Geert-Jan Will
- Name
- Dr. G.J. Will
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0003-1887-9829

Geert-Jan Will is a Marie-Sklodowska-Curie “LEaDing” Fellow in the Clinical Psychology unit of the Institute of Psychology at Leiden University.
Geert-Jan Will received a B.Sc. in Psychology and an M.Sc. in Neuroscience from Utrecht University. He did a PhD supervised by Eveline Crone and Berna Güroğlu at Leiden University where he studied how social rejection affects social decision-making in adolescence. During his postdoc in the group of Ray Dolan at University College London, he explored the neural mechanisms that contribute to fluctuations in self-esteem when people learn what others think of them. He received a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship (2017) to return to Leiden to examine how the neural mechanisms that underpin self-esteem are affected in adolescent depression in collaboration with Bernet Elzinga.
My research seeks to understand how social experiences shape the way young people relate to the self and others. I use behavioral experiments, computational modeling, neuroimaging and pharmacological interventions to explore social determinants of self-esteem and decision-making. I combine these methods with measures of real-life social experiences to better understand how social adversity may lead to mental health problems such as depression.
- LEaDing Fellows Fellowship (2017) Horizon2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND Programme
- Travel Grant for Society for Neuroscience Meeting in San Diego, USA (2013) Leids universiteits fonds (€ 955)
- Funding for 6-month research fellowship at Harvard University (2010) Hendrik Muller vaderlandsch fonds (€ 1500) and K.F. Hein fonds (€ 1500)
Relevant links
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Klinische Psychologie
- Wever M.C.M., Will G.J., Houtum L.A.E.M. van, Janssen L.H.C., Wentholt W.G.M., Spruit I.M., Tollenaar M.S. & Elzinga B.M. (2024), Neural and affective responses to prolonged eye contact with parents in depressed and nondepressed adolescents, Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 24: 567–581.
- Houtum L.A.E.M. van, Wever M.C.M., Schie C.C. van, Janssen L.H.C., Wentholt W.G.M., Tollenaar M.S., Will G.J. & Elzinga B.M. (2023), Sticky criticism? : Affective and neural responses to parental criticism and praise in adolescents with depression, Psychological Medicine : 1-10.
- Wever M.C.M., Van Houtum L.A.E.M., Janssen L.H.C., Wentholt W.G.M., Spruit I.M., Tollenaar M.S., Will G.J. & Elzinga B.M. (2023), Looking into troubled waters: Childhood emotional maltreatment modulates neural responses to prolonged gazing into one’s own, but not others’ eyes, Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 23: 1598–1609.
- Wever M.C.M., Houtum L.A.E.M. van, Janssen L.H.C., Wentholt W.G.M., Tollenaar M.S., Will G.J. & Elzinga B.M. (2022), Neural and affective responses to prolonged eye contact with one's own adolescent child and unfamiliar others, NeuroImage 260: 1-12 (119463).
- van Houtum L.A.E.M., Will G.J., Wever M.C.M., Janssen L.H.C., Schie C.C. van, Tollenaar M.S. & Elzinga B.M. (2022), Adolescents’ affective and neural responses to parental praise and criticism , Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 54: 1-12 (101099).
- Wever M.C.M., Houtum L.A.E.M. van, Janssen L.H.C., Will G.J., Tollenaar M.S. & Elzinga B.M. (2021), Neural signatures of parental empathic responses to imagined suffering of their adolescent child, NeuroImage 232(117886): 1-13.
- Houtum L.A.E.M. van, Wever M.C.M, Janssen L.H.C., Schie C.C. van, Will G.J., Tollenaar M.S. & Elzinga B.M. (2021), Vicarious praise and pain: parental neural responses to social feedback about their adolescent child, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 16(4): 406-417.
- Will G.-J., Moutoussis M., Womack P.M., Bullmore E.T., Goodyer I.M., Fonagy P., Jones P.B., NSPN Consorium, Rutledge R.B. & Dolan R.J. (2020), Neurocomputational mechanisms underpinning aberrant social learning in young adults with low self-esteem, Translational Psychiatry 10: e96.
- Spaans J.P., Will G.J., Van Hoorn J. & Güroğlu B. (2019), Turning a Blind Eye? Punishment of Friends and Unfamiliar Peers After Observed Exclusion in Adolescence, Journal of Research on Adolescence 29(2): 508-522.
- Will G.J., Crone E.A.M., Van Lier P.A.C. & Güroğlu B. (2018), Longitudinal links between childhood peer acceptance and the neural correlates of sharing, Developmental Science 21(1): e12489.
- Schreuders E., Klapwijk E.T., Will G.J. & Güroğlu B. (2018), Friend versus foe: Neural correlates of prosocial decisions for liked and disliked peers, Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 18(1): 127-142.
- Will G.J., Crone E.A.M., Van Lier P.A.C. & Güroğlu B. (2016), Neural correlates of retaliatory and prosocial reactions to social exclusion: Associations with chronic peer rejection, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 2016(19): 288-297.
- Will G.J. & Güroğlu B. (2016), A neurocognitive perspective on the development of social decision-making. In: Reuter M. & Montag C. (Eds.), Neuroeconomics. Studies in Neuroscience, Psychology and Behavioral Economics. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 293-309.
- Will G.J., Van Lier P.A., Crone E.A. & Güroğlu B. (2016), Chronic childhood peer rejection is associated with heightened neural responses to social exclusion during adolescence, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 44(1): 43-55.
- Will G.J. & Güroğlu B. (2016), A neurocognitive perspective on the development of social decision-making. In: Reuter M. & Montag C. (Eds.), Neuroeconomics. Neuroeconomics, Studies in Neuroscience, Psychology and Behavioral Economics. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. 293-309.
- Will G.J. (4 June 2015), Acceptance, rejection, and the social brain in adolescence : toward a neuroscience of peer relations (Dissertatie, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Crone E.A., Güroğlu B.
- Will G.J., Crone E.A.M. & Güroglu B. (2015), Acting on social exclusion: neural correlates of punishment and forgiveness of excluders, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 10(2): 209-218.
- Will G.J. & Klapwijk E.T. (2014), Neural systems involved in moral judgment and moral action, Journal of Neuroscience 34(32): 10459-10461.
- Güroglu B., Will G.J. & Crone E.A.M. (2014), Neural correlates of advantageous and disadvantageous inequity in sharing decisions, PLoS ONE 9(9): e107996.
- Crone E.A., Will G.J., Overgaauw S. & Güroğlu B. (2014), Social decision-making in childhood and adolescence. In: Lange P.A.M. van, Rockenbach B. & Yamagishi T. (Eds.), Reward and Punishment in Social Dilemmas. New York: Oxford University Press. 161-181.
- Montoya E.R., Terburg D., Bos P.A., Will G.J., Buskens V., Raub W. & Van Honk J. (2013), Testosterone administration modulates moral judgments depending on second-to-fourth digit ratio, Psychoneuroendocrinology 38(8): 1362-1369.
- Will G.J., Van den Bos W., Crone E.A. & Güroğlu B. (2013), Acting on observed social exclusion: Developmental perspectives on punishment of excluders and compensation of victims, Developmental Psychology 49(12): 2236-2244.
- Güroğlu B., Will G.J. & Klapwijk E.T. (2013), Some bullies are more equal than others: Peer relationships modulate altruistic punishment of bullies after observing ostracism, International Journal of Developmental Science 7: 13-23.