Eric Storm
Associate professor
- Name
- Dr. H.J. Storm
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2721
- 0000-0001-8656-7283

I am a specialist in Spanish history of the 19th and 20th centuries. I also conducted extensive research into the construction of regional identities in France, Spain and Germany between 1890 and 1940. At present, I mainly publish about nationalization processes in a comparative perspective. I focus on high culture (art, architecture) and more banal forms of nationalism (tourism, world fairs, domestic sphere, cuisine). The last few years I have edited three books on regional movements in Europe, on the historiography of nationalism and on the construction of national identities at world fairs. My latest project is the publication of Nationalism: A World History (Princeton University Press 2024), which has already been translated into Dutch (published by Alfabet Uitgevers). The book will also appear in Spanish (with Crítica). As an expert on both nationalism and Spanish politics and culture, I regularly present my views on current affairs in the media.
More information about Eric Storm
Nationalism: A World History
World Fairs and the Global Moulding of National Identities: International Exhibitions as Cultural Platforms, 1851–1958
Writing the History of Nationalism
La construcción de identidades regionales en España, Francia y Alemania, 1890-1939
Regionalism and Modern Europe : Identity Construction and Movements from 1890 to the Present Day
The Discovery of El Greco: The Nationalization of Culture Versus the Rise of Modern Art (1860-1915)
Colonial Soldiers in Europe, 1914-1945: "Aliens in Uniform" in Wartime Societies
Region and State in 19th Century Europe
PhD candidates
I am a specialist in Spanish history of the 19th and 20th centuries. I also conducted extensive research into the construction of regional identities in France, Spain and Germany between 1890 and 1940. At present, I mainly publish about nationalization processes in a comparative perspective. I focus on high culture (art, architecture) and more banal forms of nationalism (tourism, world fairs, domestic sphere, cuisine). I recently edited two volumes on regionalism in Europe and one on historical approaches to nationalism. As an expert in Spanish culture and politics, I regularly present my views on current affairs in the media.
By appointment.
I am a recognized specialist of Spanish history in the 19th and 20th centuries and one of the internationally leading scholars on the history of regionalism. Recently, I have become fascinated by the construction of national identities, especially through all kinds of banal forms.
My dissertation dealt with the political debates among intellectuals and politicians in Spain in the period 1890-1914 and has been translated into Spanish as La perspectiva del progreso. Pensamiento politico en la España del cambio de siglo (2001). As a Grotius-fellow at University of Amsterdam I investigated how the rediscovery of the mannerist painter El Greco was largely caused by a nationalist reinterpretation of the European (artistic) past, and that the ‘nationalisation’ of his oeuvre from about the 1860s was initiated by foreign travellers, critics and historians. In my second post-doc project (Veni-grant) I systematically compared the rise, peak and demise of the culture of regionalism in France, Germany and Spain between 1890 and 1939. In The Culture of Regionalism (Manchester University Press 2010) I argue that regionalism should not be seen as the consequence of a growing self-awareness of provincial elites, but as an innovative international trend that origin ated wit h highly modern, national elites with a strong cosmopolitan outlook. Currently I am involved in various international research projects and focus on banal nationalism, regional identity construction, tourism and world fairs.
My latest major publication is Nationalism: A World History (Princeton University Press 2024) in which I examine the global rise and evolution of nationalism from the early modern period until the present. The book shows that nationalism was a global phenomenon and that over time it has infused our everyday life. Although nation-states are a recent (eighteenth-century) invention and national cultures only began to be created in the early nineteenth century, the existence of a world of nation-states where everyone should be loyal to their own nation is now fully taken for granted.
Fields of interest
- Nationalism and Nation-Building
- Regionalism
- Spanish History since 1808
- History of Tourism
- European Cultural History
- Global history of nationalism
Teaching activities and supervision
- I give lectures on European History since 1789. Most of my seminars focus on the construction of regional and national identities and banal forms of nationalism. The geographical scope is mostly Europe, but I am also interested in similar processes elsewhere.
- I supervise BA and MA thesis dealing with the history of Spain, France and Italy since about 1800 and also am willing to consider research projects on nationalism and regionalism.
Curriculum Vitae
1985-1991 History at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands.
1993-1999 PhD at the University of Groningen. One year stay in Madrid.
Academic Positions:
1999-2000 Assistant professor at the History Department, University Groningen.
2000-2002 Grotius fellow at the History Department, University of Amsterdam.
2000-2001 Visiting researcher at the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, University Complutense, Madrid.
2002-2004 Research fellow (NWO Veni scholarship) at the History Department, University of Amsterdam.
2004-now Assistant/Associate professor at the History Department, Leiden University, the Netherlands (tenured).
2007-2008 Research Fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study.
2015 Visiting Fellow Modern European History Research Centre, Faculty of History, Oxford University.
2019-20 Visiting Scholar Global History, Friedrich Meinecke Institute, Freie Universität Berlin.
Grants and awards
- Grotius Fellow, 2000-2002
- NWO VENI Scholarship, 2002-2007
Key publications
- Stefan Berger and Eric Storm eds., Writing the History of Nationalism (London: Bloomsbury 2019).
- Eric Storm, La construcción de identidades regionales en España, Francia y Alemania, 1890-1939 (transl. José Cuni; Madrid: Ediciones Complutense 2019).
- Xosé M. Núñez Seixas and Eric Storm eds., Regionalism in Modern Europe: Identity Construction and Movements From 1890 to the Present Day (London: Bloomsbury 2019).
- Eric Storm, ‘A New Dawn in Nationalism Studies? Some Fresh Incentives to Overcome Historiographical Nationalism: Review Article’, European History Quarterly (2018) 113-130.
- Eric Storm, ‘La nacionalización del hogar en España’, Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies 23-2 (2017) 255-275.
- Eric Storm, ‘The Nationalisation of the Domestic Sphere’, Nations and Nationalism (2017) 173-193.
- Eric Storm, ‘Art History’ in: Diana Mishkova and Balázs Trencsényi eds., European Regions and Boundaries: A Conceptual History (Oxford and New York: Berghahn 2017) 510-542.
- Eric Storm, The Discovery of El Greco: The Nationalization of Culture versus the Rise of Modern Art, 1860-1914 (transl. from Dutch; Eastborne: Sussex Academic Press 2016).
- Eric Storm and Ali al-Tuma eds., Colonial Soldiers in Europe, 1914-1945: ‘Aliens in Uniform’ in Wartime Societies (Oxford and New York: Routledge 2016).
- Eric Storm, ‘Overcoming Methodological Nationalism in Nationalism Studies: The Impact of Tourism on the Construction and Diffusion of National and Regional Identities’, History Compass 12, 4 (2014) 361-373.
- Eric Storm, ‘Una España más española. La influencia del turismo en la imagen nacional’ in: Javier Moreno Luzón y Xosé-Manoel Núñez Seixas eds., Ser españoles. Imaginarios nacionalistas en el siglo XX (Barcelona: RBA 2013) 530-560.
- Joost Augusteijn and Eric Storm eds., Region and State in Nineteenth-Century Europe: Nation-building, regional identities and separatism (Basingstoke: Palgrave 2012).
- Eric Storm, El descubrimiento del Greco: Nacionalismo y arte moderno, 1860-1914 (transl. José Cuni; Madrid: Centro de Estudios Europa Hispánica y Marcial Pons 2011).
- Eric Storm, The Culture of Regionalism: Art, Architecture and International Exhibitions in France, Germany and Spain, 1890-1939 (Manchester: Manchester University Press 2010).
- Eric Storm, La perspectiva del progreso. Pensamiento político en la España del cambio de siglo (1890-1914) (transl. José Cuni; Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva 2001).
Associate professor
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- Algemene Geschiedenis
- Storm H.J. 1 January 2025, Nationalism: A World History. Princeton UP Ideas Podcast. Princeton University Press [podcast].
- Storm H.J. 15 January 2025, Nationalism: A World History. ASEN Book Presentation Series. YouTube [podcast].
- Storm H.J. 2 January 2025, De geschiedenis van het nationalisme: Jelle van Baardewijk in gesprek met historicus Eric Storm over zijn nieuwe boek 'Nationalisme: een wereldgeschiedenis'. De Nieuwe Wereld 1815. YouTube [podcast].
- Storm E. (7 February 2025), How Putin, Xi and now Trump are ushering in a new imperial age. The Conversation. [web essay].
- Storm H.J. (2024), The study of national identities at world fairs: from methodological nationalism to transnational approaches and cultural isomorphism, Studies on National Movements 13: 5-34.
- Storm H.J. (12 August 2024), Opinie: Hebben deze Olympische Spelen mensen dichter bij elkaar gebracht?: Nou, nee. De Volkskrant, Opinie.
- Storm H.J. (15 August 2024), Hebben deze Olympische Spelen mensen dichter bij elkaar gebracht?: Nou, nee. Nederlands Dagblad, Opinie.
- Storm H.J. (2024), Nationalisme: een wereldgeschiedenis. Amsterdam: Alfabet.
- Storm H.J. (2024), Nationalism: A World History. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
- Storm H.J. (4 November 2024), Het is tragisch dat VVD en NSC meegaan in het kortzichtig nationalisme van radicaal-rechts.
- Storm H.J. (19 December 2024), Integreren in wat?.
- Storm E. (9 February 2025), We staan aan de vooravond van de terugkeer van het imperialisme. Het Financieele Dagblad, Voor.kennis: 28-29.
- Storm H.J. (2023), International exhibitions as global test fields: heritage and regionalism at the Panama-California exposition in San Diego and the Ibero-American exhibition in Seville, 1915-1929. In: Falser M. (Ed.), Modernité pittoresques: études architecturales en régionalisme mondial (1890-1950) = Picturesque modernities: architectural studies in global regionalism, 1890-1950. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes. 295-321.
- Storm H.J. (2023), Review of: Moreno Almendral R. (2021), Relatos de vida, conceptos de nación. Reino Unido, Francia, España y Portugal (1780–1840). Valencia: PUV. European History Quarterly 53(1): 182-184.
- Storm H.J. (2023), Arquitectura regionalista, turismo y el anhelo de una vida más auténtica, 1890-1940: una perspectiva europea, Historia Social (107): 111-128.
- Storm H.J. 30 August 2023, Bad reputation : regionalism, conservative or avant-garde. The Regional Fictions Podcast 2. Faculty of Arts; Radboud University [podcast].
- Berger S. & Storm H.J. (Eds.) (2023), 민족주의, 역사를 쓰다: (translation Writing the History of Nationalism). Seoul: 연암서가.
- Storm H.J. (2023), Review of: Moreno J. (2023), El Rey Patriota. Alfonso XIII y la nación. Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg. Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies 48(1): 247-249.
- Storm H.J. (14 October 2023), Het cliché dat ‘de politiek’ één pot nat is, vreet aan onze democratie. Trouw, Opinie.
- Bakke E., Breuilly J., Hutchinson J., Kolář P., Kriel M., Leerssen J., Malečková J., Malešević S., Řezník M., Núñez Seixas X.M., Šima K. & Storm H.J. (2022), Symposium for Miroslav Hroch, Nations and Nationalism 28(3): 737-759.
- Storm H.J. (2022), The rise of the nation‐state during the Age of Revolution: revisiting the debate on the roots of nations and nationalism, Nations and Nationalism 28(4): 1137-1151.
- Storm H.J. (2022), The Canonization of the Artisan Around 1900. In: Brolsma M., Drace-Francis A., Lajosi-Moore K., Maessen E., Rensen M., Rock J., Rodríguez Perez Y. & Snel G. (Eds.), Networks, narratives and nations: transcultural approaches to cultural nationalism in Europe and beyond. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 137-147.
- Storm H.J. (2022), Lo spatial turn e lo studio del nazionalismo: Dalla costruzione delle identità regionali agli approcci transnazionali. In: Geniola A. & Paci D. (Eds.) Sulle Tracce della comunità immaginata. Identità e istituzioni nell’Europa degli stati nazionali. Milano: Unicopli. 15-33.
- Storm H.J. (2022), The Culture of Regionalism, Neo-Vernacular Architecture and Tourism. Conference Tourism, Regional Identities and Ideas of Nation in the Long Nineteenth Century 21 June 2022 - 22 June 2022. St. Anthony’s College, Oxford University: Conference Tourism, Regional Identities and Ideas of Nation in the Long Nineteenth Century. 21-22 June 2022.
- Storm H.J. (2022), The transnational construction of national identities at World Fairs: Cultural isomorphism through an early visual mass-medium, 1867-1939. University of Antwerp: National and Media: Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism.
- Storm H.J. (2022), Visualizar la nación y la región: La construcción transnacional de identidades regionales y nacionales en España durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. 20th May 2022 (Ed.). Symposium of the International Network of Nineteenth-Century Hispanists 20 May 2022 - 20 May 2022. University of Ghent: Symposium of the International Network of Nineteenth-Century Hispanists.
- Storm H.J. (2021), El giro espacial en el estudio del nacionalismo y del regionalismo: algunas reflexiones historiográficas. In: Claret J. & Fuster-Sobrepere J. (Eds.), El regionalismo bien entendido. Ambigüedades y límites del regionalismo en la España franquista. Granada: Comares. 17-39.
- Storm H.J. (2021) Review of [Debating nationalism: the global spread of nations] by [Florian Bieber]. Review of: Bieber F. (2020), Debating nationalism: the global spread of nations. London: Bloomsbury. Nations and Nationalism 27(2): 594-595.
- Leerssen J. & Storm H.J. (Eds.) (2021), World Fairs and the Global Moulding of National Identities: International Exhibitions as Cultural Platforms, 1851–1958. National Cultivation of Culture no. 27. Leiden: Brill.
- Storm H.J. (2021), Isomorfismo cultural en las exposiciones universales: Algunas reflexiones metodológicas acerca de la España Global, II Seminario de investigación La España Global. Las identidades españolas en perspectiva trasnacional. Seminario de investigación La España Global. Las identidades españolas en perspectiva trasnacional 28 October 2021 - 28 October 2021.
- Storm H.J. & Leerssen J. (2021), Introduction. In: Leerssen J. & Storm H.J. (Eds.), World fairs and the global moulding of national identities: international exhibitions as cultural platforms, 1851-1958. National Cultivation of Culture no. 27. Leiden: Brill. 1-30.
- Storm H.J. (2021), The transnational construction of national identities : A classification of national pavilions at world fairs. In: Leerssen J. & Storm H.J. (Eds.), World Fairs and the Global Moulding of National Identities: International Exhibitions as Cultural Platforms, 1851-1958. National Cultivation of Culture no. 27. Leiden: Brill. 53-83.
- Storm H.J. (2020), When Did Nationalism Become Banal? The Nationalization of the Domestic Sphere in Spain, European History Quarterly 50(2): 204-225.
- Storm H.J. (2020), El giro espacial en el estudio del nacionalismo y del regionalismo: algunas reflexiones historiográficas (keynote). “El Regionalismo bien entendido” Ambiguities and limits of regionalism in Franco’s Spain 29 January 2020 - 31 January 2020. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona: «El Regionalismo bien entendido» Ambigüedades y límites del regionalismo en la España franquista.
- Storm H.J. (2020), Turismo, arquitectura regionalista y el anhelo de una vida más auténtica. . Universitat de Barcelona: II Jornades Internacionals “Turisme, Gènere i Nació: Una Perspectiva Postcolonial” .
- Storm H.J. (2020), El artesano como símbolo nacional. In: Romeo M.C., Salomón M.P. & Tabanera N. (Eds.), De relatos e imágenes nacionales. Las derechas española (siglos XIX-XX). Zaragoza: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza. 65-91.
- Storm H.J. (2019), La construcción de identidades regionales en España, Francia y Alemania, 1890-1939. Madrid: Ediciones Complutense.
- Storm H.J. (2019), Spaanse socialisten vinden antwoord op rechtse identiteitspolitiek, : .
- Storm H.J. & Van Ginderachter M. (2019), Questioning the Wilsonian moment: the role of ethnicity and nationalism in the dissolution of European empires from the Belle Époque through the First World War, European Review of History 26(5): 747-756.
- Storm H.J. (2019) Nationalism: Towards a New Global Understanding. Review of: Hastings Derek, Hutchinson John & Wimmer Andreas (2018 | 2017 | 2018), Nationalism in Modern Europe: Politics, Identity and Belonging since the French Revolution | Nationalism and War | Nation Building: Why Some Countries Come Together While Others Fall Apart: Bloomsbury | Oxford University Press | Princeton University Press. History 47(3): 47-50.
- Storm H.J. & Van Ginderachter M. (Eds.) (2019), Questioning the Wilsonian moment: the role of ethnicity and nationalism in the dissolution of European empires from the Belle Époque through the First World War/ Interroger le moment wilsonien: le rôle de l'ethnicité et du nationalisme dans la dissolution des empires européens de la Belle Époque à la Grande Guerre. European Review of History.
- Berger S. & Storm H.J. (Eds.) (2019), Writing the History of Nationalism. London: Bloomsbury.
- Berger S. & Storm H.J. (2019), Introduction: Writing the History of Nationalism - in What Way, for Whom and by Which Means?. In: Berger S. & Storm H.J. (Eds.), Writing the History of Nationalism. London: Bloomsbury. 1-18.
- Storm H.J. (2019), The spatial turn and the history of nationalism: Nationalism between regionalism and transnational approaches. In: Berger S. & Storm H.J. (Eds.), Writing the History of Nationalism. London: Bloomsbury. 215-238.
- Storm H.J. (2019), Hasta en la sopa: nacionalismo y regionalismo en la esfera doméstica, 1890-1936. In: Andreu Miralles X. (Ed.), Vivir la nación: Nuevos debates sobre el nacionalismo español. Granada: Comares. 29-55.
- Storm H.J. (2019), La nacionalización del artesano: España, Francia y Alemania (1880-1939). Barcelona: 4th Research Seminar "Turismo y performatividad de la identidad local: Nación y región desde una perspectiva postcolonial y de género (Cataluña y Baleares: Siglos XIX-XXI)" (Universitat de Barcelona). [working paper].
- Storm H.J. (2019), La construcción transnacional de identidades nacionales: la Exposición Panamá-California de San Diego (1915) y la Exposición Ibero-Americana de Sevilla (1929). Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies 10 July 2019 - 13 July 2019. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona: Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies.
- Storm H.J. (2018), The Transnational Construction of National Identities: A Typology of National Pavilions at World Fairs. . Amsterdam: Workshop World Fairs and International Exhibitions: National self-profiling in an internationalist context, 1851-1940.
- Storm H.J. (2018), Canonvorming en het gevaar van methodologisch nationalisme. . Arnhem: Voorjaarscongres KNHG Denkend aan Nederland: Erfgoed, Canon en nationale identiteit in politiek, onderwijs en media.
- Storm H.J. (2018), El artesano como símbolo nacional. Congreso Internacional La Nación de Derechas 17 October 2018 - 19 October 2018. Valencia: Congreso Internacional La Nación de Derechas.
- Storm H.J. (2018), Regionale identiteiten: Enkele reflecties. . Leeuwarden: Workshop Regionale identiteit na Leeuwarden-Fryslân 2018, Fryske Akademy.
- Storm H.J. (2018), Patrimonio nacional y arquitectura regionalista en la Exposición Iberoamericana dentro de un contexto comparativo. . Sevilla: Primer Congreso Interacional sobre la Exposición Iberoamericana de 1929.
- Storm H.J. (2018), The use of heritage in the construction of national pavilions at World Fairs on both sides of the Atlantic, 1851-1937. . Amsterdam: Cultural mobilization: Cultural consciousness-raising and national movements in Europe and the world.
- Storm H.J. (2018), A New Dawn in Nationalism Studies? Some Fresh Incentives to Overcome Historiographical Nationalism, European History Quarterly 48(1): 113-129.
- Storm H.J. (2018), Sight and sound: Musical and visual culture: World Fairs and (Inter)national Exhibitions. In: Leerssen J. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 85-88.
- Storm H.J. (2018), Individuals: Costa, Joaquín. In: Leerssen J. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 268-269.
- Storm H.J. (2018), Individuals: Zuloaga, Ignacio. In: Leerssen J. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 599.
- Storm H.J. (2018), Catalonië wordt lakmoesproef voor Europese rechtsorde, Knack : .
- Storm H.J. (2018), Catalan nationalism and the failed secession from Spain: Historical Background and Consequences for Europe. In: Wever B. de, Ferreras I. & Parijs Ph. van (Eds.), Multi-level Nationalism? The Catalan question and its lessons for Belgium and for Europe no. 20. Brussels: Re-Bel. 15-27.
- Storm H.J. (2018), La nacionalización del arte. Manuel B. Cossío y la entrada de El Greco en el canon artístico español. In: Archilés F. (Ed.), No sólo cívica. Nación y nacionalismo cultural español. Valencia: Tirant Humanidades. 151-171.
- Núñez Seixas X.M. & Storm H.J. (Eds.) (2018), Regionalism and Modern Europe: Identity Construction and Movements from 1890 to the Present Day. London: Bloomsbury.
- Núñez Seixas X.M. & Storm H.J. (2018), Introduction: region, nation and history. In: Núñez Seixas X.M. & Storm H.J. (Eds.), Regionalism and modern Europe: identity construction and movements from 1890 to the present day. London: Bloomsbury. 1-25.
- Storm H.J. (2018), Tourism and the Construction of Regional Identities. In: Núñez Seixas X.M. & Storm H.J. (Eds.), Regionalism and Modern Europe: Identity Construction and Movements from 1890 to the Present Day. London: Bloomsbury. 99-119.
- Núñez Seixas X.M. & Storm H.J. (2018), Conclusion: overcoming methodological regionalism. In: Núñez Seixas X.M. & Storm H.J. (Eds.), Regionalism and modern Europe: identity construction and movements from 1890 to the present day. London: Bloomsbury. 343-355.
- Storm H.J. (2017), A More Spanish Spain: The Influence of Tourism on the National Image. In: Moreno-Luzón J. & Núñez Seixas X.M. (Eds.), Metaphors of Spain: Representations of Spanish National Identity in the Twentieth Century. Oxford and New York: Berghahn. 239-260.
- Storm H.J. (2017), Disciplinary Traditions of Regionalization: Art History. In: Mishkova D. & Trencsényi B. (Eds.), European Regions and Boundaries: A Conceptual History. Oxford and New York: Berghahn. 510-542.
- Storm H.J. (2017), World Fairs and (Inter)national Exhibitions. In: Leerssen J. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe: Study Platform of Interlocking Nationalisms.
- Storm H.J. (2017), La nacionalización del hogar en España, Journal of Iberian and Latin-American Studies 23(2): 255-275.
- Storm H.J. (29 September 2017), Referendum leidt tot niks. Catalonië vs. Madrid. Gehamer op identiteit verscheurt het land. Het Parool, Het hoogste woord.
- Storm H.J. (9 October 2017), Collectie Rijksmuseum is niet representatief voor Nederland. Artistiek en geografisch eenzijdig en geen minderheden te zien. De Volkskrant, Opinie.
- Storm H.J. (23 October 2017), Het is twijfelachtig of de Catalanen wel recht hebben op afscheiding. Trouw, Opinie.
- Storm H.J. (27 October 2017), Spat de Catalaanse droom uiteen?. Amsterdam: BNNVara (Joop). [web article].
- Storm H.J. (9 November 2017), Het Catalaanse voorbeeld laat zien dat het verlaten van de Europese Unie zelfmoord is. De Volkskrant, Opinie.
- Storm H.J. (2017) Recensiones. Review of: Luengo Teixidor Félix & Molina Aparicio Fernando (2016), Los caminos de la nación. Factores de nacionalización en la España contemporánea. Granada: Comares. Historia y Política (38): 391-394.
- Storm H.J. (2017), Catalonië leert ons dat ook Vlaanderen in de Europese Unie nooit onafhankelijk zal worden, Knack : .
- Storm H.J. (2017), Review of: Vázquez Oscar E. (2016), The End Again: Degeneration and Visual Culture in Modern Spain. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press. Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies 42(2): 152-153.
- Storm H.J. (2017), El impacto del Turismo sobre identidades regionales en Europa, 1890-1975. .
- Storm H.J. (2017), Catalan Independence: Historical Background and Consequences for Europe. .
- Storm H.J. (2017), De opkomst en neergang van de natiestaat. .
- Storm H.J. (2017), Catalan Nationalism: Historical Background and Recent Radicalization. .
- Storm H.J. & Tuma A. al (2016), Introduction: Colonial Soldiers in Europe, 1914-1945. In: Storm H.J. & Tuma A. al (Eds.), Colonial Soldiers in Europe, 1914-1945: "Aliens in Uniform" in Wartime Societies. New York: Routledge. 1-21.
- Storm H.J. (2016), Review of: Young Clinton D. (2016), Music Theater and Popular Nationalism in Spain, 1880-1930. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies 41(1): 145-146.
- Storm H.J. (2016), Regionalismo y arquitectura en España, 1900-1930. Contexto cultural, ideología y logros concretos. In: André P. & Sambricio C. (Eds.), Arquitectura popular. Tradição e vanguarda - Tradición y vanguardia. Lisboa: Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. 49-85.
- Storm H.J. (2016), The Nationalisation of the Domestic Sphere, Nations and Nationalism 23(1): 173–193.
- Storm H.J. (2016), Un decadente descubre al Greco. Santiago Rusiñol y la modernización de la vida cultural en Cataluña. In: Guerrero S. (Ed.), El arte de saber ver: Manuel B. Cossío, la Institución Libre de Enseñanza y El Greco. Madrid: Fundación Francisco Giner de los Ríos. 225-237.
- Storm H.J. & Tuma A. al (Eds.) (2016), Colonial Soldiers in Europe, 1914-1945: "Aliens in Uniform" in Wartime Societies. New York: Routledge.
- Storm H.J. (2016), The Discovery of El Greco: The Nationalization of Culture versus the Rise of Modern Art (1860-1914) [De ontdekking van El Greco. Aartsvader van de moderne kunst] (translation: Storm H.J.). Eastbourne: Sussex Academic Press.
- Storm H.J. (2015), Nationalism Studies between Methodological Nationalism and Orientalism: An Alternative Approach Illustrated with the Case of El Greco in Toledo, Spain, Nations and Nationalism 21(4): 786-804.
- Storm H.J. (2015), The Generation of 1898 and Cervantes: The invention of Don Quixote as a national symbol. In: Achiri N., Baraibar A. & Schmelzer F.K.E. (Eds.), Actas del III Congreso Ibero-Africano de Hispanistas no. 29. Pamplona: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra. 361-372.
- Storm H.J. (2015), Costa, Joaquín. In: Leerssen J. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe. Amsterdam: Study Platform on Interlocking Nationalisms.
- Storm H.J. (2015), Zuloaga, Ignacio. In: Leerssen J. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe. Amsterdam: Study Platform on Interlocking Nationalisms.
- Storm H.J. (2015), La arquitectura regionalista de Sevilla desde una perspectiva internacional. In: Méndez Rodríguez L. & Plaza Orellana R. (Eds.), Andalucía. La construcción de una imagen artística. Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla. 197-219.
- Storm H.J. (2014), Overcoming Methodological Nationalism in Nationalism Studies: The Impact of Tourism on the Construction and Diffusion of National and Regional Identities, History Compass 12(4): 361-373.
- Storm H.J. (2014), Review of: Young Patrick (2012), Enacting Brittany: Tourism and Culture in Provincial France, 1871-1939. Farnham: Ashgate. European History Quarterly 44(2): 388-389.
- Storm H.J. (2014), Entre el cielo y la tierra. In: Durán I. & Caballero L. (Eds.), Entre el cielo y la tierra. Doce miradas al Greco cuatrocientos años después. Madrid: Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. 122-124.
- Storm H.J. (2014), Between Heaven and Earth. In: Durán I. & Caballero L. (Eds.), Entre el cielo y la tierra. Doce miradas al Greco cuatrocientos años después. Madrid: Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. 112-124.
- Storm H.J. (2014), Santiago Rusiñol, Ignacio Zuloaga i el redescobriment d'el Greco. Pintor de l'ànima o precursor de l'art modern?. In: Hernández N. & Panyella V. (Eds.), El Greco. La mirada de Rusiñol. Barcelona: Fundació Francisco Godia. 46-58.
- Storm H.J. (2014), Nationalismus, Modernismus und die internationale Wiederentdeckung El Grecos. In: Scholz-Hänsel M. & Wismer B. (Eds.), El Greco und der Streit um die Moderne. München: De Gruyter. 80-88.
- Storm H.J. (2014), Santiago Rusiñol, Ignacio Zuloaga y el redescubrimiento del Greco. Pintor del alma o precursor del arte moderno?. In: Hernández N. & Panyella V. (Eds.), El Greco. La mirada de Rusiñol. Barcelona: Fundación Francisco Godia. 46-58.
- Storm H.J. (2014) Towards World Heritage: International Origins of the Preservation Movement, 1870–1930. Review of: Hall Melanie (2011), Towards World Heritage: International Origins of the Preservation Movement, 1870–1930. Farnham: Ashgate. The English Historical Review 129(540): 1234-1236.
- Storm H.J. (Screenwriter) (2014), Más allá del espacio y del tiempo. El descubrimiento del Greco documentary. Madrid: López-Li Films & Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte de España. [film].
- Storm H.J. (2014) The Nation Made Real: Art and National Identity in Western Europe, 1600-1815. Review of: Smith Anthony D. (2013), The Nation Made Real: Art and National Identity in Western Europe, 1600-1815. Oxford: Oxford University Press. The English Historical Review 129(539): 981-983.
- Storm H.J. (15 November 2014), Was Catalaans referendum wel zo democratisch?. De Volkskrant, Opinie & Debat.
- Storm H.J. (3 October 2014), Catalonië moet gewoon bij Spanje blijven. De Volkskrant, Opinie & Debat: 26.
- Storm H.J. (2013), Spaanse Burgeroorlog. Een hoorcollege over de strijd om Spanje: 1936-1939. Den Haag: Home Academy.
- Storm H.J. (2013), Una España más española. La influencia del turismo en la imagen nacional. In: Moreno Luzón J. & Núñez Seixas X.M. (Eds.), Ser españoles. Imaginarios nacionalistas en el siglo XX. Barcelona: RBA. 530-560.
- Storm H.J. (2013), Ausstellungen als Schaufenster der regionalen und lokalen Identität. EinigeTransnationale Überlegungen. In: , Rheinisch! Europäisch! Modern! Netzwerke und Selbtsbilder im Rheinland vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Essen: Klartext Verlag. 188-199.
- Storm H.J. (2013), Crushed between Gauguin and Picasso: Ignacio Zuloaga’s Depictions of Spain and the Politics of Nationalism. In: Hanson I., Rhoden W.J. & Snyder E.E. (Eds.), Poetry, Politics and Pictures: Culture and Identity in Europe, 1840-1914. New York: Peter Lang. 67-91.
- Solheim H. & Storm H.J. (2013), War and Peace in Colombia. In: Yih-Jye H. & Cerna L. (Eds.), Global Challenges: Peace and War. Leiden and Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. 177-193.
- Storm H.J. (2013), L'età dell'oro del regionalismo. La cultura regionalista in Francia, Germania e Spagna (1890-1937), Nazioni e Regioni. Studi e ricerche sulla comunità immaginata 2013(2): 83-103.
- Storm H.J. (2013), Patrimonio local, turismo e identidad nacional en una ciudad de provincias: Toledo a principios del siglo XX, Hispania 73(244): 349-367.
- Storm H.J. (2013), The Belief in Unbelief: Anticlericalism and the Sacralization of Politics in Spain (1900-39). In: Augusteijn J., Dassen P.G.C. & Janse M.J. (Eds.), Political Religion Beyond Totalitarianism: The Sacralization of Politics in the Age of Democracy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 231-255.
- Storm H.J. (2013), Review of: Thomson G. (2010), The Birth of Modern Politics in Spain: Democracy, Association and Revolution, 1854-1875. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. The English Historical Review 128: 181-182.
- Storm H.J. (2013), Review of: Van Ginderachter M. & Beyen M. (2012), Nationhood from Below: Europe in the Long Nineteenth Century no. 3. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. European History Quarterly 43: 543-545.
- Storm H.J. (2013), Review of: Cruz J. (2011), The Rise of Middle Class Culture in Nineteenth-Century Spain. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. Journal of Social History 46.
- Storm H.J. (2013), Review of: Álvarez-Junco José (2011), Spanish Identity in the Age of Nations. Manchester: Manchester University Press. The English Historical Review 128(534): 1259-1261.
- Storm H.J. & Vandevoorde H. (2012), Bierstuben, Cottages and Art Deco: Regionalism, Nationalism and Internationalism at the Belgian World Fairs, revue belge de philologie et d'histoire/belgisch tijdschrift voor filologie en geschiedenis (4): 165-180.
- Storm H.J. (2012), Nation-Building in the Provinces: The Interplay between Local, Regional and National Identities in Central and Western Europe, 1870-1945, European History Quarterly 42(4): 650-663.
- Augusteijn J. & Storm H.J. (2012), Introduction: Region and State. In: Augusteijn Joost & Storm Eric (Eds.), Region and State in Nineteenth-Century Europe. Nation-building, regional identities and separatism. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 1-9.
- Storm H.J. (2012), Die Ideologie des Regionalismus in Architekturzeitschriften Deutschlands, Frankreichs und Spaniens 1900-1925. In: Krauskopf K., Lippert H.G. & Zaschke K. (Eds.), Neue Tradition. Vorbilder, Mechanismen und Ideen. Dresden: Thelem. 133-151.
- Augusteijn J. & Storm H.J. (2012), Conclusion: Transnational Patterns. In: Augusteijn Joost & Storm Eric (Eds.), Region and State in Nineteenth-Century Europe. Nation-building, regional identities and separatism. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 269-280.
- Storm H.J. (2012), The Birth of Regionalism and the Crisis of Reason: France, Germany and Spain. In: Augusteijn J. & Storm E. (Eds.), Region and State in Nineteenth-Century Europe: Nation-Building, Regional Identities and Separatism. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 36-57.
- Augusteijn J. & Storm H.J. (Eds.) (2012), Region and State in Nineteenth-Century Europe: Nation-Building, Regional Identities and Separatism. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Storm H.J. (2012) A Global History of Regionalism?. Review of: Lefaivre L. & Tzonis A. (2012), Architectural Regionalism in the Age of Globalization: Peaks and Valleys in the Flat World no. 2. Londen and New York: Routledge. Building Research and Information 41: 250-253.
- Storm H.J. (2012), El fracaso de la construcción nacional en una ciudad de provincias. La conmemoración del Greco (1914) en Toledo, Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez 42(1): 251-271.
- Storm H.J. (2011), El descubrimiento del Greco. Nacionalismo y arte moderno (1860-1914). Madrid: Centro de Estudios Europa Hispánica & Marcial Pons.
- Storm H.J. (2011), Absolutisme versus liberalisme, 1808-1874. In: Fagel R. & Storm E. (Eds.), Het land van Don Quichot. De Spanjaarden en hun geschiedenis. Amsterdam: Athenaeum, Polak & Van Gennep. 199-227.
- Storm H.J. (2011), Het democratische Spanje, 1975-2011. In: Fagel R. & Storm E. (Eds.), Het land van Don Quichot. De Spanjaarden en hun geschiedenis. Amsterdam: Athenaeum, Polak & Van Gennep. 323-355.
- Storm H.J. (2011), De Restauratie, 1875-1931. In: Fagel R. & Storm E. (Eds.), Het land van Don Quichot. De Spanjaarden en hun geschiedenis. Amsterdam: Athenaeum, Polak & Van Gennep. 227-254.
- Fagel R.P. & Storm H.J. (Eds.) (2011), Het land van Don Quichot. De Spanjaarden en hun geschiedenis. Amsterdam: Athenaeum, Polak & Van Gennep.
- Storm H.J. (2011), Review of: Forth C.E. & Accampo E. (2010), Confronting Modernity in Fin-de-Siecle France: Bodies, Minds and Gender no. 3. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. European History Quarterly 41: 524-526.
- Storm H.J. (2011), Zonder toekomstvisie stagneert het Westen, Trouw 69(12 augustus): 19.
- Storm H.J. (2011) book review. Review of: Umbach M. (2009), German Cities and Bourgeois Modernism, 1890-1924. Oxford: Oxford University Press. EAHN Newsletter 1/11: 52-55.
- Storm H.J. (2011), La cultura regionalista en España, Francia y Alemania. Una perspectiva comparada (1890-1937), Ayer 2011(82): 161-185.
- Storm H.J. (2010), The culture of regionalism: Art, architecture and international exhibitions in France, Germany and Spain, 1890-1939. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- Storm H.J. (2010) Toerisme en nationalisme in Ierland. Review of: Zuelow E.G.E. (2009), Making Ireland Irish: Tourism and National Identity since the Irish Civil War. New York: Syracuse University Press. TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GESCHIEDENIS 4: 627-628.
- Storm H.J. (2010), Review of: Tusell J. & Encarnación O.G. (2007|2008), Spain: From dictatorship to democracy: 1939 to the present|Spanish politics: Democracy after dictatorship no. 2. Oxford|Cambridge: Blackwell|Polity. European History Quarterly 40: 320-322.
- Storm H.J. (2010) De voordelen van rasvermenging. Review of: Goode J. (2009), Impurity of Blood. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GESCHIEDENIS 3: 466-467.
- Storm H.J. (2009), Painting Regional Identities: Nationalism in the Arts, France, Germany and Spain, 1890-1914, European History Quarterly 39(4): 557-582.
- Storm H.J. (2009), Ik en wij: De negentiende eeuw in het Nederlands Historisch Museum, Humanities Diliman 33: 137-142.
- Storm H.J. (2008), El Ateneo de Madrid y el tercer centenario del Quijote en 1905. In: Martínez de Castilla Muñoz Nuria (Ed.), Don Quijote en el Ateneo de Madrid. Madrid: Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales. 11-47.
- Storm H.J. (2008), Regionalism and high culture: the case of painting, 1890-1914. In: Santvoort L. van, Maeyer J. de & Verschaffel T. (Eds.), Sources of regionalism in the Nineteenth Century: architecture, art and literature. Leuven: Leuven University Press. 160-182.
- Storm H.J. (2008) Boekbespreking. Review of: Mihail B. (2006), Une Flandre à la française: l'identité régionale à l'épreuve du modèle républicain no. 3. Saintes: Labor. French History 22: 366-367.
- Storm H.J. (2008) Boekbespreking. Review of: Canizaro V.B. (2007), Architectural Regionalism: Collected Writings on Place, Identity, Modernity and Tradition. New York: Princeton University Press. European Architectural History Network Newsletter 4: 40-43.
- Storm H.J. (2008), Julius Meier-Graefe, El Greco and the Rise of Modern Art, Mitteilungen der Carl Justi-Vereinigung 20: 113-133.
- Storm H.J. (2006), De ontdekking van El Greco: Aartsvader van de moderne kunst. Amsterdam: Bert Bakker.
- Storm H.J. (2005) Boekbespreking. Review of: Baycroft T. (2004), Culture, identity and nationalism: French Flanders in the nineteenth and twentieth century no. 4. Woodbridge: Boydell Press & Royal Society. French History 19: 501-504.
- Storm H.J. (2005) Boekbespreking. Review of: Wright J. (2003), The regionalist movement in France 1890-1914: Jean Charles-Brun and French political thought no. 4. Oxford: Oxford University Press. French History 19: 501-504.
- Storm H.J. (2005) Boekbespreking. Review of: Facos M. & Hirsh S.L. (2003), Art, culture and national identity in fin-de-siècle Europe no. 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. National Identities 7: 108-110.
- Storm H.J. (2005) Nationale identiteit in de provincie. Review of: Gerson S. (2003), The pride of place: local memories and political culture in nineteenth century France no. 1. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GESCHIEDENIS 118: 114-116.
- Storm H.J. (2005), De eerste bloeiperiode van het regionalisme (1890-1945). Een internationale historiografische verkenning, Cultuur. Tijdschrift voor etnologie 1(1): 35-47.
- Storm H.J. (2004), The problems of the Spanish nation-building process around 1900, National Identities 6: 143-157.
- Storm H.J. (2004), Las conmemoraciones de héroes nacionales en la España de la Restauración. El centenario de El Greco de 1914, Historia y Política 2: 79-104.
- Storm H.J. (2003), La nacionalización de El Greco, Claves de razón práctica (137): .
- Storm H.J. (2003), De herontdekking van El Greco, Feit & Fictie: tijdschrift voor de geschiedenis van de representatie 5(4): 67-85.
- Storm H.J. (2003), Regionalism in history, 1890-1945: The cultural approach, European History Quarterly : 251-266.
- Storm H.J. (2002), The rise of the intellectual around 1900: Spain and France, European History Quarterly 32: 139-160.
- Storm H.J. (2002), Los guías de la nación. El nacimiento del intelectual en su contexto internacional, Historia y Política 8: 39-57.
- Storm H.J. (2001), La perspectiva del progreso. Pensamiento político en la Espana del cambio de siglo (1890-1914). Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.
- Storm H.J. (2000), El nacionalismo español de los intelectuales. Costa, Unamuno y Ganivet en el fin de siglo. Sánchez Mantero Rafael (Ed.), En torno al 98. España en el tránsito del siglo XIX al XX. . Huelva: Universidad de Huelva Publicaciones. 389-403.
- Storm H.J. (Ed.) (2000), Cambio de siglo. Ideas, mentalidades, sensibilidades en España hacia 1900. Amsterdam & Atlanta: Rodopi.
- Storm H.J. (2000), Los intelectuales en 1900, Foro Hispánico 18: 9-21.
- Storm H.J. (2000), Review of: Richards M. (1998), A time of silence. Civil War and the culture of repression in Franco's Spain, 1936-1945. Cambridge. TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GESCHIEDENIS 113: 290-291.
- Storm H.J. (2000), 1898: de ramp, regeneratie en de generatie van 1898. Een nieuwe interpretatie, Symposium. Spaans in onderwijs, onderzoek en bedrijfsleven. 11: 34-38.
- Storm H.J. (1999), Het perspectief van de vooruitgang. Denken over politiek in het Spaanse fin de siècle, 1890-1914. Baarn: Agora.
- Storm H.J. (1999), El 98 y el pensamiento político. Una perspectiva europea. Ruiz-Manjón Octavio & Langa Alicia (Eds.), Los significados del '98. La sociedad española en la génesis del siglo XX. . Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva. 265-281.
- Storm H.J. (1999), Review of: Ringrose D.R. (1996), Spain, Europe and the "Spanish Miracle", 1700-1900. Cambridge. TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GESCHIEDENIS 112: 282-283.
- Storm H.J. (1999), Don Quichot en de waarheid van de Spaanse hoogvlakte, Meander. Reizen op schrift. (16): 21-25.
- Storm H.J. (1998), El tercer centenario del Don Quijote en 1905 y el nacionalismo español, Hispania 63(2): 625-655.
- Storm H.J. (1996), La generación de 1897. Las ideas políticas de Azorín y Unamuno en el fin de siglo. Fusi Juan Pablo & Niño Antonio (Eds.), Antes del «desastre»: Orígenes y antecedentes de la crisis del 98. . Madrid: Universidad Complutense. 465-481.
- Storm H.J. (1996), Berlin, Meander. Reizen op schrift. (10): 12-14.
- Storm H.J. (1994), Review of: Oskam J.A. & Safón A. (1993), Geschiedenis en cultuur van Spanje. De wortels van het heden. Bussum. TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GESCHIEDENIS 107: 282-283.
- Storm H.J. (1994), Humor-symposium te Amsterdam, Groniek 125(125): 112-113.
- Storm H.J. (1993), Review of: Bernecker W.L. (1991), Krieg im Spanien, 1936-3939 no. 2. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GESCHIEDENIS 106: 271-272.
- Storm H.J. (1993), Review of: Lechner J. (1992), Contactos entre los Países Bajos y el mundo ibérico. TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GESCHIEDENIS 106: 601-602.
- Storm H.J. (1993) boekbespreking. Review of: (1991), Geschiedschrijving in de twintigste eeuw: Discussie zonder eind no. 118. Amsterdam: Agon. Groniek 25: 123-124.
- Storm H.J. (1993), De amerikanisering van Europa als de opstand der horden? José Ortega y Gasset over de Verenigde Staten, Theoretische Geschiedenis 20(3): 257-268.
- Storm H.J. (1992), Federico García Lorca. Een dichter in New York (1929-1930), Meander. Reizen op schrift. (2): 1-4.
- Storm H.J. (1991), Review of: Berkel K. van (1990), Denken over cultuur. Een beschouwing over de samenhang in de geschiedenis van idee en mentaliteit no. 111. Groniek : 104-105.
- Storm H.J. (1991), Review of: Berkel K. van (1990), Amerika in Europese ogen. Facetten van de beeldvorming van het moderne Amerika no. 111. 's Gravenhage. Groniek : 104-105.
- Storm H.J. (1991), Spanje tussen Europa en Afrika. Een historische schets, Groniek 112-113: 105-121.