Eiko Fried
Associate Professor
- Name
- E.I. Fried Ph.D.
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- e.i.fried@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-7469-594X

Eiko is a psychologist, methodologist, and nearly photographer. He obtained his PhD in clinical psychology at the Free University of Berlin, followed by four years of postdoctoral training in methodology at KU Leuven and University of Amsterdam. He returned to clinical psychology in 2018, as Assistant Professor at Leiden University, and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2021. He works at the intersection of clinical psychology, psychiatry, epidemiology, methodology, and complexity science, and enjoys dabbling in philosophy of science. His interests are how to best understand, measure, model, and classify mental health problems—and in improving cumulative psychological science through open science practices. He loves burnt coffee and fast computers, and is humbled to get to work with many fantastic researchers from all over the world.
More information about Eiko Fried
Eiko Fried
Open Science Framework
My interests are how to best understand, measure, model, and classify mental health problems. To do so, I conceptualize mental health or illness as emergent properties that arise from complex, dynamical, biopsychosocial systems, rather than as clear-cut categories with simple causes. I work at the intersection of clinical psychology, psychiatry, epidemiology, methodology, and complexity science, and enjoy learning about philosophy of science. Besides that, I am interested in improving cumulative psychological science through open science practices.
One of my core foci moving forward is developing a personalized, early warning system for depression, called WARN-D, as part of my ERC Starting Grant obtained in 2020 (WARN-D).
- 2021—Janet Taylor Spence Award for transformative early career contributions to psychological science; Association for Psychological Science.
- 2020 & 2021 & 2022—Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher Award
- 2020 — Commendation of the Society for the Improvement for Psychological Science
- 2019 — Education Award for Best Teacher, Institute of Psychology
- 2018 — APS Rising Star Award; Association for Psychological ScienceAPS Rising Star, 2017
- PI, ERC Starting Grant, 2020 (1.500.000€, 2021-2025): "Using network theory to predict depression onset and build a personalized early warning system" (WARN-D)
- CO-I, Gravitation/Zwaartekracht Grant, 2019 (19,393,000€, 2019-2028): "New science of mental disorders"
- Instructor “Clinical Psychology” & “Experimental Psychopathology”
- 2016 - 2020: over 20 international workshops focused on network analysis, measurement, and theory building and testing.
Tasks support staff
- 2023 - RMOC representative, Clinical & Health Research Master track
- 2023 - Team ‘Responsible Research’ with Anna van’t Veer, creating & teaching workshops to improve research practices in psychology
- 2021 - Research Master Mentor, Clinical & Health Research Master track
- 2020 - Member of Young Academy Leiden, a select group of academics promoting interdisciplinarity, science & policy education, and outreach.
Relevant links
Associate Professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Klinische Psychologie
- Rimpler A., Siepe B.S., Rieble C.L., Proppert R.K.K. & Fried E.I. (2024), Introducing FRED: Software for generating feedback reports for ecological momentary assessment data, Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research : 1-11.
- Veenman M., Janssen L.H.C., Houtum L.A.E.M. van, Wever M.C.M., Verkuil B., Epskamp S., Fried E.I. & Elzinga B.M. (2024), A network study of family affect systems in daily life, Multivariate Behavioral Research 59(2): 371-405.
- Veal C., Tomlinson A., Cipriani A., Bulteau S., Henry C., Müh C., Touboul S., De Waal N., Levy-Soussan H., Furukawa T.A., Fried E.I., Tran V.-T. & Chevance A. (2024), Heterogeneity of outcome measures in depression trials and the relevance of the content of outcome measures to patients: a systematic review, The Lancet Psychiatry 11(4): 285-294.
- Kivelä L.M.M., Fried E.I., Does A.J.W. van der & Antypa N. (2024), Examining contemporaneous and temporal associations of real-time suicidal ideation using network analysis, Psychological Medicine : 1-9.
- Briganti G., Scutari M., Epskamp S., Borsboom D., Hoekstra R.A.H., Fernandes Golino H., Christensen A.P., Morvan Y., Ebrahimi O.V., Costantini G., Heeren A., Ron J. de, Bringmann L.F., Huth K., Haslbeck. J.M.B., Isvoranu A-M., Marsman M., Blanken T., Gilbert A., Rhine Henry T., Fried E.L., McNally R.J. & (2024), Network analysis: An overview for mental health research, International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 33(4): 1-24 (e2034).
- Olthof M., Lichtwarck-Aschoff. A. & Fried E.I. (2024), Reification of the P factor draws attention away from external causes of psychopathology, Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science : 1-2.
- Beurs E. de, Boehnke J. Fried & E.I. (2024), Universele schalen voor testuitslagen: een pleidooi voor T-scores en percentielrangordescores, Gedragstherapie 57(2): 147-178.
- Günak M.M., Ebrahimi O.V., Pietrzak R.H. & Fried E.I. (2023), Using network models to explore the associations between posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and subjective cognitive functioning, Journal of Anxiety Disorders 99: 1-10 (102768).
- Elk M. van & Fried E.I. (2023), History repeating: guidelines to address common problems in psychedelic science, Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology 13: 1-20.
- Fried I.E. (2023), More on disruption of the default mode network, Current Psychiatry 22(11): e3.
- Fried E.I. Proppert R.K.K. Rieble C.I. (2023), Building an early warning system for depression: rationale, objectives, and methods of the WARN-D study, Clinical Psychology in Europe 5(3): 1-25 (e10075).
- Deisenhofer A.K., Barkham M., Beierl E.T., Schwartz B., van Doorn K.A., Beevers C.G., Berwian I.B.,Blackwell S.E., Bockting C.L., Brakemeier E.L., Brown G., Buckman J.E.J., Gastonguay L.G., Cusack C.E., Dalgleish T., e de Jong K., Delgadillo J., DeRubeis R.J., Driessen E., Ehrenreich-May J. & Cohen Z.D. (2023), Implementing precision methods in personalizing psychological therapies: barriers and possible ways forward , Behaviour Research and Therapy 172: 104443.
- Braillon A., Fried E.I., Cristea I.A., Cosgrove L. & Naudet F. (2023), Treatment of major depression, The Lancet 401(10394): P2110-P2110.
- Aristodemou M.E., Kievit R.A., Murray A.L., Eisner M., Ribeaud D. & Fried E.I. (2023), Common cause versus dynamic mutualism: an empirical comparison of two theories of psychopathology in two large longitudinal cohorts, Clinical Psychological Science : 1-23.
- Forbes M.K., Neo B., Nezami O.M., Fried E.I., Faure K., Michelsen B., Twose M. & Dras M. as M. (2023), Elemental psychopathology: distilling constituent symptoms and patterns of repetition in the diagnostic criteria of the DSM-5, Psychological Medicine : 1-9.
- Blendermann M., Ebalu T.I., Obisie-Orlu I.C., Fried E.I. & Hallion L.S. (2023), A narrative systematic review of changes in mental health symptoms from before to during the COVID-19 pandemic, Psychological Medicine : 1-24.
- Eaton N.R., Bringmann L.F., Elmer T., Fried E.I., Forbes M.K., Greene A.L., Krueger R.F., Kotov R., McGorry P.D., Mei C. & Waszczuk M.A. (2023), A review of approaches and models in psychopathology conceptualization research, Nature Reviews Psychology 2: 622-636.
- McBride O., van Bezooijen J., Aggen S.H., Kendler K.S. & Fried E.I. (2023), Quantifying skip-out information loss when assessing major depression symptoms, Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science 132(4): 396-408.
- Rief W., Hofmann S.G., Berg M., Forbes M.K., Pizzagalli D.A., Zimmermann J., Fried E. & Reed G.M. (2023), Do we need a novel framework for classifying psychopathology? : A discussion paper, Clinical Psychology in Europe 5(4): 1-39 (e11699).
- Watts A.L., Greene A.L., Bonifay W. & Fried E.I. (2023), A critical evaluation of the p-factor literature, Nature Reviews Psychology : 1-15.
- Rosa C.D., Fried E.I., Larson L.R. & Collado S. (2023), Four challenges for measurement in environmental psychology, and how to address them, Journal of Environmental Psychology 85: 101940.
- FriedE.I., Papanikolaou F. & Epskamp S. (2022), Mental health and social contact during the COVID-19 pandemic: an ecological momentary assessment study in university students, Clinical Psychological Science 10(2): 340-354.
- Pluut H. & Fried E.I. (26 April 2022), A week in the life of a YAL member. Voices of Young Academics. Leiden: Young Academy Leiden. [blog entry].
- Fried E.I., Flake J.K. & Robinaugh D.J. (2022), Revisiting the theoretical and methodological foundations of depression measurement, Nature Reviews Psychology 1: 358–368.
- Wekker T. van & Fried E.I. (20 April 2022), Nog veel te vaak ’One size fits all’: WARN-D Klinisch psycholoog Eiko Fried werkt aan een manier om depressies te voorspellen. Leidsch Dagblad, Leidse wetenschap: 11.
- Roefs A., Fried E.I., Kindt M., Martijn C., Elzinga B.M., Evers A.W.M., Wiers R.W., Borsboom D. & Jansen A. (2022), A new science of mental disorders: using personalised, transdiagnostic, dynamical systems to understand, model, diagnose and treat psychopathology, Behaviour Research and Therapy 153: 1-10 (104096).
- Burger J., Isvoranu A.-M., Lunansky G., Haslbeck J.M.B., Epskamp S., Hoekstra R.H.A., Fried E.I., Borsboom D. & Blanken T.F. (2022), Reporting standards for psychological network analyses in cross-sectional data, Psychological Methods : 1-20.
- Charvet C., Boutron I., Morvan Y., Berre C. le, Touboul S., Gaillard R., Fried E. & Chevance A. (2022), How to measure mental pain: a systematic review assessing measures of mental pain, Evidence-Based Mental Health 25(4): 1-11 (e4).
- Ron J. de, Robinaugh D.J., Fried E.I., Pedrelli P., Jain F.A., Mischoulon D. & Epskamp S. (2022), Quantifying and addressing the impact of measurement error in network models, Behaviour Research and Therapy 157: 1-10 (104163).
- Borsboom D., Deserno M.K., Rhemtulla M., Epskamp S., Fried E.I., McNally R.J., Robinaugh D.J., Perugini M., Dalege J., Costantini G., Isvoranu A.M., Wysocki A.C., Borkulo C.D. van, Bork R. van & Waldorp L.J. (2022), Reply to 'Critiques of network analysis of multivariate data in psychological science', Nature Reviews Methods Primers 2: 1-2 (91).
- Fried E.I. (2022), Studying Mental Health Problems as Systems, Not Syndromes, CURR DIR PSYCHOL SCI 31(6): 500-508.
- Beurs E. de, Boehnke J.R. & Fried E.I. (2022), Common measures or common metrics?: A plea to harmonize measurement results, Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy 29(5): 1755-1767.
- Hansen M., Armour C., McGlinchey E., Ross J., Ravn S.L., Andersen T.E., Lindekilde N., Elmose M., Karsberg S. & Fried E. (2022), Investigating the DSM-5 and the ICD-11 PTSD symptoms using network analysis across two distinct samples, Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy : 1-11.
- Prnjak K., Fried E., Mond J., Hay P., Bussey K., Griffiths S., Trompeter N., Lonergan A. & Mitchison D. (2022), Identifying components of drive for muscularity and leanness associated with core body image disturbance: a network analysis, PSYCHOL ASSESSMENT 34(4): 353-366.
- Stochl J., Fried E. I., Fritz J., Croudace T. J., Russo D. A., Knight C. & Perez J. (2022), On dimensionality, measurement invariance, and suitability of sum scores for the PHQ-9 and the GAD-7, Assessment 29(3): 355–366.
- Henry T.R., Robinaugh D.J. & Fried E.I. (2022), On the control of psychological networks, Psychometrika 87(1): 188-213.
- Greene T., Sznitman S., Contractor A.A., Prakash K., Fried E.I. & Gelkopf M. (2022), The memory-experience gap for PTSD symptoms: the correspondence between experience sampling and past month retrospective reports of traumatic stress symptoms, Psychiatry Research 307: 114315.
- Hitchcock P.F., Fried E.I. & Frank M.J. (2022), Computational psychiatry needs time and context, Annual Review of Psychology 73(1): 243-270.
- O'Driscoll C., Epskamp S., Fried E.I., Saunders R., Cardoso A., Stott J., Wheatley J., Cirkovic M., Naqvi S.A., Buckman J.E.J. & Pilling S. (2022), Transdiagnostic symptom dynamics during psychotherapy, Scientific Reports 12(1): 1-12 (10881).
- Greene A.L., Eaton N.R., Forbes M.K., Fried E.I., Watts A.L., Kotov R. & Krueger R.F. (2022), Model fit is a fallible indicator of model quality in quantitative psychopathology research: a reply to Bader and Moshagen, Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science 131(6): 696–703.
- Naudet F., Fried E.I., Cosgrove L., Turner E., Braillon A. & Cristea I.A. (2022), Review of Psychedelic drugs: more emphasis on safety issues, Nature 611: 449.
- Fried E.I. (2021), Lack of theory building and testing impedes progress in the factor and network literature, PSYCHOLOGICAL INQUIRY 31(4): 271-288.
- Fried E.I. (2021), Theories and models: what they are, what they are for, and what they are about, PSYCHOLOGICAL INQUIRY 31(4): 336-344.
- Fried E.I., Greene A.L. & Eaton N.R. (2021), The p factor is the sum of its parts, for now, World Psychiatry 20(1): 69-70.
- Fried E.I., Koenders M.A. & Blom J.D. (2021), Bleuler revisited: on persecutory delusions and their resistance to therapy, The Lancet Psychiatry 8(8): 644-646.
- Duek O., Spiller T.R., Pietrzak R.H., Fried E.I. & Harpaz-Rotem I. (2021), Network analysis of PTSD and depressive symptoms in 158,139 treatment-seeking veterans with PTSD, Depression and Anxiety 38(5): 554-562.
- Fried E.I., Borkulo C.D. van & Epskamp S. (2021), On the importance of estimating parameter uncertainty in network psychometrics: a response to Forbes et al. (2019), Multivariate Behavioral Research 56(2): 243-248.
- Hansen M., Armour C., McGlinchey E., Ross J., Ravn S.L., Andersen T.E., Lindekilde N., Elmose M., Karsberg S. & Fried E.I. (2021), Investigating centrality in PTSD symptoms across diagnostic systems using network analysis, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 12(sup1): 1-3 (1866412).
- Abend R., Bajaj M.A., Coppersmith D.D.L., Kircanski K., Haller S.P., Cardinale E.M., Pine D.S., Fried E.I. & et al. (2021), A computational network perspective on pediatric anxiety symptoms, Psychological Medicine 51(10): 1752-1762.
- Lorenzo-Luaces L., Buss J.F. & Fried E.I. (2021), Heterogeneity in major depression and its melancholic and atypical specifiers: a secondary analysis of STAR*D, BMC Psychiatry 21(1): 1-11.
- Specker E., Fried E.I., Rosenberg R. & Leder H. (2021), Associating with art: a network model of aesthetic effects, Collabra: Psychology 7(1): 1-19.
- Simpson-Kent I.L., Fried E.I., Akarca D., Mareva S., Bullmore E.T. & Kievit R.A. (2021), Bridging brain and cognition: a multilayer network analysis of brain structural covariance and general intelligence in a developmental sample of struggling learners, Journal of Intelligence 9(2): .
- Buckman J.E.J., Cohen Z.D., O'Driscoll C., Fried E.I., Saunders R., Ambler G., DeRubeis R.J., Gilbody S., Hollon S.D., Kendrick T., Watkins E., Eley T.C., Peel A.J., Rayner C., Kessler D., Wiles N., Lewis G. & Pilling S. (2021), Predicting prognosis for adults with depression using individual symptom data: a comparison of modelling approaches, Psychological Medicine 53(2): 1-11.
- O'Driscoll C., Buckman J.E.J., Fried E.I., Saunders R., Cohen Z.D., Ambler G., DeRubeis R.J., Gilbody S., Hollon S.D., Kendrick T., Kessler D., Lewis G., Watkins E., Wiles N. & Pilling S. (2021), The importance of transdiagnostic symptom level assessment to understanding prognosis for depressed adults: analysis of data from six randomised control trials, BMC Medicine 19(1): 1-14 (109).
- Borsboom D., Deserno M.K., Rhemtulla M., Epskamp S., Fried E.I., McNally R.J., Robinaugh D.J., Perugini M., Dalege J., Constantini G., Isvoranu A.M., Wysocki A.C., Borkulo C.D. van, Bork R. van & Waldorp L.J. (2021), Network analysis of multivariate data in psychological science, Nature Reviews Methods Primers 1(1): 58.
- Robinaugh D.J., Haslbeck J.M.B., Ryan O., Fried E.I. & Waldorp L.J. (2021), Invisible hands and fine calipers: a call to use formal theory as a toolkit for theory construction, Perspectives on Psychological Science 16(4): 725-743.
- Greene T., Gelkopf M., Fried E.I., Robinaugh D.J. & Pickman L.L. (2020), Dynamic Network Analysis of Negative Emotions and DSM‐5 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Clusters During Conflict, Journal of Traumatic Stress 33(1): 72-83.
- Fried E.I., Von Stockert S., Haslbeck J.M.B., Lamers F., Schoevers R.A. & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2020), Using network analysis to examine links between individual depressive symptoms, inflammatory markers, and covariates, Psychological Medicine 50(16): 2682 - 2690.
- Waszczuk M.A., Eaton N.R., Krueger R.F., Shackman A., Fried E.I., Kotov R., WaldmanI.D., ZaldD.H., Lahey B.B., Patrick C.J., Conway C.C., Ormel J., Hyman S.E., Fried E.L., Forbes M.K., Docherty A.R., Althoff R.R., Bach B., Chmielewski M., DeYoung C.G., Forbush K.T., Hallquist M., Hopwood C.J., Ivanova M.Y., Jonas K.G., Latzman R.D., Markon K.E., Mullins-Sweatt S.N., Pincus A.L., Reininghaus U., South S.C., Tackett J.L., Watson D., Wright A.G.C. & (2020), Redefining phenotypes to advance psychiatric genetics: Implications from hierarchical taxonomy of psychopathology, Journal of Abnormal Psychology 129(2): 143-161.
- De Ron J., Fried E.I. & Epskamp S. (2020), Psychological networks in clinical populations: investigating the consequences of Berkson's bias, Psychological Medicine : 1-9.
- Fried E.I. & Robinaugh D.J. (2020), Systems all the way down: embracing complexity in mental health research, BMC Medicine 18: 205.
- Chevance A., Ravaud P., Tomlinson A., Le Berre C., Teufer C.B., Touboul S., Fried E.I., Gartlehner G., Cipriani A. & Thi Tran V. (2020), Identifying outcomes for depression that matter to patients, informal caregivers, and health-care professionals: qualitative content analysis of a large international online survey, The Lancet Psychiatry 7(8): 692-702.
- Fried E.I., Coomans F. & Lorenzo-Luaces L. (2020), The 341 737 ways of qualifying for the melancholic specifier, The Lancet Psychiatry 7(6): 479-480.
- Patalay P. & Fried E.I. (2020), Editorial perspective: prescribing measures: unintended negative consequences of mandating standardized mental health measurement, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry : .
- Taquet M., Quoidbach J. & Fried E.I. et al (2020), Mood Homeostasis Before and During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Lockdown Among Students in the Netherlands, JAMA Psychiatry : 1-3.
- Hilland E., Landrø N.I., Kraft B., Tamnes C.K., Fried E.I., Maglanoc L.A. & Jonassen R. (2020), Exploring the links between specific depression symptoms and brain structure: a network study, Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 74(3): 220-221.
- Eeden W.A. van Hemert A.M. van Carlier I.V.E. Penninx B.W.J.H. Lamers F. Fried E.I. Schoevers R. Giltay E.J. (2020), Basal and LPS-stimulated inflammatory markers and the course of individual symptoms of depression, Translational Psychiatry 10(235): 1-12.
- Hebbrecht K., Stuivenga M., Birkenhäger T., Morrens M., Fried E.I., Sabbe B. & Giltay E.J. (2020), Understanding personalized dynamics to inform precision medicine: a dynamic time warp analysis of 255 depressed inpatients, BMC Medicine 18: 400.
- Cai N., Choi K.W. & Fried E.I. (2020), Reviewing the genetics of heterogeneity in depression: operationalizations, manifestations and etiologies, Human Molecular Genetics 29(R1): R10-R18.
- Kendler K.S., Aggen S.H., Werner M. & Fried E.I. (2020), A topography of 21 phobic fears: network analysis in an epidemiological sample of adult twins, Psychological Medicine 52(13): 2588-2595.
- Flake J.K. & Fried E.I. (2020), Measurement Schmeasurement: Questionable Measurement Practices and How to Avoid Them, Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 3(4): 456-465.
- Greene T., Gelkopf M., Fried E.I., Robinaugh D.J. & Pickman L.L. (2020), Dynamic Network Analysis of Negative Emotions and DSM-5 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Clusters During Conflict, J TRAUMA STRESS 33(1): 72-83.
- Fried E.I. (2020), Theories and Models: What They Are, What They Are for, and What They Are About, PSYCHOL INQ 31(4): 336-344.
- Epskamp S., Fried E.I., Borkulo C.D. van, Robinaugh D.J., Marsman M., Dalege J., Rhemtulla M. & Cramer A.O.J. (2020), Investigating the utility of fixed-margin sampling in network psychometrics, Multivariate Behavioral Research : 1-15.
- Adolf J.K. & Fried E.I. (2019), Ergodicity is sufficient but not necessary for group-to-individual generalizability, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116(14): 6540-6541.
- Conway C.C., Forbes M.K., Forbush K.T., Fried E.I., Hallquist M.N., Kotov R., Mulins-Sweatt S.N., Shackman A.J., Skodol A.E., South S.C., Sunderland M., Waszczuk M.A., Zald D.H., Afzali M.H., Bornovalova M.A., Caragher N., Docherty A.R., Jonas K.G., Krueger Patalay P., Pincus A.L., Tackett J.L., Reininghaus U., Waldman I.D., Wright A.G.C., Zimmerman J., Bach B., Bagby R.M., Chmielewski M., Cicero D.C., Clark L.A., Dalgleish T., DeYoung C.G., Hopwood C.J., Ivanova M.Y., Latzman R.D., Patrick C.J., Ruggero C.J., Samuel D.B., Watson D. & Eaton N.R. (2019), A Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology Can Transform Mental Health Research, Perspectives on Psychological Science 14(3): 419-436.
- Faelens F., Hoorelbeke K., Fried E., De Raedt R. & Koster E.H.W. (2019), Negative influences of Facebook use through the lens of network analysis, Computers in Human Behavior 96: 13-22.
- Heino M.T.J., Knittle K., Fried E., Sund R., Haukkala A., Borodulin K., Uutela A., Araujo-Soares V., Vasankari T. & Hankonen N. (2019), Visualisation and network analysis of physical activity and its determinants: Demonstrating opportunities in analysing baseline associations in the Let’s Move It trial, Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine 7(1): 269-289.
- McWilliams L.A. & Fried E.I. (2019), Reconceptualizing adult attachment relationships: A network perspective, Personal Relationships 26(1): 21-41.
- Hartung T.J., Fried E.I., Mehnert A., Hinz A. & Vehling S. (2019), Frequency and network analysis of depressive symptoms in patients with cancer compared to the general population, Journal of Affective Disorders 256: 295-301.
- De Beurs D., Fried E.I., Wetherall K., Cleare S., O' Connor D.B., Ferguson E., O'Carroll R.E. & O' Connor R.C. (2019), Exploring the psychology of suicidal ideation: A theory driven network analysis, Behaviour Research and Therapy 120: e103419.
- Fritz J., Stochl J., Fried E.I., Goodyer I.M., Borkulo C.D. van, Wilkinson P.O. & Harmelen A.-L. van (2019), Unravelling the complex nature of resilience factors and their changes between early and later adolescence, BMC Medicine 17: e203.
- Sin-Ying L., Fried E.I. & Eaton N.R. (2019), The association of life stress with substance use symptoms: A network analysis and replication, Journal of Abnormal Psychology 129(2): 204-214.
- Briganti G., Fried E.I. & Linkowski P. (2019), Network analysis of Contingencies of Self-Worth Scale in 680 university students, Psychiatry Research 272: 252-257.
- Greene T., Gelkopf M., Epskamp S. & Fried E.I. (2018), Dynamic networks of PTSD symptoms during conflict, Psychological Medicine 48(14): 2409-2417.
- Rodebaugh T.L., Tonge N.A., Piccirillo M.L., Fried E.I., Horenstein A., Morrison A.S., Goldin P., Gross J.J., Lim M.H., Fernandez K.C., Blanco C., Schneier F.R., Bogdan R., Thompson R.J. & Heimberg R.G. (2018), Does centrality in a cross-sectional network suggest intervention targets for social anxiety disorder?, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 86(10): 831-844.
- Bos F.M., Fried E.I., Hollon S.D., Bringmann L.F., Dimidjian S., DeRubeis R.J. & Bockting C.L.H. (2018), Cross-sectional networks of depressive symptoms before and after antidepressant medication treatment, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 53(6): 617-627.
- Santos Jr.H.P., Kossakowski J.J., Schwartz T.A., Beeber L. & Fried E.I. (2018), Longitudinal network structure of depression symptoms and self-efficacy in low-income mothers, PLoS ONE 13: 1-16.
- Epskamp S. & Fried E.I. (2018), A Tutorial on Regularized Partial Correlation Networks, Psychological Methods 24(4): 617-634.
- Kendler K.S., Aggen S.H., Flint J., Borsboom D. & Fried E.I. (2018), The centrality of DSM and non-DSM depressive symptoms in Han Chinese women with major depression, Journal of Affective Disorders 227: 739-744.
- Murphy J., McBride O., Fried E.I. & Shevlin M. (2018), Distress, Impairment and the Extended Psychosis Phenotype: A Network Analysis of Psychotic Experiences in an US General Population Sample, Schizophrenia Bulletin 44(4): 768-777.
- Schweren L., Borkulo C.D. van, Fried E.I. & Goodyer I.M. (2018), Assessment of Symptom Network Density as a Prognostic Marker of Treatment Response in Adolescent Depression, JAMA Psychiatry 75(1): 98-100.
- Von Stockert S.H.H., Fried E.I., Armour C. & Pietrzak R.H. (2018), Evaluating the stability of DSM-5 PTSD symptom network structure in a national sample of U.S. military veterans, Journal of Affective Disorders 229: 63-68.
- Fried E.I., Eidhof M.B., Palic S., Costantini G., Huisman-Van Dijk H.M., Bockting C.L.H., Engelhard I., Armour C., Nielsen A.B.S. & Karstoft K.-I. (2018), Replicability and Generalizability of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Networks: A Cross-Cultural Multisite Study of PTSD Symptoms in Four Trauma Patient Samples, Clinical Psychological Science 6(3): 335-351.
- Fonseca-Pedrero E., Ortuño J., Debbané M., Chan R.C.K., Cicero D., Zhang L.C., Brenner C., Barkus E., Linscott R.J., Kwapil T., Barrantes-Vidal N., Cohen A., Raine A., Compton M.T., Tone E.B., Suhr J., Inchausti F., Bobes J., Fumero A., Giakoumaki S., Tsaousis I., Preti A., Chmielewski M., Laloyaux J., Mechri A., Aymen Lahmar M., Wutrich V., Laroi F., Badcock J.C., Jablensky A., Isvoranu A.M., Epskamp S. & Fried E.I. (2018), The Network Structure of Schizotypal Personality Traits, Schizophrenia Bulletin 44(2): 468-479.
- Briganti G., Kempenaers C., Brauna S., Fried E.I. & Linkowski P. (2018), Network analysis of empathy items from the interpersonal reactivity index in 1973 young adults, Psychiatry Research 265: 87-92.
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