Universiteit Leiden

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Garrelt Verhoeven

Coordinator Cultural Entrepeneurship & Fundraising

Drs. G. Verhoeven
+31 71 527 1593

Garrelt Verhoeven is Coordinator Cultural Entrepeneurship & Fundraising of the Special Collections of Leiden University Libraries.

More information about Garrelt Verhoeven

Garrelt Verhoeven is Coordinator Cultural Entrepeneurship & Fundraising of the Special Collections of Leiden University Libraries. You can contact him about:

  • general questions about the Special Collections of the UBL;
  • questions about the Academic Historical Museum;
  • questions about the Bibliotheca Thysiana;
  • suggestions for donations and acquisitions; 
  • suggestions for collaborations on expositions;
  • fundraising for the Special Collections

Room: University Library, room 212
Telephone: 071-5271593 / 06 1554 1302
Work days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

Coordinator Cultural Entrepeneurship & Fundraising

  • Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
  • Collecties & Onderzoek
  • Bijzondere Collecties

Work address

University Library
Witte Singel 27
2311 BG Leiden
Room number 212



  • No relevant ancillary activities
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