Emma ter Mors
Associate Professor
- Name
- Dr. E. ter Mors
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 4075
- emors@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-7001-2221
Emma ter Mors is an associate professor at the unit of Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology. She is also Head of Advice at the Knowledge Centre Psychology and Economic Behaviour (KCPEG).
More information about Emma ter Mors
Emma ter Mors is an associate professor at the unit of Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology. She is also Head of Advice at the Knowledge Centre Psychology and Economic Behaviour (KCPEG).
In her research, Emma ter Mors studies the citizen perspective within societal transitions, with a specific focus on the energy transition. She examines the factors that shape public perceptions of low-carbon technologies like wind energy and CCUS, as well as related concepts such as procedural and distributive fairness of decision-making processes and trust in decision-makers. Other research interests include the financial stress and well-being of citizens and households.
Employing a multi-method approach, Ter Mors integrates a diverse array of quantitative and qualitative methods into her research. She actively engages in collaborative projects with societal partners and across various scientific disciplines, fostering interdisciplinary connections. At the heart of her work lies the effort to bridge theoretical insights with practical applications, resulting in a blend of conventional and more applied research output.
- Supervisor master thesis and internship
- Organisational Management (MSc)
- Community Leadership (LLP)
Short CV
Emma ter Mors graduated with honours in Social and Organisational Psychology in 2003. Subsequently, she obtained her PhD from the same university in 2009. Following her PhD, Ter Mors worked as a postdoctoral researcher and project leader on several larger (inter)national multi-partner research projects at Leiden University. Currently, she works as associate professor of Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology and as Head of Advice at Knowledge Centre Psychology and Economic Behaviour (KCPEG)
Grants and Awards
- 2021-present Several KCPEG research, advice, and teaching grants.
- 2017 EU multi-partner R&D project ALIGN-CCUS, ACT/RVO.
- 2016 Methodological review of earthquake livability studies in Groningen, National Coordinator Groningen/Ministry of EZK.
- 2015 Sustainability of loyalty programs, STEM/RVO.
- 2009 National multi-partner R&D programma CATO-2, Ministry of EZK.
- 2009 EU multi-partner research project Scrutinizing the impact of CCS communication, Fenco-Eranet.
Associate Professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Soc., Econom. en Organisat Psych.
- Vliet A. van der, Hilgevoord V., Boer H. de, Kara H., Dijkstra R. & Mors E. ter (2024), Policy options for sustainable business travel among academic staff at Leiden University: KCPEG Research report. Leiden: KCPEG.
- Kwaadsteniet E.W. de, Vliet A. van der, Groos J. vab, Molenmaker W.E., Lutjenhuis M. & Mors E. Ter (2024), Belonen in de context van belastingen: experiment. KCPEG onderzoeksrapport in opdracht van de belastingdienst. . Leiden: KCPEG.
- Simonse O., Kunkel D. & Nijkamp R. Mors E. ter (2024), Verkenningsonderzoek financiële weerbaarheid: Op weg naar de oude dag: KCPEG en Wijzer in Geldzaken onderzoeksrapport in opdracht van het ministerie van Financiën. Leiden: KCPEG. Leiden: KCPEG.
- Simonse O., Kunkel D., Nijkamp R. & Mors E. ter (2024), Bijlagenrapport Verkenningsonderzoek financiële weerbaarheid: Op weg naar de oude dag: KCPEG en Wijzer in Geldzaken onderzoeksrapport in opdracht van het ministerie van Financiën. Leiden: KCPEG. Leiden: KCPEG.
- Mors E. ter & Leeuwen E.A.C. van (2023), It matters to be heard: increasing the citizen acceptance of low-carbon technologies in the Netherlands and United Kingdom, Energy Research & Social Science 100: 103103.
- Leeuwen E.A.C. van & Mors E. ter (2023), Addressing barriers to action: increasing cat guardians’ compliance with professional environmental enrichment advice, Anthrozoös: A multidisciplinary journal of the interactions between people and other animals : 1-16.
- Molenmaker W.E., Kwaadsteniet E.W. de, Ter Mors E., Nilsen J., Egelmeers T., Vliet A. van der & Dijk W.W. van (2023), De werking en effectiviteit van verzuimboetes: KCPEG onderzoeksrapport in opdracht van de Belastingdienst. Leiden: KCPEG.
- Boer H.C. de, Vliet A. van der, Egelmeers T., Koivusaari S., Dijk W. van & Mors E. ter (2023), Potential support for a more sustainable business travel policy among academic staff at Leiden University: KCPEG onderzoeksrapport. Leiden: KCPEG.
- Groos J. van, Hilgevoord V.W., Simonse O., Mors E. ter, Venhoeven L & Molenaar M. (2023), Rapportage kinderopvangtoeslag met WLZ-indicatie: onderzoek naar het gebruik van kinderopvangtoeslag door gezinnen waarvan één van de ouders een WLZ-indicatie heeft: KCPEG en D&B onderzoeksrapport in opdracht van Dienst Toeslagen, onderdeel van het ministerie van Financiën. Leiden: KCPEG.
- Molenmaker W.E., Vliek M.L.W, Groos J. van, Mors E. Ter, Egelmeers T. & Kwaadsteniet E.W. de (2023), De werking en effectiviteit van beloningen in de context van belastingen: literatuuronderzoek. KCPEG onderzoeksrapport in opdracht van de belastingdienst. . Leiden: KCPEG.
- Mors E. ter, Leeuwen E.A.C. van, Boomsma C. & Meier R. (2023), Media coverage of carbon capture and storage: an analysis of established and emerging themes in Dutch national newspapers, Energies 16(4): 2056.
- Ter Mors E., Lelieveld G.-J., Noordewier M., Van der Vliet A., Hilgevoord V., Dijkstra R. & Van Dijk W. (2022), Veilige toegang en verantwoord delen: psychologische determinanten van veilig wachtwoordgedrag en het veilig online delen van persoonsgegevens. KCPEG onderzoeksrapport in opdracht van WODC. Leiden: KCPEG.
- Leeuwen E.A.C. van, Ter Mors E. & Stolting M. (2022), How cat-behavior advisors can improve clients’ willingness to adopt their advice: an investigation of advice severity, advisor credibility, and clients’ self-identity, Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science : .
- Os P. van, Kvamsdal H.M., Haugen H.A., Akhurst M., Moser P., Rycroft L., Mors E. ter, Cismaru D. & Mikunda T. (2021), ALIGN-CCUS: the results of an ACT project on the full CCUS chain to accelerate implementation of decarbonisation in industrial areas. . SSRN Electronic Journal.
- Broecks K., Jack C., ter Mors E., Boomsma C. & Shackley S. (2021), How do people perceive carbon capture and storage for industrial processes? : Examining factors underlying public opinion in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, Energy Research & Social Science 81: 102236.
- Boomsma C. Ter Mors E. Jack C. Broekcks K. Buzoianu C. Cismaru D.M. Peuchen R. Piek P. Schumann D. Shackley S. Werker J. (2020), Community compensation in the context of carbon capture and storage: current debates and practices, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 101: 103128.
- Belka M., Cismaru D.-M., Schumann D., Mors E. ter & Ciochina R.-S. (2020), D6.3.1: Stakeholder perceptions of CCUS in Germany and Romania (ALIGN-CCUS).
- Cismaru D.-M., Mors E. ter, Schumann D., Ciochina R.-C., Boomsma G.T., Serdoner A., Ivan L., Meier R. & Belka M. (2020), D6.3.2: Developing and testing new core messages (ALIGN-CCUS).
- Mors E. ter, Peuchen R., Boomsma G.T., Jack C., Cismaru D.-M., Buzoianu C., Broecks K. & Shackley S. (2020), D6.2.2: Community compensation and engagement: report on best practices and closing of knowledge gaps (ALIGN-CCUS).
- Shackley S., Jack C., Broecks K. & Mors E. ter (2020), D6.1.3: Films (ALIGN-CCUS).
- Broecks K., Boomsma G.T., Jack C., Mors E. ter, Shackley S., Meier R. & Serdoner A. (2020), D6.1.1: Informed public opinion about industrial CCS in the UK and the Netherlands (ALIGN-CCUS).
- Christine Boomsma C., Ter Mors E., Jack C., Shackley S., Broecks K., Peuchen R., Piek P., Cismaru D.M., Buzoianu C., Werker J. & Schumann D. (2019), Report on compensation schemes and effectiveness in different countries (D6.2.1). Leiden: ALIGN-CCUS.
- Boomsma G.T. & Mors E. ter (15 August 2018), Why do public responses to CCUS matter if CO₂ is stored offshore?. AlignCCUS: https://www.alignccus.eu/news/blog-why-do-public-responses-ccus-matter-if-co2-stored-offshore. [blog entry].
- Mors E. ter, Dijk W. van, Lans A., Droog M., Leeuwen E.A.C. van, Staats H.J.A.M., Weiden E. van der, Suylekom S. van & Bos B. (2018), Verduurzaming loyaliteitsprogramma's: onderzoeksrapport. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Lugtig P., Mors E. ter & Bethlehem J.G. (2017), Het meten van de gevolgen van aardbevingen op de leefbaarheid in Groningen: een methodologische review naar leefbaarheidsonderzoeken. Universiteit Utrecht/Universiteit Leiden onderzoeksrapport in opdracht van Nationaal Coördinator Groningen (NCG). Utrecht: Utrecht University.
- Mors E. ter & Bensdorp E. (1 April 2016), Managing phone use while driving: will switching to silent mode suffice?. Leiden Psychology Blog. Leiden (Leiden University Psychology). [blog entry].
- Groeneweg J. & Ter Mors E. (2016), The influence of communication on sfety measures on risk-taking behavior. SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility, 11-13 April, Stavanger, Norway. SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Social Responsibility. Stavanger.
- Koot C., Ter Mors E., Ellemers N. & Daamen D.D.L. (2016), Facilitation of attitude formation through communication: how perceived source expertise enhances the ability to achieve cognitive closure about complex environmental topics, Journal of Applied Social Psychology 46(1): 627-640.
- Ter Mors E. & Groeneweg J. (2016), The potential of local community compensation of hosting facilities. SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Social Responsibility (Stavanger). SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Social Responsibility. Stavanger.
- Terwel B.W. & Ter Mors E. (2015), Host community compensation in a carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) context: comparing the preferences of Dutch citizens and local government authorities, Environmental Science & Policy 50: 15-23.
- Mors E. ter (2015), De effectiviteit van compensatie bij energieprojecten: Nieuwsbrief Milieu en Economie, : .
- Weenig W.H., Wilke H.A.M. & Ter Mors E. (2014), Personal outcomes and moral responsibility as motives for news transmission: The impact of fate similarity, fate uncertainty, and relationship closeness, Communication Research 41(3): 404-429.
- Zaal M.P., Terwel B.W., Ter Mors E. & Daamen D.D.L. (2014), Monetary compensation can increase public support for the siting of hazardous facilities, Journal of Environmental Psychology 37: 21-30.
- Terwel B.W., Koudenburg F.A. & Ter Mors E. (2014), Public responses to community compensation: The importance of prior consultations with local residents, Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology 24(6): 479-490.
- Mors E. ter & Terwel B. (2014), Understanding public attitudes, perceptions and misconceptions. In: Vos R. de (Ed.), Linking the chain: integrated CATO2 knowledge prepares for the next step in CO2 capture & storage. Zutphen 131-136.
- Mors E. ter (2014), Community compensation for hosting a CCS site. In: Vos R. de (Ed.), Linking the chain: integrated CATO2 knowledge prepares for the next step in CO2 Capture & Storage.
- Mors E. ter, Terwel B.W., Daamen D.D.L., Reiner D.M., Schuman D., Anghel S., Boulouta I., Cismaru D.M., Constantin C., De Jager Ch.C.H., Dudu A., Esken A., Falup O.C., Firth R.M., Gemeni V., Hendriks Ch., Ivan L., Koukouzas N., Markos A., Naess R., Pietzner K., Samoila I.R., Sava C.S., Stephenson M.H., Tomescu C.E., Torvatn H.Y., Tvedt S.D., Vallentin D., West J.M. & Ziogou F. (2013), A comparison of techniques used to collect informed public opinions about CCS: Opinion quality after focus group discussions versus information-choice questionnaires, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 18: 256-263.
- Terwel B.W., Ter Mors E. & Daamen D.D.L. (2012), It's not only about safety: Beliefs and attitudes of 811 local residents regarding a CCS project in Barendrecht, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 9: 41-51.
- Koot C., Ter Mors E., Ellemers N. & Daamen D.D.L. (2012), De invloed van waargenomen bronexpertise op het vormen van gesloten attitudes. In: Strick M., Baas M., Dillen L. van, Dotsch R., Lakens D. & Vries M. de (Eds.), Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie 2012. Groningen: ASPO Pers. 113-120.
- Ter Mors E., Terwel B.W. & Daamen D.D.L. (2012), The potential of host community compensation, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 11: S130-S138.
- Pietzner K., Schumann D., Tvedt S.D., Torvatn H.Y., Næss R., Reiner D.M., Anghel S., Cismaru D., Constantin C., Daamen D.D.L., Dudu A., Esken A., Gemeni V., Ivan L., Koukouzas N., Kristiansen G., Markos A., Mors E. ter, Nihfidov O.C., Papadimitriou J., Samoila I.R., Sava C.S., Stephenson M.H., Terwel B.W., Tomescu C.E. & Ziogou F. (2011), Public awareness and perceptions of carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS): insights from surveys administered to representative samples in six European countries. . Energy Procedia no. 4: Elsevier. 6300-6306.
- Mors E. ter, Weenig W.H., Ellemers N. & Daamen D.D.L. (2010), Effective communication about complex environmental issues: Perceived quality of information about carbon dioxidecapture and storage (CCS) depends on stakeholder collaboration, Journal of Environmental Psychology 30: 347-357.
- Mors E. ter (10 June 2009), Dealing with information about complex issues : the role of source perceptions (Dissertatie. Department of Social and Organisational Psychology, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University) Kurt Lewin Institute Dissertation Series no. 2009-13. Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Ellemers N., Weenig W.H.
- Mors E. ter, Weenig W.H., Ellemers N. & Daamen D.D.L. (2008), De invloed van bronbetrouwbaarheid op informatieselectie: een brondisconfirmatie vertekening. In: Karremans J., Beersma B., Custers R., Harreveld F. van & Rijswijk W. van (Eds.), Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie 2007. Groningen: ASPO Pers. 221-229.
- Mors E. ter, Weenig W.H., Ellemers N. & Daamen D.D.L. (2006), Gekleurde systematische informatieverwerking: Het belang van duidelijke bronpercepties. In: Holland R.W., Ouwerkerk J., Laar C. van, Ruiter R. & Ham J. (Eds.), Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie 2005. Groningen: Aspo Pers. 331-341.