Diana Davila Gordillo
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. D.L. Davila Gordillo
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9500
- d.l.davila.gordillo@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-2295-381X

Diana Davila Gordillo is an Assistant Professor of Comparative Politics at the Institute of Political Science.
Diana Davila Gordillo is an Assistant Professor of Comparative Politics at Leiden University. Before taking this position, she was an Assistant Professor of Politics and International Relations at Lake Forest College (Illinois, USA). She received her Ph.D. from Leiden University in 2021. Dávila Gordillo is a researcher in comparative politics working on political institutions and representation with Latin America as her regional focus. Her research and teaching lie at the intersection of representation, identity, ethnicity, and institutions. She deploys a broad set of methodological tools in her work, chiefly qualitative methods (e.g., interviews, participant observation, and discourse analysis), which she combines with various other methodologies, including natural language processing, network analysis, and experimental methods.
Davila Gordillo studies women’s representation and party organisations. She is particularly interested in the barriers women face when participating in politics and how different stakeholders affect their experiences. She is interested in political parties’ survival, their linkages to voters, and the determinants of candidate selection (gender perspective). She also studies group identity construction (at the individual and group level) and how these identities affect party formation and persistence, the linkages between parties and voters, and inter-group relations. Her work is entirely bilingual: she researches, writes, and teaches in English and Spanish.
Before starting her career in academia, Davila Gordillo served as Second Secretary Alternate Representative of Ecuador at the Ecuadorian Mission to the Organization of American States (OAS) in Washington, D.C.. She joined the Permanent Mission in July 2012. Her work there concentrated on negotiating inter-American human rights conventions.
› Curriculum vitae Diana Davila Gordillo
PhD supervision
Diana Davila Gordillo is available to supervise PhD students and invites PhD research proposals in the areas of:
- Women’s representation
- Latin American Politics
- Political parties
See for more information on PhD positions:
Assistant professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Politieke Wetenschap
- Dávila Gordillo D.L. (1 July 2021), Surviving against all odds: Pachakutik’s electoral support, mobilization strategies, and goal achievement between 1996 and 2019 (Dissertatie. Institute of Political Science, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Kopecký P., Spirova M.S. & Zwart F. de.
- Cisneros A.A., Aldaz Peña R., Davila Gordillo D.L. & Vallejo Vera S. (2021), Believe in me: parties’ strategies during a pandemic, evidence from Ecuador, Journal of Politics in Latin America 13(3): 419-441.
- Davila Gordillo D.L. & Wylie K.N. (2021), Party leadership and institutionalization in Latin America. In: Vanden H.E. & Prevost G (Eds.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latin American Politics. Politics: Oxford University Press. 1-2880.
- Davila Gordillo D.L. (2021), Elecciones presidenciales en el Ecuador: flashback al pasado y un futuro incierto, Voz y Voto 339: .
- Cisneros A.A., Aldaz Pena R., Davila Gordillo D. & Vallejo Vera S. (2021), Ecuador: cómo diferenciarse cuando compites con 16 candidatos, Agenda Publica : .
- Davila Gordillo D.L. (2019), “Evaluating party goals and party performance. The cases of Pachakutik and Izquierda Democratica (1996-2017)”. Annual Conference of the Latin American Studies Association, Boston. Annual Conference of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) 24 May 2019 - 27 May 2019.
- Davila Gordillo D.L. (2019), Evaluating party goals and party performance. The cases of Pachakutik and Izquierda Democratica (1996-2017). 77th Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago. 77th Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) 4 April 2019 - 7 April 2019.
- Davila Gordillo D.L. (2019), “Unity within Diversity – Pachakutik’s mobilization strategies in local elections”. 2019 American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. 2019 American Political Science Association Annual Meeting 29 August 2019 - 1 October 2019.
- Davila Gordillo D. & Ragazzi F. (2017), The Radicalisation Awareness Network: Producing the EU counter-radicalisation discourse. In: Carrera S. & Mitsilegas V. (Eds.), Constitutionalising the Security Union Effectiveness, Rule of Law and Rights in Countering Terrorism and Crime. Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS). 54-63.
- Davila Gordillo D. (2017), Loosing Members and Winning Votes? Pachakutik and Indigenous Representation in Ecuador. ECPR Joint Sessions. University of Nottingham. Workshop Political Parties as Arena for Descriptive Representation 25 April 2017 - 30 April 2017.