Eefje Cuppen
Professor Governance of Sustainability
- Name
- E.H.W.J. Cuppen
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9088
- 0000-0003-2943-4761

Eefje Cuppen is Professor of Governance of Sustainability at the Institute of Public Administration (Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs).
More information about Eefje Cuppen
Professional Experience
Before joining Leiden University, Eefje Cuppen worked as Associate Professor at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management (TPM) of TU Delft. She holds an MSc degree in Innovation Sciences from Eindhoven University of Technology (2004) and a PhD in policy sciences from VU University (Institute for Environmental Studies; 2010).
Her research is situated in the broad field of governance of sustainability and innovation. Thematically, she currently concentrates on two lines: 1) public participation and decision-making for sustainable transformation, 2) design of multi-actor processes in sustainable transformation.
Van de Grift, E., Cuppen, E. & Spruit, S. (2020). Co-creation, control or compliance? How Dutch community engagement professionals view their work. Energy Research & Social Science, 60.
Cuppen, E., Van de Grift, E. & Pesch, U. (2019). Reviewing responsible innovation: lessons for a sustainable innovation research agenda? In: Boons, F. & McMeekin, A. Handbook of Sustainable Innovation. Edward Elgar
Nieuwenhuis, E., Cuppen, E., Langeveld, J. & de Bruijn, H. (2019). De toekomst van het stedelijk watersysteem: opereren in een stad vol transities. Water Governance, 3, 48-55.
Cuppen, E., Pesch, U. & Remmerswaal, S. & Taanman, M. (2019). Normative diversity, conflict and transition: shale gas in the Netherlands. Technological Forecasting and Social Change; Special issue on ‘Welfare Transitions’, 145, 165-175.
Cuppen, E., Klievink, B. & Doorn, N. (2019). Governing crowd-based innovations: an interdisciplinary research agenda. Journal of Responsible Innovation, 6(2), 232-239.
Baldassarre, B., Schepers, M., Bocken, N., Cuppen, E., Korevaar, G., Calabretta, G. (2019). Industrial Symbiosis: towards a design process for eco-industrial clusters by integrating Circular Economy and Industrial Ecology perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 216, 446-460.
Cuppen, E. (2018). The value of social conflicts. Critiquing invited participation in energy projects. Energy Research & Social Science, 38, 28-32.
Pesch, U., Correljé, A., Cuppen, E. & Taebi, B. (2017). Energy justice and controversies: Formal and informal assessment in energy projects. Energy Policy, 109, 825-834.
Sun, L., Spekkink, W., Cuppen, E. & Korevaar, G. (2017). Coordination of industrial symbiosis through anchoring. Sustainability, 9 (4), 549.
Van de Grift, E., Vervoort, J. & Cuppen, E. (2017). Transition initiatives as light intentional communities: Uncovering liminality and friction. Sustainability, 9 (3), 448.
Pesch, U., Correljé, A., Cuppen, E., Taebi, B., Van de Grift, E. (2017). Formal and informal assessment of energy technologies. In: Asveld, L., van Dam-Mieras, R., Swierstra, T., Lavrijssen, S., Linse, K., van den Hoven, J. (Eds.) . Responsible Innovation, Volume 3. Springer.
Cuppen, E., Pesch, U. & Remmerswaal, S. & Taanman, M. (2016). Normative diversity, conflict and transition: shale gas in the Netherlands. Technological Forecasting and Social Change; Special issue on ‘Welfare Transitions’.
Scholten, V., Van den Hoven, J. Cuppen, E. & Flipse, S. (2016). Science communication and Responsible Research and Innovation. How can they complement each other? Journal of Science Communication 15(06): 1-7.
Ligtvoet, A., Cuppen, E., Di Ruggero, O., Hemmes, K., Pesch, U., Quist, J. Mehos, D. (2016). New future perspectives through constructive conflict: exploring the future of gas in the Netherlands. Futures, 78, 19-33.
Cuppen, E., Bosch-Rekveld, M., Pikaar, E. & Mehos, D. (2016). Stakeholder Engagement in Large-Scale Energy Infrastructure Projects: Revealing perspectives using Q methodology. International Journal of Project Management. Special issue on ‘Uncertainty, risk and opportunity, resilience and fragility’.
Cuppen, E. (2016). Stakeholder analysis. In: Foresight for organizations. Van der Duijn, P. (Ed.). Routledge.
Hisschemöller, M. & Cuppen, E. (2015). Participatory assessment tools. In: Jordan, A. & Turnpenny, J. (Eds.) The Tools of Policy Formulation: Actors, Capacities, Venues and Use. Edward Elgar
Cuppen, E., Brunsting, S., Pesch, U. & Feenstra, Y. (2015). How stakeholder interactions can reduce space for moral considerations in decision-making: A contested CCS project in the Netherlands. Environment & Planning A, 1963-1978.
Dignum, M., Correljé, A., Cuppen, E., Pesch, U. & Taebi, B. (2015). Contested technologies and design for values: The case of shale gas. Science and Engineering Ethics, Published online 25 July 2015.
Sleenhoff, S. Cuppen, E., Osseweijer, P. (2015). Unravelling emotional viewpoints of the public at large towards a bio-based economy using Q methodology. Public Understanding of Science, 24(7), 858-877.
Correljé, A. Cuppen, E., Dignum, M. Pesch, U. & Taebi, B. (2015). Responsible Innovation in Energy Projects: Values in the Design of Technologies, Institutions and Stakeholder Interactions. In: Van den Hoven, J., Koops, E.J., Swierstra, T., Romijn, H. & Oosterlaken, I. (Eds.) Responsible Innovation, Volume 2: Concepts, Approaches, and Applications. Springer.
Taebi, B., Correljé, A., Cuppen, E., Dignum, M., & Pesch, U. (2014). Responsible innovation as an endorsement of public values: the need for interdisciplinary research. Journal of Responsible Innovation.
Breukers, S., Hisschemöller, M., Cuppen, E., & Suurs, R. (2014). Analysing the past and exploring the future of sustainable biomass: Participatory stakeholder dialogue and technological innovation systems research. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 81, 227-235.
Ciupuliga, A., Cuppen, E. (2013). The role of dialogue in fostering acceptance of transmission lines: the case of a France-Spain interconnection project. Energy Policy, 60, 224-233.
Setiawan, A. & Cuppen, E. (2013). Stakeholder perspectives on carbon capture and storage in Indonesia. Energy Policy, 61, 1188-1199.
Cuppen, E. (2013). Q methodology to support the design and evaluation of stakeholder dialogue. Operant Subjectivity, 36 (2), 135-161.
Cuppen, E. (2012). Diversity and constructive conflict in stakeholder dialogue: Considerations for design and methods. Policy Sciences, 45 (1), 23-46.
Cuppen, E. (2012). A quasi-experimental evaluation of learning in a stakeholder dialogue on bio-energy. Research Policy, 41 (3), 624-637.
Cuppen (2012). Stakeholder analyse. In: Handboek Toekomstverkenning. Eds. P. van der Duin. Van Gorcum.
Wolf, A., with Good, J.M.M., Brown, S.R., Cuppen, E.H.W.J., Ockwell, D., and Watts, S. (2011). Q methodology and its applications: Reflections on theory. Operant Subjectivity 35(1): 48–71.
Cuppen, E., Breukers, S., Hisschemöller, M., & Bergsma, E. (2010). Q Methodology to select participants for a stakeholder dialogue on energy options from biomass in the Netherlands. Ecological Economics, 69, 579-591.
Cuppen, E. (2010). Stakeholder dialogue on environmental issues: stakeholder perspectives as the basis for participant selection. In Forrester, J. & Gerger Swartling, A. (Eds.). Overcoming the Challenges of 'Doing Participation' in Environment and Development: Workshop Summary of Lessons Learned and Ways Forward. Stockholm Environmental Institute Working Paper.
Cuppen, E. (2010). Putting perspectives into participation: Constructive Conflict Methodology for problem structuring in stakeholder dialogues. Oisterwijk: Boxpress.
Cuppen, E. Hisschemöller, M. & Midden, C. (2009). Bias in the exchange of arguments: The case of scientists’ evaluation of lay viewpoints on GM food. Public Understanding of Science, 18(5), 591-606.
Van de Kerkhof, M., Cuppen, E., & Hisschemöller, M. (2009). Repertory grid to unfold conflicting positions: The case of a stakeholder dialogue on prospects for hydrogen. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 76, 422-432.
Professor Governance of Sustainability
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Instituut Bestuurskunde
- Directeur van het Rathenau Instituut
- Lid Raad van Toezicht
- Lid Maatschappelijke Adviesraad Faculteit Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences