Dirk Bouwmeester
Professor of Quantum optics and quantum information
- Name
- Prof.dr. D. Bouwmeester
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 5892
- bouwmeester@physics.leidenuniv.nl

Dirk Bouwmeester works with temperatures just above absolute zero. His experiments are designed to investigate whether there is a real boundary between quantum mechanics and the ‘classical’ world. One of his experiments involves the development of a nano mirror which can literally be simultaneously in two positions.
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Professor of Quantum optics and quantum information
- Science
- Leiden Instituut Onderzoek Natuurkunde
- LION - Quantum Matter & Optics
- Neven H., Zalcman A., Read P., Kosi K.S., Molen T. van der, Bouwmeester D., Bodnia E., Turin L. & Koch C. (2024), Testing the conjecture that quantum processes create conscious experience, Entropy 26(6): 460.
- Wang Z.H. & Bouwmeester D. (2024), Correspondence between quasiparticle dissipation and quantum information decay in open quantum systems, Physical Review A 110(3): 032407.
- Bodnia E., Isenbaev V., Colburn K., Swearngin J. & Bouwmeester D. (2024), The quest for CMB signatures of conformal cyclic cosmology, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2024: 009.
- Steindl P., Frey J.A., Norman J., Bowers J.E., Bouwmeester D. & Löffler W. (2023), Cross-polarization-extinction enhancement and spin-orbit coupling of light for quantum-dot cavity quantum electrodynamics spectroscopy, Physical Review Applied 19(6): 064082.
- Steindl P., Ent T. van der, Meer H. van der, Frey J.A., Norman J., Bowers J.E., Bouwmeester D. & Löffler W. (2023), Resonant two-laser spin-state spectroscopy of a negatively charged quantum-dot–microcavity system with a cold permanent magnet, Physical Review Applied 20(1): 014026.
- Morrison C.L., Pousa R.G., Graffitti F., Koong Z.X., Barrow P., Stoltz N.G., Bouwmeester D., Jeffers J., Oi D.K.L., Gerardot B.D. & Fedrizzi A. (2023), Single-emitter quantum key distribution over 175 km of fiber with optimised finite key rates, Nature Communications 14(1): 3573.
- Smits F.M.A., Man L. de, Groen P.W.C., Disselhorst J.A.J.M., Visser E.J., Wiegers E.L., Deursen C.F.M.A. van, Bouwmeester D., Sanden M.C.M. van de & Bongers W.A. (2023), Flow and microwave design of the Topological Reactor, ICPIG XXXV Egmond aan zee 2023. International conference on phenomena in ionized gases (ICPIG XXXV) 9 July 2023 - 14 July 2023 P1-12.
- Fedoseev V., Fisicaro M., Meer H. van der, Löffler W. & Bouwmeester D. (2022), Realignment-free cryogenic macroscopic optical cavity coupled to an optical fiber , Review of Scientific Instruments 93: 013103.
- Fedoseev V., Luna F., Hedgepeth I., Loeffler W. & Bouwmeester D. (2021), Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage in optomechanics, Physical Review Letters 126(11): 113601.
- Steindl P., Snijders H., Westra G., Hissink E., Iakovlev K., Polla S., Frey J.A., Norman J., Gossard A.C., Bowers J.E., Bouwmeester D. & Löffler W. (2021), Artificial coherent states of light by multiphoton interference in a single-photon stream, Physical Review Letters 126(14): 143601.
- Morrison C.L., Rambach M., Koong Z.X., Graffiti F., Thorburn F., Kar A.K., Ma Y., Park S.-I., Song J.D., Stoltz N.G., Bouwmeester D., Fedrizzi A. & Gerardot B.D. (2021), A bright source of telecom single photons based on quantum frequency conversion, Applied Physics Letters 118(17): 174003.
- Newsom D.C., Luna F., Fedoseev V., Löffler W. & Bouwmeester D. (2020), Optimal optomechanical coupling strength in multimembrane systems, Physical Review A 101(3): 033829 .
- Ding D., Driel D. van, Pereira L.M.C., Bauters J.F., Heck M.J.R., Welker G., Dood M.J.A. de, Vantomme A., Bowers J.E., Löffler W & Bouwmeester D. (2020), Probing interacting two-level systems with rare-earth ions, Physical Review B 101(1): 014209.
- Snijders H.J., Kok D.N.L., Stolpe M.F. van de, Frey J.A., Norman J., Gossard A.C., Bowers J.E., Exter M.P. van, Bouwmeester D. & Löffler W. (2020), Extended polarized semiclassical model for quantum-dot cavity QED and its application to single-photon sources, Physical Review A 101(5): 053811.
- Wit M. de, Welker G., Heeck K., Buters F.M., Eerkens H.J., Koning G., Meer H. van der, Bouwmeester D. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2019), Vibration isolation with high thermal conductance for a cryogen-free dilution refrigerator, Review of Scientific Instruments 90: 015112.
- Smiet C.B., Blank H.J., Jong T.A. de, Kok D.N.L. & Bouwmeester D. (2019), Resistive evolution of toroidal field distributions and their relation to magnetic clouds, Journal of Plasma Physics 85(1): 905850107.
- Sonar S.A., Fedoseev V., Weaver M.J., Luna F., Vlieg E., Meer H. van der, Bouwmeester D. & Löffler W. (2018), Strong thermomechanical squeezing in a far-detuned membrane-in-the-middle system, Physical Review A 98(1): 013804.
- Weaver M.J., Newsom D., Luna F., Löffler W. & Bouwmeester D. (2018), Phonon interferometry for measuring quantum decoherence, Physical Review A 97(6): 063832.
- Snijders H.J., Frey J.A., Norman J., Post V.P., Gossard A.C., Bowers J.E., Exter M.P. van, Löffler W. & Bouwmeester D. (2018), Fiber-Coupled Cavity-QED Source of Identical Single Photons, Physical Review Applied 9(3): 031002.
- Bruin D. de, Bossert N., Aartsma-Rus A. & Bouwmeester D. (2018), Measuring DNA hybridization using fluorescent DNA-stabilized silver clusters to investigate mismatch effects on therapeutic oligonucleotides, Journal of Nanobiotechnology 16: 37.
- Snijders H.J., Frey J.A., Norman J., Flayac H., Savona V., Gossard A.C., Bowers J.E., Exter M.P. van, Bouwmeester D. & Löffler W. (2018), Observation of the Unconventional Photon Blockade, Physical Review Letters 121(4): 043601.
- Frey J.A., Snijders H.J., Norman J., Gossard A.C., Bowers J.E., Löffler W. & Bouwmeester D. (2018), Electro-optic polarization tuning of microcavities with a single quantum dot, Optics Letters 43(17): 4280-4283.
- Weaver M.J., Buters F.M., Luna F., Eerkens H.J., Heeck K., Man S.P.J. de & Bouwmeester D. (2017), Coherent optomechanical state transfer between disparate mechanical resonators, Nature Communications 8: 824.
- Smiet C.B., Candaleresi S. & Bouwmeester D. (2017), Ideal relaxation of the Hopf fibration, Physics of Plasmas 24(7): 072110.
- Buters F.M., Luna F., Weaver M.J., Eerkens H.J., Heeck K., Man S.P.J. de & Bouwmeester D. (2017), Straightforward method to measure optomechanically induced transparency, Optics Express 25(11): 12935-12943.
- Klerk A.J.J.M. de, Veen R.I. van der, Dalhuisen J.W. & Bouwmeester D. (2017), Knotted optical vortices in exact solutions to Maxwell's equations, Physical Review A 95(5): 053820.
- Bossert N., Bruin D. de, Götz M., Bouwmeester D. & Heinrich D.M. (2017), Corrigendum: Fluorescence-tunable Ag-DNA biosensor with tailored cytotoxicity for live-cell applications, Scientific Reports 7: 45882.
- Buters F.M., Heeck K., Eerkens H.J., Weaver M.J., Luna F., Man S.P.J. de & Bouwmeester D. (2017), High-Q nested resonator in an actively stabilized optomechanical cavity, Applied Physics Letters 110(10): 104104.
- Smiet C.B., Thompson A., Bouwmeester P. & Bouwmeester D. (2017), Magnetic surface topology in decaying plasma knots, New Journal of Physics 19: 023046.
- Arrayas M., Bouwmeester D. & Trueba J.L. (2017), Knots in electromagnetism, Physics Reports 667: 1-61.
- Weaver M.J., Pepper B., Luna Rios J.F., Buters F.M., Eerkens H.J., Welker G., Perock B., Heeck K., Man S.P.J. de & Bouwmeester D. (2016), Nested trampoline resonators for optomechanics, Applied Physics Letters 108(3): 033501.
- Ding D., Pereira L.M.C., Bauters J.F., Heck M.J.R., Welker G., Vantomme A., Bowers J.E., Dood M.J.A. de & Bouwmeester D. (2016), Multidimensional Purcell effect in an ytterbium-doped ring resonator, Nature Photonics 10(6): 385.
- Snijders H.J., Frey J.A., Norman J., Bakker M.P., Langman E.C., Gossard A., Bowers J.E., Exter M.P. van, Bouwmeester D. & Löffler W. (2016), Purification of a single-photon nonlinguarity, Nature Communications 8(7): 12578.
- Buters F.M., Weaver M.J., Eerkens H.J., Heeck K., Man S.P.J. de & Bouwmeester D. (2016), Optomechanics with a polarization nondegenerate cavity, Physical Review A 12(94): 063813.
- Bossert N., Bruin D. de, Götz M., Bouwmeester D. & Heinrich D.M. (2016), Fluorescence-tunable Ag-DNA biosensor with tailored cytotoxicity for live-cell applications, Scientific Reports 6: 37867.
- Bakker M.P., Ruytenberg T., Löffler W., Barve A., Coldren L., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2015), Quantum dot nonlinearity through cavity-enhanced feedback with a charge memory, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 91(24): 241305.
- Smiet C.B., Candelaresi S., Thompson A., Swearngin J., Dalhuisen J.W. & Bouwmeester D. (2015), Self-Organizing Knotted Magnetic Structures in Plasma, Physical Review Letters 115(9): 095001.
- Bakker M.P., Barve A.V., Ruytenberg T., Löffler W., Coldren L.A., Bouwmeester D. & Exter M.P. van (2015), Polarization degenerate solid-state cavity quantum electrodynamics, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 91(11): 115319.
- Buters F.M., Eerkens H.J., Heeck K., Weaver M.J., Pepper B., Sonin P., Man S. de & Bouwmeester D. (2015), Large parametric amplification in an optomechanical system, Physica Scripta 2015(T165): 014003.
- Buters F.M., Eerkens H.J., Heeck K., Weaver M.J., Pepper B., Man S. de & Bouwmeester D. (2015), Experimental exploration of the optomechanical attractor diagram and its dynamics, Physical Review A 92: 013811.
- Bakker M.P., Snijders H., Löffler W., Barve A.V., Coldren L.A., Bouwmeester D. & Exter M.P. van (2015), Homodyne detection of coherence and phase shift of a quantum dot in a cavity, Optics Letters 40: 3173-3176.
- Eerkens H.J., Buters F.M., Weaver M.J., Pepper B., Welker G., Heeck K., Sonin P., Man S. de & Bouwmeester D. (2015), Optical side-band cooling of a low frequency optomechanical system, Optics Express 23: 8014-8020.
- Thompson A., Swearngin J. & Bouwmeester D. (2015), Classification of electromagnetic and gravitational Hopfions by Algebraic type, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 48: 205202.
- Ghobadi R., Kumar P., Pepper B., Bouwmeester D., Lvovsky A.I. & Simon C. (2014), Optomechanical micro-macro entanglement, Physical Review Letters 112(8): 080503.
- Markesevic N., Oemrawsingh S.S.R., Schultz D., Gwinn E.G. & Bouwmeester D. (2014), Polarization resolved measurements of individual DNA-stabilized silver clusters, Advanced optical materials 2 (8): 765-770.
- Bouwmeester D. (2014), The quantum nondemolition derby, Science 344(1224): .
- Pepper B., Sonin P., Eerkens H.J., Man S.P.J. de & Bouwmeester D. (2014), Towards macroscopic superpositions via single-photon optomechanics. In: Andersson E. & Öhberg P. (Eds.), Quantum Information and Coherence: Springer.
- Hammerer K., Genes C., Vitali D., Tombesi P., Milburn G., Simon C. & Bouwmeester D. (2014), Nonclassical states of light and mechanics. In: Aspelmeyer M., Kippenberg T.J. & Marquardt F. (Eds.), Cavity Optomechanics: Nano- and Micromechanical Resonators Interacting with Light: Springer Verlag. 25-56.
- Thompson A., Swearngin J.M. & Bouwmeester D. (2014), Linked and knotted gravitational radiation, Journal of Physics A : Mathematical and General 47(355295): .
- Thompson A., Swearngin J.M., Wickes A. & Bouwmeester D. (2014), Constructing a class of topological solitons in magnetohydrodynamics, Physical Review E 89(4): 043104.
- Ding D., Dood M.J.A. de, Bauters J.F., Heck M.J., Bowers J.E. & Bouwmeester D. (2014), Fano resonances in a multimode waveguide coupled to a high-Q silicon nitride ring resonator, Optics Express 22 (6): 6778-6790.
- Bakker M.P., Brave A.V., Zhan A., Coldren L.A., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2014), Polarization degenerate micropillars fabricated by designed elliptical oxide apertures, Applied Physics Letters 104(151109): .
- Schultz D., Gardner K., Oemrawsingh S.S.R., Markesevic N., Olsson K., Debord M., Bouwmeester D. & Gwinn E. (2013), Evidence for rod-shaped DNA-stabilized silver nanocluster emitters, Advanced Materials 25(20): 2797-2803.
- Schultz D., Copp S.M., Markesevic N., Gardner K., Oemrawsingh S.S.R., Bouwmeester D. & Gwinn E. (2013), Dual-color nanoscale assemblies of structurally stable, few-atom silver clusters, as reported by fluorescence resonance energy transfer, ACS Nano 7(11): 9798-9807.
- Bakker M.P., Suntrup D.J., Snijders H., Truong T.A., Petroff P.M., Bouwmeester D. & Exter M.P. van (2013), Fine tuning of micropillar cavity modes through repetitive oxidations, Optics Letters 38(17): 3308-3311.
- Bonato C., Hagemeier J., Gerace D., Thon S.M., Kim H., Andreani L.C., Petroff P.M., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2013), Far-field emission profiles from L3 photonic crystal cavity modes, Photonics and nanostructures-Fundamentals and applications 11(1): 37-47.
- Bakker M.P., Suntrup D.J., Snijders H., Truong T.A., Petroff P.M., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2013), Monitoring the formation of oxide apertures in micropillar cavities, Applied Physics Letters 102(10): 101109.
- Bonato C., Gudat J., Vries K. de, Thon S.M., Kim H., Petroff P.M., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2012), Optical modes in oxide-apertured micropillar cavities, Optical Letters 37(22): 4678-4680.
- Dalhuisen J.W. & Bouwmeester D. (2012), Twistors and electromagnetic knots, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45: 135201.
- Sar T. van der, Hagemeier J., Pfaff W., Heeres E.C., Thon S.M., Kim H., Petroff P.M., Oosterkamp T.H., Bouwmeester D. & Hanson R. (2012), Effect of a nanoparticle on the optical properties of a photonic crystal cavity: theory and experiment, Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics 29(4): 698-703.
- Pepper B., Ghobadi R., Jeffrey E.R., Simon C. & Bouwmeester D. (2012), Optomechanical superpositions via nested interferometry, Physical Review Letters 109(2): 023601.
- Bonato C., Gudat J., Nieuwenburg E. van, Bakker M., Beirne G.J., Thon S.M., Kim H., Truong T.-A., Suntrup T., Petroff P., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2012), Cavity-QED with quantum dots in oxide-apertured micropillars. Hasan Z.U., Hemmer P.R., Lee H. & Santori C.M. (Eds.), Proceedings of SPIE. Advances in Photonics of Quantum Computing, Memory, and Communication V, 827212.
- Hagemeier J., Bonato C., Truong T.-A., Kim H., Beirne G.J., Bakker M., Exter M.P. van, Luo Y., Petroff P. & Bouwmeester D. (2012), H1 photonic crystal cavities for hybrid quantum information protocols, Optics Express 20(22): 24714-24726.
- Pepper B., Jeffrey E.R., Ghobadi R., Simon C. & Bouwmeester D. (2012), Macroscopic superpositions via nested interferometry: finite temperature and decoherence considerations, New Journal of Physics 14: 115025.
- Vinante A., Kirste A., Haan A.M.J. den, Usenko O., Wijts G.H.C.J., Jeffrey E.R., Sonin P., Bouwmeester D. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2012), High sensitivity SQUID-detection and feedback-cooling of an ultrasoft microcantilever, Applied Physics Letters 101(12): 123101.
- Oemrawsingh S.S.R., Markesevic N., Gwinn E.G., Eliel E.R. & Bouwmeester D. (2012), Spectral Properties of Individual DNA-Hosted Silver Nanoclusters at Low Temperatures, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 116(48): 25568-25575.
- Fuhrmann D.A., Thon S.M., Kim H., Bouwmeester D., Petroff P.M., Wixforth A. & Krenner H.J. (2011), Dynamic modulation of photonic crystal nanocavities using gigahertz acoustic phonons, Nature Photonics 5: 605-609.
- Kleckner D., Pepper B., Jeffrey E.R., Sonin E.B., Thon S.M. & Bouwmeester D. (2011), Optomechanical trampoline resonators, Optics Express 19(20): 19708-19716.
- Gudat J., Bonato C., Nieuwenburg E. van, Thon S.M., Kim H., Petroff P.M., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2011), Permanent tuning of quantum dot transitions to degenerate microcavity resonances, Applied Physics Letters 98(12): 121111.
- Thon S.M., Kim H., Bonato C., Gudat J., Hagemeier J., Petroff P.M. & Bouwmeester D. (2011), Independent electric tuning of separated quantum dots in coupled photonic crystal cavities, Applied Physics Letters 99: 161102.
- Sar T. van der, Hagemeier J., Pfaff W., Heeres E.C., Thon S.M., Kim H., Petroff P.M., Oosterkamp T.H., Bouwmeester D. & Hanson R. (2011), Deterministic nanoassembly of a coupled quantum emitter-photonic crystal cavity system, Applied Physics Letters 98(19): 193103.
- Bonato C., Nieuwenburg E. van, Gudat J., Thon S.M., Kim H.K., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2011), Strain tuning of quantum dot optical transitions via laser-induced surface defects, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 84: 075306.
- Haupt F., Oemrawsingh S.S.R., Thon S.M., Kim H., Kleckner D., Ding D., Suntrup D.J., Petroff P.M. & Bouwmeester D. (2010), Fiber-connectorized micropillar cavities, Applied Physics Letters 97: 131113.
- Thon S.M., Irvine W.T.M., Kleckner D. & Bouwmeester D. (2010), Polychromatic photonic quasicrystal cavities, Physical Review Letters 104(24): 243901.
- Bonato C., Haupt F., Oemrawsingh S.S.R., Gudat J., Ding D., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2010), CNOT and Bell-state analysis in the weak-coupling cavity QED regime, Physical Review Letters 104(16): 160503.
- Kleckner D., Irvine W.T.M., Oemrawsingh S.S.R. & Bouwmeester D. (2010), Diffraction-limited high-finesse optical cavities, Physical Review A 81: 043814.
- Rakher M.T., Stoltz N.G., Coldren L.A., Petroff P.M. & Bouwmeester D. (2009), Externally mode-matched cavity quantum electrodynamics with charge-tunable quantum dots, Physical Review Letters 102(9): 097403.
- Exter M.P. van, Gudat J., Nienhuis G. & Bouwmeester D. (2009), Spin quantum jumps in a singly charged quantum dot, Physical Review A 80: 023812.
- Kim H., Thon S.M., Petroff P.M. & Bouwmeester D. (2009), Independent tuning of quantum dots in a photonic crystal cavity, Applied Physics Letters 95: 243107.
- Bonato C., Ding D., Gudat J., Thon S.M., Kim H., Petroff P.M., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2009), Tuning micropillar cavity birefringence by laser induces surface defects, Applied Physics Letters 95(25): 251104.
- Thon S.M., Rakher M.T., Kim H., Gudat J., Irvine W.T.M., Petroff P.M. & Bouwmeester D. (2009), Strong coupling through optical positioning of a quantum dot in a photonic crystal cavity, Applied Physics Letters 94(11): 111115.
- Kim H., Rakher M.T., Bouwmeester D. & Petroff P.M. (2009), Electrically pumped quantum post vertical cavity surface emitting lasers, Applied Physics Letters 94: 131104.
- Kleckner D., Pikovski I., Jeffrey E.R., Ament L.J.P., Eliel E.R., Brink J. van den & Bouwmeester D. (2008), Creating and verifying a quantum superposition in a micro-optomechanical system, New Journal of Physics 10: 095020.
- Rakher M.T., Stoltz N.G., Coldren L.A., Petroff P.M. & Bouwmeester D. (2008), Polarization-switchable single photon source using the Stark effect, Applied Physics Letters 93(9): 091118.
- Irvine W.T.M. & Bouwmeester D. (2008), Linked and knotted beams of light, Nature Physics 4: 716-720.
- Pezze L., Smerzi A., Khoury M.J., Hodelin J.F. & Bouwmeester D. (2007), Phase detection at the quantum limit with multiphoton Mach-Zehnder Interferometry, Physical Review Letters 99(22): 223602.
- Strauf S., Stoltz N.G., Rakher M.T., Coldren L.A., Petroff P.M. & Bouwmeester D. (2007), High-frequency single-photon source with polarization control, Nature Photonics 1: 704-708.
- Strauf S., Rakher M.T., Carmeli I., Hennessy K.T., Meier C., Badolato A., Dood M.J.A. de, Petroff P.M., Hu E.L., Gwynn B. & Bouwmeester D. (2006), Frequency control of photonic crystal membrane resonators by mono-layer deposition, Applied Physics Letters 88: 043116.
- Kleckner D., Marshall W., Dood M.J.A. de, Dinyari K.N., Pors J.B., Irvine W.T.M. & Bouwmeester D. (2006), High finesse opto-mechanical cavity with a movable thirty-micron-size mirror, Physical Review Letters 96(17): 173901.
- Hastings S.P., Dood M.J.A. de, Marshall W., Eisenberg H.S. & Bouwmeester D. (2005), Ultrafast Optical Response of a High Reflectivity GaAs/AlAs Bragg Mirror, Applied Physics Letters 86(3): 031109.
- Irvine W.T.M., Dood M.J.A. de & Bouwmeester D. (2005), Bloch theory of entangled photon generation in non-linear photonic crystals, Physical Review A 72(4): 043815.
- Gerardot B.D., Strauf S., Dood M.J.A. de, Bychkov A., Badolato A., Hennessy K.T., Hu E.L., Bouwmeester D. & Petroff P.M. (2005), Photon statistics from coupled quantum dots, Physical Review Letters 95(13): 137403.
- Bouwmeester D., Marzoli L., Karman G.P., Schleich W. & Woerdman J.P. (1999), Optical Galton board, Physical Review A 61(1): 013410.
- Karman G.P., Beijersbergen M.W., Duijl A. van, Bouwmeester D. & Woerdman J.P. (1998), Airy pattern reorganization and subwavelength structure in a focus, Journal of the Optical Society of America A : Optics Image Science and Vision 15(4): 884-899.
- Hoogleraar