Universiteit Leiden

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Deniz Tat

University Lecturer Turkish

Dr. D. Tat
+31 71 527 7100

Deniz Tat is a Assistant professor at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies.

More information about Deniz Tat

Fields of interest

Syntactic theory, morphology, Turkish linguistics, teaching of Turkish as a second language


PhD in Linguistics with a major in Syntactic Theory and a minor in Cognitive Science, 2013, The University of Arizona


Leiden Institute for Area Studies, Turkish Studies

Key publications

  • Key, G. & Tat, D. 2015. Structural variation in Turkish complex predicates. In Zeyrek, D. Sağın-Şimşek, Ç., Ataş, U. and Rehbein, J. (eds), Ankara Papers in Turkish and Turkic Linguistics (Turcologica 104), pp. 121-131. Wiesbaden: Harrossowitz Verlag.
  • Tat, D. 2013. Word syntax of nominal compounds: internal and aphasiological evidence from Turkish, PhD dissertation, The University of Arizona.
  • Tat, 2011. APs as reduced relatives: the case of ‘bir’ in (some) varieties of Turkic. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 62, pp. 301-315.


  • Turkish as a foreign and heritage language
  • Media Turkish
  • Academic Turkish

Grants and awards

  • Graduate College Fellowship, The University of Arizona (2010, 2013)
  • Arizona Board of Regents Dissertation Grant, Graduate College, The University of Arizona (2012)
  • Raphael and Jolene Research Travel Grant, Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs, The University of Arizona (2012)
  • Dr. Malakeh Taleghani Endowed Graduate Fellowship in Iranian Studies, The University of Arizona (2011)
  • Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Fellowship, The University of Arizona (2006-2007)
  • Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assitant Award, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, The University of Arizona (2009)

University Lecturer Turkish

  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Leiden Institute for Area Studies

Work address

Herta Mohr
Witte Singel 27A
2311 BG Leiden
Room number 187


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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