Claire Weeda
Director of Education / University Lecturer
- Name
- Dr. C.V. Weeda
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2718
- 0000-0002-8075-2338

Claire Weeda is a University Lecturer at the institute for History.
Claire Weeda is a cultural historian whose main fields of interest include Greco-Arabic medicine, ethnicity, labour and racial capitalism in Europe, 1100-1600. She teaches and publishes regularly on ethnic stereotyping, public health, and religious-cultural practices across Europe. In 2021, her monograph Ethnicity in Medieval Europe, 950-1250: Medicine, Power and Religion came out with York Medieval Press/Boydell Press. In 2019, she co-edited Policing the Urban Environment in Premodern Europe (with Carole Rawcliffe). In 2015, the KHMW awarded her dissertation ‘Images of Ethnicity in Later Medieval Europe’ the Keetje Hodshon Award for historical research.
In recent years, as a member of the ERC research project ‘Healthscaping Urban Europe: Biopower, Space and Society’, she has focused on the development and spread of medical knowledge in urban centres from 1100-1500. She has looked at how medical knowledge spread via armies and educational systems, oral interactions and embodied practices. Managing the health of groups served military and economic interests, as a form of biopolitics, and involved public regulation and self-disciplining.
Teaching activities
Teaching experience includes introductory courses on medieval history and analysis of source materials, as well thematic courses, including:
'Imagining the Medieval Nation', on ethnic identity, racism, and concepts of nature and culture in the Late Middle Ages
'The Latin Middle Ages', on medieval Latin literature and its cultural context, translating primary sources;
'Ethnic Stereotyping in the Middle Ages', on the function of ethnic stereotypes in later Medieval Europe;
'Nudity', on the meaning of nudity in social and religious context from antiquity to modernity;
'Ideals and Utopias', reading primary sources on ideal behaviour and communities from antiquity to the Renaissance;
'Laughter in the Dark', a cultural study of humour in the late Middle Ages;
'Spies and Diplomats in the Mediterranean World', on gift exchange, marriage diplomacy and ceremonies in Byzantium;
'Debating the Persecuting Society', discussing whether Europe became a persecuting society in the late middle ages;
'New Horizons', a course on explorers and missionary activities in the Baltic region and the East.
'Urban Bodies', on medical concepts and practices in urban communities
Director of Education / University Lecturer
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- Middeleeuwse Geschiedenis
- Coomans J., Hermenault L, Van Kooten R. & Weeda C.V. (2024), Plague, religion and urban space in sixteenth-century Antwerp, Social History of Medicine : hkad090.
- Weeda C.V. (2024), Medische experimenten in de Nederlandse slavenhandel: de casus David Henri Gallandat (1732-1782), Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 137(4): 424-440.
- Weeda C.V. (2024), Er moet iets gebeuren, als het er maar van komt: Interview met Zawdie Sandvliet, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 134(4): 474-476.
- Weeda C.V., Gomes P.D. & Bouras N. (2024), Wie schrijft onze geschiedenis van de slavernij?, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 134(4): 367-371.
- Weeda C.V. (2024), Doing the dirty work: ribalds, armies and public health in the Southern Low Countries, 1200-1500. In: Rose E., Flierman Robert & Bruin-van de Beek Merel de (Eds.), City, Citizen and Citizenship, 400-1600: A Comparative Approach. Cham: Palgrave. 263-292.
- Weeda C.V. (2023), Barbara Tuchman: in de vlooienspiegel van de veertiende eeuw. In: Besamusca B., Poel D. van der, Anrooij W. van & Willaert F. (Eds.), Spiegelingen: mediëvisten voor de eenentwintigste eeuw. Amsterdam 168-178.
- Weeda C.V. (12 June 2023), Physiognomy and work recruitment before Europe’s overseas expansion. Medicine and the making of race, 1440-1720 (King's College London). [blog entry].
- Weeda C.V. (2023) Duizend-en-een ‘wonder women’. Review of: Ramirez J., Femina. De Nederlandse Boekengids 2023(2).
- Weeda C.V. (2023), Review of: Whittle J. & Lambrecht T., Labour laws in preindustrial Europe. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 136(3): 305-306.
- Weeda C.V. (2023), Review of: Stevens M.F. & Czaja R. (2022), Towns on the edge in Medieval Europe: the social and political order of peripheral urban communities from the Twelfth to Sixteenth Centuries. Oxford: Oxford University Press for the British Academy. The English Historical Review 162.
- Weeda C.V. (2023), Plague Policies in the Fifteenth-Century Low Countries: Duplication, Adaption and Integration. In: Bock N. & Lecuppre-Desjardin E. (Eds.), Innovation and Medieval Communities, 1200-1500. Turnhout: Brepols.
- Weeda C.V. (2022), Able bodies: the organisation of labour and health, 1300-1600:: a research agenda, Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae 26: 271-292.
- Weeda C.V. (2022), The porous city: dealing with public health crises in fifteenth-century Sint-Truiden. In: Weeda C.V., Stein R. & Sicking L.H.J. (Eds.), Communities, environment and regulation in the premodern world: essays in honour of Peter Hoppenbrouwers. CORN Publication Series no. 20: Brepols. 99-120.
- Weeda C.V., Stein R. & Sicking L.H.J. (Eds.) (2022), Communities, Environment and Regulation in the Premodern World: Essays in Honour of Peter Hoppenbrouwers no. CORN Publication Series 20: Brepols.
- Coomans J., Hermenault L., Kooten R. van & Weeda C.V. (2022), plague, religion and urban space in sixteenth-century Antwerp. Spatial Humanities 7 September 2022 - 9 September 2022. Social History of Medicine. Ghent: Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities.
- Weeda C.V. (2022), Stereotypes of Productivity and Reproduction in Late Medieval Natural Philosophy. .
- Coomans J., Hermenault L., Kooten R. van & Weeda C.V. (2022), Plague, Religion and Urban Space in Sixteenth-Century Antwerp (Spatial Humanities Conference, Ghent, September 2022). .
- Coomans J., Hermenault L. & Kooten R. van Weeda C.V. (2022), Plague, Religion and Urban Space in Sixteenth-Century Antwerp (Posthumous Conference, Rotterdam, June 2022). .
- Weeda C.V. (2022), Dancing in the street: Health, morality and public space in the Low Countries, 1370–1430. .
- Weeda C.V. (2022), Sustaining Maritime Health, Trade and Travel in Fifteenth-Century Port Cities.
- Weeda C.V. (2022), Regulating the Mobility of the Able-Bodied Poor in the Fifteenth-Century Low Countries. .
- Weeda C.V. (2022), Talking about Ethnicity in Europe, 950-1250: Armies, Labour, Environment and Power.
- Weeda C.V. (2022), The Gated Community: Vital Politics, Sanitation and Itinerant Workers in Italy and the Low Countries, 1200-1500.
- De Wilde E., Weeda C.V., Tuithof H., Manuhutu W., Van Nieuwenhuyse K. & Van Doorsselaere J. (2022), Wat moeten wij met de historische canon?: De Vlaamse en Nederlandse canon in vergelijkend perspectief. Historicidagen 25 August 2022 - 27 August 2022. Rotterdam: Historicidagen .
- De Wilde E., Weeda C.V., Gomes P., Huistra P. & Lobbes T. (2022), Wat is de functie van peer review?. Historicidagen 25 August 2022 - 27 August 2022. Rotterdam: Historicidagen.
- Stein R., Weeda C.V. & Sicking L.H.J. (2022), Introduction: Peter Hoppenbrouwers: portrait of a dedicated, versatile and skilful medievalist. In: Weeda C.V., Stein R. & Sicking L.H.J. (Eds.), Constructing and representing territory in late medieval and early modern Europe. CORN Publication Series no. 20. Turnhout: Brepols. 13-25.
- Geltner G. & Weeda C.V. (2021), ‘Underground and over the sea: more community prophylactics in action’, Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 76(2): 123–146.
- Weeda C.V. (2021), Ethnicity in Medieval Europe, 950-1250: Medicine, Power and Religion . Woodbridge: York Medieval Press/Boydell & Brewer.
- Weeda C.V. (2021), Stinkende stadsdampen en het Paradijs. De Plantaadje van Amsterdam. In: Berkhout L., Dulk S. den, Hellemondt I. van, Kraaij H.J. & Laan-Meijer E. van den (Eds.), Natura Artis Magistra. Verhalen over cultuur, landschap en natuur . Hilversum 63-66.
- Weeda C.V. (2021) Zorg voor spirituele én lichamelijke gezondheid door middeleeuwse begijnen. Review of: Ritchey S. (2021), Acts of care. Recovering women in late medieval health. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 134(3): 487-488.
- Weeda C.V. (2021), Review of: Archambeau N. (2021), Souls under Siege: Stories of War, Plague and Confession in Fourteenth-Century Provence. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press. Social History of Medicine (hkab100).
- Weeda C.V. (2021), Working on the Sea: Preserving Health in a Maritime Environment, 1300-1600. Ca’ Foscari University of Venice 25 November 2021 - 25 November 2021. University of Venice.
- Weeda C.V. (2021), Stereotypes, Time and Space: New Approaches to Ethnicity, Medicine, Power and Religion in Europe, 950-1250. New Discoveries seminar 4 November 2021 - 4 November 2021. Utrecht University.
- Weeda C.V. (2021), Talking about Ethnicity in Europe, 950-1250: Armies, Labour, Environment and Power. Queen Mary University of London.
- Weeda C.V. (2021), Where Have All the Bodies Gone?: Cellites and Plague Burials in Fifteenth-Century Netherlandish Towns. Leeds International Medieval Congress: Climates 5 July 2021 - 9 July 2021.
- Weeda C.V. (2021), Public Health Scripts and the Politics of Urban Wellbeing in Italy and the Low Countries, 1200-1500. International Conference City, Citizen & Citizenship. New Perspectives on the Middle Ages AD 400–1600 16 June 2021 - 18 June 2021. Utrecht University.
- Weeda C.V. (2021), LAMS Lecture (2 June 2021). Ethnicity in Medieval Europe, 950-1250: Medicine, Power and Religion (Lecture).
- Weeda C.V. & Zarkadas E. 19 November 2021, Ethnicity in Medieval Europe, 950-1250: Medicine, Power and Religion. New Books Network [podcast].
- Coomans J. & Weeda C.V. (2020), Politics of movement: exploring passage points in responses to Covid-19 and the plague in the fifteenth-century Netherlands, Journal for the History of Environment and Society 5: 79-89.
- Weeda C.V. (2020), Cityscapes and Environmental Health. Wellcome Collection: Virtual Methodologies: Medieval and Early Modern European Collections 29 July 2020 - 29 July 2020.
- Weeda C.V. & Coomans J. (2020), The Second Plague Pandemic: Mobility and Bottlenecks in Netherlandish Cities. The Testimony of History: To Live and Overcome the Epidemic in the Present 19 June 2020 - 19 June 2020.
- Weeda C.V. (2020), The mediation of medical knowledge in Netherlandish cities, 1300-1500. ‘Public Health’ in the Middle Ages: Healthscaping Urban Europe – Bijeenkomst van de werkgroep ‘History, Health and Healing’ 7 February 2020 - 7 February 2020.
- Coomans J. & Weeda C.V., Dossier Virussen & Bacteriën – Beweging, knelpunten en pandemieën: de Tweede Pestpandemie als proeftuin van onderzoek: [blog entry].
- Weeda C.V. & Coomans J. (24 April 2020), Pest en Politie: de politiek van publieke gezondheid toen en nu. Over de Muur. [blog entry].
- Weeda C.V. (2020), In Quarantaine, Madoc 34(1): 52-54.
- Weeda C.V. (2020), 'Jan van Boendale, een typische stadsbewoner uit de 14de-eeuwse Nederlanden', Geschiedenis Magazine 55/7: 46-48.
- Weeda C.V. (2020), Ethnic Stereotypes: Religion, Environmental Thought and Power in western Europe 950-1250. Centring Race in History: Antiquity to the Present 23 November 2020 - 25 November 2020.
- Rawcliffe C. & Weeda C.V. (Eds.) (2019), Policing the Urban Environment in Premodern Europe no. 1. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Weeda C.V. (2019), Cleanliness, Civility, and the City in Medieval Ideals and Scripts. In: Rawcliffe C. & Weeda C.V. (Eds.), Policing the Urban Environment in Premodern Europe no. 1. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 39-68.
- Rawcliffe C. & Weeda C.V. (2019), Introduction. In: Rawcliffe C. & Weeda C.V. (Eds.), Policing the Environment in Premodern Europe no. 1. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 11-38.
- Weeda C.V. & Dumas G. (2019), 'The Pursuit of Global Urban History: A dialogue Between Two Fields'. THE PURSUIT OF GLOBAL URBAN HISTORY A Joint Conference of the Global Urban History Project and the Centre for Urban History 11 July 2019 - 12 July 2019.
- Weeda C.V. & Coomans J. (2019), ‘Paradoxes of Plague: Regulatory Innovation, Repetition and Social Stratification in Urban Communities, 1300-1500’. Innovation und mittelalterliche Gemeinschaften in Nordwesteuropa (1200-1500) 20 November 2019 - 21 November 2019.
- Weeda C.V. (2019), ‘Imagining the Nation: Catalogues of Stereotypes 900-1300’ at the conference ‘Identidades y comunidades imaginadas en la baja edad media’. .
- Weeda C.V. (2019), ‘De Middeleeuwen zijn zo onschuldig nog niet’, De Nederlandse Boekengids : .
- Weeda C.V. (2019), 'De Donkere Middeleeuwen’, Leidraad : .
- Weeda C.V. (2018) ‘Nieuwe inzichten in organische politiek en gemeenschapsvorming’. Review of: Munck Bert de (2018), Guilds, Labour and the Urban Body Politic: Fabricating Community in the Southern Netherlands, 1300-1800. London & New York: Routledge 131(4).
- Weeda C.V. (2018) ‘Middeleeuwse kippenbotjes en potscherven: Zeg me wat je eet en ik vertel je wat je bent’. Review of: Vroom Joanita, Waksman Yona & Oosten Roos van (2017), Medieval Masterchef. Archaeological and historical perspectives on eastern cuisine and western foodways.. Turnhout: Brepols .
- Weeda C.V. (2018), ‘Health Matters: Defining the Bonum Commune in Conflicts in Late Medieval Italy and the Low Countries’. . Rome.
- Weeda C.V. (2018), Reviewing conduct books: Galenic medicine and the 'civilizing process' in western European households c. 1100-1300. In: Woolgar C.M. (Ed.), The elite household in England, 1100-1550: proceedings of the 2016 Harlaxton Symposium. Woodbridge: Boydell. 167-184.
- Blok G., Kuitenbrouwer J.J.V. & Weeda C.V. (2018), Imagining Communities. Historical Reflections on the Process of Community Formation. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Weeda C.V. (2018), Meanwhile in messianic time: imagining the medieval nation in time and space and English drinking rituals. In: Blok G., Kuitenbrouwer J.J.V. & Weeda C.V. (Eds.), Imagining communities. Historical reflections on the process of community formation. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 21-40.
- Blok G., Kuitenbrouwer J.J.V. & Weeda C.V. (2018), Introduction. In: Blok G., Kuitenbrouwer J.J.V. & Weeda C.V. (Eds.), Imagining communities. Historical reflections on the process of community formation. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 7-20.
- Weeda C.V. (2017), Characteristics of Bodies and Ethnicity c. 900-1200, Medieval Worlds: Comparative and Interdisciplinary Studies 2017(5): 95-112.
- Künzel R. & Weeda C.V. (2017), The Plow, the Pen, and the Sword. Images and Self-Images of Medieval People in the Low Countries: Routledge.
- Weeda C.V. (2016), ‘The fixed and the fluent: geographical determinism, ethnicity, and religion c. 1100-1300 CE’. In: Kennedy R.F. & Jones-Lewis M. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Idenity and the Environment in the Classical and Medieval Worlds. London/New York: Routledge. 93-113.
- Weeda C.V. (24 May 2016), Noem een racist een racist. NRC Handelsblad, Opinie.
- Weeda C.V. (2015), Violence, Control, Prophecy and Power in Twelfth-Century France and Germany. In: Nelson J. & Kempf D. (Eds.), Reading the Bible in the Middle Ages. London: Bloomsbury Press. 147-166.
- Weeda C.V. (2015), Gebruiken in de Late Middeleeuwen, Geschiedenis Magazine : .
- Weeda C.V. (2014), Ethnic Identification and Stereotypes in Western Europe, circa 1100-1300, History Compass 12(7): 586-606.
- Weeda C.V. (2013), De opkomst van etnische vooroordelen in de twaalfde eeuw, Geschiedenis Magazine 48(3): 45-49.
- Weeda C.V. (2010), Ethnic Stereotyping in Twelfth-Century Paris. In: Cohen M. & Firnhaber-Baker J. (Eds.), Difference and Identity in France and Medieval Francia (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2010): Ashgate. 115-135.
- Weeda C.V. (2010), De menselijke vlek, Madoc. Tijdschrift over de Middeleeuwen 24(1): 2-12.
- Adviseur literaire non-fictie