Femke Reidsma
PhD candidate
- Name
- Dr. F.H. Reidsma MA
- Telephone
- 071 5271680
- f.h.reidsma@arch.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-1636-8486

Femke Reidsma is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Archaeology.
More information about Femke Reidsma
Femke obtained both her BA (European Prehistory & Science-based Archaeology) and research MA (Human Origins) at Leiden University. During her studies she developed a strong interest in human evolution and archaeometry, which come together in her research focus on early fire use. For her RMA thesis, Femke conducted a laboratory-based experimental study testing the influence of pH on the preservation potential and temperature signal of charred bone and wood. In 2012 she was appointed Academy Assistant in the KNAW funded project Cuisine Pétrifié, which aimed at using luminescence techniques to identify potential cooking stones from the Middle Palaeolithic site Neumark-Nord 2/2 (Germany). Upon graduating in 2014, Femke started as a junior researcher with the Leiden Human Origins Group, working on a project focusing on the effect of heat on the physical and chemical properties of bone.
Femke is currently a PhD researcher with the Human Origins Group. Expanding on her RMA thesis, Femke’s research focuses on the geochemical preservation of organic fire traces in the Palaeolithic record. The research lies at the intersection of archaeology, geology and organic chemistry and aims to use laboratory-based experimentation combined with a wide range of analytical techniques in order to better understand 1) how fire affects different organic materials and 2) when and where these fire traces may or may not preserve in the archaeological record. By improving the way fire remains are studied in the Palaeolithic record, the research will provide the fundamental data needed to refine the timeframe of the origins of fire use and contribute to defining it’s role in human evolution. Femke’s laboratory work is carried out with the support of colleagues (and facilities) from the Leiden Institute of Chemistry (Gorlaeus).
PhD candidate
- Faculteit Archeologie
- World Archaeology
- Human Origins
Postdoc / guest
- Faculteit Archeologie
- Archaeological Sciences
- Bio-Archaeology
- Henry A.G. & Reidsma F.H. (20 January 2023), Het cliché van de hompen vlees kan overboord: ook neanderthalers hielden er al een rijke keuken op na. Interviewed by Waarlo N. for De Volkskrant, Wetenschap - archeologie. [interview].
- Reidsma F.H. (23 February 2023), Vuurarcheoloog Femke Reidsma: 'vuur vertelt ons wie we zijn geworden'. Interviewed by Beinema E. for Leids Universitair Weekblad Mare, Wetenschap: 6-7. [interview].
- Dusseldorp G.L., Huisman H., Karkanas P., Reidsma F.H. & Sifogeorgaki I. (1 April 2023), How to deal with homogeneous stratigraphies: excavation, sampling, and analysis strategies at Umhlatuzana Rockshelter, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. SAA conference. [lecture].
- Reidsma F.H. (23 November 2022), NPO Radio 1: Nieuws & Co: Neanderthalers waren meer bezig met koken dan we dachten. Interviewed by Wallenberg F. for Nieuws en Co (NPO Radio 1). [interview].
- Reidsma F.H. (1 May 2020), De Jonge Wetenschapper: Femke Reidsma. Interviewed by Wilke Martens, Leidraad: 46-47. [interview].
- Reidsma F.H. (21 September 2019), Sporen van vuur in de prehistorie. Nacht van Ontdekkingen Leiden. [lecture].
- Reidsma F.H. (29 November 2019), Sporen van vuur in de prehistorie - Lezing voor de VVAO Drenthe. [lecture].
- Reidsma F.H. (31 October 2019), How to get rid of a dead body - TERRA / PhD Committee Halloween Symposium. [lecture].
- Reidsma F.H. (17 October 2019), Footprints of Fire - Fundamental research into the effect of heat and diagenesis on the physical and chemical properties of bone / Academic workshop on early fire research (London). [lecture].
- Reidsma F.H. (14 March 2017), Sporen van vuur – tools voor de reconstructie van vuurgebruik aan de hand van houtskool. 5e BAP Voorjaarssymposium: Een Hart van Hout. [lecture].
- Gijn A.L. van, Pomstra D.R., Verbaas A., Braekmans D.J.G., Jacobs L., Kozowyk P.R.B., Langejans G. & Reidsma F.H. 20 April 2017 - 22 December 2017. 10th international Conference on Experimental Archaeology. EXARC. Leiden. [conference attendance].
- Reidsma F.H. (2016), Footprints of Fire | lezing voor "Lionsclub Leiderdorp Rijnlandt". [lecture].