Fokke Gerritsen
Director of NIT
- Name
- Dr. F.A. Gerritsen
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-6665-1928

Fokke Gerritsen is an archaeologist and director of the Netherlands Institute in Turkey.
Fields of interest
- Early farming societies of Southwest Asia
- Ancient Anatolia
- Landscape and settlement archaeology
- Heritage studies
- Urban heritage and sustainability
Fokke Gerritsen’s research activities are distributed over two distinct but related disciplines. He is actively involved in archaeological fieldwork that investigates the societies of prehistoric societies in Southwest Asia, especially Turkey. He co-directs excavations at Tell Kurdu in southern Turkey. As part of his archaeological research, he frequently collaborates with international specialists in the life and environmental sciences. Fokke Gerritsen is also active in the field of urban heritage studies, at the intersections of heritage studies, urban studies, architecture and urban planning. His research, education and valorization activities focus on the city of Istanbul and the links between its material and immaterial heritage and contemporary urban challenges.
Curriculum Vitae
- Since 2006: Director Netherlands Institute in Turkey (via appointment at Leiden University since 2019)
- Since 2002: Lecturer Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- 2002-2005: Postdoctoral researcher Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- 2001-2002: Visiting Lecturer Boğaziçi University, Istanbul
- 1998-2001: PhD researcher Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- 1996-1997: PhD researcher University of Amsterdam
- 2001: Ph.D. Prehistory and Archaeology, VU University Amsterdam
- 1996: M.A. (‘doctoraal’), Cultural Prehistory, University of Amsterdam
- 1995: M.A. Near Eastern Archaeology, University of Chicago
- 1989: B.A. (‘propedeuse’), Art History and Classical Archaeology, University of Amsterdam
Director of NIT
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- Nederlands Instituut in Turkije
- Özbal H., Breu A., Thissen L., Gerritsen F.A., Bos E. van den, Galik A., Turhan D., Muhiddin Ç., Adnan Ş., Türkekul A. & Özbal R. (2024), From bowls to pots: the dairying revolution in Northwest Turkey, a view from Barcın Höyük, 6600 to 6000 BCE, PLoS ONE 19(5): e0302788.
- Bos E.O. van den & Gerritsen F.A. (2024), Adjoining spaces, building communities: agglutinative architecture at Neolithic Barcın Höyük in North-West Anatolia. In: Sisa-Lopez de Pablo J., Bach-Gomez A. & Molist M. (Eds.), Households & Collective Buildings in Western Asian Neolithic Societies no. 4. Turnhout: Brepols. 103-114.
- Kaptan D., Atağ G., Vural K., Morell Miranda P., Akbaba A., Yüncü E., Buluktaev A., Abazari M., Yorulmaz S., Kazancı D., Küçükakdağ D., Çakan Y., Özbal R., Gerritsen F., De Cupere B., Duru R., Umurtak G., Arbuckle B., Baird D., Çevik Ö., Bıçakçı E., Gündem C., Pişkin E., Hachem L., Canpolat K., Fakhari Z., Ochir-Goryaeva M., Kukanova V., Valipour H., Hoseinzadeh J., Küçük Baloğlu F., Götherström A., Hadjisterkotis E., Grange T., Geigl E.-M., Togan İ., Günther T., Somel M. & Özer F. (2024), The population history of domestic sheep revealed by Paleogenomes, Molecular Biology and Evolution 41(10): .
- Burgersdijk D., Gerritsen F.A. & Waal W.J.I. (Eds.) (2024), Constantinople through the ages: the visible city from its foundation to contemporary Istanbul. Cultural Interactions in the Mediterranean no. 8. Leiden: Brill.
- Gerritsen F.A., Özçakır Ö., Arslan A., Kayasü S. & Yurdagül S. (2023), Industrial heritage for sustainable cities: proposals for the transformation of Istanbul’s Unkapanı Flour Mill. Istanbul: Netherlands Institute in Turkey.
- Verhoeven M., Gerritsen F.A., Arslan A., Cecchetti A. & Özçakır Ö. (2023), Water heritage for sustainable cities: proposals for the revalorization of the Valens Aqueduct in Istanbul. Istanbul: Netherlands Institute in Turkey.
- Verhoeven M., Gerritsen F.A. & Özçakır Ö. (2023), Revitalizing Istanbul’s water heritage: the Valens Aqueduct, Blue Papers 2(1): 154-163.
- Balcı H., Özbal R., Gerritsen F.A. & Fidan E. (2022), Different manifestations of Neolithization in Northwest Anatolia?: An Archaeobotanical Review from Barcın Höyük and Bahçelievler, Turkey, Documenta Praehistorica 49: 28-44.
- Özçakır Ö., Gerritsen F.A. & Arslan A. (2022), Teaching sustainable transformation of industrial heritage places: insights from the NIT Urban Heritage Lab, Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Kültür Envanteri Dergisi (25): 97-116.
- Marchi N., Winkelbach L., Schulz I., Brami M., Hofmanová Z., Blöcher J., Reyna-Blanco C., Diekmann Y., Thiéry A., Kapopoulou A., Link V., Piuz V., Kreutzer S., Figarska S., Ganiatsou E., Pukaj A., Struck T., Gutenkunst R., Karul N., Gerritsen F.A., Pechtl J., Peters J., Zeeb-Lanz A., Lenneis E., Teschler-Nicola M., Triantaphyllou S., Stefanović S., Papageorgopoulou C., Wegmann D., Burger J. & Excoffier L. (2022), The genomic origins of the world’s first farmers, Cell 185: 1842-1859.
- Gerritsen F.A. (2021), Voluminous evidence for an elusive period: storage pits and surplus from Middle Chalcolithic Anatolia, Journal of Field Archaeology 46: 210-222.
- Docent