Frank Pieke
Professor emeritus Modern China Studies
- Name
- Prof.dr. F.N. Pieke
- Telephone
- 071 5272727
- 0000-0001-9991-0634

Frank Pieke is a Professor Emeritus of Modern China Studies at the Institute for Area Studies.
More information about Frank Pieke
PhD candidates
Fields of interest
- Modern Chinese studies;
- Social anthropology;
- Chinese Communist Party;
- Administrative modernization in China;
- Local Chinese politics;
- Chinese migration and overseas Chinese communities;
- Immigration in China;
- Migration policies and development
Frank Pieke’s research revolves around two long-term themes. The first theme of his research is the anthropology of the state and socialism in modern Asia, investigating the rule and organization of the Chinese Communist Party in the context of China’s globalization and market reform. The second theme revolves around international migration, transnationalism and cultural diversity, including a long-term interest in Chinese migration and ethnicity in Europe and, more recently, the emergence of international immigrant groups in China.
Curriculum Vitae
Current post
- Adjunct Professor, Modern China Studies, University of Leiden
Previous posts held
- Director and CEO, Mercator Institute for China Studies (Berlin) (2018-2020)
- Professor and Chair, Modern China Studies, University of Leiden (2010-2018)
- University Lecturer,Modern Politics and Society of China, University of Oxford (1995-2010)
- University Lecturer, Anthropology and Sociology of Contemporary China, Sinological Institute, University of Leiden, the Netherlands (1986-1995)
University education
- Ph.D., Cultural Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley (1992)
- Non-degree program, Modern Chinese History, Beijing University, (1983)
- Non-degree program, Modern Chinese, Beijing Language Institute, (1982)
- Doctoraal (cum laude), Cultural Anthropology, University of Amsterdam (1982)
For more information, see this CV.
Key publications
• Party Spirit: Producing a Communist Civil Religion in Contemporary China, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 24(5): 663-891.
• Knowing China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2016)
• “Anthropology, China, and the Chinese Century”. Annual Review of Anthropology 43: 123-138 (2014)
• The Good Communist: Elite Training and State Building in Today’s China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2009)
• Transnational Chinese: Fujianese Migrants in Europe. Stanford: Stanford University Press (first author with Pál Nyíri, Mette Thunø and Antonella Ceccagno, 2004)
• The Ordinary and the Extraordinary: An Anthropological Study of Chinese Reform and the 1989 People's Movement in Beijing. London: Kegan Paul International (1996)
• “Marketization, Centralization and Globalization of Cadre Training in Contemporary China”. The China Quarterly 200: 953-971 (2009)
• “The Genealogical Mentality in Modern China.” The Journal of Asian Studies 62(1): 101-128 (2003)
Frank Pieke in de media
- Interview with 3 July 2013 about The Good Communist (in Chinese)
- Interview with NOS radio 18 november 2012 (in Dutch)
- Interview for Leiden University website 2011 (in Dutch)
- Interview in Chinese Social Sciences News 19 Augustus 2010 (in Chinese)
- Article in BBC World Service (Chinese)
Inaugural lecture
Professor emeritus Modern China Studies
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- Pieke F.N., d'Hooghe I.M.A. & Creemers R.J.E.H. (2019), Wees niet passief, doe als de Chinezen.
- Chang V.K.L. & Pieke F.N. (2018), Europe's engagement with China: Shifting Chinese Views of the EU and the EU-China Relationship, Asia Europe Journal: Studies on Common Policy Challenges 16(4): 317-331.
- Pieke F.N. (2018), Party Spirit: Producing a Communist Civil Religion in Contemporary China, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 24(5): 663-891.
- Chang V.K.L. & Pieke F.N. (2017), China, the EU and the Netherlands - A Chinese Perspective.
- Chang V.K.L. & Pieke F.N. (2017), Realiteit en Perceptie: Een frisse kijk op de toekomst met China, Internationale Spectator : .
- Chang V.K.L., Sprangers A.F.M. & Pieke F.N. (14 April 2017), Europa moet China meer als partner zien, niet als rivaal. NRC Handelsblad, Opinie.
- Hong T.M., Pieke F.N., Steehouder L. & Veldhuizen J.L. van (2017), Dutch higher education and Chinese students in the Netherlands. Leiden: LeidenAsiaCentre.
- Hong T.M., Pieke F.N. & Stam T. (2017), Chinese Companies in the Netherlands. Leiden: LeidenAsiaCentre.
- Pinxteren G. van & Pieke F.N. (2017), Nederland door Chinese ogen: van groepstoerist tot internetjournalist. Amsterdam: Balans.
- Pieke F.N. (2016), China, een gids voor de 21e eeuw. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Pieke F.N. (2016), Knowing China: A Twenty-First Century Guide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Pieke F.N. (2016), La Chine: un nouveau pays d’immigration?, Les grands dossiers de diplomatie 31: 93-95.
- Pieke F.N. (2015), Cadre Training and the Party School System in Contemporary China. In: Brown K. (Ed.), The EU-China Relationship: European Perspectives. A Manual for Policy Makers. London: Imperial College Press. 82-87.
- Pieke F.N. (2015), Chinese Investment Strategies and Migration: Does Diaspora Matter?. In: Sanfilippo M. & Weinar A. (Eds.), Chinese Migration and Economic Relations with Europe: The Silk Road Revisited. Abingdon: Routledge. 12-32.
- Pieke F.N. (2015), Asia: Sociocultural Aspects, China. In: Wright J.D. (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences: Elsevier.
- Pieke F.N. (2014), Contemporary China Studies in the Netherlands. In: Idema Wilt (Ed.), China Studies in the Netherlands: Past, Present and Future.. Leiden: Koninklijke Uitgeverij Brill. 159-190.
- Pieke F.N. (2014), Emerging Markets and Migration Policy: China. Report for the Center for migrations and Citizenship, French Institute of International Relations (IFRI), 2014. Paris: IFRI.
- Pieke F.N. (2014) Brute dictatuur. Review of: Dikötter F., De tragiek van de bevrijding: de geschiedenis van de Chinese revolutie 1945-1957. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus (ACS) 24(2): 31-32.
- Pieke F.N. (2014), Anthropology, China, and the Chinese Century, Annual Review of Anthropology 43: 123-138.
- Pieke F.N. (2013), Immigrant China. In: Foot R. (Ed.), Rosemary Foot, ed. China across the Divide: The Domestic and Global in Politics and Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 97-121.
- Pieke F.N. (2013), Renleixue shijiaoxia Zhongguo nongcunde zhengzhi jiegou,jigou yu jingji fazhan. In: Schubert G., Heberer T. & Yang X.D. (Eds.), Zhudongde difang zhengzhi: zuowei zhanlue quntide xianxiang ganbu. Beijing: Zhongyang Bianji Chubanshe. 90-114.
- Pieke F.N. & Speelman T. (2013), Briefing paper on Chinese Investment Strategies and Migration: Does Diaspora Matter? Report for the Migration Policy Centre, European University Institute, Florence. Florence: Migration Policy Centre, European University Institute.
- Pieke F.N. (2013) Complexe relaties. Review of: Obbema F. (2013), China en Europa: waar twee werelden elkaar raken. Amsterdam: Atlas Contact. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus (ACS) 23(7): 31.
- Pieke F.N. (2013) Peter Nolan, Is China Buying the World?. Review of: Nolan Peter (2012), Is China Buying the World?. Cambridge: Polity Press. Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies 13(2): 279-280.
- Pieke F.N. (2012), The Communist Party and Social Management in China, China Information 26(2): 149-165.
- Pieke F.N. & Barabantseva E. (2012), New and Old Diversities in Contemporary China. London: Sage.
- Pieke F.N. (2 March 2012). Anthropology and the Chinese century. Leiden. [inaugural address].
- Pieke F.N. (2012), Chinese State Responses to Chinese Migration and New Emigration Policy. Florence, Italy: Migration Policy Centre at the European University Institute.
- Pieke F.N. & Barabantseva E. (2012), Editors’ Introduction: New and Old Diversities in Contemporary China, Modern China 38(1): 3-9.
- Pieke F.N. (23 June 2011), CCP party schools. Conference on the Chinese Communist Party, organized by the Madariaga – College of Europe Foundation. Brussels. [lecture].
- Pieke F.N. (2012), Immigrant China, Modern China 38(1): 40-77.
- Pieke F.N. (2011), Cadre Training and the Party School System in Contemporary China. Brussels: ECRAN (Europe China Research and Advice Network).
- Pieke F.N. (2011), Review of: (2010), Mobility and cultural authority in contemporary China. Seattle: University of Washington Press. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 17: 887-888.
- Pieke F.N. (2010), Migration Journeys and Working Conditions of Chinese Irregular Immigrants in the United Kingdom. In: Gao Y. (Ed.), Concealed Chains: Labour Exploitation and Chinese Migrants in Europe. Geneva: International Labour Office. 139-168.
- Pieke F.N. (2010), China's Immigrant Population, The China Review : 20-22.
- Pieke F.N. & Xiang B. (2010), Legality and Labor: Chinese Migratory Workers in Great Britain, Encounters 3: 15-38.
- Vermeer E.B., Pieke F.N. & Chong W.L. (Eds.) (1997), Cooperative and Collective in China's Rural Development: Between State and Private Interests. New York: M.E. Sharpe.
- Pieke F.N. (1995), Inventory of the Collection Chinese People's Movement. Amsterdam: IISG.
- Pieke F.N. (1995), The Ordinary and the Extraordinary: An Anthropological Study of Chinese Reform and the 1989 People's Movement in Beijing. London: Kegan Paul International.
- Pieke F.N. (1995), Accidental Anthropology: Witnessing the 1989 Chinese People's Movement. In: Nordstrom C. & Robben A. (Eds.), Fieldwork under Fire: Contemporary Studies of Violence and Survival. Berkeley: NN. 62-79.
- Pieke F.N. (1995) Boekbespreking. Review of: Guldin G. (1995), Urban Anthropology in China. The China Quarterly 144: 1220-1221.
- Pieke F.N. (1995), Bureaucracy, Friends, and Money: The Growth of Capital Socialism in China, Comparative Studies in Society and History 37(3): 494-518.