Erik Odegard
- Name
- Dr. E.L.L. Odegard
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 6563
Erik Odegard is a postdoc at the Institute for History.
Fields of interest
- The interaction of formal empires and informal networks
- Chartered trading companies
- Urban planning and military architecture 1450-1800
PhD Research
How did free agents protect their interests by supporting or undermining career paths of employees of the VOC and WIC? The case of Johan Maurits van Nassau (Governor of New Holland-Brazil, 1636-1644) and Rijckloff van Goens (Governor-General in Batavia, 1678-1681), part of the VIDI-project 'Challenging monopolies'.
Curriculum vitae
2005-2009 Bachelor in Maritime History at Leiden University
2009-2012 Mphil History of European Expansion and Globalization at Leiden University
2018 PhD Dissertation: Colonial careers : Johan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen, Rijckloff Volckertsz. van Goens and career-making in the Sventeenth-Century Dutch empire.
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- Algemene Geschiedenis
- Odegard E.L.L. (2023), L'Indien and the Gilded Plaice: building American frigates in Amsterdam, 1777–1782, International Journal of Maritime History 35(2): 210-231.
- Odegard E.L.L. (2022), Companies in the early modern world: a review of recent literature, Itinerario 46(3): 439-449.
- Odegard E.L.L. (2022), Patronage, patrimonialism, and governors’ careers in the Dutch chartered companies, 1630-1681: careers of empire. European Expansion and Indigenous Response no. 38. Leiden/Boston: Brill.
- Odegard E.L.L. (2022), Investing in Engenhos: credit, claims, and sugar mills in Dutch Brazil, Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis = The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History 19(2): 45-68.
- Odegard E.L.L. (2022), Maritime India in Dutch sources: the Dutch East India Company port records of Cochin and Bimilipatnam, International Journal of Maritime History 34(2): 340-348.
- Odegard E.L.L. (2021), In search of sepoys: Indian soldiers and the Dutch East India Company in India and Sri Lanka, 1760-1795, War in History 29(3): 543-562.
- Odegard E.L.L. (2020), Merchant companies at war: the Anglo-Dutch wars in Asia. In: Ormrod D. & Rommelse G. (Eds.), War, Trade and the State Anglo-Dutch Conflict, 1652-89 . Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer.
- Odegard E.L.L. (2020), Re-examining the Rijksmuseum's Oldest Ship Model: A 44-gun Directorate Ship?, The Rijksmuseum Bulletin 68(3): 233-252.
- Monteiro C. Odegard E.L.L. (2020), Slavery at the Court of the ‘Humanist Prince’: Reexamining Johan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen and his Role in Slavery, Slave Trade and Slave-smuggling in Dutch Brazil, Journal of Early American History 10(1): 3-32.
- Odegard E.L.L. (2018), Agentschap Overzee: Het principal-agent probleem in de Nederlandse handelscompagnieën in de zeventiende eeuw, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 131(3): 453-4733 .
- Odegard E.L.L. (18 January 2018), Colonial careers : Johan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen, Rijckloff Volckertsz. van Goens and career-making in the Seventeenth-Century Dutch Empire (Dissertatie. Institute for History, Humanities, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Antunes C.A.P. & Gommans J.J.L.
- Antunes C.A.P., Daalder R., Dissel A.M.C. van, Heijveld W., Netten D. van, Odegard E.L.L., Tang D.J., Wildeman D. & Wubs-Mrozewicz J.J. (Eds.) (2017), . Tijdschrift voor Zeegeschiedenis: Nederlandse Verenining voor Zeegeschiedenis.
- Antunes C.A.P., Daalder R., Dissel A.M.C. van, Heijveld W., Netten D. van, Odegard E.L.L., Tang D.J., Wildeman D. & Wubs-Mrozewics J.J. (Eds.) (2017), Tijdschrift voor Zeegeschiedenis. Tijdschrift voor Zeegeschiedenis: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Zeegeschiedenis.
- Odegard E.L.L. (2016), Designing a New Fort on the Gold Coast: Johan Fredrik Trenks, the WIC, and the New Fort at Takoradi, 1774–1791, Itinerario 40(3): 523-547.
- Antunes C.A.P., Odegard E.L.L. & Tol J.J.S. van den (2015), Dutch Brazil: Networks and Entanglements of a Colonial Dream. In: Antunes C.A.P. & Gommans J.L.L. (Eds.), Exploring the Dutch Empire. Agents, Networks and Institutions, 1600-2000. London: Bloomsbury. 77-94.
- Odegard E.L.L. (2014) Victor Enthoven, Henk den Heijer en Han Jordaan ed., Geweld in de West: een militaire geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Atlantische wereld, 1600-1800. Review of: Enthoven V., Heijer H. den & Jordaan H. (2013), Geweld in de West: Een militaire geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Atlantische wereld, 1600-1800. Caribbean Series no. 33. Leiden and Boston: Brill 33(2): 75-77.
- Odegard E.L.L. (2014), The sixth admiralty: The Dutch East India Company and the military revolution at sea, c. 1639–1667, International Journal of Maritime History 26(4): 669-684.
- Odegard E.L.L. (2013) Niels Wiecker, Der iberische Atlantikhandel: Schiffsverkehr zwischen Spanien, Portugal und Iberoamerika, 1700-1800. Review of: Wiecker Niels (2013), Der iberische Atlantikhandel: Schiff sverkehr zwischen Spanien, Portugal und Iberoamerika, 1700-1800. Beiträge zur Europäischen Überseegeschichte no. 99. International Journal of Maritime History: Steiner Verlag. Der iberische Atlantikhandel : Schiffsverkehr zwischen Spanien, Portugal und Iberoamerika XXV(1): 348.
- Onderzoeker