Universiteit Leiden

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Fouzia Lghoul-Oulad Said

Assistant professor

Dr. F. Lghoul-Oulad Said
+31 71 527 6582

Fouzia Lghoul – Oulad Saïd obtained her pharmacy degree from Utrecht University. During her study she worked in a community pharmacy (Centrum Apotheek Zoetermeer), an outpatient (St. Antonius Ziekenhuis) and inpatient pharmacy (Apotheek Haagse Ziekenhuizen). After graduating she worked as a pharmacist at the Erasmus Medical Centre where she contributed to a project on drug safety. This project was issued by the ministry of health to investigate the prevalence of potential hospital admissions related to medication (HARMs). In 2017 she started with her PhD on potentially preventable HARMs alongside educating third year Bio-Pharmaceutical Science students in the specialization of Pharmacy at the LACDR. After a short break doing mostly logistical work at the Erasmus MC, she returned to the LACDR where she could continue with the combination of research and education. She is due to finish her PhD in 2023 after which she will continue doing pharmacoepidemiologic research in the System Pharmacology and Pharmacy group. Educational coordinator: - Patiënt en Apotheker (Patient and Pharmacist) 2021 & 2122 - Ouderen (Elderly) 2223 - Chronische Aandoeningen (Chronic Diseases) 2021, 2122 & 2223

More information about Fouzia Lghoul-Oulad Said

Educational coordinator:

  • Patiënt en Apotheker (Patient and Pharmacist) 2021 & 2122
  • Ouderen (Elderly) 2223
  • Chronische Aandoeningen (Chronic Diseases) 2021, 2122 & 2223


Teacher of the year 2019

Assistant professor

  • Science
  • Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
  • LACDR/Pharmacology

Work address

Gorlaeus Building
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden
Room number EE2.03


  • Amsterdam Universitair Medisch Centrum Gastcollege Geneesmiddelen en Ouderen
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