Daniela Gawehns
PhD candidate/ Guest
- Name
- D. Gawehns
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- d.gawehns@liacs.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-9678-9012

Daniela is a PhD student in the EDA group and affiliated with the Data Science Research Program. Her PhD project focuses on pattern mining in complex data from observations, medical records and sensors. The data is collected to accompany a change in care management at a nursing home in the Netherlands. The project is part of a collaboration between Nivel (Dutch Research Organization for Health Sciences) and Stichting Maasduinen, a provider for elderly home and residential care in the South of the Netherlands. Other partners are Actiz and Alzheimer Nederland, the project is funded by ZonMW. Daniela is active member of the Open Science Community Leiden and of the LIACS Diversity Committee.
More information about Daniela Gawehns
Further information
Daniela's current research combines two fields: Computer Science and Health Sciences. The aim is to develop methods to extract patterns from complex data, such as observations, sensor data and medical records. Patterns are extracted to help researchers with exploratory work and ultimately to generate new research hypotheses.
Daniela holds both, a Master's degree in Statistics and in Clinical Neuropsychology from Leiden University.
For her Master in Psychology, she wrote a thesis on the cognitive phenotypes of children with Neurofibromatosis type I at the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam. She did her clinical internship at a neuropediatric clinic in Germany (Schönklinik Vogtareuth).
For her Master in Statistics, she wrote her thesis with her current PhD supervisor Matthijs van Leeuwen, suggesting a way to extract subgroups from dynamic networks by leveraging information theoretic data mining. She did her research internship at Fraunhofer Institute in St. Augustin, Germany, where she focused on non-linear independent component analysis.
Daniela is active member of the Open Science Community Leiden and of the LIACS Diversity Committee.
PhD candidate/ Guest
- Science
- Leiden Inst of Advanced Computer Science
- Dijk M.K. van, Gawehns D. & Leeuwen M. van (2023), WEARDA: recording wearable sensor data for human activity monitoring, Journal of Open Research Software 11(1): 13.
- Staalduinen J.H. van, Tetteroo J., Gawehns D. & Baratchi M. (2021), An intelligent tree planning approach using location-based social networks data. Baratchi M., Cao L., Kosters W.A., Lijffijt J., Rijn J.N. van & Takes F.W. (Eds.), Artificial intelligence and machine learning: 32nd Benelux conference, BNAIC/Benelearn 2020, Leiden, the Netherlands, November 19–20, 2020, revised selected papers. BNAIC/Benelearn 2020 19 November 2020 - 20 November 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science no. 1398. Cham: Springer. 157-171.
- Ottenhoff M.J., Rietman A.B., Mous S.E., Plasschaert E., Gawehns D., Brems H., Oostenbrink R., Van Minkelen R., Nellist M., Schorry E., Legius E., Moll H.A., Elgersma Y., De Wit M.C.Y., De Nijs P.F.A., Legerstee J.S., Dieleman G.C. & Ten Hoopen L.W. (2020), Examination of the genetic factors underlying the cognitive variability associated with neurofibromatosis type 1, Genetics in Medicine 22: 889-897.
- Arp L., Vreumingen D. van, Gawehns D. & Baratchi M. (2020), Dynamic macro scale traffic flow optimisation using crowd-sourced urban movement data, 2020 21st IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM) . IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2020) 30 June 2020 - 3 July 2020: IEEE. 168-177.
- Gawehns D., Veiga G. & Leeuwen M. van (2019), Focus on Dynamics: a proof of principle in exploratory data mining of face-to-face interactions. 5th International Conference on Computational Social Sciences, Amsterdam. 17 July 2018 - 20 July 2019. [conference poster].