Esther van Leeuwen
Assistant Professor
- Name
- Dr. E.A.C. van Leeuwen
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 1303
- 0000-0003-3048-1127
Short CV
Esther van Leeuwen graduated in 2001 Leiden Universityon the thesis titled ‘Preserving identity when groups combine: A study of group-based reactions to mergers’. Het promotor was Prof. Naomi Ellemers. Between 2001 and 2014 she worked as an assistant professor at the VU University Amsterdam. Since 2014, she is back at Leiden University as assistant professor organisational psychology.
Link to CV:
Esther’s research focuses on intergroup helping (for example, between countries or organisations). She is also interested in corporate reputation, empowerment, nepotism, entrepreneurship, and separatism conflict. Please visit her website ( for an updated overview of her publications, and for more information about her research interests, teaching, PhD students, and CV.
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PhD candidates
Please click this link for an overview of Esther’s current and past PhD students:
Assistant Professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Soc., Econom. en Organisat Psych.
- Leeuwen E.A.C. van, Vliet A. van der, Nijkamp R. & Kunkel D. (2025), De psychologie van hulp vragen: KCPEG en Wijzer in Geldzaken onderzoeksrapport in samenwerking met het ministerie van Financiën. Leiden: KCPEG.
- Mors E. ter & Leeuwen E.A.C. van (2023), It matters to be heard: increasing the citizen acceptance of low-carbon technologies in the Netherlands and United Kingdom, Energy Research & Social Science 100: 103103.
- Leeuwen E.A.C. van & Mors E. ter (2023), Addressing barriers to action: increasing cat guardians’ compliance with professional environmental enrichment advice, Anthrozoös: A multidisciplinary journal of the interactions between people and other animals : 1-16.
- Berendt J., Leeuwen E.A.C. van & Uhrich S. (2023), Can’t live with them, can’t live without them: the ambivalent effects of existential outgroup threat on helping behavior, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin : .
- Mors E. ter, Leeuwen E.A.C. van, Boomsma C. & Meier R. (2023), Media coverage of carbon capture and storage: an analysis of established and emerging themes in Dutch national newspapers, Energies 16(4): 2056.
- Leeuwen E.A.C. van, Ter Mors E. & Stolting M. (2022), How cat-behavior advisors can improve clients’ willingness to adopt their advice: an investigation of advice severity, advisor credibility, and clients’ self-identity, Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science : .
- Prasastyoga B., Harinck F & Leeuwen E.A.C. van (2021), The role of perceived value of entrepreneurial identity in growth motivation, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 27(4): 989-1010.
- Burhan O.K., Van Leeuwen E. & Scheepers D. (2020), On the hiring of kin in organizations: perceived nepotism and its implications for fairness perceptions and the willingness to join an organization, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 161: 34-38.
- Harinck F. & van Leeuwen E. (2020), The art of presenting: delivering successful presentations in the social sciences and humanities: Cambridge University Press.
- Mashuri A., van Leeuwen E., Zaduqisti E., Sukmawati F., Sakdiah H. & Herani I. (2020), The psychological antecedents of resistance to humanitarian aid, Group Processes & Intergroup Relations : .
- Mashuri A. & van Leeuwen E. (2020), Promoting reconciliation in separatist conflict: the effect of morality framing, Group Processes & Intergroup Relations : .
- Prasastyoga B., Leeuwen E. van & Harinck F. (2020), Tomorrow is another day: how motives of entrepreneurship relate to the pursuit of business growth, Applied Psychology : 1-25.
- Mors E. ter, Dijk W. van, Lans A., Droog M., Leeuwen E.A.C. van, Staats H.J.A.M., Weiden E. van der, Suylekom S. van & Bos B. (2018), Verduurzaming loyaliteitsprogramma's: onderzoeksrapport. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Mashuri A., Van Leeuwen E. & Hanurawan F. (2018), How morality threat promotes reconciliation in separatist conflict: A majority group perspective, Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 21(6): 913-930.
- Mashuri A., Leeuwen E.A.C. van & Vugt M. van (2018), Remember your crimes: How an appeal to ingroup wrong doings fosters reconciliation in separatist conflict, British Journal of Social Psychology 57(4): 815-833.
- Alvarez K., Leeuwen E.A.C. van, Montenegro E. & Vugt M. van (2018), Empowering the poor: A field study of the social psychological consequences of receiving autonomy or dependency aid in Panama, British Journal of Social Psychology 57(2): 327-345.
- Prasastyoga B., Van Leeuwen E.A.C. & Harinck S. (2018), Will growth bring more good than harm to my business? The role of regulatory focus in small business growth beliefs, Journal of Applied Social Psychology 48(7): 377 -387.
- Van Leeuwen E. & Zagefka H. (Eds.) (2017), Intergroup Helping. Cham Switzerland: Springer.
- Van Leeuwen E. (2017), Introduction: Putting the 'Intergroup' into Research on Helping. In: Leeuwen E. van & Zagefka H. (Eds.), Intergroup Helping. New York: Springer International Publishing AG. v-x.
- Van Leeuwen E. (2017), The SOUTH model: on the pros and cons of strategic outgroup helping. In: Leeuwen E. van & Zagefka H. (Eds.), Intergroup Helping. New York: Springer International Publishing. 131-158.
- Van Leeuwen E., Oosterhuis M. & Ruyter S. (2016), Anxiety and categorisation effects in student nurses' attitudes towards young and older patients: A dual pathway model, Nurse Education Today 39: 170-175.
- Van Leeuwen E. & Harinck F. (2016), Increasing intergroup distinctiveness: The benefits of third party helping, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 42(10): 1402-1415.
- Burhan O. & Van Leeuwen E. (2016), Altering perceived cultural and economic threats can increase immigrant helping, Journal of Social Issues 72(3): 548-565.
- Van Leeuwen E. & Jongh L. (2015), The effects of negative images on young people’s willingness to help elderly people, Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 25(3): 276-281.
- Alvarez K. & Van Leeuwen E. (2015), Paying it forward: How helping others can reduce the psychological threat of receiving help, Journal of Applied Social Psychology 45(1): 1-9.
- Van Leeuwen E., Oostenbrink J.J. & Twilt A. (2014), The combined effects of meta-stereotypes and audience on outgroup and ingroup helping, Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice 18(3): 189-202.
- Van Leeuwen E., Ashton-James C. & Hamaker R.J. (2014), Pain reduces discrimination in helping, European Journal of Social Psychology 44(6): 602-611.
- Mashuri A., Burhan O.K. & Van Leeuwen E. (2013), The impact of multiculturalism on immigrant helping, Asian Journal of Social Psychology 16(3): 207--212.
- Van Leeuwen E.A. & Mashuri A. (2013), Intergroup helping in response to separatism, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 39: 1647-1655.
- Van Leeuwen E., Van Dijk W.W. & Kaynak U. (2013), Of saints and sinners: How appeals to collective pride and guilt affect outgroup helping, Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 16(6): 781-796.
- Täuber S. & Van Leeuwen E. (2012), When high group status becomes a burden: Requesting outgroup help and spying by members of high and low status groups, Social Psychology 43(2): 98-107.
- Van Leeuwen E. & Mashuri A. (2012), When common identities reduce between-group helping, Social Psychological and Personality Science 3(3): 259-265.
- Van Leeuwen E. & Täuber S. (2012), Outgroup helping as a tool to communicate ingroup warmth, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 38: 772-783.
- Alvarez K. & Van Leeuwen E. (2011), To teach or to tell? Consequences of receiving help from experts and peers, En Letra 41(3): 397-402.
- Van Leeuwen E. & Täuber S. (2011), Demonstrating knowledge: The effects of group status on outgroup helping, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47(1): 147-156.
- Van Leeuwen E.V., Täuber S., Sassenberg K. & Ta S. (2011), Knocking on the outgroup's door: Seeking outgroup help under conditions of task or relational conflict, Basic and Applied Social Psychology 33(3): 266-278.
- Van Leeuwen E., Van den Bosch M., Castano E. & Hopman P. (2010), Dealing with deviants: The effectiveness of rejection, denial, and apologies on protecting the public image of a group, European Journal of Social Psychology 40(2): 282-299.
- Hopman P. & Van Leeuwen E. (2009), Who do we inform? The role of status and target in intergroup whistle-blowing, Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 12(5): 605-618.
- De Cremer D., Van Knippenberg D.L., Van Dijk E. & Van Leeuwen E.A.C. (2008), Cooperating if one's goals are collective-based: Social identification effects in social dilemmas as a function of goal transformation, Journal of Applied Social Psychology 38(6): 1562-1579.
- Van Leeuwen E. (2007), Restoring identity through outgroup helping: Beliefs about international aid in response to the December 2004 tsunami, En Letra 37(4): 661--671.
- Reitsma-Van Rooijen M., Semin G.R. & Van Leeuwen E. (2007), The effect of linguistic abstraction on interpersonal distance, En Letra 37(5): 817-823.
- Hornsey M.J., Van Leeuwen E. & Van Santen W. (2003), Dragging down and dragging up: How relative group status affects responses to common fate, Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice 7(4): 275-288.
- Van Leeuwen E.A.C., Van Knippenberg D.L. & Ellemers N. (2003), Continuing and changing group identities: The effects of merging on social identification and ingroup bias, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 29(6): 679-690.
- Van Leeuwen E.A.C. (26 June 2001), Preserving identity when groups combine. A study of group-based reactions to mergers (Dissertatie, Leiden University). Amsterdam: KL Dissertatiereeks. Supervisor(s): Ellemers N. & Knippenberg D.L. van.
- Van Dijk E., Engelen M.W.H., Van Leeuwen E.A.C., Monden L. & Sluijter E. (1999), Distributive justice and the allocation of costs, losses, and profits, Social Justice Research 12(1): 5-18.
- Van Leeuwen E.A.C., Van Knippenberg D.L. & Wilke H.A.M. (1999), Sociale identificatie na fusie: De tegenstrijdige effecten van vóór-fusie identificatie op identificatie met de fusiegroep. In: Rutte C.G., Knippenberg D. van, Martijn C. & Stapel D. (Eds.), Fundamentele Sociale Psychologie deel 13.. Tilburg: Tilburg University Press. 38-48.