love, ed. Gary Peters (Newcastle; Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013), 88-106.
Other Essays:
4. ‘Preliminary Notes’, (co-auth. Susanna Lindberg), Azimuth, 10 (2017), 9-11.
3. ‘Seismic Tabulations’, Quantum Words on Architectonic Objects, 1: The Table, eds. Vera Bühlmann, Emmanuelle Chiappone-Piriou, Georg Fassl (Vienna, TU & ATPT, 2018), 298-302; (2017), online.
2. ‘Word of Resistance, Energeia with Howard Caygill’, Frear, 9 (2014), 608-613. (In Greek)
1. ‘Songs from the Second Floor’, Rattle, 4 (2013), 50-66.
Book Reviews
5. ‘Francesco Vitale, The Last Fortress of Metaphysics: Jacques Derrida & the Deconstruction of Architecture’, Phenomenological Reviews 4: 73 (2018), online.
4. ‘Jeffrey T. Nealon, Plant Theory, Biopower & Vegetable Life’, Pulse, 4 (2016), 92-97.
3. ‘Jeremy Bell & Michael Naas (eds.), Plato’s Animals’, Phenomenological Reviews, 2:35 (2016), online.
2. ‘Nany Bauer, How To Do Things with Pornography’, Metapsychology, 19:52 (2015), online.
1. ‘Marsilio Ficino, On Dionysius the Areopagite’, The Historical Review, 12 (2015), 260-263.
With asterisk (*) are marked forthcoming publications.
- Faculty of Humanities
- Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte