Farhad Arbab
Professor emeritus of Software composition
- Name
- Prof.dr.ir. F. Arbab
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- f.arbab@liacs.leidenuniv.nl

Personal webpage
Professor emeritus of Software composition
- Science
- Leiden Inst of Advanced Computer Science
- Jongmans S.T.Q. & Arbab F. (2018), Centralized coordination vs. partially-distributed coordination with Reo and constraint automata, Science of Computer Programming 160: 48-77.
- Dokter K.P.C. & Arbab F. (2018), Rule-Based Form for Stream Constraints. Di Marzo Serugendo G. & Loreti M. (Eds.), Coordination Models and Languages - 20th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, COORDINATION 2018, Held as Part of the 13th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques, DisCoTec 2018, Madrid, Spain, June 18-21, 2018. Proceedings. Coordination Models and Languages - 20th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, COORDINATION 2018, Held as Part of the 13th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques, DisCoTec 2018 18 June 2018 - 21 June 2018 no. Lecture Notes in Computer Science , volume 10852. Cham: Springer. 142-161.
- Lion B., Chouali S. & Arbab F. (2018), Compiling Protocols to Promela and Verifying their LTL Properties. Hebig R. & Berger T. (Eds.), Proceedings of MODELS 2018 Workshops: ModComp, MRT, OCL, FlexMDE, EXE, COMMitMDE, MDETools, GEMOC, MORSE, MDE4IoT, MDEbug, MoDeVVa, ME, MULTI, HuFaMo, AMMoRe, PAINS co-located with ACM/IEEE 21st International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2018). ACM/IEEE 21st International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS) 14 October 2018 - 19 October 2018 31-39.
- Ardeshir-Larijani E. & Arbab F. (2018), Reo Coordination Model for Simulation of Quantum Internet Software. Mazzara M., Ober I. & Salaün G. (Eds.), Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations - STAF 2018 Collocated Workshops, Toulouse, France, June 25-29, 2018, Revised Selected Papers. Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations - STAF 2018 25 June 2018 - 29 June 2018 no. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 11176. Cham: Springer. 311-319.
- Dokter K.P.C. & Arbab F. (2018), Treo: Textual Syntax for Reo Connectors. Bliudze S. & Bensalem S. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Methods and Tools for Rigorous System Design. the 1st International Workshop on Methods and Tools for Rigorous System Design, MeTRiD@ETAPS 2018 15 April 2018 - 15 April 2018 no. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, volume 272 121-135.
- Dokter K.P.C., Jongmans S.T.Q., Arbab F. & Bliudze S. (2017), Combine and conquer: Relating BIP and Reo, Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 86(1): 134-156.
- Jongmans S.T.Q., Kappé T. & Arbab F. (2017), Constraint automata with memory cells and their composition, Science of Computer Programming 146: 50-86.
- Kappé T., Arbab F. & Talcott C.L. (2017), A Component-Oriented Framework for Autonomous Agents. Proença J. & Lumpe M. (Eds.), Formal Aspects of Component Software. FACS 2017. 14th International Conference on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS 2017) 10 October 2017 - 13 October 2017 no. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10487. Cham: Springer International Publishing. 20-38.
- Dokter K.P.C. & Arbab F. (2017), Exposing Latent Mutual Exclusion by Work Automata. Mousavi M. & Sgall J. (Eds.), Topics in Theoretical Computer Science. TTCS 2017. Topics in Theoretical Computer Science (TTCS 2017) 12 September 2017 - 14 September 2017 no. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10608: Springer International Publishing. 59-73.
- Khakpour N., Arbab F. & Rutten E. (2016), Synthesizing structural and behavioral control for reconfigurations in component-based systems, Formal Aspects of Computing 28(1): 21-43.
- Jongmans S.S.T.Q. & Arbab F. (2016), Data optimizations for constraint automata, Logical Methods in Computer Science 12(3:11): 1-38.
- Dokter K.P.C., Jongmans S.-S.T.Q. & Arbab F. (2016), Scheduling Games for Concurrent Systems. Lluch Lafuente A. & Proença J. (Eds.), Proceedings Coordination 2016. 18th IFIP International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages (Coordination 2016) 6 June 2016 - 8 June 2016. Cham: Springer. 84-100.
- Talcott C.L., Nigam V., Arbab F. & Kappé T. (2016), Formal Specification and Analysis of Robust Adaptive Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems. Bernardo M., Nicola R. de & Hilston J. (Eds.), Proceedings 16th International School on Formal Methods for the Design of Computer, Communication, and Software Systems, SFM 2016. 16th International School on Formal Methods for the Design of Computer, Communication, and Software Systems, SFM 2016 20 June 2016 - 24 June 2016 no. 9700: Springer. 1-35.
- Dokter K., Jongmans S.-S.T.Q. & Arbab F. (2016), Scheduling Games for Concurrent Systems. Lluch Lafuente A. & Proença J. (Eds.), Coordination Models and Languages. 18th IFIP International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages (Coordination 2016) 6 June 2016 - 8 June 2016 no. 9686. Cham: Springer. 84-100.
- Jongmans S.-S.T.Q. & Arbab F. (2016), PrDk: Protocol Programming with Automata. Chechik M. & Raskin J.F. (Eds.), Proceedings 22nd International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2016). 22nd International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2016) 2 April 2016 - 8 April 2016 no. 9636. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. 547-552.
- Helvensteijn M. & Arbab F. (2016), Toward a Formal Foundation for Time Travel in Stories and Games. In: Abraham E., Bonsangue M. & Johnsen E.B. (Eds.), Theory and Practice of Formal Methods. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science no. 9660. Cham: Springer. 261-276.
- Arbab F. (2016), Proper Protocol. In: Abraham E., Bonsangue M. & Johnsen E.B. (Eds.), Theory and Practice of Formal Methods. Lecture Notes in Computer Science no. 9660. Cham: Springer. 65-87.
- Jongmans S.-S.T.Q. & Arbab F. (2016), Global consensus through local synchronization: A formal basis for partially-distributed coordination, Science of Computer Programming 115-116: 199-224.
- Talcott C.L., Arbab F. & Yadav M. (2015), Soft Agents: Exploring Soft Constraints to Model Robust Adaptive Distributed Cyber-Physical Agent Systems. In: , Software, Services, and Systems - Essays Dedicated to Martin Wirsing on the Occasion of His Retirement from the Chair of Programming and Software Engineering no. 8950: Springer. 273-290.
- Jongmans S.-S.T.Q. & Arbab F. (2015), Take Command of Your Constraints!. Holvoet T. & Viroli M. (Eds.), Proceedings Coordination Models and Languages. COORDINATION. 17th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages - COORDINATION 2015 2 June 2015 - 4 June 2015 no. LNCS 9037. Cham: Springer. 117-132.
- Jongmans S.T.Q., Kappé T. & Arbab F. (2015), Composing Constraint Automata, State-by-State. Braga C. & Olveczky P. (Eds.), Formal Aspects of Component Software. FACS 2015. Formal Aspects of Component Software - 12th International Conference, FACS 2015 14 October 2015 - 16 October 2015 no. LNCS 9539. Cham: Springer. 217-236.
- Jongmans S.T.Q. & Arbab F. (2015), Can High Throughput Atone for High Latency in Compiler-Generated Protocol Code?. Dastani M. & Sirjani M. (Eds.), Fundamentals of Software Engineering, FSEN 2015. 6th IPM International Conference on Fundamentals of Software Engineering (FSEN 2015) 22 April 2015 - 24 April 2015 no. LNCS 9392. Cham: Springer. 238-258.
- Arbab F. & Jongmans S.T.Q. (2015), Coordinating Multicore Computing. Bernardo M. & Johnsen E. (Eds.), Formal Methods for Multicore Programming. SFM 2015. Formal Methods for Multicore Programming - 15th International School on Formal Methods for the Design of Computer, Communication, and Software Systems, SFM 2015 15 June 2015 - 19 June 2015 no. LNCS 9104. Cham: Springer. 57-96.
- Dokter K., Jongmans S.-S.T.Q., Arbab F. & Bliudze S. (2015), Relating BIP and Reo. Knight S., Lanese I., Lafuente A.L. & Torres Vieira H. (Eds.), Proceedings 8th Interaction and Concurrency Experience, ICE 2015. 8th Interaction and Concurrency Experience, ICE 2015 5 June 2015 - 5 June 2015 no. EPTCS 189: EPTCS. 3-20.
- Jongmans S.-S.T.Q., Santini F. & Arbab F. (2015), Partially distributed coordination with Reo and constraint automata, Service Oriented Computing and Applications 9(3-4): 311-339.
- Jongmans S.-S.T.Q., Santini F., Sargolzaei M., Arbab F. & Afsarmanesh H. (2014), Orchestrating web services using Reo: from circuits and behaviors to automatically generated code, Service Oriented Computing and Applications 8(4): 227-297.
- Arbab F. & Csaba Ölveczky P. (Eds.) (2014), Special issue of Science of Computer Programming on Formal Aspects of Component Software (selected papers of FACS 2011).
- Jongmans S.-S.T.Q., Halle S. & Arbab F. (2014), Automata-Based Optimization of Interaction Protocols for Scalable Multicore Platforms, Proceedings COORDINATION 2014. no. LNCS 8459: Springer. 65-82.
- Jongmans S.-S.T.Q., Santini F. & Arbab F. (2014), Partially-Distributed Coordination with Reo, Proceedings 22nd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, PDP 2014. 697-706.
- Khakpour N., Arbab F. & Rutten E. (2014), Supervisory Controller Synthesis for Safe Software Adaptation, Proceedings 12th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, WODES 2014. 39-45.
- Jongmans S.-S.T.Q. & Arbab F. (2014), Toward Sequentializing Overparallelized Protocol Code, Proceedings 7th Interaction and Concurrency Experience, ICE 2014. 38-44.
- Arbab F., Jongmans S.T.Q. & Boer F.S. de (2014), High-Level Protocol Engineering without Performance Penalty for Multi-Core, ERCIM News (99): .
- Moon Y.-J., Silva A., Krause C. & Arbab F. (2014), A compositional model to reason about end-to-end QoS in Stochastic Reo connectors, Science of Computer Programming 80: 3-24.
- Jongmans S.-S.T.Q., Halle S. & Arbab F. (2013), Reo: A Dataflow Inspired Language for Multicore, Proceedings Data-Flow Execution Models for Extreme Scale Computing (DFM 2013). .
- Jongmans S.T.Q. & Arbab F. (2013), Global Consensus through Local Synchronization, Advances in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing - Workshops of ESOCC 2013 - Revised Selected Papers. : Springer-Verlag. 174-188.
- Sargolzaei M., Santini F., Arbab F. & Afsarmanesh H. (2013), A Tool for Behaviour-Based Discovery of Approximately Matching Web Services, Proceedings 11th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM 2013). no. LNCS 8137: Springer-Verlag. 152-166.
- Hoijat H., Sirjani M. & Arbab F. (Eds.) (2013), Fundamentals of Software Engineering. Science of Computer Programming no. 8161. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
- Arbab F. & Sirjani M. (Eds.) (2013), Fundamentals of Software Engineering - 5th International Conference (FSEN 2013), Revised Selected Papers no. 8161: Springer-Verlag.
- Brandt C., Santini F., Kokash N. & Arbab F. (2013), Modeling and Simulation of Selected Operational IT Risks in the Banking Sector (Extended Version) no. CWI Technical Report FM-1301: CWI Amsterdam.
- Kokash N., Jaghoori M.M. & Arbab F. (2013), From Timed Reo Networks to Networks of Timed Automata, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 295: 11-29.
- Kokash N. & Arbab F. (2013), Formal Design and Verification of Long-Running Transactions with Extensible Coordination Tools, IEEE Transactionson Services Computing 6(2): 186-200.
- Kokash N. & Arbab F. (2012), Formal Design and Verification of Long-Running Transactions with Eclipse Coordination Tools, Formal Design and Verification of Long-Running Transactions with Eclipse Coordination Tools : .
- Arbab F. & Ölveczky P.C. (2012), Post-Proceedings Eighth International Symposium on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS 2011)06. Berlin: Springer.
- Jongmans T.Q., Santini F., Sargolzaei M., Arbab F. & Afsarmanesh H. (2012), Automatic Code Generation for the Orchestration of Web Services with Reo, European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2012). .
- Shik Sung, Jongmans T.Q. & Arbab F. (2012), Semantic Models of Connectors: A Study on Equivalence, Proceedings Fourth International Workshop on Interaction and Concurrency Experience (ICE 2011). .
- Arbab F. (2012), Will the Real Service Oriented Computing Please Stand Up, Post-Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS 2010). 277-285.
- Arbab F., Bistarelli S., Pirolandi D. & Santini F. (2012), Towards a Similarity-based Web Service Discovery through Soft Constraint Satisfaction Problems, Proceedings Second International Workshop on Semantic Search over the Web (SSW 2012) in conjunction with 38th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB 2012). .
- Kokash N., Jaghoori M.M. & Arbab F. (2012), From Timed Reo Networks to Networks of Timed Automata, Proceedings International Workshop on Formal Engineering approaches to Software Components and Architectures (FESCA'12). . Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS).
- Jongmans T.Q. & Arbab F. (2012), Modularizing and Specifying Protocols among Threads, Proceedings Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency and Communication-cEntric Software (PLACES 2012). .
- Changizi B., Kokash N. & Arbab F. (2012), A Constraint-based Method to Compute Semantics of Channel-based Coordination Models, International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA). .
- Brandt C., Santini F., Kokash N. & Arbab F. (2012), Modeling and Simulation of Operational Risks in the Finance Industry, The European Simulation and Modelling Conference (ESM 2012). .
- Arbab F. & Sirjani M. (Eds.) (2012), Special Issue of Science of Computer Programming on Fundamentals of Software Engineering (selected papers of FSEN 2009). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
- Arbab F. & Sirjani M. (Eds.) (2012), Fundamentals of Software Engineering - 4th IPM International Conference, FSEN 2011. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
- Jongmans T.Q. & Arbab F. (2012), Overview of Thirty Semantic Formalisms for Reo, Scientific Annals of Computer Science 12(1): 201-251.
- Pourvatan B., Sirjani M., Hojjat H. & Arbab F. (2012), Symbolic Execution of Reo Circuits using Constraint Automata, Science of Computer Programming 77: 848-869.
- Meng S., Arbab F., Aichernig B.K., Astefanoaei L., Boer F.S. de & Rutten J.J.M.M. (2012), Connectors as Designs: Modelling, Refinement and Test Case Generation, Science of Computer Programming 77: 799-822.
- Krause C., Maraikar Z., Lazovik A. & Arbab F. (2011), Modeling dynamic reconfigurations in Reo using high-level replacement systems, Science of Computer Programming 76(1): 23-36.
- Arbab F. (2011), Puff, The Magic Protocol. In: , Formal Modeling: Actors, Open Systems, Biological Systems - Essays Dedicated to Carolyn Talcott on the Occasion of Her 70th Birthday: Springer. 169-206.
- Shik Sung, Jongmans T.Q., Krause C. & Arbab F. (2011), Encoding Context-Sensitivity in Reo into Non-Context-Sensitive Semantic Models, Proceedings 13th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages (Coordination 2011). 31-48.
- Kokash N. & Arbab F. (2011), Design and Verification of Long-running transactions with Extensible coordination Tools, IEEE Transactions on Service Computing. : IEEE Computer Society.
- Kokash N., Arbab F., Changizi B. & Makhnist L. (2011), Input-output Conformance Testing for Channel-based Service Connectors, Proceedings First International Workshop on Process Algebra and Coordination (PACO 2011). . Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 19-35.
- Pourvatan B., Sirjani M., Arbab F. & Bonsangue M.M. (2011), Synthesis of Reo Circuits Through Decomposition of Complete Constraint Automata, Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Formal Aspects of component Software (FACS 2010). : Springer. 237-258.
- Jongmans S.-S.T.Q. & Arbab F. (2011), Correlating Formal Semantic Models of Reo Connectors: Connector Coloring and Constraint Automata, Proceedings Fourth Interaction and Concurrency Experience. . Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 84-103.
- Proenca J., Clarke D., Vink E.P. de & Arbab F. (2011), Decoupled execution of synchronous coordination models via behavioural automata, Proceedings 10th International Workshop on the Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures. . Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 65-79.
- Moon Y.-J., Arbab F., Silva A., Verhoef C. & Stam A. (2011), Stochastic Reo: a Case Study, Proceedings Fifth International Workshop on Harnessing Theories for Tool Suport in Software (TTSS 2011). .
- Clarke D., Proenca J., Lazovik A. & Arbab F. (2011), Channel-based coordination via constraint satisfaction, Science of Computer Programming 76(8): 681-710.
- Meng S., Arbab F. & Baier C. (2011), Synthesis of Reo Circuits from Scenario-Based Interaction Specifications, Science of Computer Programming 76(8): 651-680.
- Arbab F. & Sirjani M. (2010), Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Third IPM International Conference, FSEN 2009, Kish Island, Iran, April 15-17, 2009, Revised Selected Papers. Heidelberg Berlin: Springer.
- Changizi B., Kokash N. & Arbab F. (2010), A unified toolset for business process model formalization, 7th International Workshop on Formal Engineering approaches to Software Components and Architectures (FESCA 2010). .
- Arbab F. (2010), Elements of Interaction. Aiguier M., Bretaudeau F. & Krob D. (Eds.), proceedings of Complex Systems Design & Management (CSDM 2010). : Springer. 1-28.
- Kokash N., Changizi B. & Arbab F. (2010), A Semantic Model for Service Composition with Coordination Time Delays. Dong J.s. & Zhu H. (Eds.), Formal Methods and Software Engineering - 12th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, ICFEM 2010. : Springer. 106-121.
- Arbab F., Diamantini C., Potena D. & Storti E. (2010), Towards Coordination Patterns for Complex Experimentations in Data Mining, 18th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems (SEBD 2010). .
- Moon Y.-J., Silva A., Krause C. & Arbab F. (2010), A Compositional Semantics for Stochastic Reo Connectors. Mousavi M.R. & Salaun G. (Eds.), Proceedings Ninth International Workshop on the Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures. . Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 93-107.
- Pourvatan B., Sirjani M., Arbab F. & Bonsangue M.M. (2010), Synthesis of Reo Circuits Through Decomposition of Complete Constraint Automata, 7th International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS 2010). : Springer.
- Meng S. & Arbab F. (2010), A Model for Web Service Coordination in Long-Running Transactions, 5th International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE 2010). .
- Pourvatan B., Sirjani M., Hojjat H. & Arbab F. (2009), Automated Analysis of Reo Circuits using Symbolic Execution, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS) 255: 137-158.
- Arbab F., Meng S. & Baier C. (2009), Synthesis of Reo Circuits from Scenario-based Specifications, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS) 229(1): 21-41.
- Clarke D., Proenca J., Lazovik A. & Arbab F. (2009), Deconstructing Reo, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS) 229(2): 43-58.
- Kokash N. & Arbab F. (2009), Applying Reo to service coordination in long-running business transactions, Proceedings of the 2009 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC). SAC: ACM. 1381-1382.
- Arbab F., Meng S., Moon Y.-J., Kwiatkowska M. & Qu H. (2009), Reo2MC: a tool chain for performance analysis of coordination models, Proceedings of the 7th joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering, 2009. ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2009: ACM. 287-288.
- Arbab F., Chothia T., Mei R. van der, Meng S., Moon Y.-J. & Verhoef C. (2009), From Coordination to Stochastic Models of QoS, Coordination Models and Languages, 11th International Conference, COORDINATION 2009. COORDINATION: Springer. 268-287.
- Aichernig B.K., Arbab F., Boer F.S. de, Meng S. & Rutten J.J.M.M. (2009), Fault-Based Test Case Generation for Component Connectors, TASE 2009, Third IEEE International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering. TASE 2009: IEEE Computer Society. 147-154.
- Arbab F. & Meng S. (2009), Connectors as Designs, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS) 255: 119-135.
- Meng S. & Arbab F. (2009), QoS-Driven Service Selection and Composition Using Quantitative Constraint Automata, Fundamenta Informaticae 95(1): 103-128.
- Arbab F., Kokash N. & Sun M. (2008), Towards Using Reo for Compliance-aware Business Process Modeling. In: , the third International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer. 108-123.
- Arbab F. & Sun M. (2008), Synthesis of Connectors from Scenario-based Interaction Specifications. In: , Component-Based Software Engineering. Heidelberg Berlin: Springer. 114-129.
- Clarke D., Proenca J., Lazovik A. & Arbab F. (2008), Deconstructing Reo, 7th International Workshop on the Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures. .
- Maraikar Z., Lazovik A. & Arbab F. (2008), Building Mashups for the Enterprise with SABRE. Bouguettaya A., Krüger I. & Margaria T. (Eds.), the 6th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2008). ICSOC 70-83.
- Arbab F., Sun M. & Baier C. (2008), Synthesis of Reo Circuits from Scenario-based Specifications, the 7th International Workshop on the Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures. .
- Arbab F., Kokash N. & Meng S. (2008), Towards Using Reo for Compliance-Aware Business Process Modeling, . ISoLA 2008. 108-123.
- Koehler C., Arbab F. & Vink E.P. de (2008), On Hierarchical Reconfiguration of Reo Connectors, the 19th International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques (WADT 2008). .
- Krzysztof R.A., Arbab F. & Ma H. (2008), A Distributed Platform for Mechanism Design, The 1st International Workshop on Market-Based Control. .
- Sun M. & Arbab F. (2008), Modelling Connectors as Designs in Unifying Theories of Programming, The second International Symposium on Unifying Theories of Programming. .
- Arbab F., Bruni R., Clarke D., Lanese I. & Montanari U. (2008), Tiles for Reo, the 19th International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques (WADT 2008). .
- Arbab F., Astefanoaei L., Boer F.S. de, Dastanil M., Meyer J.-J. & Tinnermeier N. (2008), Reo Connectors as Coordination Artifacts in 2APL Systems, proceedings of The 11th Pacific Rim International Conference on Multi-Agents. 42-53.
- Sun M. & Arbab F. (2008), QoS-Driven Service Selection and Composition, the 8th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design. 160-169.
- Goldin D. & Arbab F. (2008), Preface, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS) 203(3): 1-3.
- Sun M. & Arbab F. (2008), Services and Contracts: Coalgebraically, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 212: 207-223.
- Koehler C., Costa D., Proenca J. & Arbab F. (2008), Reconfiguration of Reo Connectors Triggered by Dataflow, Electronic Communications of the EASST 10: 1-13.
- Clarke D., Costa D. & Arbab F. (2007), Connector colouring I: Synchronisation and context dependency, Science of Computer Programming 66(3): 205-255.
- Bonsangue M.M., Boer F.S. de, Arbab F., Torre L. van der, Proper E. & Lankhorst M. (2007), Integrating Architectural Models: Symbolic Semantics and Subjective Models in Enterprise Architecture, SIG-MoBIS 1(2): 40-57.
- Arbab F. & Sirjani M. (2007), International Symposium on Fundamentals of Software Engineering. Heidelberg: Springer.
- Koehler C., Lazovik A. & Arbab F. (2007), ReoService: Coordination Modeling Tool. Krämer B.J., Lin K.-J. & Narasimhan P. (Eds.), Service-Oriented Computing - ICSOC 2007, Fifth International Conference. : Springer. 625-626.
- Lazovik A. & Arbab F. (2007), Using Reo for Service Coordination. Krämer B.J., Lin K.-J. & Narasimhan P. (Eds.), Service-Oriented Computing - ICSOC 2007, Fifth International Conference. : Springer. 398-403.
- Arbab F. & Syanco C.B. (2007), synthesis and analysis of component connectors, Proceedings of the 6th joint meeting of the European Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering, 2007 (ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE). : ACM. 607-608.
- Arbab F., Chothia T., Meng S. & Moon Y.-J. (2007), Component Connectors with QoS Guarantees. Murphy A.L. & Vitek J. (Eds.), Coordination Models and Languages, 9th International Conference, COORDINATION 2007. : Springer. 286-304.
- Arbab F., Lazovik A. & Koehler C. (2007), Connector Rewriting With High-Level Replacement Systems, Proceedings Workshop on the Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architecture (FOCLASA). : Elsevier. 1571-0661.
- Meng S. & Arbab F. (2007), Web services choreography and orchestration in Reo and constraint automata. Cho Y., Wainwright R.L., Haddad H., Shin S.Y. & Koo Y.W. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2007 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC). : ACM. 346-353.
- Meng S. & Arbab F. (2007), On Resource-Sensitive Timed Component Connectors. Bonsangue M.M. & Johnsen E.B. (Eds.), Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems, 9th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, FMOODS 2007. : Springer. 301-316.
- Izadi M., Movaghar A. & Arbab F. (2007), Model Checking of Component Connectors, 31st Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2007). . IEEE Computer Society 673-675.
- Arbab F. (2007), Composition by Anonymous Third Parties. Lumpe M. & Vanderperren W. (Eds.), Software Composition, 6th International Symposium SC 2007. : Springer Verlag. 1.
- Arbab F., Baier C., Boer F.S. de & Rutten J. (2007), Models and temporal logical specifications for timed component connectors, Software and Systems Modeling 6(1): 59-82.
- Scholten J.V., Arbab F., Boer F.S. de & Bonsangue M.M. (2006), A component coordination model based on mobile channels, Fundamenta Informaticae 73: 561-582.
- Baier C., Sirjani M., Arbab F. & Rutten J.J.M.M. (2006), Modeling component connectors in {Reo} by constraint automata, Science of Computer Programming 61(2): 75-113.
- Mousavi M.R., Sirjani M. & Arbab F. (2006), Formal Semantics and Analysis of Component Connectors in Reo, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 154: 83-99.
- Arbab F. (2006), Computing and Interaction. In: Goldin Dina, Smolka Scott & Wegner Peter (Eds.), Interactive Computation: The New Paradigm: Springer.
- Heydarnoori A., Mavaddat F. & Arbab F. (2006), Deploying Loosely Coupled, Component-based Applications into Distributed Environments. In: , ECBS 93-102.
- Arbab F. (2006), Coordinated Composition of Software Components. In: He Jifeng & Liu Zhiming (Eds.), Mathematical Frameworks for Component Software.- Models: World Scientific. 35-68.
- Clarke D., Costa D. & Arbab F. (2006), Modelling Coordination in Biological Systems. In: Margaria T. & Steffen B. (Eds.), Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods: Springer. 9-25.
- Diakov N. & Arbab F. (2006), Software Adaptation in Integrated Tool Frameworks for Composite Services, Third International Workshop on Coordination and Adaptation Issues (WCAT 2006). satellite workshop of ECOOP 2006 9-14.
- Kok J.N. & Arbab F. (2006), Interaction and Coordination of Tools for Structured Data. Margaria T. & Steffen B. (Eds.), International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods. : Springer. 1-8.
- Guillen Scholten J.V., Arbab F., Boer F.S. de & Bonsangue M.M. (2006), Modeling the Exogenous Coordination of Mobile Channel based Systems with Petri Nets. Canal C. & Viroli M. (Eds.), Foundation of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures (FoCLaSA 2005). . Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science: Elsevier Science. 121-138.
- Limniotes T., Papadopoulos G.A. & Arbab F. (2006), A Channel Based Communication Model with a Weighted Mobility, Third International Conference on Parallel Computations and Control Problems. .
- Guillen-Scholten J., Arbab F., Boer F.S. de & Bonsangue M.M. (2006), Modeling the exogenous coordination of mobile channel-based systems with Petri Nets, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 154(1): 121-138.
- Heydarnoori A., Mavaddat F. & Arbab F. (2006), Towards an Automated Deployment Planner for Composition of Web Services as Software Components, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS) 160: 239-253.
- Doest H. ter, Lankhorst M., Jonkers H., Bosma H., Wieringa R. & Arbab F. (2006), Introduction -- special issue on Enterprise Architecture, Information Systems 8: 63-66.
- Clarke D., Costa D. & Arbab F. (2006), Connector Colouring I: Synchronisation and Context Dependency, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS) 154(1): 101-119.
- Arbab F. & Sirjani M. (2006), Preface -- special issue on Foundations of Software Engineering, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS) 159: 1-2.
- Arbab F. (2006), A Behavioral Model for Composition of Software Components, L'Objet 12(1): 33-76.
- Guillen-Scholten J.V. & Arbab F. (2005), Coordinated Anonymous Peer-to-Peer Connection with MoCha, Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Scientific Engineering of Distributed Java Applications (FIDJI 2004). : Springer-Verlag. 68-77.
- Wegner P., Arbab F., Goldin D., McBurney P., Luck M. & Robertson D. (2005), The Role of Agent Interaction in Models of Computing: Panelist Reviews, Proceedings of Foundations of Interactive Computing (FInCo'05). : Elsevier. 181-198.
- Diakov N. & Arbab F. (2005), Adaptation of Software Entities for Synchronous Exogenous Coordination - An Initial Approach, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Coordination and Adaptation Techniques for Software Entities (WCAT05). 39-46.
- Arbab F., Baier C., Boer F.S. de, Rutten J. & Sirjani M. (2005), Synthesis of Reo Circuits for Implementation of Component-Connector Automata Specifications, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages (Coordination 2005). 236-251.
- Dastani M., Arbab F. & Boer F.S. de (2005), Coordination and composition in multi-agent systems, Proceedings of the fourth international joint conference on Autonomous agents and multiagent systems (AAMAS'05). 439-446.
- Guillen-Scholten J.V., Arbab F., Boer F.S. de & Bonsangue M.M. (2005), MoCha-pi, an Exogenous Coordination Calculus based on Mobile Channels, Proceedings of the 20th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2005). : ACM press. 13-17.
- Arbab F. (2005), Abstract Behavior Types: a foundation model for components and their composition, Science of Computer Programming 55: 3-52.
- Guillen Scholten J.V., Arbab F., Boer F.S. de & Bonsangue M.M. (2002), MoCha: a Middleware Based on Mobile Channels, Proc. of 26th International conference on Computer Software and Application Conference. . IEEE Computer Society 667-673.
- Arbab F., Boer F.S. de, Bonsangue M.M. & Guillen Scholten J.V. (2002), A channel based coordination model for components. Brogi A. & Jacquet J.-M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures. . Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS): Elsevier Science. 3.
- Guillen Scholten J.V., Arbab F., Boer F.S. de & Bonsangue M.M. (2002), Mobile Channels, Implementation Within and Outside Components. Brogi A. & Pimintel E. (Eds.), Proc. of Formal Methods and Component Interaction. . Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS): Elsevier Science.
- Senior Researcher