Esther van Ginneken
Associate professor
- Name
- Dr. E.F.J.C. van Ginneken
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2827
- 0000-0002-1442-1012

Esther van Ginneken is Associate Professor at the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology at Leiden University.
Esther van Ginneken is Associate Professor at the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology at Leiden University. Before joining the Faculty at Leiden University, Esther worked at Liverpool Hope University. She received her PhD (2014) from the University of Cambridge for her thesis entitled “The pains and gains of imprisonment”, which was awarded with the Salje Medal and Nigel Walker Prize.
Esther’s main research focus is imprisonment, including prison conditions, violence in prisons, and wellbeing of incarcerated individuals. She has also carried out research on positive experiences of imprisonment and posttraumatic growth of incarcerated individuals. Another interest is cell sharing and its consequences.
In 2022, Esther was awarded a five-year research grant (Vidi) from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) for a research project on violence in prisons, to investigate why violent incidents occur in prisons and how staff respond. As part of this project, Dante Hoek carries out her PhD research on the circumstances that contribute to prison violence, using virtual reality as an instrument.
Esther also supervises research on normalization in prison, by PhD student Jill van de Rijt.
Esther is principal investigator of a research project (2023-2024) on sexual abuse and safety in women’s prisons in the Netherlands, commissioned by the Dutch Prison Service.
Esther teaches the course Risk Assessment (MSc Forensic Criminology), and supervises students who are writing their master’s thesis.
Associate professor
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Strafrecht & Criminologie
- Criminologie
- Sentse M., Ginneken E.F.J.C. van & Palmen H. (2025), Selective rule enforcement on prison units and individual misconduct: a multilevel study, Crime & Delinquency 71(4): 1079-1101.
- Ginneken E.F.J.C. van & Abbing Y.A.Y. (2025), Afstand, nabijheid en sociale veiligheid: Een onderzoek in penitentiaire inrichtingen voor vrouwen. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden.
- Pasma A.J., Ginneken E.F.J.C. van, Palmen J.M.H. & Nieuwbeerta P. (2025), Professional support and re-entry preparedness among prisoners, Criminology & Criminal Justice : .
- Favril L. & Ginneken E.F.J.C. van (2024), Individual and environmental contributors to psychological distress during imprisonment, European Journal of Criminology 21(3): 350-369.
- Ginneken E.F.J.C. van (2024), The pains and gains of imprisonment: posttraumatic growth among incarcerated individuals. In: Berger R. (Ed.), The Routledge International Handbook of Posttraumatic Growth. Routledge international handbooks. New York: Routledge. 393-403.
- Ginneken E.F.J.C. van & Wooldredge J. (2024), Offending and victimization in prisons: new theoretical and empirical approaches, International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice 77: 100667.
- Ginneken E.F.J.C. van (2024), Veiligheid in Nederlandse penitentiaire inrichtingen: aanleidingen voor geweld en dilemma’s in het werk van directeuren, Tijdschrift voor Criminologie 66(4): 377-398.
- Ginneken E.F.J.C. van (2024), The victim-offender overlap in prisons and associated challenges for prison managers. In: Daems T. & Goossens E. (Eds.), Understanding prisoner victimisation. Palgrave Studies in Victims and Victimology. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 89-114.
- Ginneken E.F.J.C. van, Jacobs P. & Bergers J. (2024), Meerpersoonscelgebruik in Nederland: knelpunten vanuit juridisch en sociaalwetenschappelijk perspectief, Proces: Tijdschrift voor Strafrechtspleging 103(5): 322-337.
- Pasma A.J., Ginneken E.F.J.C. van, Palmen H. & Nieuwbeerta P. (2024), How do Visit Facilitation and Accessibility of Prisons Relate to Visits from Professionals and Volunteers?, Crime & Delinquency 70(6/7): 1809-1835.
- Engstrom K.V. & Ginneken E.F.J.C. van (2023), What is ethical prison architecture?: An exploration of prison design and wellbeing, Prison Service Journal 2023(267): 29-37.
- Rijt J.I.B. van de, Ginneken E.F.J.C. van & Boone M.M. (2023), Normalisation by default and normalisation by design: a systematic review of empirical studies on the normalisation of prison life, Incarceration 4: 1-19.
- Pasma A.J., Ginneken E.F.J.C. van, Palmen J.M.H. & Nieuwbeerta P. (2023), Do Prisoners With Reintegration Needs Receive Relevant Professional Assistance?, International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 67(2/3): 247-269.
- Ginneken E.F.J.C. van & Palmen J.M.H. (2023), Is There a Relationship Between Prison Conditions and Recidivism?, Justice Quarterly 40(1): 106-128.
- Rijt J.I.B. van de, Ginneken E.F.J.C. van & Boone M.M. (2023), Lost in translation: The principle of normalisation in prison policy in Norway and the Netherlands, Punishment & Society 25(3): 766-783.
- Berghuis M.L., Nieuwbeerta P., Palmen J.M.H. Sentse M., Hazebroek B. van & Ginneken E.F.J.C. van (2022), Visitation patterns and post-release offending: Exploring variations in the timing, rate, and consistency of prison visits, Journal of Criminal Justice 81: 1-10 (101904).
- Ginneken E.F.J.C. van & Palmen J.M.H. (2022), Meerpersoonscelgebruik in Nederlandse penitentiaire inrichtingen: Bevindingen van de Life in Custody Study, Proces: Tijdschrift voor Strafrechtspleging 101(2): 96-121.
- Palmen J.M.H., Sentse M., Ginneken E.F.J.C. van & Bosma A.Q. (2022), The Role of Prison Climate and Work Climate in Understanding Subjective Safety Among Correctional Staff, Criminal Justice and Behavior 49(11): 1580-1599.
- Ginneken E.F.J.C. van (2022), Is Cell Sharing Associated with Wellbeing, Misconduct and Prison Climate?: Evidence from a Dutch Study, European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 30(1): 41-68.
- Engstrom K.V. & Ginneken E.F.J.C. van (2022), Ethical Prison Architecture: A Systematic Literature Review of Prison Design Features Related to Wellbeing, Space and Culture 25(3): 479-503.
- Elbers J.M., Ginneken E.F.J.C. van, Nieuwbeerta P., Boone M.M. & Palmen J.M.H. (2022), The effects of reward systems in prison: a systematic review, International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice 71: 1-14 (100556).
- Ginneken E.F.J.C. van (2022), Het financieel tekort van de Dienst Justitiële Inrichtingen als kans voor werkzamere gevangenisstraffen, Sancties 2022(6): 365-369 (2022/91).
- Pasma A.J., Ginneken E.F.J.C. van, Bosma A.Q., Palmen H. & Nieuwbeerta P. (2021), Het contact tussen gedetineerden en interne en externe re-integratieprofessionals in Nederlandse penitentiaire inrichtingen, Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid 20(1): 23-51.
- Ginneken E.F.J.C. van & Vanhooren S. (2021), Posttraumatic Growth among Prisoners: Findings, Controversies, and Implications. In: Ricciardelli R., Bornstein S., Hall A. & Carleton R.N. (Eds.), Handbook of Posttraumatic Stress: Psychosocial, Cultural, and Biological Perspectives. New York: Routledge. 318-340.
- Elbers J.M., Ginneken E.F.J.C. van, Boone M.M., Nieuwbeerta P. & Palmen J.M.H. (2021), Straffen en belonen in detentie: een planevaluatie van het Nederlandse systeem van promoveren en degraderen, Tijdschrift voor Criminologie 63(3): 263-291.
- Martens S.G.M.M., Ginneken E.F.J.C. van & Palmen J.M.H. (2021), Slachtofferschap en slachtoffer-daderschap in Nederlandse penitentiaire inrichtingen, Tijdschrift voor Criminologie 63(4): 399-422.
- Doekhie J.V.O.R. & Ginneken E.F.J.C. van (2020), House, bells and bliss? A longitudinal analysis of conventional aspirations and the process of desistance, European Journal of Criminology 17(6): 744-763.
- Bosma A.Q., Ginneken E.F.J.C. van, Sentse M. & Palmen H. (2020), Examining Prisoner Misconduct: A Multilevel Test Using Personal Characteristics, Prison Climate, and Prison Environment, Crime & Delinquency 66(4): 451-484.
- Bosma A.Q., Ginneken E.F.J.C. van, Palmen J.M.H., Pasma A.J., Beijersbergen K.A. & Nieuwbeerta P. (2020), A New Instrument to Measure Prison Climate: The Psychometric Quality of the Prison Climate Questionnaire, The Prison Journal 100(3): 355-380.
- Ginneken E.F.J.C. van & Nieuwbeerta P. (2020), Climate consensus: A multilevel study testing assumptions about prison climate, Journal of Criminal Justice 69: 101693.
- Ginneken E.F.J.C. van, Bosma A.Q., Pasma A.J. & Palmen H. (2020), Unhappy staff, unhappy prisoners? The relation between work climate and prison climate in Dutch prisons, Kriminologie - Das Online-Journal 2(2): 182-200.
- Ginneken E.F.J.C. van (2019), The use of risk assessment in sentencing. In: Keijser J.W. de, Roberts J.V. & Ryberg J. (Eds.), Predictive sentencing: Normative and empirical perspectives. Oxford: Hart Publishing. 9-32.
- Ginneken E.F.J.C. van, Palmen H., Bosma A.Q. & Sentse M. (2019), Bearing the weight of imprisonment: The relationship between prison climate and well-being, Criminal Justice and Behavior 46(10): 1385-1404.
- Palmen H., Bosma A.Q. & Ginneken E.F.J.C. van (2019), Het leefklimaat in Nederlandse penitentiaire inrichtingen: de Life In Custody-studie, Proces: Tijdschrift voor Strafrechtspleging 98(1): 20-36.
- Doekhie J., Ginneken E. van, Dirkzwager A.J.E. & Nieuwbeerta P. (2019), Controle of begeleiding? Ervaringen met reclasseringstoezicht tijdens de voorwaardelijke invrijheidstelling, Justitiële Verkenningen 45(3): 24-42.
- Ginneken E.F.J.C. van (2018), Zelfredzaamheid in detentie: Kritische kanttekeningen bij het systeem van promoveren en degraderen, Proces: Tijdschrift voor Strafrechtspleging 97(2): 113-129.
- Berghuis M.L., Ginneken E.F.J.C. van, Palmen J.M.H., Bosma A.Q., Nieuwbeerta P. & Pasma A.J. (2018), Landelijke rapportage Onderzoek Leefklimaat 2017. Den Haag: Dienst Justitiële Inrichtingen.
- Ginneken E.F.J.C. van, Palmen J.M.H., Bosma A.Q., Nieuwbeerta P. & Berghuis M.L. (2018), The Life in Custody Study: The quality of prison life in Dutch prison regimes, Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and Practice 4(4): 253-268.
- Doekhie J., Ginneken E.F.J.C. van, Dirkzwager A. & Nieuwbeerta P. (2018), Managing Risk or Supporting Desistance? A Longitudinal Study on the Nature and Perceptions of Parole Supervision in the Netherlands, Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology 4(4): 491-515.
- Meijer S. & Ginneken E.F.J.C. van (2018), Visie op resocialisatie?, Strafblad 16(5): 35-41 (2018/44).
- Ginneken E.F.J.C. van & Hayes D. (2017), ‘Just’ punishment? Offenders’ views on the meaning and severity of punishment, Criminology & Criminal Justice 17(1): 62-78.
- Ginneken E.F.J.C. van, Sutherland A. & Molleman T. (2017), An ecological analysis of prison overcrowding and suicide rates in England and Wales, 2000-2014, International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 50: 76-82.
- Hart E.L. & Ginneken E.F.J.C. van (Eds.) (2017), New Perspectives on Desistance: Theoretical and Empirical Developments. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Ginneken E.F.J.C. van (2017), Constrained Agency: The Role of Self-Control in the Process of Desistance. In: Hart E.L. & Ginneken E.F.J.C. van (Eds.), New Perspectives on Desistance: Theoretical and Empirical Developments. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 241-265.
- Ginneken E.F.J.C. van (2017), Community safety and crime prevention. In: Harding J., Davies P.A. & Mair G. (Eds.), An introduction to criminal justice. London: SAGE. 189-207.
- Meijer S., Claessen J., Ginneken E.F.J.C. van & Ouwerkerk J.W. (2016), De eigen bijdrage aan de kosten van het strafproces en de slachtofferzorg, Nederlands Juristenblad 91(39): 2898-2904 (NJB 2016/2001).
- Ginneken E.F.J.C. van (2016), The pain and purpose of punishment: A subjective perspective no. 22. The Howard League for Penal Reform. [working paper].
- Ginneken E.F.J.C. van (2016), Making sense of imprisonment: Narratives of posttraumatic growth among female prisoners, International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 60(2): 208-227.
- Ginneken E.F.J.C. van (2015), Doing well or just doing time? A qualitative study of patterns of psychological adjustment in prison, The Howard journal of Criminal Justice 54(4): 352-370.
- Molleman T. & Ginneken E.F.J.C. van (2015), A multilevel analysis of the relationship between cell sharing, staff-prisoner relationships, and prisoners’ perceptions of prison quality, International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 59(10): 1029-1046.
- Ginneken E.F.J.C. van (2015), The role of hope in preparation for release from prison, Prison Service Journal 220: 10-15.
- Ginneken E.F.J.C. van, Claessen J., Jacobs P. & Meijer S. (2015), Laat veroordeelde niet betalen voor kosten proces. De Volkskrant.
- Ginneken E.F.J.C. van (2014), Twee gevangenen in één cel: goedkoop maar niet goed. Trouw.
- Ginneken E.F.J.C. van (2014), Interviewing in Prison: Understanding the Impact of Imprisonment. In: , SAGE Research Methods Cases: SAGE.
- Molleman T. & Ginneken E.F.J.C. van (2013), We moeten samen het dansje afmaken: PIW’ers aan het woord over belastende en motiverende aspecten van hun werk, Justitiële Verkenningen 39(3): 28-40.