Fenna Poletiek
Assistant Professor
- Name
- Dr. F.H. Poletiek
- Telephone
- 071 5273641
- poletiek@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-4803-431x

I have a joint appointment as Assistant Professor at the Cognitive Psychology department at Leiden University and as Senior Investigator at the Max Planck Institute of Psycholinguistics. I am also a Visiting Professor at the Institute of Neuroscience at Newcastle University (UK). Furthermore, I will occupy the ILCB-IMéRA Chair at the University of Aix-en-Provence/Marseille (FR) from September 2023. ILCB is the Institute for Language Communication and the Brain. IMéRA is the Institute for Advanced Studies Marseille/Aix.

Language and Cognition
My main research interest is in Language and Cognition. With my students, I conduct research on cognitive determinants of language structure, language acquisition and processing, and the role of low level cognition, e.g. visual perception, world knowledge, and ‘minimal effort’ mechanisms in language. We use mainly experimental behavioral (using artificial and natural language) methods, but also computational, neurocognitive and comparative approaches. My PolBoc Lab (Perception, Language, Behavior and Cognition) is a collaborative initiative with the Erasmus University of Rotterdam.
Decision Making
I am also interested in how fundamental principles of Decision Making can be used in practical settings. For example, together with external parties, we research basic memory effects in police investigations in the IMMCI-project (Implicit Memory Methods for Criminal Investigation), the recognition of complex visual patterns, like in artistic styles, and the behavioral effects of different types of reward structures: like a basic income versus unemployment allowances. We also studied whether Snellius’ law of refraction of light applies to human planning behavior!
Professional Outreach
I am an expert witness, investigating and reporting on demand about cognitive psychological aspects in criminal cases for the Court or the police.
In the Media
In several (Dutch) media, university blogs (in English) and newspapers, I make my scientific work accessible to a large audience, explain the long term societal benefits of fundamental science, and contribute to discussions on science and education policy in Mare.
For a brief CV see 'CV Fenna Poletiek'
Assistant Professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Cognitieve Psychologie
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Cognitieve Psychologie
- Otgaar H., Wolters G., Poletiek F. & Jelicic M. (2024), Het geheugen van getuigen. In: Keijser J. de, Horselenberg R. & Vredeveldt A. (Eds.), Tussen wet en wetenschap:: De psychologie van het recht. Amsterdam: Boom Juridisch. 239-256.
- Bocanegra B.R., Poletiek F.H. & Zwaan R.A. (2022), Language concatenates perceptual features into representations during comprehension, Journal of Memory and Language 127(4): 104355.
- Poletiek F. (16 November 2022), Machtsmisbruik is een dierlijk mechanisme . Trouw, Opinie: 24-25.
- Poletiek F.H. (2022), The singularity of human cognition: where to look for evidence?: Discussion lecture for the key lecture by Stanislas DeHaene, at the Nijmegen Lectures 2022. Host: Prof. dr.Peter Hagoort (Lecture).
- Kunz L., Bocanegra B. & Poletiek F.H. (2022), Does naming an object help seeing it?: Effects of label combinatoriality and articulatory suppression on object detection. Netherlands Society for Brain and Cognition, Egmond aan Zee. 27 April 2022 - 30 April 2022. [conference poster].
- Poletiek F.H. (2022), Psychologische deskundigheidsrapportage in zeden zaken: lezing voor de landelijke vergadering van coördinerend zedenofficieren = psychological expert witness reports in sexual cases. Utrecht: Landelijke Vergadering van Coördinerend Zedenofficieren.
- Wolters G. & Poletiek F.H. (2022), Het verhoren van kinderen in strafzaken: een kritische beschouwing van Otgaar et al., 2019, Expertise en Recht 2020(6): 203-214.
- Wolters G. & Poletiek F.H. (2022), Het verhoren van kinderen in strafzaken: vervolg, Expertise en Recht 2022(6): 212-214.
- Poletiek F.H., Monaghan P., Velde M. van de & Bocanegra B.R. (2021), The semantics-syntax interface: learning grammatical categories and hierarchical syntactic structure through semantics, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 47(7): 1141-1155.
- Wilson B., Haslam L., Poletiek F. & Petkov C. (2020), Artificial Language Learning. Combining Syntax with Semantics . Denison S., Mack M., Xu Y. & Armstrong B.C. (Eds.). CogSci 2020. Developing a mind: Learning in humans, animals and machines. 29 July 2020 - 1 August 2020.
- Bocanegra B.R., Poletiek F.H., Ftitache B. & Clark A. (2019), Intelligent Problem-Solvers Externalize Cognitive Operations, Nature Human Behaviour 3: 136-142.
- Warren C.M., Tona K.D., Ouwerkerk L., Paridon J. van, Poletiek F., Steenbergen H. van, Bosch J.A. & Nieuwenhuis S. (2019), The neuromodulatory and hormonal effects of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation as evidenced by salivary alpha amylase, salivary cortisol, pupil diameter, and the P3 event-related potential, Brain Stimulation 12(3): 635-642.
- Shao Z., Van Paridon J., Poletiek F. & Meyer A.S. (2019), Effects of phrase and word frequencies in noun phrase production, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 45(1): 147-165.
- Van den Bos E. & Poletiek F.H. (2019), Correction to: Effects of grammar complexity on artificial grammar learning (vol 36, pg 1122, 2008), Memory and Cognition 47(8): 1619-1620.
- Warren C.M. Tona K.D. Ouwerkerk L. Paridon J. van Poletiek F. Steenbergen H. van Bosch J.A. Nieuwenhuis S. (2019), The neuromodulatory and hormonal effects of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation as evidenced by salivary alpha amylase, salivary cortisol, pupil diameter, and the P3 event-related potential, Brain Stimulation 12(3): 635-642.
- De Kleijn R., Wijnen M. & Poletiek F. (2019), The effect of context-dependent information and sentence constructions on perceived humanness of an agent in a Turing test, Knowledge-Based Systems 163: 794-799.
- Poletiek F.H., Conway C.M., Ellefson M.R., Lai J., Bocanegra B.R. & Christiansen M.H. (2018), Under what conditions can recursion be learned? Effects of starting small in artificial grammar learning of center‐embedded structure, Cognitive Science 42(8): 2855-2889.
- Poletiek F.H. & Olfers K.J.F. (2017), Authentication by the crowd. How lay students identify the style of a 17th century artist. CODART NEGENTIEN Congress, Madrid. CODART NEGENTIEN Congress 19 June 2016 - 21 June 2016.
- Poletiek F.H. (2016), Assessing the authenticity of art. A cognitive psychological approach. Annual meeting of the association of conservators of 17th century Netherlandish and Flemish paintings. Annual meeting of the association of conservators of 17th century Netherlandish and Flemish paintings.
- Poletiek F.H. & Olfers K.J.F. (2016), How lay students identify the style of a 17th century artist CODART, e-Zine. Electronic Journal of the international network of curators of Dutch and Flemish art 8: .
- Poletiek F.H., Fitz H. & Bocanegra B.R. (2016), What baboons can (not) tell us about natural language grammars (Discussion), Cognition 151: 108-112.
- Van Bommel T., O'Dwyer C., Zuidgeest T.W.M. & Poletiek F.H. (2015), When the reaper becomes a salesman. The influence of terror management on product preferences, Journal of Economic and Financial Studies 3(5): 33-42.
- Van den Bos E. & Poletiek F.H. (2015), Learning simple and complex artificial grammars in the presence of a semantic reference field: Effects on performance and awareness, Frontiers in Psychology 6: e158.
- Van Bommel T., O'Dwyer C., Zuidgeest T.W.M. & Poletiek F.H. (2015), When the Reaper becomes a Salesman. The influence of Terror Management on product preferences, Journal of Economic and Financial Studies 3(5): 33-42.
- Bocanegra B.R., Poletiek F.H. & Zwaan R.A. (2014), Asymmetrical feature binding across language and perception. Conference paper Embodies and Situated Language Processing (ESLP) Conference Rotterdam. Embodied and Situated Language Processing Conference 19 August 2014 - 21 August 2014.
- Poletiek F. (27 November 2014), FSW in stelling: Psycholoog Fenna Poletiek reageert (FSW Universiteit Leiden). [web article].
- Poletiek F.H. (2014), Recursive grammar is learned by using it, not by exposure to it. Conference poster 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Québec City. 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Quebec. 23 July 2014 - 26 July 2014. [conference poster].
- Lai J. & Poletiek F.H. (2013), How "small" is "starting small" for learning hierarchical centre-embedded structures?, Journal of Cognitive Psychology 25(4): 423-435.
- Poletiek F.H. & Lai J. (2012), How semantic biases in simple adjacencies affect learning a complex structure with non-adjacencies in AGL: A statistical account, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 367(1598 SI): 2046-2054.
- Lai J. & Poletiek F.H. (2011), The impact of adjacent-dependencies and staged-input on the learnability of center-embedded hierarchical structures, Cognition 118(2): 265-273.
- Poletiek F.H. (2011), A statistical account of the starting small effect on learning a complex hierarchical grammar in AGL. [other].
- Van den Bos E.J. & Poletiek F.H. (2010), Structural selection in implicit learning of artificial grammars, Psychological Research 74: 138-151.
- Lai J. & Poletiek F.H. (2010), The impact of starting small on the learnability of recursion. Ohlsson S. & Catrambone R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 32rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. Austin, Texas, USA 1387-1392.
- Lai J. & Poletiek F.H. (2010), The impact of starting small on the learnability of recursion. Ohlsson S. & Catrambone R. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin: Cognitive Science Society. 1387-1392.
- Lai J. & Poletiek F.H. (2010), The impact of starting small on the learnability of recursion. [other].
- Poletiek F.H. & Schijndel T.J.P. van (2009), Stimulus Set Size and Grammar Coverage in Artificial Grammar Learning, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 16(6): 1058-1064.
- Poletiek F.H. & Monaghan P. (2009), Recursion learning with semantics, in AGL. [other].
- Poletiek F.H. & Monaghan P. (2009), Learning a hierarchical embedded structure with semantics, in AGL. [other].
- Poletiek F.H. & Chater N. (2009), The influence of frequency distribution of the input and test task requirements, in artificial grammar learning (AGL). [other].
- Lai J. & Poletiek F.H. (2009), Starting Small in learning a recursive artificial grammar. [other].
- Poletiek F.H. (2009), Popper’s severity of test as an intuitive probabilistic model of hypothesis testing, Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32: 99-100.
- Poletiek F.H. & Wolters G. (2009), What is learned about fragments in artificial grammar learning? A transitional probabilities approach, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology : Human Experimental Psychology 62: 868-876.
- Van den Bos E.J. & Poletiek F.H. (2008), Intentional artificial grammar learning: When does it work?, European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 20: 793-806.
- Poletiek F.H. (2008) Het probleem van escalerende beschuldigingen. Bespreking van Crombag, H. en den Hartog. Review of: , Kindermishandeling. Maandblad voor Geestelijke Volksgezondheid 02: 163-166.
- Poletiek F.H. & Chater N. (2008), Recognition and categorization after exposure to equally and unequally distributed stimuli, in AGL. [other].
- Wolters G. & Poletiek F.H. (2008), Beslissen over aangiftes van seksueel misbruik bij kinderen, Psychometrika 43: 26-29.
- Bos E.J. v.d. & Poletiek F.H. (2008), Effects of grammar complexity on artificial grammar learning, Memory and Cognition 36(5): 1122-1131.
- Poletiek F.H. (2006), Representative sampling in an artificial grammar learning task. In: Juslin P. & Fiedler K. (Eds.), Information sampling and adaptive cognition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 440-455.
- Van den Bos E.J. & Poletiek F.H. (2006), Implicit artificial grammar learning in adults and children, Proceedings of the 28th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Congres. Vancouver, Canada 2619-2619.
- Poletiek F.H. & Chater N. (2006), Grammar induction benefits from representative stimulus sampling, Proceedings of the 28th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society. congres. Vancouver 1968-1973.
- Poletiek F.H. & Chater N. (2006), Grammar induction benefits from representative sampling. [other].
- Poletiek F.H. (2006) De dwingende macht van een Goed Verhaal. Bespreking van Wagenaar, W.A. Vincent plast op de grond:nachtmerries in het Nederlands recht. Bert Bakker. Review of: , De dwingende macht van een Goed Verhaal no. 9. Psychometrika 41: 460-462.
- Van den Bos E.J. & Poletiek F.H. (2005), Implicit learning of artifical grammars: Under what conditions? Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society, 46th Annual Meeting, Toronto Canada. [other].
- Poletiek F.H. & Bos E.J. v.d. (2005), Het onbewuste is een dader met een motief, Psychometrika 1: 11-17.
- Poletiek F.H. & Rassin E. (2005), Het (on)bewuste, Psychometrika 1: 3-3.
- Poletiek F.H. (2004), The proof of the pudding is in the eating: Translating Popper's philosophy into a model for testing behaviour. In: Manktelow K.I. & Chung M.C. (Eds.), Psychology of Reasoning: Historical and Philosophical Approaches. Hove: Psychology Press. 333-347.
- Poletiek F.H. & Stolker C.J.J.M. (2004), Who decides the worth of an arm and a leg? Assessing the monetary value of nonmonetary damage. In: Kurz-Milcke E. & Gigerenzer G. (Eds.), Experts i Science and Society. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. 201-213.
- Poletiek F.H. (2002), Learning recursion in an artificial grammar, Acta Psychologica 111: 323-335.
- Poletiek F.H. (2002), How Psychiatrists and Judges Assess the Dangerousness of Persons with Mental Illness: An 'Expertise Bias, Behavioral Sciences and the Law 20: 19-29.
- Poletiek F.H. (2001), Hypothesis testing behaviour. Hove: Psychology Press.
- Poletiek F.H. (Ed.) (2001), . Psychometrika.
- Abma R., Breeuwsma G. & Poletiek F.H. (2001), Toetsen in het onderwijs, Psychometrika 12: 638-639.
- Poletiek F.H. (2000), De beoordelaar dobbelt niet - denkt hij, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie en haar Grensgebieden 55(5): 246-249.
- Poletiek F.H. (Ed.) (2000), . Psychometrika.
- Poletiek F.H. (2000), Hypothesis testing and its biases. [other].
- Poletiek F.H. & Berndsen M. (2000), Hypothesis testing as risk behaviour with regard to beliefs, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 13: 107-123.
- Stolker C.J.J.M. & Poletiek F.H. (1998), Smartengeld - Wat zijn we eigenlijk aan het doen? Naar een juridische en psychologische evaluatie, Bewijs en letselschade 9: 71-86.
- Poletiek F.H. (1998), De geest van de jury, Psychologie & Maatschappij 4: 376-378.
- Poletiek F.H. (1997) Inside the juror; The psychology of juror decision-making. Review of: (1997), De geest van de Jury. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Psychologie & Maatschappij 4: 376-378.
- Poletiek F.H. (1997), De Wet 'Bijzondere Opnemingen in Psychiatrische Ziekenhuizen' aan de cijfers getoetst, Maandblad voor Geestelijke Volksgezondheid 4: 349-361.
- Getuige Deskundige in Strafzaken