Elizabeth den Boer
Team leader/Study advisor
- Name
- Dr. E.P. den Boer
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9500
- e.p.den.boer@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-9632-9809

Role of the study advisor
The study advisor provides information on the degree programme, study advice (BSA), study tips, study doubts or difficulties, or other matters concerning your studies. The study advisor helps students to get maximum profit from their studies. Everything you discuss with the study advisor will remain confidential.
Availability of the study advisor
For more information about the consultation hours, please visit the study advisors page on the student website of International Studies or Urban Studies.
Extension number: 8332
Consulting hours
Please book an appointment online.
Team leader/Study advisor
- Faculty of Humanities
- Faculteitsbureau
- OSZ Studieadvisering
- Boer E.P. den (2014), Hindu Ritual Food in Suriname: Women as Gatekeepers of Hindu Identity?. In: Beushausen W., Brüske A., Commichau A.S., Helber P. & Kloß S. (Eds.), Caribbean Food Cultures. Culinary Practices and Consumption in the Caribbean and Its Diasporas. Bielefeld: Transcript. 257-277.
- Boer E.P. den (2014), The Origin of the Zero Digit and the Concept of Śūnya. .
- Boer E.P. den (2012), Lived Dharma: The Everydday Practice. [design].
- Boer E.P. den (2012), Spirit conception: Dreams in Aboriginal Australia, Dreaming 22(3): 192-211.
- Boer E.P. den (2010), Contributions to Kahe Gaile Bides. Why did you go overseas?. In: Majumder M. (Ed.), Kahe Gaile Bides. Why did you go overseas?. Amsterdam: KIT publishers.
- Boer E.P. den (Ed.) (2009), Arya Samaj in Suriname en Nederland in de 20ste eeuw. Den Haag: Stichting Prasne.
- Boer E.P. den (2009), Kastenbewustzijn in Suriname, OSO: Tijdschrift voor Surinamistiek : .
- Boer E.P. den (2008), Indian Religions in the Netherlands. In: , Changing Images; lasting visions. Den Haag: Embassy of India.
- Boer E.P. den (2007), Dreams in Surinamese Amerindian Cosmology: Kacike: Journal of Caribbean Amerindian History and Anthropology, Kacike: Journal of Caribbean Amerindian History and Anthropology : .
- Boer E.P. den, Kari’na dromen in Suriname: Noticia. [blog entry].
- Boer E.P. den (2006), Dreaming and spirituality beyond religion, Sanskriti Sangam. . Bensalem, USA: ICCSUS.
- Boer E.P. den (2006), Dromen in het Surinaams Inheemse Wereldbeeld, OSO: Tijdschrift voor Surinamistiek 25(2): 27-42.
- Boer E.P. den (2005), Hoe de dingen zijn ontstaan: over taboes en dood in Aboriginal Australië. In: Minnema L. & Burg C. van der (Eds.), In de ban van het Kwaad. Zoetermeer: Uitgeverij Meinema. 270-277.
- Boer E.P. den & Koelewijn C. (2005), Als je niet goed luistert … de gemiste kans op eeuwig leven. In: Minnema L. & Burg C. van der (Eds.), In de Ban van het Kwaad. Zoetermeer: Uitgeverij Meinema. 303-312.
- Boer E.P. den (2005), Dreams and Transitions. The Royal Road to Surinamese and Australian Indigenous Society (Dissertatie, Leiden University). Dordrecht. Supervisor(s): Borsboom A.P. & Venbrux E.
- Boer E.P. den & Zock T.H. (2004), Dreams of Passage. An Object-Relational Perspective on a Case of Hindu Death Ritual, Religion 34: .
- Intercultural Communication Trainer