David Zetland
University lecturer
- Name
- Dr. D.J. Zetland Ph.D.
- Telephone
- 070 8009500
- d.j.zetland@luc.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-7401-4443

David Zetland researches the political-economy of water, the environment and the commons. As a university lecturer at Leiden University College, he teaches courses on economics, entrepreneurship, sustainability, and the commons.
More information about David Zetland
David Zetland is a university lecturer at Leiden University College, where he teaches classes on economics, entrepreneurship, sustainability, and the commons. He received his PhD in Agricultural and Resource Economics from UC Davis in 2008, and held positions in the US, Netherlands, Canada and Saudi Arabia before coming to LUC. He blogs at The One-handed Economist, has written four books (The End of Abundance: economic solutions to water scarcity (2011), Living with Water Scarcity (2022), The Best of Aguanomics (2018), The Little Book of the Commons (2022)) and edited and published two collections of climate disruption stories (Life plus 2 Meters). David gives talks to public, professional and academic audiences and writes for popular and academic outlets. David lives in Amsterdam.
Academic Expertise:
- The Commons
- Development Economics
- Environmental Economics
- Political Economy
- Social Entrepeneurship
- Environmental Economics
- Real Donut Economics
- Entrepreneurs and Markets
- Applied Microeconomics
- Sharing Scarcity: The Commons
- Sharing Scarcity: Water
University lecturer
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Leiden University College
Work address
Anna van BuerenpleinAnna van Buerenplein 301
2595 DG The Hague
Room number 4.10
- Zetland D. (2023), Teaching water economics by building problem-based case studies, Applied Economics Teaching Resources 5(2): 1-13.
- Zetland D.J. (2022), The little book of the commons. Amsterdam: KYSq Press.
- Zetland D. (2022), Living with water scarcity: scarcity is a perception. Shortage is a fact. Amsterdam: KYSQ Press.
- Zetland D. (2021), The role of prices in managing water scarcity, Water Security 12: 100081.
- Zetland D.J. (2018), The Best of Aguanomics. Amsterdam: KYSQ Press.
- Zetland D.J. & et al (2018), Life Plus 2 Meters, Vol 2 no. 2. Amsterdam: KYSQ Press.
- Zetland D. & Colenbrander B. (2018), Water Civilization: The Evolution of the Dutch Drinking Water Sector, Water Economics and Policy 4(3): 1850012.
- Zetland D.J. (2017), Exploring Group Cooperation in the Provision of Public Goods, Strategic Behavior and the Environment 7(1-2): 109-133.
- Zetland D. (2017), Dear Henry. In: Bisgaard T.R. (Ed.), 2047: Short Stories from Our Common Future: Createspace.
- Zetland D.J. (2017), Desalination and the commons: tragedy or triumph?, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT 33(6): 890-906.
- Zetland D.J. (2016), Desalination and the commons: tragedy or triumph?, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT 33(6): 890-906.
- Zetland David (2016), Life Plus 2 Meters no. 1. Amsterdam: Aguanomics Press.
- David Zetland (2016), The struggle for residential water metering in England and Wales, Water Alternatives 9(1): 120-138.
- Zetland David (2014), Living with Water Scarcity. Mission Viejo, CA: Aguanomics Press.
- Zetland D. (2014), Water conservation. In: Whitehead J. & Haab T. (Eds.), Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: An Encyclopedia. Goleta CA: ABC-CLIO.
- Schuerhoff M., Weikard H.P. & Zetland D. (2013), The life and death of the Dutch groundwater tax, Water Policy 15(6): 1064-1077.
- David Zetland (2013), Economists owes ecology an apology. In: Primot S., Valk M.R. van der & Keenan P. (Eds.), Green Growth and Water Allocation: IHP-UNESCO. 131-152.
- David Z. (2013), Water managers are selfish like us. In: List J. & Price M. (Eds.), Handbook on Experimental Economics and the Environment. Northampton MA: Edward Elgar Publishing. 407--433.
- David Zetland (2013), All-in-Auctions for water, Journal of Environmental Management 115: 78-86.
- Zetland D. & Gasson C. (2013), A global survey of urban water tariffs: are they sustainable, efficient and fair?, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT 29(3): 327-342.
- Zetland D.J. & Moeller-Gulland J. (2012), The political economy of land and water grabs. In: Allan J.A., Warner J., Sojamo S. & Keulertz M. (Eds.), The Handbook of Land and Water Grabs in Africa: Foreign Direct Investment and Food and Water Security. Oxford: Routledge. 257-272.
- David Z. (2011), Intra-organizational conflict: origin and cost, The Economics of Peace and Security Journal 6(1): 12-21.
- David Zetland (2011), The End of Abundance: Economic Solutions to Water Scarcity: Aguanomics Press.
- Zetland D.J. (2011), Water markets in Europe, Water Resources IMPACT 13(5): 15-18.
- Zetland D. (2011), How markets can end persistent intraorganizational conflict, The Economics of Peace and Security Journal 6(1): 22-27.
- David Z. (2010), Save the poor, shoot some bankers, Public Choice 145(3-4): 331-337.
- Prufer J. & Zetland D. (2010), An auction market for journal articles, Public Choice 145(3-4): 379-403.
- David Z. (2010), A Broken Hub Will Not Wheel: Water Reallocation in California, Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education 144(1): 18-28.
- Zetland D.J. (2010), The real estate market index, Real Estate Finance Journal 27(2): 78-90.
- Zetland D. (2010), Water Rights and Human Rights, FORBES 185(6): 24-24.
- David Z., Russo C. & Yavapolkul N. (2010), Teaching Economic Principles: Algebra, Graph or Both?, The American Economist 55(1): 123-131.
- Zetland D.J. (2009), A broken hub will not wheel: water reallocation in California, Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education (144): 18-28.
- Zetland D. (2009), The end of abundance: How water bureaucrats created and destroyed the southern California oasis, Water Alternatives 2(3): 4.
- Zetland D.J. (24 April 2008), Conflict and cooperation within an organization: a case study of the metropolitan water district of Southern California (Dissertatie, Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California Davis). Supervisor(s): Sexton Richard.