Erik Smets
Professor emeritus Systematic botany
- Name
- Prof.dr. E.F. Smets
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-9416-983x

PhD Candidates
Former PhD candidates
Ajaree Thonglim
Dewi Pramanik
Mega Atria
Richa Kusuma Wati
Larissa Chacon Doria
Diego Bogarin Chaves
Wina Erwina
Kurniawan Saefulah
Saroj Ruchisansakun
Luis Miguel das Neves Morgado
Tatiana Semenova
Rachel Marie Schwallier
Constantijn Mennes
Adam Karremans
Tanawat Chaowasku
Alexandra Towns
Annick Lang
Philippe Kok
Marc Sebastian Appelhans
Abishkar Subedi
Kanchana Pruesapan
Christian Boedeker
Professor emeritus Systematic botany
- Science
- Instituut Biologie Leiden
- IBL Algemeen
- Beckers V., Endress M., Baas P., Smets E. & Lens F. (2024), Apocynaceae wood evolution matches key morphological innovations, American Journal of Botany 111(11): e16436.
- Pramanik D., Spaans M., Kranenburg T., Bogarin Chaves D.G., Heijungs R., Lens F.P., Smets E.F. & Gravendeel B. (2022), Inflorescence lignification of natural species and horticultural hybrids of Phalaenopsis orchids, Scientia Horticulturae 295: 110845.
- Beckers V.M.H., Rapini A., Smets E.F. & Lens F.P. (2022), Comparative wood anatomy and origin of woodiness in subfamilies Secamonoideae and Asclepiadoideae (Apocynaceae), Taxon 71(6): 1230-1250.
- Thonglim A., Bortolami G., Delzon S., Larter M., Offringa R., Keurentjes J.J.B., Smets E., Balazadeh S. & Lens F. (2022), Drought response in Arabidopsis displays synergistic coordination between stems and leaves, Journal of Experimental Botany 74(3): 1004-1021.
- Thonglim A., Delzon S., Larter M.D., Karami O., Rahimi A., Offringa R., Keurentjes J.J.B., Balazadeh S., Smets E.F. & Lens F.P. (2021), Intervessel pit membrane thickness best explains variation in embolism resistance amongst stems of Arabidopsis thaliana accessions, Annals of Botany 128(2): 171-182.
- Wati R.K., Graaf E.F. de, Bogarin D., Heijungs R., Vugt R. van, Smets E.F. & Gravendeel B. (2021), Antimicrobial activity of necklace orchids is phylogenetically clustered and can be predicted with a biological response method, Frontiers in Pharmacology 11: 586345.
- Pramanik D., Dorst N., Meesters N., Spaans M., Smets E.F., Welten M. & Gravendeel B. (2020), Evolution and development of three highly specialized floral structures of bee-pollinated Phalaenopsis species, EvoDevo 11: 16.
- Borsch T., Berendsohn W., Dalcin E., Delmas M., Demissew S., Elliott A., Fritsch P., Fuchs A., Geltman D., Güner A., Haevermans T., Knapp S., Roux M.M., Loizeau P.A., Miller C., Miller J., Miller J.T., Palese R., Paton A., Parnell J., Pendry C., Qin H., Sosa V., Sosef M., Raab-Straube E., Ranwashe F., Raz L., Salimov R., Smets E.F., Thiers B., Thomas W., Tulig M., Ulate W., Ung V., Watson M., Jackson P.W. & Zamora N. (2020), World Flora Online: placing taxonomists at the heart of a definitive and comprehensive global resource on the world's plants, Taxon 69(6): 1311-1341.
- Dirks-Mulder A., Ahmed I., Broek M. uit het, Krol L., Menger N., Snier J., Winzum A. van, Wolf A. de, Wout M. van 't, Zeegers J.J., Butot R., Heijungs R., Heuven B.J., Kruizinga J., Langelaan R., Smets E.F., Star W., Bemer M. & Gravendeel B. (2019), Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Orchid Fruit Development, Frontiers in Plant Science 10: 137.
- Bogarín D.G., Pérez-Escobar O.A., Karremans A.P., Fernández M., Kruizinga J., Pupulin F., Smets E.F. & Gravendeel B. (2019), Phylogenetic comparative methods improve the selection of characters for generic delimitations in a hyperdiverse Neotropical orchid clade, Scientific Reports 9: 15098.
- Chacon Doria L., Podadera D.S., Arco M. del, Chauvin T., Smets E.F., Delzon S. & Lens F.P. (2018), Insular woody daisies (Argyranthemum, Asteraceae) are more resistant to drought-induced hydraulic failure than their herbaceous relatives, Functional Ecology 32(6): 1467-1478.
- Bogarin Chaves D.G., Perez-Escobar O.A., Groenenberg D., Holland S.D., Karremans A.P., Lemmon E.M., Lemmon A.R., Pupulin F., Smets E.F. & Gravendeel B. (2018), Anchored hybrid enrichment generated nuclear, plastid and mitochondrial markers resolve the Lepanthes horrida (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) species complex, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 129: 27-47.
- Hoekstra P.H., Wieringa J.J., Smets E.F. & Chatrou L.W. (2018), Floral evolution by simplification in Monanthotaxis (Annonaceae) and hypotheses for pollination system shifts, Scientific Reports 8: 12066.
- Bogarin Chaves D.G., Fernandez M., Borkent A., Heemskerk A., Pupulin F., Ramirez S., Smets E.F. & Gravendeel B. (2018), Pollination of Trichosalpinx (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) by biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 186(4): 510-543.
- Ruchisansakun S., Suksathan P., Niet T. van der, Smets E.F., Lwin S. & Janssens S.B. (2018), Three new species of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) from Myanmar, Phytotaxa 338(1): 63-74.
- Merckx V.S.F.T., Gomes S.I.F., Wapstra M., Hunt C., Steenbeeke G., Mennes C.B., Walsh N., Smissen R., Hsieh T.-H., Smets E.F. & Bidartondo M.I. (2017), The biogeographical history of the interaction between mycoheterotrophic Thismia (Thismiaceae) plants and mycorrhizal Rhizophagus (Glomeraceae) fungi, Journal of Biogeography 44(8): 1869–1879.
- Hoekstra P.H., Wieringa J.J., Smets E.F., Brandao R.D., Lopes J.D., Erkens R.H.J. & Chatrou L.W. (2017), Correlated evolutionary rates across genomic compartments in Annonaceae, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 114: 63-72.
- Groeninckx I., Janssens S., Smets E.F. & Verstraete B. (2017), Description of 11 new Astiella (Spermacoceae, Rubiaceae) species endemic to Madagascar, European Journal of Taxonomy 312: 1-40.
- Jeiter J., Hilger H.H., Smets E.F. & Weigend M. (2017), The relationship between nectaries and floral architecture: a case study in Geraniaceae and Hypseocharitaceae, Annals of Botany 120(5): 791-803.
- Lemaire Benny, Chimphango Samson B.M., Stirton Charles, Rafudeen Suhail, Honnay Olivier, Smets Erik, Chen Wen-Ming, Sprent Janet, James Euan K. & Muasya A. Muthama (2016), Biogeographical Patterns of Legume-Nodulating Burkholderia spp.: from African Fynbos to Continental Scales, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 82(17): 5099-5115.
- Lemaire Benny, Van Cauwenberghe Jannick, Verstraete Brecht, Chimphango Samson, Stirton Charles, Honnay Olivier, Smets Erik, Sprent Janet, James Euan K. & Muasya A. Muthama (2016), Characterization of the papilionoid-Burkholderia interaction in the Fynbos biome: The diversity and distribution of beta-rhizobia nodulating Podalyria calyptrata (Fabaceae, Podalyrieae), Systematic and Applied Microbiology 39(1): 41-48.
- Janssens Steven B., Groeninckx Inge, De Block Petra J., Verstraete Brecht, Smets Erik F. & Dessein Steven (2016), Dispersing towards Madagascar: Biogeography and evolution of the Madagascan endemics of the Spermacoceae tribe (Rubiaceae), Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 95: 58-66.
- Janssens Steven B., Vandelook Filip, De langhe Edmond, Verstraete Brecht, Smets Erik, Vandenhouwe Ines & Swennen Rony (2016), Evolutionary dynamics and biogeography of Musaceae reveal a correlation between the diversification of the banana family and the geological and climatic history of Southeast Asia, New Phytologist 210(4): 1453-1465.
- Ruchisansakun Saroj, Tangtorwongsakul Pornpimon, Cozien Ruth J., Smets Erik F. & Van der Niet Timotheus (2016), Floral specialization for different pollinators and divergent use of the same pollinator among co-occurring Impatiens species (Balsaminaceae) from Southeast Asia, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 181(4): 651-666.
- Morgado Luis N., Semenova Tatiana A., Welker Jeffrey M., Walker Marilyn D., Smets Erik & Geml Jozsef (2016), Long-term increase in snow depth leads to compositional changes in arctic ectomycorrhizal fungal communities, Global Change Biology 22(9): 3080-3096.
- Hoehndorf Robert, Alshahrani Mona, Gkoutos Georgios V., Gosline George, Groom Quentin, Hamann Thomas, Kattge Jens, De Oliveira Sylvia Mota, Schmidt Marco, Sierra Soraya, Smets Erik, Vos Rutger A. & Weiland Claus (2016), The flora phenotype ontology (FLOPO): tool for integrating morphological traits and phenotypes of vascular plants, Journal of Biomedical Semantics 7: 65.
- Lens F.P., Vos R.A., Charrier G., Niet T. van der, Merckx V.S.F.T., Baas P., Gutierrez J.A., Jacobs B., Chacon Doria L., Smets E.F., Delzon S. & Janssens S.B. (2016), Scalariform-to-simple transition in vessel perforation plates triggered by differences in climate during the evolution of Adoxaceae, Annals of Botany 118(5): 1043-1056.
- Davin N., Edger P.P., Hefer C.A., Mizrachi E., Schuetz M., Smets E.F., Myburg A.A., Douglas C.J., Schranz M.E. & Lens F.P. (2016), Functional network analysis of genes differentially expressed during xylogenesis in soc1ful woody Arabidopsis plants, The Plant Journal 86(5): 376-390.
- Lens F.P., Vos R.A., Charrier G., Niet T. van der, Merckx V., Baas P., Gutierrez Aguirre J., Jacobs B., Chacon Doria L., Smets E.F., Delzon S. & Janssens S.B. (2016), Scalariform-to-simple transition in vessel perforation plates triggered by differences in climate during the evolution of Adoxaceae, Annals of Botany 118(5): 1043-1056.
- Vrijdaghs A., Block P. de, Verstraete B., Groeninckx I., Smets E.F. & Dessein S. (2015), A developmental model for the corolla in Rubiaceae. Cryptic character states in corollas of the Spermacoceae alliance, Plant Ecology and Evolution 148(2): 237-255.
- Mennes C.B., Lam V.K.Y., Rudall P.J., Lyon S.P., Graham S.W., Smets E.F. & Merckx V.S.F.T. (2015), Ancient Gondwana break-up explains the distribution of the mycoheterotrophic family Corsiaceae (Liliales), Journal of Biogeography 42(6): 1123-1136.
- Mennes C.B., Moerland M.S., Rath M., Smets E.F. & Merckx V.S.F.T. (2015), Evolution of Mycoheterotrophy in plygalaceae: The case of epirixanthes, American Journal of Botany 102(4): 598-608.
- Semenova T.A., Morgado L.N., Welker J.M., Walker M.D., Smets E.F. & Geml J. (2015), Long-term experimental warming alters community composition of ascomycetes in Alaskan moist and dry arctic tundra, Molecular Ecology 24(2): 424-437.
- Geml J., Morgado L.N., Semenova T.A., Welker J.M., Walker M.D. & Smets E.F. (2015), Long-term warming alters richness and composition of taxonomic and functional groups of arctic fungi, FEMS Microbiology Ecology 91(8): fiv095.
- Janssens S.B., Sonke B., Lachenaud O., Lemaires B., Simo-Droissart M. & Smets E.F. (2015), Morphology, molecular phylogenetics and biogeography of Impatiens akomensis (Balsaminaceae), a new species from Cameroon, Plant Ecology and Evolution 148(3): 397-408.
- Karremans A.P., Pupulin F., Grimaldi D., Beentjes K.K., Butot R., Fazzi G.E., Kaspers K., Kruizinga J., Roessingh P., Smets E.F. & Gravendeel B. (2015), Pollination of Specklinia by nectar-feeding Drosophila: the first reported case of a deceptive syndrome employing aggregation pheromones in Orchidaceae, Annals of Botany 116(3): 437-455.
- Lemaire B., Cauwenberghe J. van, Chimphango S., Stirton C., Honnay O., Smets E.F. & Muasya A.M. (2015), Recombination and horizontal transfer of nodulation and ACC deaminase (acdS) genes within Alpha- and Betaproteobacteria nodulating legumes of the Cape Fynbos biome, FEMS Microbiology Ecology 91(11): fiv118.
- Morgado L.N., Semenova T.A., Welker J.M., Walker M.D., Smets E.F. & Geml J. (2015), Summer temperature increase has distinct effects on the ectomycorrhizal fungal communities of moist tussock and dry tundra in Arctic Alaska, Global Change Biology 21(2): 959-972.
- Lemaire B., Dlodlo O., Chimphango S., Stirton C., Schrire B., Boatwright J.S., Honnay O., Smets E.F., Sprent J., James E.K. & Muasya A.M. (2015), Symbiotic diversity, specificity and distribution of rhizobia in native legumes of the Core Cape Subregion (South Africa), FEMS Microbiology Ecology 91(2): 1-17.
- Aflitos S., Schijlen E., Jong H. de, Ridder D. de, Smit S., Finkers R., Wang J., Zhang G., Li N., Mao L., Bakker F., Dirks R., Breit T., Gravendeel B., Huits H., Struss D., Swanson-Wagner R., Leeuwen H. van, Ham R.C.H.J. van, Fito L., Guignier L., Sevilla M., Ellul P., Ganko E., Kapur A., Reclus E., Geus B. de, Geest H. van de, Lintel Hekkert B., Haarst J. van, Smits L., Koops A., Sanchez-Perez G., Heusden A.W. van, Visser R., Quan Z., Min J., Liao L., Wang X., Wang G., Yue Z., Yang X., Xu N., Schranz E., Smets E.F., Vos R., Rauwerda J., Ursem R., Schuit C., Kerns M., Berg J. van den, Vriezen W., Janssen A., Datema E., Jahrman T., Mo-quet F., Bonnet J. & Peters S. (2014), Exploring genetic variation in the tomato (Solanum section Lycopersicon) clade by whole-genome sequencing, The Plant Journal 80(1): 136-148.
- Chaowasku T., Thomas D.C., Ham R.W.J.M. van der, Smets E.F., Mols J.B. & Chatrou L.W. (2014), A plastid DNA phylogeny of tribe miliuseae: insights into relationships and character evolution in one of the most recalcitrant major clades of annonaceae, American Journal of Botany 101(4): 691-709.
- Hamann T.D., Mueller A., Roos M.C., Sosef M. & Smets E.F. (2014), Detailed mark-up of semi-monographic legacy taxonomic works using FlorML, Taxon 63(2): 377-393.
- Vrijdaghs A., Flores-Olvera H. & Smets E.F. (2014), Enigmatic floral structures in Alternanthera, Iresine, and Tidestromia (Gomphrenoideae, Amaranthaceae). A developmental homology assessment, Plant Ecology and Evolution 147(1): 49-66.
- Verstraete B., Peeters C., Wyk B. van, Smets E.F., Dessein S. & Vandamme P. (2014), Intraspecific variation in Burkholderia caledonica: Europe vs. Africa and soil vs. endophytic isolates, Systematic and Applied Microbiology 37(3): 194-199.
- Volkmar U., Smets E.F., Lenz H. & Janssens S.B. (2014), Intron evolution in a phylogenetic perspective: Divergent trends in the two copies of the duplicated def gene in Impatiens L. (Balsaminaceae), Journal of Systematics and Evolution 52(2): 134-148.
- Verstraete B., Moon H.-K., Smets E.F. & Huysmans S. (2014), Orbicules in Flowering Plants: A Phylogenetic Perspective on their Form and Function, The Botanical Review 80(2): 107-134.
- Merckx V.S.F.T. & Smets E.F. (2014), Thismia Americana, the 101st anniversary of a botanical mystery, International Journal of Plant Sciences 175(2): 165-175.
- Tosh J., Dessein S., Buerki S., Groeninckx I., Mouly A., Bremer B., Smets E.F. & Block P. de (2013), Evolutionary history of the Afro-Madagascan Ixora species (Rubiaceae): species diversification and distribution of key morphological traits inferred from dated molecular phylogenetic trees, Annals of Botany 112(9): 1723-1742.
- Mennes C.B., Smets E.F., Moses S.N. & Merckx V.S.F.T. (2013), New insights in the long-debated evolutionary history of Triuridaceae (Pandanales), Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 69(3): 994-1004.
- Verstraete B., Janssens S., Lemaire B., Smets E.F. & Dessein S. (2013), Phylogenetic lineages in vanguerieae (rubiaceae) associated with burkholderia bacteria in sub-saharan Africa, American Journal of Botany 100(12): 2380-2387.
- Merckx V.S.F.T., Kissling J., Hentrich H., Janssens S.B., Mennes C.B., Specht C.D. & Smets E.F. (2013), Phylogenetic relationships of the mycoheterotrophic genus voyria and the implications for the biogeographic history of gentianaceae , American Journal of Botany 100(4): 712-721.
- Verstraete B., Lachenaud O., Smets E.F. de, Dessein S. & Sonke B. (2013), Taxonomy and phylogenetics of Cuviera (Rubiaceae-Vanguerieae) and reinstatement of Globulostylis with the description of three new species, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 173(3): 407-441.
- Scholz A., Rabaey D., Stein A., Cochard H., Smets E.F. & Jansen S. (2013), The evolution and function of vessel and pit characters with respect to cavitation resistance across 10 Prunus species, Tree Physiology 33(7): 684-694.
- Lens F.P., Davin N.F., Smets E.F. & Arco M. del (2013), Insular woodiness on the Canary Islands: a remarkable case of convergent evolution, International Journal of Plant Sciences 174(7): 992-1013.
- Lens F., Kårehed J., Baas P., Jansen S., Rabaey D., Huysmans S., Hamann T. & Smets E. (2008), The wood anatomy of the polyphyletic Icacinaceae s.l., and their relationships within asterids, Taxon 57(2): 525-552.
- Lens F.P., Schonenberger J., Baas P., Jansen S. & Smets E.F. (2007), The role of wood anatomy in phylogeny reconstruction of Ericales, Cladistics 23(3): 229-254.
- Lens F.P., Jansen S., Caris P., Serlet L. & Smets E.F. (2005), Comparative wood anatomy of the primuloid clade (Ericales s.I.), Systematic Botany 30(1): 163-183.
- Lens F.P., Dressler S., Vinckier S., Janssens S., Dessein S., Van Evelghem L. & Smets E.F. (2005), Palynological variation in balsaminoid Ericales. I. Marcgraviaceae, Annals of Botany 96(6): 1047-1060.
- Janssens S., Lens F.P., Dressler S., Geuten K., Smets E.F. & Vinckier S. (2005), Palynological variation in balsaminoid Ericales. II. Balsaminaceae, Tetrameristaceae, Pellicieraceae and general conclusions, Annals of Botany 96(6): 1061-1073.
- Jansen S., Choat B., Vinckier S., Lens F.P., Schols P. & Smets E.F. (2004), Intervascular pit membranes with a torus in the wood of Ulmus (Ulmaceae) and related genera, New Phytologist 163(1): 51-59.
- Jansen S., Watanabe T., Caris P., Geuten K., Lens F.P., Pyck N. & Smets E.F. (2004), The distribution and phylogeny of aluminium accumulating plants in the Ericales, Plant Biology 6(4): 498-505.
- Jansen S., Baas P., Gasson P., Lens F.P. & Smets E.F. (2004), Variation in xylem structure from tropics to tundra: Evidence from vestured pits, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101(23): 8833-8837.
- Lens F.P., Smets E.F. & Jansen S. (2004), Comparative wood anatomy of Andromedeae s.s., Gaultherieae, Lyonieae and Oxydendreae (Vaccinioideae, Ericaceae s.l.), Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 144(2): 161-179.
- Lens F.P., Kron K.A., Luteyn J.L., Smets E.F. & Jansen S. (2004), Comparative wood anatomy of the blueberry tribe (Vaccinieae, Ericaceae s.l), Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 91(4): 566-592.
- Lens F.P., Luteyn J.L., Smets E.F. & Jansen S. (2004), Ecological trends in the wood anatomy of Vaccinioideae (Ericaceae s.l.), Flora 199(4): 309-319.
- Lens F.P., Gasson P., Smets E.F. & Jansen S. (2003), Comparative wood anatomy of epacrids (Styphelioideae, Ericaceae s.l), Annals of Botany 91(7): 835-856.
- Jansen S., Lens F.P., Ntore S., Piesschaert F., Robbrecht E. & Smets E.F. (2001), Contributions to the wood anatomy of the Rubioideae (Rubiaceae), Journal of Plant Research 114(3): 269-289.
- Lens F.P., Jansen S., Huysmans S., Robbrecht E. & Smets E.F. (2000), Pollen morphological variation in Vanguerieae (Ixoroideae Rubiaceae), Grana 39(2-3): 90-102.
- Lens F.P., Jansen S., Robbrecht E. & Smets E.F. (2000), Wood anatomy of the vanguerieae (Ixoroideae-Rubiaceae), with special emphasis on some geofrutices, IAWA Journal 21(4): 443-455.
- Decraene L.P.R. & Smets E.F. (1995), Evolution of the androecium in the Ranunculiflorae. In: Jensen U. & Kadereit J.W. (Eds.), Systematics and Evolution of the Ranunculiflorae. Plant Systematics and Evolution no. 9. Vienna: Springer. 63-70.
- Delaet J., Clinckemaillie D., Jansen S. & Smets E. (1995), Floral ontogeny in the plumbaginaceae , Journal of Plant Research 108(1091): 289-304.
- Decraene L.P.R. & Smets E.F. (1995), The distribution and systematic relevance of the androecial character oligomery, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 118(3): 193-247.
- Decraene L.P.R., Smets E.F. & Clinckemaillie D. (1995), The floral development and floral anatomy of coris-monspeliensis , Botany 73(11): 1687-1698.
- Decraene L.P.R. & Smets E.F. (1995), The floral development of Neurada procumbens L. (Neuradaceae), Acta Botanica Neerlandica 44(4): 439-451.
- Petanidou T. & Smets E. (1995), The potential of marginal lands for bees and apiculture - nectar secretation in mediterranean shrublands, Apidologie 26(1): 39-52.
- Huysman S., Robbrecht E. & Smets E.F. (1994), Are the genera Hallea and mitragyna (Rubiaceae-coptosapelteae) pollen morpholically distinct? , Blumea: Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants 39(1-2): 321-340.
- Decraene L.P.R. & Smets E.F. (1994), Merosity in flowers - Definition, origin, and taxonomic significance, Plant Systematics and Evolution 191(1-2): 83-104.
- Roels P. & Smets E. (1994), A comparative floral ontogenic study between adoxa-moschatellina and sambucus-ebulus, Belgian Journal of Botany 127(2): 157-170.
- Delaet J. & Smets E.F. (1994), An introduction to cladism, Belgian Journal of Botany 127(2): 207-229.
- Decraene L.P.R. & Smets E.F. (1993), Dedoublement revisited - towards a renewd interpretation of the androecium of the magnoliophytina , Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 113(2): 103-124.
- Decraene L.P.R. & Smets E.F. (1993), The distribution and systematic relevance of the androecial character polymery , Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 113(4): 285-350.
- Decraene L.P.R. & Smets E.F. (1992), An updated interpretation of the androecium of the fumariaceae , Canadian Journal of Botany 70(9): 1765-1776.
- Decraene L.P.R. & Smets E.F. (1992), Complex polyandry in the magnoliatae - definition, distribution and systematic value , Nordic Journal of Botany 12(6): 621-649.
- Clinckemaillie D. & Smets E.F. (1992), Floral similarities between plumbaginaceae and primulaceae - systematic significance, Belgian Journal of Botany 125(1): 151-153.
- Decraene L.P.R. & Smets E.F. (1991), Morphological studies in zygophyllaceae 1. The floral development and vascular anatomy of nitraria retusa , American Journal of Botany 78(10): 1438-1448.
- Decraene L.P.R. & Smets E.F. (1991), Androecium and floral nectaries of Harungana madagascariensis (Clusiaceae) , Plant Systematics and Evolution 178(3-4): 179-194.
- Decraene L.P.R. & Smets E.F. (1991), The floral nectaries of polygonium s.l. and related genera (persicarieae and polygoneae)-position, morphological nature and semophylesis , Flora 185(3): 165-185.
- Decraene L.P.R. & Smets E.F. (1991), The impact of receptacular growth on polyandry in the myrtales , Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 105(3): 257-269.
- Decraene L.P.R. & Smets E. (1990), The floral development of Popowia-whitei (Annonaceae) , Nordic Journal of Botany 10(4): 411-420.
- Smets E.F. & Cresens E.M. (1988), Types of floral nectaries and the concepts 'character' and' character-state'. A Reconsideration , Acta Botanica Neerlandica 37(1): 121-128.
- Decraene L.P.R. & Smets E. (1987), The distribution and the systematic relevance of the androecial characters oligomery and polymery in the magnoliophytina , Nordic Journal of Botany 7(3): 239-253.
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