Universiteit Leiden

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Ellen van Reuler


Dr.ir. A.A.H.E. van Reuler
071 5275077

Ellen van Reuler is a lecturer at the Institute of Political Science.

More information about Ellen van Reuler

Ellen van Reuler obtained master degrees in Public Administration (University of Twente), Industrial Engineering & Management (University of Twente), and History of Science, Technology and Medicine (University of Manchester). The Wellcome Trust awarded her a doctoral studentship to write a thesis on the development of palliative care in England and the Netherlands. In 2017, she received her PhD from the University of Manchester. Ellen presented the results of her research at a range of national and international conferences.

Before joining the Institute of Political Science as a lecturer, Ellen taught at the Manchester Leadership Programme and the Institute for Public Administration of Leiden University.

Ellen has a broad range of research interests, but has particular expertise in comparative and transnational studies, policy history, the uses of (historical) evidence in the policy process, and health care policy and management. 


  • Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
  • Instituut Politieke Wetenschap

Work address

Turfmarkt 99
2511 DP The Hague
Room number 6.15


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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