Fachrizal Afandi
Guest Researcher
- Name
- Dr. F. Afandi
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- f.afandi@law.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-9213-8637
Fachrizal Afandi is a guest researcher at the Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Society, who focuses on the rule of law and the criminal justice system in post-authoritarian countries. He is also affiliated with the Department of Criminal Law of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Indonesia as an assistant professor and a board member of the Indonesia Criminal Law and Criminology Society (MAHUPIKI). He holds an executive director position at the UB centre for criminal justice research (PERSADA UB) and a senior researcher position at the UB centre for socio-legal research (PPSL FHUB).
Previously, Fachrizal completed his PhD at the Van Vollenhoven Institute and the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology (2021). His research, with the title Maintaining Order: Public Prosecutors in Post-Authoritarian Countries, the case of Indonesia, shows how prosecution services evolve in countries marked by authoritarian tendencies. It shows how various regimes position public prosecutors as ‘justice postmen’, who deliver cases based on the government’s interests, as well as on the interests of other powerful actors, such as political parties, companies, or the police force. This research is a socio-legal study of the criminal justice system. It contributes to a number of broader debates about post-authoritarian public prosecutors and their role in promoting the rule of law.
Fachrizal is currently working on a book proposal and journal articles based on this research. Apart from this, he is also preparing to establish the Indonesian socio-legal studies association and will organise the international conference on socio-legal research in Indonesia.
Guest Researcher
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Metajuridica
- Van Vollenhoven Instituut
- Afandi F. & Bedner A.W. (2022), Between upholding the rule of law and maintaining security: criminal justice actors in Indonesia's constitution. In: Crouch M. (Ed.), Constitutional Democracy in Indonesia. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 67-88.
- Afandi F. (21 January 2021), Maintaining order: Public prosecutors in post-authoritarian countries, the case of Indonesia (Dissertatie. Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty of Law, Leiden University) Meijers-reeks no. MI-362. Supervisor(s): Bedner A.W. & Crijns J.H.
- Afandi F. (11 May 2020), Penegak hukum Indonesia bertindak sewenang-wenang selama pandemi: perlunya sistem pemidanaan rasional [Indonesian Law Enforcers used pandemic as the pretext for abuse: it is important to have rational punishment]. The Conversation.
- Afandi F. (2019), The Justice System Postman. In: Crouch M. (Ed.), The Politics of Court Reform: Judicial Change and Legal Culture in Indonesia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 86-106.
- Afandi F. (4 March 2019), Breaking logjam on revised penal code deliberation. Jakarta Post.
- Afandi F. & Asad M. (22 March 2019), Diaspora must promote peaceful Islam. Jakarta Post.
- Afandi F. (11 January 2018), 100th anniversary of Wetboek van Strafrecht voor Nederlandsch-Indie. Leiden Law Blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- Afandi F. (2016), Kematian Siyono dan Momentum Mengembalikan Fitrah Prapenuntutan: Sebuah Model Evaluasi Sistem Peradilan Pidana berbasis Sosio-Legal [The Siyono Case and the Momentum to Strengthen the Pre-prosecution Process: A Socio Legal Evaluation Model for the Criminal Justice System], Teropong: Jurnal Peradilan Indonesia 4: .
- Afandi F. (2016), Perbandingan Praktik Praperadilan Dan Pembentukan Hakim Pemeriksa Pendahuluan Dalam Peradilan Pidana Indonesia [Comparative Study of the Pretrial Practice and the Examining Judge in the New Draft of Indonesian Criminal Procedure], Mimbar Hukum 28(1): 93-106.
- Afandi F. (7 March 2016), Mendudukkan Kembali Makna Deponering [How Should we Use the Deponering Concept?]. Jawa Pos.
- Afandi F. (1 June 2016), Memeriksa Keabsahan Penetapan Tersangka atau Menguji pokok perkara? [Questioning the validity of the "suspect status" or Examining the main case?]. Hukum Online.
- Afandi F. (27 June 2016), Polemik Asas Oportunitas: Kewenangan yang Rentan Disalahgunakan? [Is the discretion in the opportunity principle being missed?. Gatra News.
- Afandi F. (4 January 2016), Presiden dan Pemberantasan Korupsi [President and the Corruption Eradication]. Jawa Pos.
- Afandi F. (2015), Pelaksanaan Asas KUHAP dalam Peradilan Kasus Jakarta International School [Examining the Jakarta International School trial through the Principle of Criminal Procedural Code]. In: Ginting M.S. [et al.] (Ed.), Melindungi Anak Membela Kepentingan Hak Tersangka, Eksaminasi atas Putusan Perkara Kekerasan Seksual di Jakarta International School. Senen, Jakarta Pusat: KontraS dan MaPPI FH UI. 205-209.
- Afandi F. (2015), Malicious Prosecution in Forest Destruction Cases: Strengthening Access to Criminal Justice for the Forest Farmer. Malang: Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University.
- Afandi F. (2015), Problematika Pelaksanaan Diversi Dalam Penyidikan Pidana Dengan Pelaku Anak di Kepolisian Resort Malang [Juvenile Diversion Program in the Malang District Police], Arena Hukum 8(1): .
- Afandi F. (18 August 2015), Kemerdekaan berlalu lintas dan Potret Perilaku Hukum Kita [The Traffic Law and the Society]. DetikNews.com.
- Afandi F., Putri N.D., Widodo M.F.S. & Rahman L.A. (2014), Problematika Pemberian Bantuan Hukum Pasca Pemberlakuan Undang-Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2011 Tentang Bantuan Hukum [The problems of Legal Aid Services since the enactment of law no. 16/2011 concerning Legal Aid], Journal Keadilan Sosial [Journal of Social Justice] 4: 33-44.