Universiteit Leiden

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Fenneken Veldkamp

Communication Advisor/Editor

Drs. F. Veldkamp
+31 71 527 5769

Fenneken Veldkamp is web editor and communication advisor at the African Studies Centre Leiden. She also informs the press, is editor of the ASCL Africanist Blog, and is responsible for social media. Fenneken read English Literature at the University of Amsterdam and did part of her studies at Rhodes University in South Africa, specialising in Afrikaans literature, South African politics, and South Africa's international relations. She completed the postacademic course in newspaper journalism (PDOJ) at Erasmus University.

Communication Advisor/Editor

  • Afrika-Studiecentrum
  • Ondersteunende staf

Work address

Herta Mohr
Witte Singel 27A
2311 BG Leiden
Room number 0.52


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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