Freya Baetens
Professor European Law
- Name
- F. Baetens
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-1730-5412

Freya Baetens (Cand./Lic.Jur. (Ghent); LLM (Columbia); PhD (Cambridge)) is Professor of Public International Law at the PluriCourts Centre (Faculty of Law, Oslo University), working on an interdisciplinary research project evaluating the legitimacy of international courts and tribunals.
Freya Baetens is also affiliated to the Europa Institute (Leiden Law School, Leiden University) and has been a Visiting Professor at the World Trade Institute, Bern University (Switzerland), FHR Lim A Po Institute (Suriname), Xi’An Jiaotong Law School (China), Sydney Law School (Australia) and National University Singapore (Singapore).
As a Member of the Brussels Bar, she acts as counsel or expert in international and European disputes. She is listed on the Panel of Arbitrators and Conciliators of the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), the South China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration) and the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC).
In 2010, Freya Baetens was elected Member of the Executive Council of the Society of International Law (SIEL) and awarded a Fellowship of the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL). In 2014, she was appointed Rapporteur of the International Law Association (ILA) Study Group on Preferential Trade and Investment Agreements.
She serves on the Editorial Board of the Leiden Journal of International Law and the Academic Review Board of the Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law. She has published on a wide range of topics, including law of treaties, responsibility of states and international organisations, law of the sea, WTO and investment law, energy law and sustainable development.
As a W.M. Tapp scholar and a fellow of the European Trust and the Cambridge European Society, she was awarded a PhD degree from Cambridge University. Previously, she obtained the Cand.Jur./Lic.Jur. degree (LLB/LLM equivalent) magna cum laude at Ghent University and the LLM degree with honours at Columbia University in New York (BAEF and Fulbright Fellow).
Professor European Law
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Europees Recht
- Baetens F. & Zhang S. (2024), China: an emerging rule-maker in international investment law?. In: de la Rasilla I. & Cai C. (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of China and international law. Cambridge Law Handbooks. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 423-449.
- Baetens F. & Van den Bogaert S.C.G. (Eds.) (2023), The EU and the WTO: ever the twain shall meet. Liber Amicorum Marco Bronckers. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International.
- Crawford J. & Baetens F. (2023), The creation of states in international law. In: Lyons D. (Ed.), Leading works in international law. Analysing Leading Works in Law. London: Routledge. 37-53.
- Baetens F. (2023), Regional courts. In: Cordero-Moss G. (Ed.), Independence and impartiality of international adjudicators. Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law. Cambridge: Intersentia. 283-301.
- Baetens F. & Crawford J. (2023), Assistance from an unexpected corner?: International Trade Law’s contribution to combatting pandemics. In: Baetens F. & Van den Bogaert S. (Eds.), The EU and the WTO: ever the twain shall meet. Liber Amicorum Marco Bronckers. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International. 337-357.
- Crawford J., Baetens F. & Cameron R. (2023), Functions of the International Court of Justice. In: Espósito C. & Parlett K. (Eds.), The Cambridge Companion to the International Court of Justice. Cambridge Companions to Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 13-45.
- Baetens F. (2023), Comparing arbitration to judicial litigation: assets and challenges. In: Godry Farias E.N., Rivas G., Favero Vaughn G. & Verdías Mezzera M. (Eds.), Pro-arbitration revisited: a tribute to Professor George Bermann from his students over the years: Juris. 251-256.
- Baetens F. (2023), World Trade Organization rules before investment tribunals: facilitating cross-fertilisation while appreciating particularities, The Journal of World Investment & Trade 24(1): 1-36.
- Baetens F. (2023), Symposium "Beyond state consent to international jurisdiction – from courts to law": foreword, Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals 22(3): 459-461.
- Baetens F. (2023), Nederlandse bijdrage aan de ontwikkeling van Afrikaanse landen in de mondiale waardeketen: [factsheet]. Parlement en Wetenschap. [policy paper].
- Baetens F. & Bronckers M.C.E.J. (19 January 2022), The EU’s Anti-Coercion Instrument: a big stick for big targets. EJIL:Talk!: European Journal of International Law. [blog entry].
- Baetens F., Bronckers M.C.E.J., Kuijper P.J., Voermans W.J.M. & Wessel R.A. (30 June 2020), Why the Netherlands Should Ratify CETA. EJIL Talk!, blog of the European Journal of International Law. [blog entry].
- Baetens F. (2019), First to Rise and First to Fall: The Court of Cartago (1907–1918). In: Rasilla I. de la & Viñuales J.E. (Eds.), Experiments in International Adjudication: Historical Accounts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 211-239.
- Baetens F. (Ed.) (2019), Legitimacy of Unseen Actors in International Adjudication. Studies on International Courts and Tribunals. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Baetens F. (2019), Unseen Actors in International Courts and Tribunals: Challenging the Legitimacy of International Adjudication. In: Baetens F. (Ed.), Legitimacy of Unseen Actors in International Adjudication. Studies on International Courts and Tribunals. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1-28.
- Baetens F. (2019), Invoking Human Rights: A Useful Line of Attack or A Defence Tool for States in Investor State Dispute Settlement?. In: Scheinin M. (Ed.), Human Rights Norms in ‘Other' International Courts. Studies on International Courts and Tribunals. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 227-262.
- Baetens F. (2019), Combating climate change through the promotion of green investment: from Kyoto to Paris without regime-specific dispute settlement. In: Miles K. (Ed.), Research Handbook on Environment and Investment Law. Research Handbooks in Environmental Law series. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 107-130.
- Baetens F. (2018), Ejusdem Generis and Noscitur a Sociis. In: Klingler J., Parkhomenko Y. & Salonidis C. (Eds.), Between the Lines of the Vienna Convention? Canons and Other Principles of Interpretation in Public International Law. Deventer: Wolters Kluwer. 133-160.
- Baetens F. (2018), “No deal is better than a bad deal”? The fallacy of the WTO fall-back option as a post-Brexit safety net, Common Market Law Review 55(2/3): 133-174.
- Baetens F. & Kluwen T. (2018), International Court of Justice. In: Martel G. (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Diplomacy: Wiley. 918-932.
- Baetens F. (17 October 2018), The Feasibility of Falling Back: the UK, the EU and the WTO – After Brexit. Regulating for Globalization: Trade, Labor and EU Law Perspectives: Wolters Kluwer. [blog entry].
- Baetens F. (2017), The Iron Rhine case: On the right track to sustainable development?. In: Cordonier Segger M.C. & Weeramantry C.G. (Eds.), Sustainable Development Principles in the Decisions of International Courts and Tribunals 1992–2012. Routledge Research in International Environmental Law. London: Routledge. 297-316.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Baetens F. (2017), Financial Payments as a Remedy in WTO Dispute Settlement Proceedings: An Update. In: Bourgeois J., Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Quick R. (Eds.), WTO dispute settlement: time to take stock. College of Europe Studies = Cahiers du Collège d'Europe no. 19. Brussels: P.I.E. Peter Lang. 67-98.
- Baetens F. (2017), Diplomatic Protection. In: Wolfrum R., Grote R. & Lachenmann F. (Eds.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Choi W.-M. & Baetens F. (2017), Regional Co-operation and Organization: Asian States. In: Wolfrum R., Minnerop-Röben P. & Lachenmann F. (Eds.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law [MPEPIL]. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Baetens F. (2017), Decolonization: Belgian Territories. In: Wolfrum R., Minnerop-Röben P. & Lachenmann F. (Eds.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law [MPEPIL]. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Baetens F. (2017), European Community and Union, Association of Overseas Countries and Territories. In: Wolfrum R., Minnerop-Röben P. & Lachenmann F. (Eds.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law [MPEPIL]. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Adinolfi G., Baetens F., Caiado J., Lupone A. & Micara A.G. (Eds.) (2017), International Economic Law: Contemporary Issues. Cham: Springer.
- Baetens F. (2017), Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of Investor-State Dispute Settlement as Compared to WTO Dispute Settlement. In: Bourgeois J., Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Quick R. (Eds.), WTO dispute settlement: time to take stock. College of Europe Studies = Cahiers du Collège d'Europe no. 19. Brussels: P.I.E. Peter Lang. 145-164.
- Baetens F. (2017), Pacta Sunt Servanda. In: Cottier T. & Nadakavukaren Schefer K. (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 283-285.
- Baetens F. (2017), State Responsibility. In: Cottier T. & Nadakavukaren Schefer K. (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 285-289.
- Baetens F. (2017), Keeping the Status Quo or Embarking on a New Course? Setting Aside, Refusal of Enforcement, Annulment and Appeal. In: Kulick A. (Ed.), Reassertion of control over the investment treaty regime. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 103-127.
- Baetens F. (2017), L'importance des dispositions transitoires pour les traités bilatéraux d'investissement conclus entre les États membres de l'UE et les États tiers, Cahiers de Droit Européen 53(3): 611-647.
- Baetens F. (2017), Judicial Review of International Adjudicatory Decisions: A Cross-Regime Comparison of Annulment and Appellate Mechanisms, Journal of International Dispute Settlement 8(3): 432-459.
- Baetens F. (2017), Expropriation in International Investment Law. In: Carter T. (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in International Law. Oxford Bibliographies Online. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Baetens F. (21 December 2017), Increasing importance of the transitory mechanism regulating EU Member States’ BITs with third countries: good intentions but problematic implementation?. Regulating for Globalization: Trade, Labor and EU Law Perspectives: Wolters Kluwer. [blog entry].
- Baetens F., Gruni G. & Rijpma J.J. (Eds.) (2016), Special Issue: Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: an EU Perspective on Global Economic Governance (Guest Editorial). Legal Issues of Economic Integration.
- Baetens F. (2016), Internationaal Recht als Faciliterend Instrument voor Duurzaamheid: Het Principe van Duurzame Ontwikkeling in Internationale Geschillenbeslechting. In: Goldstein S., Beemster H., Ganzen B. van & Smit C. (Eds.), Recht en Duurzame Ontwikkeling. Reeks Mordenate College no. 4. Apeldoorn-Antwerpen: Maklu. 31-44.
- Baetens F. (2016), The European Union’s Proposed Investment Court System: Addressing Criticisms of Investor-State Arbitration while Raising New Challenges, Legal Issues of Economic Integration 43(4): 367-384.
- Baetens F. (2016), De giftigste acroniemen in Europa: EU-handels- en investeringsverdragen en het investeerder-staat geschillenbeslechtingsmechanisme, SEW: Tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht 64(6): 251-261.
- Baetens F. (2016), The rule of law or the perception of the beholder? Why investment arbitrators are under fire and trade adjudicators are not: a response to Joost Pauwelyn, AJIL Unbound 109: 302-308.
- Baetens F. (2016), Clarifying the Meaning of ‘Investment’ and the Temporal Scope of Treaties: Republiek Ecuador v Chevron Corporation (USA) en Texaco Petroleum Company, Hoge Raad (Dutch Supreme Court), Judgment, 26 September 2014, The Journal of World Investment & Trade 17(3): 463-470.
- Baetens F. (2015), Transatlantic Investment Treaty Protection – A Response to Poulsen, Bonnitcha and Yackee, CEPS Special Reports 2015(103): 1-14.
- Chinkin C. & Baetens F. (2015), Editor's Preface. In: Chinkin C. & Baetens F. (Eds.), Sovereignty, Statehood and State Responsibility − Essays in Honour of James Crawford. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. xi-xii.
- Baetens F. (2015), Invoking, establishing and remedying State responsibility in mixed multi-party disputes: lessons from Eurotunnel. In: Chinkin C. & Baetens F. (Eds.), Sovereignty, Statehood and State Responsibility – Essays in Honour of James Crawford. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 421-441.
- Chinkin C. & Baetens F. (Eds.) (2015), Sovereignty, Statehood and State Responsibility − Essays in Honour of James Crawford. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Baetens F. (2015), Transatlantic Treaty Investment Protection – a Response to Poulsen, Bonnitcha and Yackee. In: Hamilton D.S. & Pelkmans J. (Eds.), Rule-Makers or Rule-Takers? Exploring the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Rowman and Littlefield International. 187-206.
- Anonymous (2015), Why the Iron Rhine is not on track: Choosing between environmental protection and economic development [Waarom de Ijzeren Rijn niet op de rails raakt: Kiezen tussen milieubescherming en economische ontwikkeling] (translation: Baetens F.), Neerlandia. Nederlands-Vlaams tijdschrift voor taal, cultuur en maatschappij 119(2): 26-27.
- Baetens F. (2015), Investment chapters including dispute settlement mechanisms in bilateral trade agreements, Royal Dutch Society of International Law Journal 142: 35-74.
- Baetens F. (2015), (In)direct Horizontal Effect or Drittwirkung of International Rules on Discrimination against Migrant Workers. In: Goodwin-Gill G.S. & Weckel P. (Eds.), Protection des migrants et des réfugiées au XXIe siècle, aspects de droit international = Migration and Refugee Protection in the 21st Century, International Legal Aspects. Centre for Studies and Research in International Law and International Relations no. 16. The Hague: Académie de droit international de La Haye. 219-243.
- Baetens F., Milanovic M. & Tzanakopoulous A. (2014), Présentation. In: Pellet A. (Ed.), Le droit international entre souveraineté et communauté. Paris: Éditions Pedone. 3-10.
- Baetens F. (2014), Escaping Darwin’s Nightmare: Development, Implementation and Enforcement of Legal Strategies to Maintain Biodiversity. In: Lachmayer K., Busch J., Kelleher J. & Turcanu G. (Eds.), International Constitutional Law in Legal Education. Proceedings of the Erasmus Intensive Programme NICLAS 2007-2012. Vienna: Facultas. 101-122.
- Baetens F. (2014), Facilitating post-conflict reconstruction: is the UN Peacebuilding Commission successfully filling an institutional gap or marking a missed opportunity?. In: Stahn C., Easterday J.S. & Iverson J. (Eds.), Jus Post Bellum: Mapping the Normative Foundation. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 347-375.
- Baetens F. & Caiado J. (Eds.) (2014), Frontiers of International Economic Law – Legal Tools to Confront Interdisciplinary Challenges. USA: Martinus Nijhoff Brill.
- Baetens F. (2014), Review of: Alvarez J. (2011), The Public International Law Regime Governing International Investment. Brill Hague Academy Series. Leiden: Brill. Netherlands International Law Review .
- Baetens F., Scarlat A., S. N. & Dumbryte A. (2014), Analysing the practice of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia in dealing with annulment requests on appeal, Annotated Leading Cases XLIII: .
- Baetens F., Kreijen G. & Varga A. (2014), Multi-party investment arbitration: determining breach and compensation under the new extra-EU investment agreements, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 47(5): 1203-1260.
- Baetens F. & Prislan V. (2014), The Dissemination of International Scholarship: The Future of Books and Book Reviews, Leiden Journal of International Law 27(3): 1-11.
- Baetens F. & Cheah W.L. (2013), Being an International Law Lecturer in the 21st century: Where tradition meets innovation, Cambridge International Law Journal 2(4): 974-1011.
- Bronckers M.C.E.J. & Baetens F. (2013), Reconsidering financial remedies in WTO dispute settlement, Journal of International Economic Law 16(2): 281-311.
- Baetens F. (2013), No Law is an Island, Entire of Itself: How International Investment Law Interacts with Other Fields of Public International Law. In: Baetens F. (Ed.), Investment Law Within International Law: Integrationist Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. xxvii-xlii.
- Baetens F. (2013), Preferential Trade and Investment Agreements and the Trade/Investment Divide: Is the Whole More than the Sum of its Parts?. In: Hofmann R., Tams C. & Schill S. (Eds.), Preferential Trade and Investment Agreements: A New Ordering Paradigm for International Investment Relations?: Nomos. 91-128.
- Baetens F. (Ed.) (2013), Investment law Within International Law: Integrationist Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Von Bernstorff J., Baetens F. & Jacobs M. (2013), Steuerung der Außenwirtschaftsförderung in Deutschland, USA und den Niederlanden im Rechtsvergleich, INEF Forschungsreihe Menschenrechte, Unternehmensverantwortung und Nachhaltige Entwicklung 14: 1-59.
- Baetens F. (2013), Procedural Issues Relating to Shared Responsibility in Arbitral Proceedings, Journal of International Dispute Settlement 4(2): 319-341.
- Baetens F. (2012), Enforcement of Arbitral Awards: “to ICSID or Not to ICSID” is Not the Question. In: Weiler T. & Laird I. (Eds.), Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law. New York: Juris. 211-228.
- Baetens F. & Koppe E.V. (2012), Tussen New York en Genève: VN-Kroniek, NJCM-Bulletin: Nederlands tijdschrift voor de mensenrechten 37(1): 136-150.
- Baetens F. (2012), The Contemporary Relevance of the 1899 and 1907 Hague Conferences, OBO International Relations : .
- Baetens F. (2011), The Overseas Countries and Territories Association (OCTA) and its Relationship with the European Community: The Added Value of a Concerted Approach. In: Kochenov D. (Ed.), On Bits of Europe Everywhere – Overseas Possessions of the EU Member States in the Legal-Political Context of European Law. Leiden: Koninklijke Brill NV. 383-399.
- Baetens F. (2011), The Kyoto Protocol assessed through the lens of investor-State arbitration: Reconciling climate change and investment protection objectives. In: Cordonier Segger M.-C., Gehring M.W. & Newcombe A. (Eds.), Sustainable Development in World Investment Law. Den Haag: Kluwer Law International. 681-715.
- Weiler T. & Baetens F. (Eds.) (2011), New Directions in International Economic Law - In Memoriam Thomas Waelde. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
- Baetens F. (2011), Een “enkeltje Den Haag”? Internationaalrechtelijke beschouwingen over het conflict in Libië en de recente VN Veiligheidsraad Resolutie. Internationale Spectator: 170-172.
- Baetens F. (2011), Uncharted Interaction between Legal Systems: International Investment Law and Other Fields of Public International Law. Newsletter of the School of Human Rights Research: 7-9.
- Baetens F. & Koppe E.V. (2011), Tussen New York en Genève: VN Kroniek, NJCM-Bulletin: Nederlands tijdschrift voor de mensenrechten 36(6/7): 825-837.
- Baetens F. (2011), When international rules interact: International investment law and the law of armed conflict, Investment Treaty News 3(1): 11-12.
- Baetens F. (2011), [Bespreking van: Yarwood, L. (2011) State Accountability under International Law – Holding states accountable for a breach of jus cogens norms. S.l.: Routledge], Common Market Law Review 48(5): 1748-1750.
- Baetens F. & Yotova R. (2011), The Abyei Arbitration: A Model Procedure for Intra-State Dispute Settlement in Resource-Rich Conflict Areas?, Goettingen Journal of International Law 3(1): 417-446.
- Baetens F. (2010), Foreign Investment Law and Climate Change: Legal Conflicts Arising from Implementing the Kyoto Protocol Through Private Investment. Sustainable Development Law on Climate Change Working Paper Series no. 1. Montreal, Canada: CISDL.
- Baetens F. (2010), The Concept of Equality in International Human Rights, Trade and Investment Law: A Catalyst for Sustainable Development. In: French D. (Ed.), Global Justice and Sustainable Development. Legal aspects of sustainable development no. 7. Leiden: Brill. 251-272.
- Choi C.M. & Baetens F. (2010), Like Products. In: Wolfrum R. (Ed.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law no. VI. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 876-886.
- Baetens F. (2010), International Congress of Women (1915). In: Wolfrum R. (Ed.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law no. V. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 455-459.
- Baetens F. & Hestermeyer H.P. (2010), Article XVI GATT - subsidies. In: Wolfrum R., Stoll P-T. & Hestermeyer H.P. (Eds.), WTO - Trade and Goods (Max Planck Commentaries on World Trade Law). Leiden: Koninklijke Brill NV. 365-385.
- Baetens F. (2010), Discrimination on the Basis of Nationality: Determining Likeness in Human Rights and Investment Law. In: Schill S. (Ed.), International Investment Law and Comparative Public Law. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 279-316.
- Baetens F. (2010), European Community, the Association of Overseas Countries and Territories. In: Wolfrum R. (Ed.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law no. III. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 807-814.
- Baetens F. (2010), Decolonization of Belgian Territories. In: Wolfrum R. (Ed.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law no. II. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 1098-1104.
- Baetens F. & Kohoutek K. (2010), The UN Peacebuilding Commission. In: Wolfrum R. (Ed.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law no. X. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 406-416.
- Baetens F. (2010), Review of: Breitenmoser S., Ehrenzeller B., Sassoli M., Stoffel W. & Pfeifer B.W. (2007), Human rights, democracy and the rule of law: liber amicorum Luzius Wildhaber. Zurich: Dike. Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht = Heidelberg Journal of International Law 70(4): 821-824.
- Baetens F. (2010), Review of: Haugen H.M. (2007), The Right to Food and the TRIPS Agreement, with a Particular Emphasis on Developing Countries’ Measures for Food Production and Distribution. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. International Community Law Review 12(1): 139-142.
- Baetens F. (2009), [Bespreking van: Hestermeyer, H. (2007) Human Rights and the WTO, The Case of Patents and Access to Medicines. Oxford UK: Oxford University Press], International & Comparative Law Quarterly 58(3): 747-748.
- Baetens F. (2009), Review of: Muchlinski P. & Ortino F. (2008), The Oxford Handbook on International Investment Law (3). Oxford: Oxford University Press. European journal of international law 20(3): 939-942.
- Baetens F. (2009), Review of: Broude T., Shany Y. (2008) The Shifting Allocation of Authority in International Law: Considering Sovereignty, Supremacy and Subsidiarity, Essays in Honour of Professor Ruth Lapidoth, Studies in International Law, The Cambridge Law Journal 68: 225-226.
- Baetens F. (2008), Financing investments under Islamic law: a world apart?. Chinkin C., Nouwen S. & Ward C. (Eds.), ILA Report of the seventy-third conference. . London: ILA. 1095-1099.
- Baetens F. (2008), Review of: Cottier T. & Pauwelyn J. (2005), ‘Human Rights and International Trade. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Journal of International Economic Law 11: 176-178.
- Baetens F. (2008), Review of: Amato G. & Ziller J. (2007), The European Constitution, Cases and Materials in EU and Member States no. 1: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.. Cambridge Student Law Review 4: 146-149.
- Baetens F. (2008), Muddling the waters of treaty interpretation? Relevant rules of international law in the MOX Plant OSPAR Arbitration and EC Biotech case, Nordic Journal of International Law 77: 197-216.
- Baetens F. (2007), Review of: Petersmann E.U. (2005), Reforming the World Trading System: Legitimacy, Efficiency and Democratic Governance no. 4. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. International & Comparative Law Quarterly 56: 959-960.
- Baetens F. (2007), Safe until proven harmful? Risk regulation in situations of scientific uncertainty: the GMO case, Casenote and comment, The Cambridge Law Journal 66(2): 276-278.
- Baetens F. (2004), Clementie bij kartelvorming: Spijtoptanten worden beloond, Juristenkrant (99): .
- Member of the Brussels Bar