Emma Grootveld
University Lecturer
- Name
- Dr. E.J.M. Grootveld
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2069
- e.j.m.grootveld@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-3686-9416

Emma Grootveld is a University Lecturer at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society.
More information about Emma Grootveld
As an assistant professor of Italian language and culture at Leiden University, I employ my text analysis skills to examine the societal significance and functioning of Early Modern Italian literature. Over the past years, I have also developed a particular interest in Ecocriticism and Translation Studies.
My work focuses primarily on rhetorical, pragmatic and ethical aspects of Italian Renaissance poetry. I obtained a PhD from KU Leuven (Belgium) with a doctoral project on imperialist discursivity in Italian poems about Habsburg wars of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
While departing from, but not limited to, this historical period, I am also interested in understanding the role and functions of non-human agency in Italian literature (e.g., the non-human world in epic poetry and cinegetic literature).
My research topics often have a transmedial or adaptational component (e.g., Sweelinck’s Italian madrigals; literary and audiovisual representations of migration in the Mediterranean area) or an interdisciplinary focus (e.g., a translation of Luca Pacioli’s mathematical treatise "De divina proportione"). Other topics of interest to me are: medievalisms, cultural memory, Dante, lyrical poetry of the sixteenth century, discourse analysis.
Teaching activities and supervision
At Leiden University, I primarily teach courses on Italian literature from 1200 to 1800. In addition to BA-courses on Medieval and Renaissance literature and history, I offer a third-year module on literary translation (Italian to Dutch) and adaptation theory, as well as an MA module on ecocriticism. I am also part of the ResMA Epic Course team. I supervise BA and MA theses in these disciplines.
2018-Present: Assistant Professor, LUCAS, Leiden University.
Commitments: teaching; research; membership Board of Examiners Fr-Ger-It; membership Program Committee MA Literary Studies; coordination Minor Medieval and Early Modern Studies; coordination LUCAS Graduate Journal; coordination Pre-University College & Classes.
I also teach Italian and Business communication in Italian at UGent (VTC) and am a member of the editorial board of the journal "Incontri. Rivista europea di studi italiani".
2018 (April-June): Research Assistant, KU Leuven (Faculty of Architecture). Project: Study and Dutch translation of Luca Pacioli’s treatise "De divina proportione".
2013-2017: PhD-candidate, KU Leuven; Fellow Flanders Research Foundation. Project: Autorità e 'auctoritas'. Un approccio discorsivo al dinamismo politico-letterario dei poemi eroici italiani sulle guerre asburgiche in Europa (1530-1630).
2012-2013: Research Assistant, KU Leuven (Department of History). Project: “News on the Low Countries. Italian avvisi, reflections en histories about the Eighty Years’ War (1560-1640)”.
Education: BA Italian language and Culture (Leiden University), BA French language and literature (KU Leuven), MA Language and Culture, Teacher's training (SLO; KU Leuven), PhD Literary Studies (KU Leuven).
Grants and awards
2013-2017: FWO PhD Fellowship fundamental research.
Since appointment in 2018: LUCDH Small Grant (2019).
University Lecturer
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Italiaanse T&C
- Grootveld E.J.M. (2023), Combattere il “gran rivale”: prospettive meridionali sul Turco nei poemetti narrativi lepantini, Studi rinascimentali. Rivista internazionale di letteratura italiana 21: 101-112.
- Grootveld E.J.M. (2023), “L’uman dente inuman fatto e vorace”: Una lettura ecocritica della "Caccia" di Erasmo di Valvasone. In: Artico T., Ferraro L. & Giovine S. (Eds.), “Né tempo mai, né rugine l’avulse”: Proposte per una rilettura di Erasmo di Valvasone: canone, genere, diversità, ecologia. Quaderni della Rassegna no. 230: Franco Cesati. 137-160.
- Grootveld E.J.M. (2021), ‘Con tante parolette, e dolci accenti’: Sweelinck and Italian lyrical poetry, Tijdschrift van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis LXXI: 69-82.
- Grootveld E.J.M. (2021), Uniti in guerra: Italianità nei ‘poemi bellici’ su Carlo V. In: Di Felice C. (Ed.), Nuovi aspetti linguistici e letterari dell’italianità: Studi per Paul van Heck: Peter Lang. 67-82.
- Grootveld E.J.M. (2021), “Nel fuggitivo umore”: Isotopie fluviali nella "Secchia rapita". In: Selmi E., Roncen F. & Fortin S. (Eds.), Alessandro Tassoni e il poema eroicomico: Atti del convegno padovano (6-7 giugno 2019). Lecce: Argo. 41-54.
- Grootveld E.J.M. (2021), Inferno Canto XI: etica ed epica. In: Musarra F., Ramazzotti P., Robiglio A.A. & Bossche B. Van den (Eds.), Così «intrai per lo cammino alto e silvestro»: Attraversare l’Inferno dantesco con Roberto Benigni. Firenze: Franco Cesati. 97-106.
- Grootveld E.J.M. (2020), Transito, transizione, transitorietà: La rappresentazione del Sud come spazio liminare nella produzione artistico-mediatica audiovisiva e letteraria sull’immigrazione. In: Jansen M., Lanslots I. & Spunta M. (Eds.), Viaggi minimi e luoghi qualsiasi: In cammino tra cinema, letteratura e arti visive nell’Italia contemporanea. Civiltà Italiana. Firenze: Franco Cesati. 27-35.
- Huylebrouck D., Grootveld E.J.M. & Roelofs R. (Eds.) (2019), Luca Pacioli, "De goddelijke verhouding": Dutch translation of "De divina proportione". Antwerp: Gompel & Svacina.
- Grootveld E.J.M. (2019), Sull’“Elettione di Urbano Papa VIII”. Cabani M.C., Contini F. & Lazzarini A. (Eds.), Francesco Bracciolini. Gli ‘ozi’ e la corte. Francesco Bracciolini Gli “ozi” e la corte 21 September 2017 - 22 September 2017. Pisa: Pisa University Press. 177-193.
- Grootveld E.J.M. (2018), Trumpets of Lepanto: Italian narrative poetry (1571–1650) on the war of Cyprus, Journal of Iberian and Latin-American Studies 24(1): 135-154.
- Grootveld E.J.M., Jansen M. & Lanslots I. (2018), Italia & Francia, Francia & Italia: Scambi culturali, Incontri: Rivista Europea di Studi Italiani 33(2): 5-9.
- Grootveld E.J.M. (15 October 2017), Autorità e auctoritas. Un approccio discorsivo al dinamismo politico-letterario dei poemi eroici italiani sulle guerre asburgiche in Europa (1530-1630) (Dissertatie. Literary Studies, Faculty of Arts, KU Leuven). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Van den Bossche Bart, Cools Hans.
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