Dmitrii Kochetkov
PhD candidate
- Name
- D. Kochetkov
- Telephone
- 071 5272727
- 0000-0001-7890-7532
External PhD candidate. Dmitrii's major focus is policy analysis, research interests include (but not limited to) research evaluation, university rankings, excellence initiatives in higher education, preprinting, and open peer review.
External PhD candidate. Dmitrii's first university degree was in foreign languages. In 2017, he graduated from the postgraduate program in economics at Ural Federal University (Russia). Besides, Dmitrii has an MBA degree (2014, Moscow Business School). He has more than ten years' experience in corporate sales. In 2015, Dmitrii moved from the corporate sector to the university. Dmitrii worked at leading Russian universities, such as Ural Federal University, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), and Higher School of Economics. Dmitrii is now an external PhD researcher at CWTS. Hi does research in Science & Technology Studies and Higher Education Research. Dmitrii's major focus is policy analysis, research interests include (but not limited to) research evaluation, university rankings, excellence initiatives in higher education, preprinting, and open peer review.
PhD candidate
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Kochetkov D. (14 February 2024), Лудо Вальтман: «Политика, основанная на наукометрии, представляет крайне узкую перспективу» Ответственный подход к оценке научно-исследовательской деятельности : Ludo Waltman: 'Policy based on scientometrics represents a highly narrow perspective': responsible research assessment [Ludo Val'tman: "Politika, osnovannaya na naukometrii, predstavlyayet krayne uzkuyu perspektivu" Otvetstvennyy podkhod k otsenke nauchno-issledovatel'skoy deyatel'nosti]. Nezavisimaya gazeta, MAGNUM OPUS: 12-13.
- Zhang L., Cao Z., Sivertsen G. & Kochetkov D. (2024), The influence of geopolitics on research activity and international collaboration in science: the case of Russia, Scientometrics : .
- ZhangL., Cao Z., Sivertsen G. & Kochetkov D. (29 May 2024), Has war in Ukraine isolated Russian science?. Impact of Social Sciences (LSE). [blog entry].
- Kochetkov D. (2024), University rankings in the context of research evaluation: a state-of-the-art review, Quantitative Science Studies : 1-23.
- Кочетков Д.М., Попова Н.Г. & Кочеткова И.А. (2024), Contributorship collaboration: translating the CrediT taxonomy into Russian [Contributorship Collaboration: перевод таксономии CrediT на русский язык, Contributorship collaboration: perevod taksonomii CrediT na russkiy yazyk] (translation: Kochetkov D., Popova N.G. & Kochetkova I.A.), Nauchnyi Redaktor i Izdatel’ = Science Editor and Publisher : .
- Кочетков Д.М. (2024), Barcelona declaration on open research information: a significant milestone for the development of open science [Барселонская декларация об открытой исследовательской информации – важная веха на пути развития открытой науки, Barselonskaya deklaratsiya ob otkrytoy issledovatel'skoy informatsii – vazhnaya vekha na puti razvitiya otkrytoy nauki] (translation: Kochetkov D.), Nauchnyi Redaktor i Izdatel’ = Science Editor and Publisher : .
- Zhang L., Cao Z., Sivertsen G. & Kochetkov D. (15 September 2024), Is collaboration with Russia really declining? : Our analysis suggests not. Times Higher Education.
- Чжан Л., Чао Ч., Сивертсен Г. & Кочетков Д. (24 September 2024), The advent of the era of scientific protectionism: the geopolitical crisis will lead to a situation where new generations of scientists grow up in a climate of conflict [Наступление эры научного протекционизма: Геополитический кризис приведет к тому, что новые поколения ученых будут расти в атмосфере конфронтации, Nastupleniye ery nauchnogo protektsionizma: Geopoliticheskiy krizis privedet k tomu, chto novyye pokoleniya uchenykh budut rasti v atmosfere konfrontatsii] (translation: Zhang L., Cao Z., Sivertsen G. & Kochetkov D. ). Independent newspaper from Russia - Nezavisimaya gazeta: 10.
- Кочетков Д.М. (2024), Post-publication review: evolution of the scientific publishing workflow [Постпубликационное рецензирование: развитие научно-издательского процесса, Postpublikatsionnoye retsenzirovaniye: razvitiye nauchno-izdatel'skogo protsessa] (translation: Kochetkov D.), Economics of Science 10(3): 8-21.
- Кочетков Д. (12 November 2024), Do we need a sovereign ranking of BRICS universities [Нужен ли нам суверенный рейтинг университетов БРИКС, Nuzhen li nam suverennyy reyting universitetov BRIKS] (translation: Kochetkov D.). Independent newspaper from Russia - Nezavisimaya gazeta.
- Kochetkov D. (2023), Innovation: a state-of-the-art review and typology, International Journal of Innovation Studies 7(4): 263-272.
- Kochetkov D. (2023), Review of the Russian-language academic literature on university rankings and a global perspective, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 10: 576.
- Kochetkov D. (2023), Global university rankings in research evaluation: : a comprehensive literature review. 27th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI 2023) 27 September 2023 - 29 September 2023.
- Кочетков Д.М. (2023), Modern trends in research assessment: a case of the Netherlands [Современные тренды в оценке научно-исследовательской деятельности: опыт Нидерландов, Sovremennyye trendy v otsenke nauchno-issledovatel'skoy deyatel'nosti: opyt Niderlandov] (translation: Kochetkov D.M.), Economics of Science 9(3): 76-88.
- Kochetkov D. & Xie Q. (8 November 2023), Introducing the CWTS ECR/PhD Council. LeidenMadtrics. Leiden (Leiden University). [blog entry].
- Kochetkov D. (22 August 2023), The role of University rankings in research evaluation revisited. LeidenMadtrics. [blog entry].
- Ermolayeva A., Birukou A., Matyushenko S. & Kochetkov D. (2023), Statistical model and method for analyzing AI conference rankings: China vs USA, Heliyon 9(11): e21592.
- Кочетков Д.М. (21 November 2023), How geopolitics influences international scientific cooperation: The science of contacts [Как геополитика влияет на международное сотрудничество в научной сфере: Наука о контактах, Kak geopolitika vliyayet na mezhdunarodnoye sotrudnichestvo v nauchnoy sfere: Nauka o kontaktakh] (translation: Kochetkov D.).
- Kochetkov D. (6 December 2023), Russian science is still alive. LinkedIn. [blog entry].
- Kochetkov D., Birukou A. & Ermolayeva A. (2022), The importance of conference proceedings in research evaluation: a methodology for assessing conference impact. In: Vishnevskiy V.M., Samouylov K.E. & Kozyrev D.V. (Eds.), Distributed computer and communication networks. DCCN 2021.. Communications in Computer and Information Science no. 1552. Cham: Springer.
- Kochetkov D. (17 January 2022), Priority-2030: the new excellence initiative from Russia. LeidenMadtrics. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- Sandler D.G., Gladyrev D.A., Kochetkov D. & Zorina A.D. (2022), Factors of research groups’ productivity: the case of the Ural Federal University, R-Economy 8(2): 148-160.
- Kochetkov D. (8 August 2022), What affects research productivity: view from inside the university. Leiden Madtrics. [blog entry].
- Кочетков Д.М. (2022), Russian Journal Whitelist: questions to be answered [Белый список российских журналов: вопросы, ждущие ответа] (translation: Kochetkov D.), Nauchnyi Redaktor i Izdatel’ = Science Editor and Publisher 7(2): .
- Kochetkov D. & Kochetkova I.A. (2021), Knowledge: from ethical category to knowledge capitalism, Changing Societies & Personalities 5(4): 553–580.