Ernst van Alphen
Professor emeritus Literary Studies
- Name
- Prof.dr. E.J. van Alphen
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-3980-5354

Ernst van Alphen is a professor emeritus of of Literary Studies at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society.
Prof.dr. Ernst van Alphen's research focuses on modern and post-modern literature - and its relation to visual arts.
Fields of interest
Historische avantgardes
Gender studies
Holocaust studies
Relationships between the Arts
I have been a Professor of Literary Studies at Leiden University since 2000. In my research as well as in my teaching, I am particularly interested in issues that are central in modern and post-modern literature and in the relation between literature and the visual arts. The literary texts and art works on which I focus are usually part of the movements of the historical avant-gardes, modernism, or postmodernism. I have for a number of years had a particular interest in literature and art representing the Holocaust, and I have published several books on this topic. Theoretically, I am still interested in problems related to trauma and memory and their role in literary and artistic representation, but no longer only in the context of the Holocaust. A perspective that is usually part of my research is that of gender studies, especially in relation to masculinity. Before I came to Leiden University, I worked at Utrecht University and the University of Nijmegen; at Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen in Rotterdam I held the post of Director of Communication and Education. I have also been appointed as Queen Beatrix Professor of Dutch Studies, as well as Professor of Rhetoric at the University of Califormia, Berkeley.
Curriculum vitae
- PhD: University of Utrecht, January 22, 1988; Supervisors: Prof. Dr M. Bal and Prof. Dr J. Neubauer
- University of Utrecht 1977-1983, "kandidaats"exam: Dutch linguistics and literature; "doctoraal"exam: Theory of literature
- Spieringshoek Lyceum, Schiedam 1971-1977, Gymnasium Bêta
Publications (books)
Staging the Archive. Art and Photography in Times of New Media. London 2014, Reaktion Books. (301 pp.)
Art in Mind: The Contribution of Contemporary Images to Thought. Chicago 2005: University of Chicago Press, (228 pp.)
Schaduw en Spel: Herbeleving, Historisering en Verbeelding van de Holocaust. Rotterdam 2004, NAi publishers, (128 pp.) (
Shadow and Play: Reliving, historicizing and representing the Holocaust)
Armando: Vormen van Herinnering. Rotterdam (2000), NAi Uitgevers (240 pp.); English edition:
Armando: Shaping Memory. Rotterdam 2000, NAi Publishers (240 pp.)
Caught by History. Holocaust Effects in Contemporary Art, Literature and Theory. Stanford CA 1997, Stanford University Press, (234 pp.)
Op poëtische wijze. Een handleiding voor het lezen van poëzie. Bussum (1996; reprinted 2006), Coutinho. (190 pp.) co-authors: L. Duyvendak, M. Meijer and B. Peperkamp (
In a poetic manner: a manual for reading poetry)
De toekomst der herinnering. Essays over moderne Nederlandse literatuur. Amsterdam, Van Gennep (1993). (240 pp.) (
The Future of Memory. Essays on Modern Dutch Literature)
Francis Bacon and the Loss of Self. London, Reaktion Books (1992; reprinted 1998); Cambridge MA, Harvard University Press (1993). (208 pp.)
Bij wijze van lezen. Verleiding en verzet van Willem Brakmans lezer. Muiderberg, Coutinho (1988), (256 pp.) (
As a Manner of Reading. Seduction and Resistance of Willem Brakman's Reader)
Bang voor schennis? Inleiding in de ideologiekritiek. Utrecht, HES Publishers (1987), (130 pp.) (
Afraid of Violation? Introduction to the Critique of Ideology)
Publications (articles, selection)
-“Visual Archives as Preposterous History”, in
Art History, 30, 3, June 2007, 364-82
-“Configurations of Self: Modernism and Distraction”, in Astradur Eysteinsson and Vivian Liska (eds.),
Modernism. (Amsterdam 2007: John Benjamins Publishing Company), pp. 339-46
- “Second-Generation Testimony, Transmission of Trauma, and Postmemory”,
Poetics Today 27 (2006), 2, pp. 473-88
- “Free Association and Anomic Archiving”, in Els Vanden Meersch,
Implants (Gent 2006, MER), pp. 134-49
- “¿Qué Historia, la Historia de Quién, Historia con Qué Propósito?” Nociones de Historia del Arte y Estudios de Cultura Visual”,
EV: estudios visiales 3, diciembre 2005, pp.79-98
- “Migrant/Migrating Masculinities”, “Migrant/Migrierende Mänlichkeit”, in: Kathrin Becker (ed.),
Masculinities, (Berlin: Neuer Berliner Kunstverein / Frankfurt am Main: Revolver, 2005), pp. 13-33 and pp. 66-91
- “Die Ausstellung als narratives Kunstwerk/Exhibition as Narrative Work of Art,” in
Partners. Munich 2003: Haus der Kunst / Köln: Walther König, pp. 143-85
- “Reconcentrations”: Bacons Neuerfindung seiner Vorbilder”, in: W.Seipel, B. Steffen, Ch. Vitali (eds.)
Francis Bacon und die Bildtradition. (Milano 2003: Skira/ Viena 2003: Kunsthistorisches Museum )“Reconcentrations: Francis Bacon reinventing his Models,”
Francis Bacon. Vienna 2003 : Kunsthistorisches Museum), pp. 57-70
- “Literature and Art in History”, in:
Arcadia: Internationale Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft. Band 38, 2003, Heft 2, pp. 334-338
- “Holocaust Toys: Pedagogy of Remembrance through Play”, in S. Hornstein, L. Levitt L.J. Silberstein (eds.),
Impossible Images: Contemporary Art after the Holocaust (New York 2003: New York University Press), pp. 157-178
- “Stylistic Travesties: Philip Akkerman’s Obsessive Portraiture”, in D. Blostein and P. Kleber (eds.)
Mirror or Mask ? Self-representation in the Modern Age. (Berlin 2003: Vistas Verlag), pp. 264 - 76
- “Imagined Homelands: Re-Mapping Cultural Identity”, in: Ginette Vertraete and Tim Cresswell (eds.),
Mobilizing Place, Placing Mobility: The Politics of Representation in a Globalized World. (Amsterdam/New York 2002: Rodopi), pp. 53-70
Professor emeritus Literary Studies
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Literatuurwetenschap
- Alphen E.J. van (2019), Specifieke Vormen van Specifieke Objecten. In: Bruijn J. de (Ed.), Maria van Kesteren. Vormvariaties. Den Haag: Gemeentemuseum Den Haag. 12-21.
- Alphen E.J. van (2019), Immediacy versus Hypermediacy, Straight versus Un-straight: Staged Photography as Re-mediation, Leaves 7(january 2019): 1-17.
- Alphen E.J. van (2019), Przeciw przykazaniom i tabu Holokaustu. In: Potocka M.A. (Ed.), Wielogłos o zagłaszie. Krakow: Mocak.
- Alphen E.J. van (2019), Legible Affects: The Melodramatic Imagination in Painting. In: Hesslberth P., Houwen J., Peeren P. & Vos R. de (Eds.), Legibility in the Age of Signs and Machines. Leiden: Brill. 21-34.
- Alphen E.J. van (2019), The Performativity of Provocation: the case of Artur Zmijewski, Journal of Visual Culture 18(1): 81-96.
- Alphen E.J. van & Jirsa T. (2019), Introduction: Mapping Affective Operations. In: Alphen E.J. van & Jirsa T. (Eds.), How to Do Things with Affects no. 34. Leiden: Brill. 1-16.
- Alphen E.J. van (2019), Reading for Affects: Francis Bacon and the Work of Sensation. In: Alphen E.J. van & Jirsa T. (Eds.), How to Do Things with Affects no. 34. Leiden: Brill. 163-178.
- Alphen E.J. van & Jirsa T. (Eds.) (2019), How to Do Things with Affects no. 34. Leiden: Brill.
- Alphen E.J. van (2019), Hans Hovy King of Sculpture: Scenes from a Marriage. Rotterdam: NAI010.
- Alphen E.J. van (2019), The Specific Objects of Geert Lap. In: , Geert Lap: Specific Objects. Rotterdam: Nai010 Publishers. 40-56.
- Alphen E.J. van (2018), Failed Images. Photography and Its Counter-Practices. Amsterdam: Valiz.
- Alphen E.J. van (2018), Attention for Distraction: Modernity, Modernism and Perception, Text Matters 7(7): 87-97.
- Alphen E.J. van (2018), A Monument for Future Memory: The Ringelblum Archive as Classical Archive, View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 20(2018): 1-16.
- Alphen E.J. van (2017), The Gesture of Drawing [gesture of drawing] (translation: Alphen E.J. van). In: Gronstad A., Gustafsson H. & Vagnes O. (Eds.), Gestures of Seeing in Film, Video and Drawing. New York: Routledge. 110-122.
- Alphen E.J. van (2017), Destroyed house Gaza [Destroyed House Gaza] (translation: Alphen E.J. van). In: Teeuwen M. (Ed.), Destroyed House. Amsterdam: Valiz. 30-36.
- Alphen E.J. van (2017), Attention for Distraction: Modernity, Modernism and Perception, Text Matters 7(7): 87-98.
- Alphen E.J. van (2017), "Poor Images" and the Affect of Exhibitionism / "Poor Images" und der Affekt des Exhibitismus. In: Alphen E.J. van (Ed.), Affect Me. Social Media Images in Art. Berlin: KAI10 / Arthena Foundation. 78-107.
- Alphen E.J. van (2017), The Decline of Narrative and the Rise of the Archive [Decline of Narrative and the Rise of the Archive] (translation: Alphen E.J. van). In: Alphen E.J. van (Ed.), Storytelling and Etics. Literature, Visual Arts and the Power of Narrative. New York and London: Routledge. 68-83.
- Alphen E.J. van (2017), Escenificar el Archivo. Arte Y Fotografia en la era de los nuevos Medios. FOCUS no. 14. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad Salamanca.
- Alphen E.J. van (2016), How Different can Our Neighbours Be? [How Different Can Our Neighbours Be?] (translation: Alphen E.J. van). In: Rodiek T. (Ed.), Ken Aptekar. Nachbarn/Neighbours. Luebeck: Kunsthalle Sankt Annen. 78-85.
- Alphen E.J. van (2016), Skin, Body, Self: The Question of the Abject in the Work of Francis Bacon [Skin, Body, Self: The Question of the Abject in the Work of Francis Bacon] (translation: Alphen E.J. van). In: Arya R. & Chare N. (Eds.), Abject Visions: Powers of Horror in Art and Visual Culture. Manchester: Manchetser University Press. 119-129.
- Alphen E.J. van (2016), Exoticism or the Translation of Cultural Difference = Exotismo o la traducción de la diferencia cultural, Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie VII. Historia del Arte 7(4): 159-170.
- Alphen E.J. van (2016), Frans Kellendonk's Allegorical Impulse, Journal of Dutch Literature 7(1): 1-19.
- Alphen E.J. van (2015), Time Saturation: The Photography of Awoiska van der Molen, Widok. Teorie I praktyka kultury wizuaine 8: 1-12.
- Alphen E.J. van (2015), The Politics of Exclusion, or, Reanimating the Archive [The Politics of Exclusion] (translation: Alphen E.J. van), The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 2015(49-50): 118-137.
- Alphen Ernst van (2015), Visionaire beelden [Visionaire beelden] (translation: Alphen E.J. van). In: Arends T. (Ed.), Juul Kraijer Werken 2009-2015. Zwolle: WBooks. 49-75.
- Alphen E.J. van (2015), Visionary Images [Visionay Images] (translation: alphen E.J. van). In: , Juul Kraijer Werekn 2009-2015. Zwolle: WBooks. 82-86.
- Alphen E.J. van (2015), Playing the Holocaust and Playing with the Holocaust [Playing the Holocaust and playing with the Holocaust] (translation: Alphen E.J. van). In: Roebling-Grau I. & Rupnow D. (Eds.), Holocaust Fiktion. Kunst jenseits der Authentizitaet. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink. 151-162.
- Alphen E.J. van (2015), List Mania in Holocaust Commemoration. In: Popescu D.I. & Schult T. (Eds.), Revisiting Holocaust Representation in the Post-Witness Era no. 11. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 11-27.
- Alphen E.J. van (2015), Armando's Reset. A second Opus 1 or the Artist's Reinvention [Armando's Reset. A second Opus 1 or the Artist's Reinvention] (translation: Alphen E.J. van). In: Brams K., Lindmayr U. & Pültau D. (Eds.), Opus 1. The Artist's Beginnings. Amsterdam: Roma Publications. 53-68.
- Alphen E.J. van (2015), Exoticism or the Translation of Cultural Difference [Exoticm or the Transaltion of Cultural Difference] (translation: Alphen E.J. van). In: Jiande L. & Alphen E.J. van (Eds.), Literature, Aesthetitics and History: Forum of Cultural Exchange between China and the Netherlands. Bejing: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. 1-15.
- Alphen E.J. van & Sendyka R. (2015), Performatywne Archiwa: Od Efektu Instytucji do Praktyk Myślenia, Didaskalia. Gazeta Teatralna 2015(127-128): 57-61.
- Alphen E.J. van (2014), De Ontnuchtering van het verzamelen: De tentoonstelling Le Mur in La Maison Rouge te Parijs [De ontnuchtering van het verzamelen] (translation: Alphen E.J. van), De Witte Raaf (171): 22-23.
- Alphen E.J. van (2014), Staging the Archive: Ydessa Hendeles and Hanne Darboven [Staging the Archive] (translation: Alphen E.J. van), Journal of Taipei Fine Arts Museum (28): 107-134.
- Alphen E.J. van (2014), On the Possibility and Impossibility of Modernist Cinema: Peter Forgacs' Own Death, Filozofski Vestnik XXXV(2): 255-270.
- Alphen E.J. van (2014), O mozliwosci i niemozliwosci modernistycznego kina: "Własna smierc" Petera Forgácsa [O mozliwosci i niemozliwosci modernistycznego kina: "Własna] (translation: Alphen E.J. van), Widok. Teorie I praktyka kultury wizuaine 2014(5): 1-15.
- Alphen E.J. van (2014), 'Eigenschaften ohne Mann': Madness and Introspection in Marcellus Emants's Een nagelaten bekentenis (1894) ["Eigenschaften ohne Mann"] (translation: Alphen E.J. van), Journal of Dutch Literature 5(2): 20-34.
- Alphen Ernst van (2014), Staging the Archive: Art and Photography in Times of New Media [Staging the Archive] (translation: Alphen E.J. van). London: Reaktion Books.
- Alphen E.J. van (2014), Uitgesproken aangesproken [uitgesproken aangesproken] (translation: Alphen E.J. van). In: Andeweg A. & Wesseling l. (Eds.), Wat de verbeelding niet vermag! Essays bij het afscheid van Maaike Meijer. Nijmegen: Vantilt. 18-22.
- Anonymous (2014), Slow Seeing. Grasping the Image and the Way We Process It [Slw Seeing] (translation: Alphen E.J. van). In: Theuws Roos (Ed.), Fences & Pools + Kitab al Manazir. Amsterdam: Theuws. 5 - 9.
- Alphen E.J. van (2014), Affecten. Bacon via Deleuze en Deleuze via Bacon [affecten. Bacon via Deleuze en Deleuze via Bacon] (translation: Alphen E.J. van). In: Keulen S. van (Ed.), Hoe kunst en filosofie werken. Amsterdam: Boom. 31-46.
- Alphen E.J. van (2014), Contemporary Portraiture. In: Kelly M. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Aesthetics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 242-246.
- Alphen Ernst van (2014), Zabawa w Holokaust [Playing the Holocaust] (translation: Alphen E.J. van). In: Jarniewicz J. & Szuster M. (Eds.), Reprezentacje Holokaustu. Krakow: Instytut Ksiazki. 291 - 318.
- Alphen E.J. van (2014), Hubert Damisch. In: Kelly M. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of aesthetics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 253-255.
- Alphen E.J. van (2014), Holocaust. In: Kelly M. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Aesthetics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 353-356.
- Alphen E.J. van (2014), Exoticism or the Translation of Cultural Difference [Exoticism or the Translation of Cultural Difference] (translation: Alphen E.J. van). In: Jiande L. & Alphen E.J. van (Eds.), Literature, Aesthetics and History: Forum of Cultural Exchange between China and the Netherlands. Bejing: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. 1-15.
- alphen e.j. van (2014), Traag kijken: beeldontleding door Roos Theuws, De Witte Raaf (170): 6-7.
- Alphen Ernst van (2014), Verzadigd van Tijd. De fotografie van Awoiska van der Molen [Verzadigd van Tijd. De fotografie van Awoiska van der Molen] (translation: Alphen E.J. van), De Witte Raaf (168): 11-12.
- Alphen E.J. van (2013), Spis rzeczy: wsparcie i blokada pamieci, Widok. Teorie I praktyka kultury wizuaine 1(1): 1-13.
- Alphen E.J. van (2013), Francis Bacon and Affect, Bijutsu Techo (arts magazine) 65(3): 88-96.
- Alphen E.J. van (2013), Three Studies of Lucian Freud by Francis Bacon. In: Outred Francis & Arnold Katharine (Eds.), Francis Bacon.Three Studies of Lucian Freud, 1969. New York: Christies. 165 - 172.
- Alphen E.J. van (2013), Literatuur als theorie: Gerard Reve en interdiscursiviteit. In: Dijk Y. van, Pourcq M. de & Strycker C. de (Eds.), Draden in het Donker. Intertekstualiteit in Theorie en Praktijk. nijmegen: Vantilt. 249-266.
- Alphen E.J. van (2013), Francis Bacon and the Loss of Self. In: , Francis Bacon. Tokyo: the National Museum of Modern Art Tokyo. 133-135.
- Alphen E.J. van (2013), Explosions of Information, Implosions of Meaning, and the Release of Affects. In: Spyer P. & Steedly M. (Eds.), Images on the Move. Santa Fe: School for Advanced Research Press. 219-236.
- Alphen E.J. van (2013), Oorlogsgeweld in verf [Oorlogsgeweld in verf] (translation: alphen e.j. van). In: Stockman R. & Verschoore J. (Eds.), Oorlog & Trauma. Gent: Hannibal. 175 - 178.
- Alphen E.J. van (2012), Afekt, trauma i rozumienie: sztuka ponad granicami wyobrazni, Teksty Drugie: Theorie Literatury/Krytyka/Interpretacja 2012(4): 207-218.
- Alphen E.J. van (2012), Making sense of affect. In: Bond T. (Ed.), Francis Bacon: Five Decades. Sydney: Art Gallery NSW. 65-78.
- Alphen E.J. van (2011), Zbigniew Libera. In: Branicka Z. (Ed.), Polish!: Contemporary Art From Poland. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz Verlag. 178-185.
- Alphen E.J. van (2011), Sheer Skin: The Dissolution of Sculptural Skin and Sculpted Skin. In: Jakubowska A. (Ed.), Alina Szapocznikow: Akward Objects. Warsaw: Museum Books. 113-122.
- Alphen E.J. van (2011), Toward a New Historiography: The Aesthetics of Temporality. In: Nichols B. & Renov M. (Eds.), Cinema's Alchemist; The Films of Peter Forgacs. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 59-74.
- Alphen E.J. van (2011), Focalisation as perception and as figure of knowing. In: Ayedemir M. & Peeren E. (Eds.), Eighty-Eight: Mieke Bal PhDs 1983-2011. Amsterdam: ASCA. 20-26.
- Alphen E.J. van (2011), Caught By Images. In: Kocur Z. (Ed.), Global Visual Cultures: An Anthology. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 358-373.
- Alphen E.J. van (2011), The Portrait's Dispersal: Concepts of Representation and Subjectivity in Contemporary Portraiture. In: Mosquera G. (Ed.), Interfaces: Portraiture and Communication. Madrid: La Fabrica. 47-62.
- Alphen E.J. van (2011), Archiwa wizualne jako historia preposteryjna, Kultura Współczesna. Teorie. Interpretacje. Praktyka 4(70): 72-87.
- Alphen E.J. van (2010), Resisting History in Charlotte Salomon's Life? or Theater?. In: , Charlotte Salonon: Trough the Eyes of Jonathan Safran Foer, Bernice Eisenstein and Ernst van Alphen. Amsterdam: Joods Historisch Museum. 28-45.
- Alphen E.J. van (2010), How to Paint Shame? / Hoe Schaamte te schilderen?. In: Zyl I. van (Ed.), Shame Pieces / Schaamstukken. Amsterdam: Onrust. 9-46.
- Alphen E.J. van (2010), Radicaal Perspectivisme: Van Gevangenschap tot Doodservaring. In: Baetens J., Houppermans S., Langeveld A. & Liebregts P. (Eds.), De Erfenis van het Modernisme. Amsterdam: Rozenberg. 291-302.
- Alphen E.J. van (2010), Armando. In: Keizer M. de & Plomp M. (Eds.), Een open zenuw. Hoe wij ons de Tweede Wereldoorlog herinneren. amsterdam: Bert Bakker. 75-84.
- Alphen E.J. van (2010), La Dispersión del retrato: los conceptos de represención y subjectividad en el retrato contemporáneo. In: Eskildse U. & Martín A. (Eds.), De lo Humano. Fotografía internacional 1950 – 2000. Madrid: Turner. 141-166.
- Alphen E.J. van (2010), The Act of Telling as Betrayal of Catastrophe. Ottosen R. & Steien S. (Eds.), Framing War with Facts and Fiction in the Cultural Field. . Oslo: Oslo University College. 30-37.
- Alphen E.J. van (2010), W pulapce wizerunkow, Teksty Drugie: Theorie Literatury/Krytyka/Interpretacja 5(119): 124-143.
- Alphen E.J. van, Bal M.G. & Smith C.E. (2009), The Rhetoric of Sincerity. Cultural Memory in the Present. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
- Alphen E.J. van (2009), Visual Archives and the Holocaust: Christian Boltanski, Ydessa Hendeles, and Peter Forgacs. In: Braembussche A. van den & Kimmerle H. (Eds.), Intercultural Aesthetics: a Worldview Perspective. Berlin: Springer. 137-156.
- Alphen E.J. van (2009), Immersed in Abtstraction / Aufgenommen in die Abstraktion. In: , Marian Breedveld. Deventer: Thieme Art. 110-119.
- Alphen E.J. van (2009), Introduction. In: Alphen E.J. van, Bal M.G. & Smith C.E. (Eds.), The Rhetoric of Sincerity. Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1-18.
- Alphen E.J. van (2009), De canon onder vuur. In: Duyvendak L. & Pieterse S. (Eds.), Van Spiegels en Vensters: de literaire canon in Nederland. Hilversum: Uitgeverij Verloren. 98-107.
- Alphen E.J. van (2009), Second Generation Testimony: Transmission of Trauma and Postmemory. In: Jongy B. & Keilhauer A. (Eds.), Transmission/Heritage dans l'ecriture contemporaine de soi. Clermond-Ferrand: presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal. 181-198.
- Alphen E.J. van (2009), Die Dekonstruktion der Mänlichkeit – Zur Körpersprache im Werk Francis Bacons. In: Heicker D. (Ed.), Francis Bacon: Ein Malerleben in Texten und Interviews. Berlin: Parthas Verlag. 182-209.
- Alphen E.J. van (2009), Radicaal Perspectivisme: van gevangenschap tot bijnadoodervaring, nY: Tijdschrift voor literatuur, kritiek en amusement 2009(4): 616-624.
- Alphen E.J. van (2009), Hacia una nueva historiagrafia: Peter Forgács y la esthética de la temporalidad, EV:Estudios visuales 6(diciembre 2008): 29-48.
- Alphen E.J. van (2009), Literatuur als legitimatie, Tydskrif vir Nederlands en Afrikaans 15(1, 2008): 3-18.
- Alphen E.J. van (2008), Oog voor het ongeziene: Trauma en fotografie, simulacrum: tijdschrift voor kunst en cultuur 17(november): 18-22.
- Alphen E.J. van (2008), Literatuur als visueel medium, Vooys: tijdschrift voor letteren 26(2): 2-10.
- Alphen E.J. van (2008), Affective Operations of Art and Literature, RES 53/54: 20-30.
- Alphen E.J. van (2008), A Forensic Reading of Emptiness. In: Lurie A. & Goren N. (Eds.), Depletion. Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv Museum of Art. 124-136.
- Alphen E.J. van (2008), De l'archive visuelle comme histoire a contretemps. In: Careri Giovanni & Ruediger Bernhard (Eds.), Face au Reel: Ethique de la forme dans l' art contemporain. Lyon: archibooks// Enba de Lyon. 229-254.
- Alphen E.J. van (2008), Visual Archives as Preposterous History. In: Cherry Deborah (Ed.), About Mieke Bal. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 64-82.
- Alphen E.J. van (2008), Archival Obessions and Obsessive Archives. In: Holly Michael Ann & Smith Marquard (Eds.), What is Research in the Visual Arts: Obsession, Archive, Encounter. New Haven: Yale University Press. 65-84.
- Alphen E.J. van (2008), Painful painting / pijnlijke schilderijen / peinture douloureuse. In: , Ronald Ophuis. Zürich: JRP/RINGIER Kunstverlag AG. 89-133.
- Alphen E.J. van (2008), Towards a New Historiography: Peter Forgacs and the Aesthetics of Temporality. In: Bangma A. & Donoghue D.M. (Eds.), Resonant Bodies, Voices, Memories. Rotterdam: Piet Zwart Institute. 90-113.
- Alphen E.J. van (2008), Describing the World Seen Without the Self: Modernism, the Impersonal and the Traumatic. In: Kawashima R.S., Philippe G. & Sowley Th. (Eds.), Phantom Sentences: Essays in Linguistics and Literature presented to Ann Banfield. Bern: Peter Lang. 411-426.
- Alphen E.J. van (2008), Looking at Drawing: Theoretical Distinctions and their Usefulness. In: Garner S. (Ed.), Writing on Drawing: Essays on Drawing Practice and Research: Intellect books, Chicago University press. 59-70.
- Alphen E.J. van (2008), Het fotografisch beeld. In: Houppermans Sjef & Verstraten Peter (Eds.), Van verbeelding gesproken: Psychoanalyse en fotografie. Amsterdam: Rozenberg publishers. 12-20.
- Alphen E.J. van (2007), Visual Archives as Preposterous History, Art History 30(3): 364-382.
- Alphen E.J. van (2007), Pijnlijke schilderijen, De Witte Raaf 125(jan-feb): 13-15.
- Alphen E.J. van (2007), Animating Light: On the Work of Michael Kirkham. In: , Michael Kirkham. Amsterdam: Mets & Schilt Publishers. 4-18.
- Alphen E.J. van (2007), Naar een nieuwe Historiografie: Peter Forgacs en de persoonlijke tijd. In: Sparreboom M. (Ed.), De kunst van Peter Forgacs. Amsterdam: Balans. 63-80.
- Alphen E.J. van (2007), Configurations of Self: Modernism and Distraction. In: Eysteinsson A. & Liska V. (Eds.), Modernism. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 339-346.
- Alphen E.J. van (2007), Literatuur als legitimatie: het geval van de 'plaasroman', Dietsche Warande & Belfort 152(5-6): 885-899.
- Alphen E.J. van (2007), Vrije associatie en anomisch archiveren, Parmentier 16(1+2): 69-88.
- Alphen E.J. van & Metraux A. (2006), Drei Briefe ueber Geschichte und Kunst. In: Zuchermann M. (Ed.), Tel Aviver Jahrbuch fuer deutsche Geschichte. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag. 49-58.
- Alphen E.J. van (2006), The Revivifying Artist: Boltanski's Efforts the Close the Gap. In: Rosenberg E. & Saltzman L. (Eds.), Trauma and Visuality in Modernity. Hannover: Dartmouth College Press. 222-249.
- Alphen E.J. van (2006), Imagined Homelands: Re-Mapping Cultural Identity (in Chinese vertaling). In: Tzeng Shai-Shu (Ed.), Art and Identity (in chinees). Tapei: SMC Publishing. 253-272.
- Alphen E.J. van (2006), Giving Voice: Charlotte Salomon and Charlotte Delbo. In: Steinberg M.P. & Bohm-Duchen M. (Eds.), Reading Charlotte Salomon. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. 114-125.
- Alphen E.J. van (2006), Free Association and Anomic Archiving. In: Meersch E. vanden (Ed.), Implants. Gent: MER. 134-149.
- Alphen E.J. van (2006), Sharing a Common Skin: Cutting, Perforating, Sewing, and Stringing in the Work of Celio Braga. In: Braga C. (Ed.), Deliriously. Staphorst: Elferink. 5-57.
- Alphen E.J. van (2006), Second-Generation testimony, Transmission of Trauma, and Postmemory, Poetics Today 27(2): 473-488.
- Alphen E.J. van (2005), Peter Forgacs en de persoonlijke tijd, De Witte Raaf 118: 26-27.
- Alphen E.J. van (2005), Art In Mind: How contemporary Images Shape Thought. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Alphen E.J. van (2005), Migrant/Migrierende Maenlichkeit; migrant/migrating masculinities. In: Becker K. (Ed.), Masculinities. Frankfurt am Main: Revolver. 13/66-33/91.
- Alphen E.J. van (2005), Modernisme en moderniteit. In: Baetens J., Houppermans S., Langeveld A. & Liebregts P. (Eds.), Modernisme(n) in de Europese letterkunde: Een ander meervoud. Leuven: Peeters. 9-22.
- Alphen E.J. van (2005), Second Generation Testimony, the transmission of Trauma, and Postmemory, Psychoanalyse im Widerspruch 17(33): 87-101.
- Alphen E.J. van (2005), "What History, Whose History, History to What Purpose?": Notions of History in Art History and Visual Culture Studies, Journal of Visual Culture 4(2): 191-202.
- Alphen E.J. van (2005), "Qué Historia, la Historia de Quién, Historia con Qué Propósito?" Nociones de Historia del Arte y Estudios de Cultura Visual, EV:Estudios visuales 3: 79-98.
- Alphen E.J. van (2004), Schaduw en spel: herbeleving, historisering en verbeelding van de Holocaust. Rotterdam: NAi uitgevers.
- Alphen E.J. van (2004), Opgenomen in abstractie. In: Breedveld M. & Elferink Hein (Eds.), Windstil. Staphorst 5-25.
- Alphen E.J. van (2004), Symptoms of Discursivity: Experience, Memory and Trauma. In: , Narrative Theory: Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies. London/New York: Routledge. 107-122.
- Alphen E.J. van (2004), Africa as Textual Play. In: Alphen E.J. van, Hoving I. & Korsten F.W.A. (Eds.), Africa and Its Significant Others: Forty Years of Intercultural Entanglement. New York: Rodopi. 121-130.
- Alphen E.J. van (2004), Unprecedented Sensations / ongekende sensaties. In: Schouten M. (Ed.), Scullpture. Tilburg: De Pont. 7-67.
- Alphen E.J. van, Hoving I. & Korsten F.W.A. (Eds.) (2004), Africa and Its Significant Others: Forty Years of Intercultural Entanglement. New York: Rodopi.
- Alphen E.J. van & Korsten F.W.A. (Eds.) (2004), . Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde.
- Alphen E.J. van (2004), Zabawa w Holokaust, Literatura na swiecie 1(2): 217-244.
- Alphen E.J. van (2004), Szerepjátékok és játékszerek, Enigma 37-38: 39-58.
- Alphen E.J. van (2004), Literatuurwetenschap in ontwikkeling, Vooys: tijdschrift voor letteren 22(3/4): 63-71.
- Alphen E.J. van (2004), Avizualis archivumok es a holokauszt, Enigma 42: 7-22.
- Alphen E.J. van & Korsten F.W.A. (2004), Hoe verder? Toekomstperspectieven in de Studie van de Nederlandse Letterkunde, Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde 4(120): 289-297.
- Alphen E.J. van (2004), In Acknowlegmenet of the Other: Response to Dominique LaCapra's "Intellectual History", Rethinking History 8(4): 557-564.
- Alphen E.J. van (2003), Holocaust Toys: Pedagogy of Remembrance through Play. In: Hornstein S., Levitt L. & Silberstein L.J. (Eds.), Impossible Images: Contemporary Art after the Holocaust. New York: New York University Press. 157-178.
- Alphen E.J. van (2003), Stilistische travestie. In: Akkerman P. (Ed.), De onzichtbare man. Staphorst: Elferink. 5-21.
- Alphen E.J. van (2003), Stylistic Travesties: Philip Akkerman's Obessisive Self-Portraiture. In: Blostein D. & Kleber P. (Eds.), Mirror or Mask? Self-Representation in the Modern Age. Berlin: Vistas. 264-276.
- Alphen E.J. van (2003), Tijdtekenen/ Drawing Time. In: Kensmil N. (Ed.), Universal Souvenir. Hengelo: Broekhuis. I-VII.
- Alphen E.J. van (2003), Caught by Images: Visual Imprints in Holocaust Testimonies. In: Hornstein S. & Jacobowitz F. (Eds.), Image and Remembrance: Representation and the Holocaust. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 97-113.
- Alphen E.J. van (2003), "Reconcentrations": Bacons Neuerfindung seiner Vorbilder. In: Seipel W., Steffen B. & Vitali Ch. (Eds.), Francis Bacon und die Bildtradition. Milano: Skira. 57-70.
- Alphen E.J. van (2003), Die Ausstellung als narratives Kunstwerk/ Exhibition as Narrative Work of Art. In: Hendeles Y. (Ed.), Partners. Köln: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig. 143-185.
- Alphen E.J. van (2003), Beelden schieten, schaduwen werpen: over Fiona Tan, De Witte Raaf 102: 13-15.
- Alphen E.J. van (2003), Literature and Art in History, Arcadia: Internationale Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft 38(2): 334-338.
- Alphen E.J. van (2002), Toys and Affect: Identifying with the Perpetrator in Contemporary Holocaust Art, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art 2&3(2,1): 159-190.
- Alphen E.J. van (2002), Image as Landscape / Beeld als Landschap. In: Huttenlocher Britta (Ed.), Ten Etchings / tien Etsen. Slingenberg: Hein Elferink. 5-36.
- Alphen E.J. van (2002), Imagined Homelands: Re-Mapping Cultural Identity. In: Verstraete G. & Cresswell T. (Eds.), Mobilizing Place, Placing Mobility: The Politics of Representation in a Globalized World. Thamyris: mythmaking from past to present. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi. 53-70.
- Alphen E.J. van (2002), Zintuiglijkheid als zelfervaring: Gertrude Steins moderniteit. In: Mulder E., Ester H. & Siccama W. (Eds.), Teken en traditie: Opstellen voor Ulla Musarra-Schroder. Nijmegen: Nijmegen University Press. 95-109.
- Alphen E.J. van (2002), Hubert Damisch. In: Murray C. (Ed.), Key Writers on Art: The Twentieth Century. London: Routledge. 84-89.
- Alphen E.J. van (2002), Caught by Images: On the Role of Visual Imprints in Holocaust Testimonies, Journal of Visual Culture 1(2): 205-221.
- Alphen E.J. van (2001), Men without Balls: Matthew Barney and the refusal of masculinity. In: Roelens N. & Strauven W. (Eds.), Homo orthopedicus: le corps et ses protheses a l'époque (post)modernsite. Paris: L'Harmattan. 417-432.
- Alphen E.J. van (2001), Playing the Holocaust. In: Kleeblatt N.L. (Ed.), Mirroring Evil: Nazi Imanigary/Recent Art. New Brunswick: Rutgers U.P.. 65-83.
- Alphen E.J. van (2001), Deadly Historians: Boltanski's Intervention in Holocaust Historiography. In: Zelizer B. (Ed.), Visual Culture and the Holocaust. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. 45-73.
- Alphen E.J. van (2000), Armando: Shaping Memory. Rotterdam: NAi-Publishers.
- Alphen E.J. van (2000), Armando: vormen van herinnering. Rotterdam: NAi uitgevers.
- Alphen E.J. van (2000), Gertrude Stein, or, Reading in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, From 2: 54-64.
- Alphen E.J. van (2000), Trauma en Geschiedenis, De Witte Raaf 85: 13-15.
- Alphen E.J. van (1999), Colonialism as Historical Trauma. In: Atkinson B. & Breitz C. (Eds.), Greay Areas: Representation, Identity and Politics in Contemporary South African Art. Johannesburg: Chalkham Hill Press. 269-282.
- Alphen E.J. van (1999), Symptons of Discursivity: Experience, Memory, Trauma. In: Bal M., Crewe J. & Spitzer L. (Eds.), Acts of Memory: Cultural Recall in the Present. Hanover NH: University of New England Press. 24-38.
- Alphen E.J. van (1999), Interdisciplinary Cultural Analysis Today: Thinking about Art in History. In: NN NN (Ed.), The Contemporary Study of Culture. Wenen: Turia + Kant. 193-204.
- Alphen E.J. van (1999), Art, Morality and the Holocaust. In: Kelly M. (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Aesthetics. New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press. 285-287.
- Alphen E.J. van (1999), Deadly Historians. Christian Boltanski's Intervention in Holocaust Historiography. In: Reinink W. & Stumpel J. (Eds.), Memory and Oblivion. Proceedings of the XXIXth International Congress of the History of Art. Dordrecht: Kluwer. 913-918.
- Alphen E.J. van (1999), Affective Reading. In: Bal M. (Ed.), The Practice of Cultural Analysis: Exposing Interdisciplinary Interpretation. Stanford: Stanford University Press. 151-170.
- Alphen E.J. van (1999), Re-modelling Schneewittchen. In: Buxbaum G. & Lammer Ch. (Eds.), Schneewittchen: Über den Mythos kalter Schönheit. Tübingen: Konkursbuchverlag. 121-136.
- Alphen E.J. van (1999), De tand des tijds: Over Armando's bronzen/Der Zahn der Zeit: über Armandos Bronzen. In: Schoots W. (Ed.), Armando: De tand des tijds/Der Zahn der Zeit. Maastricht: Bonnefantenmuseum. 11-28.
- Alphen E.J. van (1999), Nazism in the Family Album: Christian Boltanski's 'Sans-Souci'. In: Hirsch M. (Ed.), The Familial Gaze. Hanover NH: University of New England Press. 32-50.
- Alphen E.J. van (1999), Confrontaties tussen potlood en papier. In: NN NN (Ed.), Armando. Slingenberg: Hein Elferink. 5-16.
- Alphen E.J. van (1999) recensie. Review of: Bersani L. (1999), Homos no. 2. Cambridge MA: Harvard U.P.. Thamyris: mythmaking from past to present 2: 281-284.
- Alphen E.J. van (1998), Duchamp in travestie, De Witte Raaf 76: 14-15.
- Alphen E.J. van (1998), The Active Eye: Rethinking Art Education. In: NN NN (Ed.), Proceedings The Active Eye: an International Symposium on Art Education and Visual Literary. Rotterdam: Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen. 20-26.
- Alphen E.J. van (1998), De getuigenis als toegang tot het heden, Krisis: tijdschrift voor actuele filosofie 72: 11-24.
- Alphen E.J. van & Lucas F. (4 June 1998), Livre d'ímages: La vision en acte dans la litterature de la modernite en France (Dissertatie, Leiden University). amsterdam. Supervisor(s): Alphen E.J. van & Bal M.G.
- Alphen E.J. van (1998), De criticus als connoisseur, De Witte Raaf 73: 42-42.
- Alphen E.J. van (1998), Het intellectuele museum, De Witte Raaf 75: 12-13.
- Alphen E.J. van (1998), Hoe kleden we het kunstwerk aan? Bij het recente werk van Marlene Dumas, De Witte Raaf 73: 12-13.
- Alphen E.J. van (1998), In Pursuit of a Listener: Christian Boltanski's Post-Holocaust Art, Bulletin Trimestriel de la Fondation Auschwitz 60: 207-220.
- Alphen E.J. van (1998), In Pursuit of a Listener: Christian Boltanski's Post-Holocaust Art, Lier & Boog 13: 127-145.
- Alphen E.J. van (1998), Charlotte Delbo: Teksten van een overlevende, Lust en Gratie 56: 6-27.
- Alphen E.J. van (1997), Caught by History: Holocaust effects in contemporary art, literature and theory. Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press.
- Alphen E.J. van (1997), Excess and Sublimity in Kathy Acker's Narratives. In: , ASCA Brief: Visions and Voices of Otherness. Amsterdam: ASCA. 190-208.
- Alphen E.J. van (1997) recensie. Review of: Halperin D. (1997), Saint-Foucault no. 2. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press. Thamyris: mythmaking from past to present 4: 370-372.
- Alphen E.J. van (1997), Moves van Hubert Damisch: Denken over Kunst in Geschiedenis. In: Damisch H. (Ed.), Moves: Schaken en Kaarten met het museum. Rotterdam: Boijmans van Beuningen. 35-73.
- Alphen E.J. van (1997), De representatie van ruimte en de ruimte van representatie, De Witte Raaf 70(nov/dec): 5-7.
- Alphen E.J. van, Duyvendak L., Meijer M. & Peperkamp B. (1996), Op poëtische wijze. Een handleiding voor het lezen van poëzie. Bussum: NN.
- Alphen E.J. van (1996), The Poetics of Etching. In: Neubauer U. (Ed.), Works on Paper and Canvas. Amsterdam: NN. 3-7.
- Alphen E.J. van (1996), Autobiography as Resistance Against History. In: Zegher C. de (Ed.), Inside the Visible: An Elliptical Traverse of 20th Century Art, in, of, and from the Feminine. Cambridge MA: NN. 219-232.
- Alphen E.J. van (1996), Die dekonstruktion der Mänlichkeit. Zur Körpersprache im Werk Francis Bacon. In: , Francis Bacon. München: Haus der Kunst. 32-42.
- Alphen E.J. van (1996), De toegang tot de harem: een strijd van koloniale en postkoloniale mannen. In: D'haen Th. (Ed.), Weerwerk. Schrijven en terugschrijven in koloniale en postkoloniale literaturen. Leiden: NN. 103-119.
- Alphen E.J. van (1996), The Portrait's Dispersal. Concetps of Representation and Subjectivity in Twentieth-century Portraiture. In: Woodall J. (Ed.), Portraiture: Facing the subject. Manchester: NN. 239-256.
- Alphen E.J. van & Weide J. van der (5 November 1996), Detective en anti-detective: Narratologie, psychoanalyse, postmodernisme (Dissertatie, Leiden University). nijmegen: Vantilt. Supervisor(s): Alphen E.J. van & Bronzwaer W.
- Alphen E.J. van (1996), Mannen zonder kloten. Over de weigering van mannelijkheid in het werk van Matthew Barney, Arabian Humanities 159(11/12): 1004-1021.
- Alphen E.J. van (1996), Barnett Newman interpreteren, Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 87: 206-212.
- Alphen E.J. van (1996), The Homosocial Gaze. According to Ian McEwan's The Comfort of Strangers. In: Brennan T. & Jay M. (Eds.), Vision in Context: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Sight. London: NN. 169-186.
- Alphen E.J. van (1996), Deadly Historians (in Russisch!), Moscow Art Magazine (13): 52-57.
- Alphen E.J. van (1995), Geschreven Realiteit. W.F. Hermans en de fotografie. In: Ruiter F. & Smulders W. (Eds.), De literaire magneet. Essays over W.F. Hermans en de moderne tijd. Amsterdam: NN. 178-209.
- Alphen E.J. van (1995), De Holocaust en de grenzen van de representatie. In: Bulhof I. & Riessen R. van (Eds.), Als Woorden niets meer zeggen. De Crisis rond Woord en Beeld in de Huidige Cultuur. Kampen: NN. 123-142.
- Alphen E.J. van (1995), Sich der Entstellung Stellen. Models und Marlene Dumas' Eingriff in die westliche Kunst. In: NN NN (Ed.), Marlene Dumas; Models. Frankfurt am Main: NN. 55-75.
- Alphen E.J. van (1995) recensie. Review of: Rutherford J. (1995), Men's Silences. Predicaments in Masculinity. London/New York: Routledge. Tijdschrift voor Vrouwenstudies 62: 243-245.
- Alphen E.J. van (1995), Dumas 'Denk-Beelden, Filosofie. Tweemaandelijks tijdschrift van de Stichting Informatie Filosofie 5(4): 24-28.
- Alphen E.J. van (1995), Reframing the Holocaust, Annals of Scholarship 10(3/4): 421-443.
- Alphen E.J. van (1995), The Gender of Homosexuality, Thamyris: mythmaking from past to present 2(1): 3-10.
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