Elise Dusseldorp
Professor Methodology and Statistics in Psychology
- Name
- Prof.dr. E.M.L. Dusseldorp
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 8046
- elise.dusseldorp@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-6305-4060

Elise Dusseldorp is Professor in the Methodology and Statistics of Psychological Research.
Elise Dusseldorp is Professor in the Methodology and Statistics of Psychological Research.
Personal homepage: www.elisedusseldorp.nl
Her main area of interest in the field of statistics is the modelling of interaction effects in prediction problems. While many statistical models focus on the unique effects of predictive factors on one or more outcome variables, her challenge is to explore the way in which the combined influences of factors on an outcome can be assessed. A few of her special interests are:
- Treatment-subgroup interactions: interaction effects between a treatment variable and person characteristics indicating that a treatment effect differs for different groups of persons
- Tree-based models, recursive partitioning
- Regression and classification
- Meta-analysis and moderator effects
- Patient-tailored therapy
- Prediction of disabilities in children (Intellectual disability, Specific Language Impairment)
- Prediction of functional decline in elderly
Besides her statistics research, she likes working together with behavioural and medical scientists. Transforming research problems into data analysis strategies and extracting the essential information from large data sets is a challenge she enjoys. More recently, she has become involved in discussing research outcomes with other experts from different fields and, where possible, transforming scientific knowledge into tools for use in everyday practice.
Professor Methodology and Statistics in Psychology
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Methodologie & Statistiek
- Pratiwi B.C., Dusseldorp E.M.L. & Rooij M.J. de (2024), An out‑of‑sample perspective on the assessment of incremental predictive validity, Behaviormetrika : .
- Riddell C.D., Nikolíc M., Dusseldorp E. & Kret M.E. (2024), Age-related changes in emotion recognition, Psychological Bulletin 150(9): 1094-1117.
- Lovik A. & Dusseldorp E.M.L. (2024), Statistical consulting guidelines for new researchers in psychiatry and mental health: beyond ChatGPT, BJPsych Advances : .
- Vogelaar S., Miers A.C., Saab N., Dusseldorp E.M.L, Loon A.W.G. van, Creemers H.E., Asscher J.J. & Westenberg P.M. (2024), Teaching adolescents about stress using a universal school-based psychoeducation program: a cluster randomised controlled trial, School Mental Health 16: 467-482.
- Sies A., Doove L., Meers K., Dusseldorp E.M.L. & Mechelen I. van (2024), Estimating optimal decision trees for treatment assignment: the case of K > 2 treatment alternatives, Behavior Research Methods 56(8): 8259-8268.
- Su X., Liu L., Liu L., Zhou R., Wang G., Dusseldorp E.M.L. & Zhou T. (2024), Regression trees with fused leaves, Statistics in Medicine 43(30): 5872-5884.
- Pratiwi Bunga C., Dusseldorp E., Karch J.D. & de Rooij M. (2023), Predictive performance of psychological tests: is it better to use items than subscales?, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 185: 107767.
- Meijers M. C. Stouthard J. Evers A. W. M. Das E. Drooger H. J. Jansen S. J. A. J. Francke A. L. Plum N. van der Wall E. Nestoriuc Y. Dusseldorp E. van Vliet L. M. (2023), Possible alleviation of symptoms and side effects through clinicians' nocebo information and empathy in an experimental video vignette study (vol 12, 16112 , 2022). [other].
- Karacaoglu M., Meijer S., Peerdeman K.J., Dusseldorp E.M.L., Veldhuijzen D.S., Middendorp H. van & Evers A.W.M. (2023), Susceptibility to nocebo hyperalgesia, dispositional optimism, and trait anxiety as predictors of nocebo hyperalgesia reduction, Clinical Journal of Pain 39(6): 259-269.
- Wijnhoven M.A., Dusseldorp E.M.L., Guiaux M. & Havinga H. (2023), The Work Profiler: revision and maintenance of a profiling tool for the recently unemployed in the Netherlands, International Social Security Review 76(2): 109-134.
- Cohen Rodrigues TR., Breeman L.D., Kinik A., Reijnders T., Dusseldorp E., Janssen V.R., Kraaijenhagen R.A., Atsma D.E. & Evers A.W.M. (2023), Effectiveness of human-supported and self-help eHealth lifestyle interventions for patients with cardiometabolic risk factors: a meta-analysis, Psychosomatic Medicine 85(9): 795-804.
- Cohen Rodrigues T.R., Breeman L.D., Kinik A., Reijnders T.R., Dusseldorp E.M.L., Janssen V.R., Kraaijenhagen R.A., Atsma D.E. & Evers A.W.M. (2023), Effectiveness of human-supported and self-help ehealth lifestyle interventions for patients with cardiometabolic risk factors: a meta-analysis, Psychosomatic Medicine 85(9): 795-804.
- Su X.G., Cho Y.J., LQ ni, Liu L. & Dusseldorp E. (2023), Refined moderation analysis with categorical outcomes in precision medicine, Statistics in Medicine 42(4): 470-486.
- Dusseldorp E.M.L., Claramunt Gonzalez J., Doove L., Put J. van de, Ninaber C. & Mechelen I. van (2022), Quint: Qualitative Interaction Trees (version 2.2.2): R package suitable for subgroup-analysis of data from a two-arm randomized controlled trial. [other].
- Meijers M.C., Stouthard J., Evers A.W.M., Das E., Drooger H.J., Jansen S.J.A.J., Francke A.L., Plum N., van der Wall E., Nestoriuc Y., Dusseldorp E.M.L. & Vliet L.M van (2022), Possible alleviation of symptoms and side effects through clinicians’ nocebo information and empathy in an experimental video vignette study, Scientific Reports 12(1): 16112.
- Dusseldorp E.M.L. & Claramunt Gonzalez J. (2022), Quint: Qualitative Interaction Trees (version 2.2.2). [other].
- Cardol C.K., Middendorp H. van, Dusseldorp E.M.L., Boog P.J.M. van der, Navis G., Hilbrands L.B., Sijpkens Y.W.J., Evers A.W.M. & Dijk S. van (2022), Ehealth to improve psychological distress and self-management of chronic kidney disease: a randomized controlled trial, Psychosomatic Medicine 85(2): 203-215.
- Su X., Cho Y., Liqiang N., Liu L. & Dusseldorp E. (2022), Refined moderation analysis with categorical outcomes in precision medicine, Statistics in Medicine 42(4): 470-486.
- Baldassarre A., Dusseldorp E.M.L., D’Ambrosio A., Rooij M.J. & Conversano C. (2022), The Bradley–Terry regression trunk approach for modeling preference data with small trees, Psychometrika 2022: .
- Newby K., Teah G., Cooke R., Li X., Brown K., Salisbury-Finch B., Kwah K., Bartle N., Curtis K., Fulton E., Parsons J., Dusseldorp E.M.L. & Williams S.L. (2021), Do automated digital health behaviour change interventions have a positive effect on self-efficacy? A systematic review and meta-analysis, Health Psychology Review 15(1): 140-158.
- Witlox Maartje, Garnefski Nadia, Kraaij Vivian, Simou Meropi, Dusseldorp Elise, Bohlmeijer Ernst & Spinhoven Philip (2021), Prevalence of anxiety disorders and subthreshold anxiety throughout later life: Systematic review and meta-analysis, Psychology and Aging 36(2): 268-287.
- Van Luenen S., Kraaij V., Spinhoven P., Dusseldorp E. & Garnefski N. (2020), Moderators of the effect of guided online self-help for people with HIV and depressive symptoms, AIDS Care 32(8): 942-948.
- Li X., Dusseldorp E.M.L., Su X. & Meulman J.J. (2020), Multiple moderator meta-analysis using the R-package Meta-CART, Behavior Research Methods 52(6): 2657-2673.
- Ter Avest M.J., Dusseldorp E., Huijbers M.J., Van Aalderen J.R., Cladder-Micus M.B., Spinhoven P., Greven C.U. & Speckens A.E.M. (2019), Added value of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression: A Tree-based Qualitative Interaction Analysis, Behaviour Research and Therapy 122: 103467.
- Meijer E., Cleiren P.H.D., Dusseldorp E., Buurman V.J.C., Hogervorst R.M. & Heiser W.J. (2019), Cross-Validated Prediction of Academic Performance of First-Year University Students: Identifying Risk Factors in a Nonselective Environment, Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice 38(1): 36-47.
- Vlasblom E., Boere-Boonekamp M.M., Hafkamp-de Groen E., Dusseldorp E.M.L., Van Dommelen P. & Verkerk P.H. (2019), Predictive validity of developmental milestones for detecting limited intellectual functioning, PLoS ONE 14(3): e0214475.
- Li X., Dusseldorp E. & Meulman J.J. (2019), A flexible approach to identify interaction effects between moderators in meta-analysis, Research Synthesis Methods 10(1): 134-152.
- Bull E.R., McCleary N., Li X., Dombrowski S.U., Dusseldorp E. & Johnston M. (2018), Interventions to Promote Healthy Eating, Physical Activity and Smoking in Low-Income Groups: a Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis of Behavior Change Techniques and Delivery/Context, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 25(6): 605-616.
- Van Luenen S., Garnefski N., Spinhoven P., Spaan P., Dusseldorp E.M.L. & Kraaij V. (2018), The Benefits of Psychosocial Interventions for Mental Health in People Living with HIV: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, AIDS and Behavior 22(1): 9-42.
- Sandjojo J., Zedlitz A.M.E.E., Gebhardt W.A., Hoekman J., Dusseldorp E.M.L., Den Haan J.A. & Evers A.W.M. (2018), Training staff to promote self-management in people with intellectual disabilities, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 31(5): 840-850.
- Li X., Dusseldorp E.M.L. & Meulman J.J. (2017), Meta-CART: A tool to identify interactions between moderators in meta-analysis, British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 70(1): 118-136.
- Van Genugten L., Dusseldorp E., Massey E.K. & Van Empelen P. (2017), Effective self-regulation change techniques to promote mental wellbeing among adolescents: a meta-analysis, Health Psychology Review 11(1): 53-71.
- Conversano C. & Dusseldorp E. (2017), Modeling Threshold Interaction Effects Through the Logistic Classification Trunk, Journal of Classification 34(3): 399-426.
- Scheerman J.F.M., Van Loveren C., Van Meijel B., Dusseldorp E., Wartewig E., Verrips G.H.W., Ket J.C.F. & Van Empelen P. (2016), Psychosocial correlates of oral hygiene behaviour in people aged 9 to 19-a systematic review with meta-analysis, Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 44(4): 331-341.
- Dusseldorp E., Doove L. & Van Mechelen I. (2016), Quint: An R package for the identification of subgroups of clients who differ in which treatment alternative is best for them, Behavior Research Methods 48(2): 650-663.
- Doove L.L., Van Deun K., Dusseldorp E. & Van Mechelen I. (2016), QUINT: A tool to detect qualitative treatment-subgroup interactions in randomized controlled trials, Psychotherapy Research 26(5): 612-622.
- Diepeveen F., Dusseldorp E., Carmiggelt E., Uilenburg N. & Verkerk P. (2016), De predictieve validiteit van de handreiking ‘Uniforme signalering van taalachterstanden’, JGZ: Tijdschrift voor Jeugdgezondheidszorg 48(2): 26--31.
- Van Genugten L., Dusseldorp E.M.L., Webb T.L. & Van Empelen P. (2016), Which combinations of techniques and modes of delivery in internet-based interventions effectively change health behavior? A meta-analysis, Journal of Medical Internet Research 18(6): e155.
- Hofstetter H., Dusseldorp E., Zeileis A. & Schuller A.A. (2016), Modeling caries experience: Advantages of the use of the hurdle model, Caries Research 50(6): 517--526.
- Diepeveen F.B., Dusseldorp E., Bol G.W., Oudesluys-Murphy A.M. & Verkerk P.H. (2016), Failure to meet language milestones at two years of age is predictive of specific language impairment, Acta Paediatrica: Nurturing the Child 105(3): 304--310.
- Formanoy M.A.G., Dusseldorp E.M.L., Coffeng J.K., Van Mechelen I., Boot C.R., Hendriksen I.J.M. & Tak E.C.P.M. (2016), Physical activity and relaxation in the work setting to reduce the need for recovery: What works for whom?, BMC Public Health 16: e866.
- Huijg J.M., Dusseldorp E., Gebhardt W.A., Verheijden M.W., Zouwe N., Middelkoop B.J., Duijzer G. & Crone M.R. (2015), Knowledge Translation and Implementation Special Series. Factors Associated With Physical Therapists' Implementation of Physical Activity Interventions in the Netherlands, Physical Therapy 95(4): .
- Schreuder E., Van Heel L., Goedhart R., Dusseldorp E., Schraagen J.M. & Burdorf A. (2015), Effects of Newly Designed Hospital Buildings on Staff Perceptions: A Pre-Post Study to Validate Design Decisions, Health Environments Research & Design 8(4): 77-97.
- Kocken P.L., Van Kesteren N.M.C., Buijs G., Snel J. & Dusseldorp E. (2015), Students' beliefs and behaviour regarding low-calorie beverages, sweets or snacks: are they affected by lessons on healthy food and by changes to school vending machines?, Public Health Nutrition 18(9): 1545-1553.
- Kocken P.L., Kesteren N.M., Buijs G., Snel J. & Dusseldorp E.M.L. (2015), Students’ beliefs and behaviour regarding low-calorie beverages, sweets or snacks: are they affected by lessons on healthy food and by changes to school vending machines?, Public Health Nutrition 18(09): 1545--1553.
- Huijg J.M., Dusseldorp E., Gebhardt W.A., Verheijden M.W., Van der Zouwe N., Middelkoop B.J., Duijzer G. & Crone M.R. (2015), Factors associated with physical therapists' implementation of physical activity interventions in the Netherlands, Physical Therapy 95(4): 539-557.
- Peters L.W., Dam G.T., Kocken P.L., Buijs G.J., Dusseldorp E. & Paulussen T.G. (2015), Effects of transfer-oriented curriculum on multiple behaviors in the Netherlands, Health Promotion International 30(2): 291--309.
- Velderman M.K., Dusseldorp E.M.L., Nieuwenhuijzen M. van, Junger M., Paulussen T.G. & Reijneveld S.A. (2015), Cultural, social and intrapersonal factors associated with clusters of co-occurring health-related behaviours among adolescents, European Journal of Public Health 25(1): 31-37.
- Dusseldorp E.M.L., Kamphuis M. & Schuller A. (2015), Impact of lifestyle factors on caries experience in three different age groups: 9, 15, and 21-year-olds, Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 43(1): 9--16.
- Dusseldorp E. & Mechelen I. van (2014), Qualitative interaction trees: a tool to identify qualitative treatment-subgroup interactions, Statistics in Medicine 33(2): 219--237.
- Doove L.L., Dusseldorp E., Deun K. van & Mechelen I. van (2014), A comparison of five recursive partitioning methods to find person subgroups involved in meaningful treatment-subgroup interactions, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 8(4): 403--425.
- Doove L.L., Buuren S. van & Dusseldorp E. (2014), Recursive partitioning for missing data imputation in the presence of interaction effects, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 72: 92--104.
- Dusseldorp E., Genugten L., Buuren S., Verheijden M.W. & Empelen P. (2014), Combinations of techniques that effectively change health behavior: Evidence from Meta-CART analysis, Health Psychology 33(12): 1530--1540.
- Huijg J.M., Gebhardt W.A., Crone M.R., Dusseldorp E. & Presseau J. (2014), Discriminant content validity of a theoretical domains framework questionnaire for use in implementation research, Implementation Science 9: e11.
- Hofstetter H., Dusseldorp E., Empelen P. & Paulussen T.W. (2014), A primer on the use of cluster analysis or factor analysis to assess co-occurrence of risk behaviors , Preventive Medicine 67(0): 141 - 146.
- Huijg J.M., Gebhardt W.A., Dusseldorp E., Verheijden M.W., Zouwe N., Middelkoop B.J. & Crone M.R. (2014), Measuring determinants of implementation behavior: psychometric properties of a questionnaire based on the theoretical domains framework, Implementation Science 9(33): 1--15.
- Janssen V.R., Gucht V.M.J. de, Dusseldorp E. & Maes S. (2013), Lifestyle modification programmes for patients with coronary heart disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 20(4): 620-640.
- Huijg J.M., Gebhardt W.A., Dusseldorp E.M.L., Verheijden M.W., Zouwe N. van der, Middelkoop B.J.C. & Crone M.R. (2013), Physiotherapists’ physical activity intervention implementation and associated factors, Psychology & Health 28(SI 1): 106-107.
- Meulman J.J., Dusseldorp E. & Van Os B.J. (2011), An exact dynamic programming algorithm for regression and classification trees. In: Heijden M. van der, Koren B., Mei R. van der & Vonderen C. van (Eds.), The Travelling Science Man. Amsterdam: CWI. 190-208.