Universiteit Leiden

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Geert-Jan Will


Dr. G.J. Will
+31 71 527 2727

Geert-Jan Will is a Marie-Sklodowska-Curie “LEaDing” Fellow in the Clinical Psychology unit of the Institute of Psychology at Leiden University.

More information about Geert-Jan Will


Geert-Jan Will received a B.Sc. in Psychology and an M.Sc. in Neuroscience from Utrecht University. He did a PhD supervised by Eveline Crone and Berna Güroğlu at Leiden University where he studied how social rejection affects social decision-making in adolescence. During his postdoc in the group of Ray Dolan at University College London, he explored the neural mechanisms that contribute to fluctuations in self-esteem when people learn what others think of them. He received a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship (2017) to return to Leiden to examine how the neural mechanisms that underpin self-esteem are affected in adolescent depression in collaboration with Bernet Elzinga.


My research seeks to understand how social experiences shape the way young people relate to the self and others. I use behavioral experiments, computational modeling, neuroimaging and pharmacological interventions to explore social determinants of self-esteem and decision-making. I combine these methods with measures of real-life social experiences to better understand how social adversity may lead to mental health problems such as depression.


  • LEaDing Fellows Fellowship (2017)  Horizon2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND Programme
  • Travel Grant for Society for Neuroscience Meeting in San Diego, USA (2013)   Leids universiteits fonds (€ 955)
  • Funding for 6-month research fellowship at Harvard University (2010) Hendrik Muller vaderlandsch fonds (€ 1500) and K.F. Hein fonds (€ 1500)

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  • Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
  • Instituut Psychologie
  • Klinische Psychologie
  • No relevant ancillary activities
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