Universiteit Leiden

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Eric De Brabandere

Director Grotius Centre / Professor of International Dispute Settlement Law

Prof.dr. E.C.P.D.C. De Brabandere
+31 70 800 9044

Eric De Brabandere is Professor of International Dispute Settlement Law and Director of the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies. He is also Attorney-at-Law at the Brussels Bar (with DMDB Law) practising in international law and investment arbitration and a member of the Board of Editors of the Journal of World Investment & Trade, the Revue belge de droit international (Belgian Review of International Law), and the Martinus Nijhoff Investment Law Book Series. He is Visiting Professor of International Investment Law and Arbitration at the University of Makeni (Sierra Leone).

More information about Eric De Brabandere

Eric De Brabandere is Professor of International Dispute Settlement Law and Director of the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies. He is also Attorney-at-Law at the Brussels Bar (with DMDB Law) practising in international law and investment arbitration and a member of the Board of Editors of the Journal of World Investment & Trade, the Revue belge de droit international (Belgian Review of International Law), and the Martinus Nijhoff Investment Law Book Series. He is Visiting Professor of International Investment Law and Arbitration at the University of Makeni (Sierra Leone).

He was co-Editor-in-Chief of the Leiden Journal of International Law from 2013 until 2022. He formerly held visiting professorships at the University of Trento in Italy (in international investment law) and the Catholic University of Lille in France (in international dispute settlement). 


Eric De Brabandere holds a Cand. Jur. and Lic. Jur. (cum laude) from Ghent University (Belgium), a Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies en Droit International Public (LL.M. equivalent) from the University of Geneva (Switzerland), and a Dr. Jur. (PhD) from Ghent University (Belgium).   


Before joining Leiden University in 2007 Eric De Brabandere held positions as assistant lecturer and researcher at the Department of International Law of Ghent University and as lecturer in international trade law and the international institutions at the Karel de Grote University College in Antwerp. 

Research areas and interests

Eric De Brabandere is a general international lawyer, with special expertise in international investment law and arbitration, and international dispute settlement. He is the author of several publications, including the books 'Merrill's International Dispute Settlement' (7th Edition) (with the late Prof. John Merrills) (CUP 2022), 'Investment treaty arbitration as public international law: Procedural Aspects and Implications ' (CUP 2014), ‘International Procedure in Interstate Litigation and Arbitration: A Comparative Approach’ (as editor) (CUP 2021), ‘Public Participation and Foreign Investment Law(edited with A. Kent and T. Gazzini) (Brill 2021), ‘Foreign Investment in the Energy Sector' (edited with T. Gazzini) (Brill 2014), ‘Investment Law: The Sources of Rights and Obligations’ (edited with T. Gazzini) (Brill, 2012), and 'Post-conflict Administrations in International Law' (Brill 2009), and more than 100 book chapters and articles in international law journals, such as the Leiden Journal of International Law, ICSID Review, the Journal of International Dispute Settlement, the Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals and the Journal of World Investment and Trade, and edited collections.

Educational activities

At Leiden University, Eric De Brabandere teaches the courses ‘Principles of International Law and Dispute Settlement’ and ‘International Investment Law and Arbitration’ in the Advanced Master Program in International Dispute Settlement and Arbitration, which he also directs.


Director Grotius Centre / Professor of International Dispute Settlement Law

  • Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
  • Instituut voor Publiekrecht
  • Grotius Centre for Intern Legal Studies

Work address

Turfmarkt 99
2511 DP The Hague
Room number 4.46



  • DMDB Law Advocaat
  • Revue Belge de Droit International (RBDI) Member of the Board of Editors
  • Nijhoff International Investment Law Series Series Editor
  • International Institute of Air and Space Law Member of the International Advisory Board
  • Indonesian Journal of International Law Member of the Editorial Board
  • University of Makeni (Sierra Leone) Visiting Professor
  • Academic Forum on ISDS Member
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