Claartje Levelt
- Name
- Prof.dr. C.C. Levelt
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2103
- 0000-0003-2916-0326

Claartje Levelt is a Professor at the Centre for Linguistics.
More information about Claartje Levelt
PhD students
My research centers around the acquisition of a first language by babies and young children, and focuses mostly on the acquisition of the phonological structure of language. Currently I work on three main research projects:
A psycholinguistic and language theoretical model of phonological development
In this research project child language phonology is studied from the perspective of both a phonological grammar and a psycholinguistic speech-production model. The central idea is that the phonological deviations from the adult target observed in child language productions result from particular developmental states of both the grammar and the form-encoding system. The interaction between the production and the perception of language in development plays an important role in this research (see
Comparative research into language learning mechanisms
Together with prof. Carel ten Cate (behavioral biology, Leiden University) and dr. Jelle Zuidema (Computational Linguistics, University of Amsterdam) I work on a project, funded by NWO, comparing the language learning mechanisms of human infants and zebra finches.
Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNirs) research into the developing brain
Together with dr. Stephan Huijbregts (Clinical Neuropsychology) en dr. Szilvia Biro (Child and Family Studies), and with the help of two grants (LIBC and LUF-Gratama) I try to localize brain activity related to social cognition and language in the developing brain of infants.
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL Taalwetenschap
- Sluiter I. & Levelt C.C. (2024), Baby talk on stage: performing Aristophanes Clouds 1382, The Journal of Hellenic Studies 144: 112-121.
- Geambașu A., Spit S.B., Renswoude D.R. van, Blom E., Fikkert J.P.M., Hunnius S., Junge C.M.M., Verhagen J., Visser I., Wijnen F. & Levelt C.C. (2023), Robustness of the rule‐learning effect in 7‐month‐old infants: a close, multicenter replication of Marcus et al. (1999), Developmental Science 26(1): .
- Haar S.M. ter, Fernandez A.A., Gratier M., Knörnschild M., Levelt C.C., Moore R.K., Vellema M., Wang X. & Oller D.K. (2021), Cross-species parallels in babbling: animals and algorithms, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 376(1836): .
- Geambaşu A., Toron L., Ravignani A. & Levelt C.C. (2020), Rhythmic recursion? Human sensitivity to a Lindenmayer grammar with self-similar structure in a musical task, Music & Science 3: .
- ten Cate C., Gervain J., Levelt C.C., Petkov C.I. & Zuidema W. (2020), Editors' review and introduction: Learning grammatical structures: developmental, cross‐species, and computational approaches, Topics in Cognitive Science 12(3): 804-814.
- ten Cate C., Gervain J., Levelt C.C., Petkov C. & Zuidema W. (2020), Issue Information, Topics in Cognitive Science 12: 785-787.
- Frank M.C., Alcock K.J., Arias-Trejo N., Aschersleben G., Baldwin D., Barbu S., Bergelson E., Bergmann Christina, Black A.K., Blything R., Böhland M.P., Bolitho P., Borovsky A., Brady S.M., Braun B., Brown A., Byers-Heinlein K., Campbell L.E., Cashon C., Choi M., Christodoulou J., Cirelli L.K., Conte S., Cordes S., Cox C., Cristia A., Cusack R., Davies C., de Klerk M., Delle Luche C., Ruiter L. de, Dinakar D., Dixon K.C., Durier V., Durrant S., Fennell C., Ferguson B., Ferry A., Fikkert P., Flanagan T., Floccia C., Foley M., Fritzsche T., Frost R.L.A., Gampe A., Gervain J., Gonzalez-Gomez N., Gupta A., Hahn L.E., Kiley H.J., Hannon E.E., Havron N., Hay J., Hernik M., Höhle B., Houston D.M., Howard L.H., Ishikawa M., Itakura S., Jackson I., Jakobsen K.V., Jarto M., Johnson S.P., Junge C., Karadag D., Kartushina N., Kellier D.J., Keren-Portnoy T., Klassen K., Kline M., Ko E., Kominsky J.F., Kosie J.E., Kragness H.E., Krieger A.A.R., Krieger F., Lany J., Lazo R.J., Lee M., Leservoisier C., Levelt C.C., Lew-Williams C., Lippold M., Liszkowski U., Liu L., Luke S.G., Lundwall R.A., Macchi C.V., Mani N., Marino C., Martin A., Mastroberardino M., Mateu V., Mayor J., Menn K., Michel C., Moriguchi Y., Morris B., Nave K.M., Nazzi T., Noble C., Novack M.A., Olesen N.M., John O.A., Ota M., Panneton R., Esfahani S.P., Paulus M., Pletti C., Polka L., Potter C., Rabagliati H., Ramachandran S., Rennels J.L., Reynolds G.D., Roth K.C., Rothwell C., Rubez D., Ryjova Y., Saffran J., Sato A., Savelkouls S., Schachner A., Schafer G., Schreiner M.S., Seidl A., Shukla M., Simpson E.A., Singh L., Skarabela B., Soley G., Sundara M., Theakston A., Thompson A., Trainor L.J., Trehub S.E., Trøan A.S., Tsui A.S., Twomey K., Von Holzen K., Wang Y., Waxman S., Werker J.F., Wermelinger S., Woolard A., Yurovsky D., Zahner K., Zettersten M. & Soderstrom M. (2020), Quantifying sources of variability in infancy research using the infant-directed-speech preference, Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 3(1): 24-52.
- Lipkind D., Geambasu A. & Levelt C.C. (2019), The development of structured vocalizations in songbirds and humans: a comparative analysis, Topics in Cognitive Science 2019: 1-16.
- Velde D. van de, Schiller N.O., Levelt C.C., Heuven V.J.J.P. van, Beers M., Briaire J. & Frijns J.H.M. (2019), Prosody perception and production by children with cochlear implants, Journal of Child Language 46(1): 111-141.
- Voeten C.C. & Levelt C.C. (2019), ERP Responses to Regional Accent Reflect Two Distinct Processes of Perceptual Compensation, Frontiers in Neuroscience 13: 546.
- Levelt C.C. & Haar S.M. ter (2018), Disentangling Attention for Frequency and Phonological Markedness in 9- and 12-Month-Old Infants, Language Learning and Development 14(4): 279-296.
- Haar S.M. ter & Levelt C.C. (2018), Disentangling attention for frequency and phonological markedness in 9- and 12-month-old infants, Language Learning and Development 14(4): 279-296.
- Velde D.J. van de, Frijns J.H.M., Beers M., Heuven V.J.J.P. van, Levelt C.C. & Briaire J. Schiller N.O. (2018), Basic Measures of Prosody in Spontaneous Speech of Children With Early and Late Cochlear Implantation, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 61(12): 3075-3094.
- Velde D.J. van de, Schiller N.O., Heuven V.J.J.P. van, Levelt C.C., Ginkel J.R. van, Beers M., Briaire J.J. & Frijns J.H.M. (2017), The perception of emotion and focus prosody with varying acoustic cues in cochlear implant simulations with varying filter slopes, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141(5): 3349-3363.
- Frank M.C., Bergelson E., Bergmann C., Cristia A., Floccia C., Gervain J., Hamlin J.K., Hannon E.E., Kline M., Levelt C.C., Lew-Williams C., Nazzi T., Panneton R., Rabagliati H., Soderstrom M., Sullivan J., Waxman S. & Yurovsky D. (2017), A Collaborative Approach to Infant Research: Promoting Reproducibility, Best Practices, and Theory-Building, Infancy 22(4): 421-435.
- Kant A. van der, Huijbregts S.C.J., Levelt C.C. & Biro S. (2017), Negative affect is related to reduced differential neural responses to social and non-social stimuli in 5-to-8-month-old infants: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy-study, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 30: 23-30.
- Geambasu A., Scheel M. & Levelt C.C. (2016), Cross-linguistic Patterns in Infant Babbling. Scott J. & Waughtal D. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 40th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. 40th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development 13 November 2015 - 15 November 2015: Cascadilla Press. 155-168.
- Geambașu A., Ravigniani A. & Levelt C.C. (2016), Preliminary Experiments on Human Sensitivity to Rhythmic Structure in a Grammar with Recursive Self-Similarity, Frontiers in Neuroscience 10: 281.
- Gulian M.E., Junge C.M.N. & Levelt C.C. (2014), Two-year-olds distinguish snakes from nakes but not trains from tains. Orman W. & Valleau M.J. (Eds.), BUCLD 38 Proceedings Supplement. 38th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development 1 November 2013 - 3 November 2013: Cascadilla Press.
- Levelt C.C. (2012), Perception mirrors production in 14- and 18-month-olds: the case of coda consonants, Cognition 123: 174-179.
- Levelt C.C. (2012), Perception mirrors production in 14- and 18-month-olds: the case of coda consonants, Cognition 123(1): 174-179.
- Levelt C.C. (2011), Consonant harmony in child language. In: Ewen C., Hume E., Oostendorp M. van & Rice K. (Eds.), The Blackwell companion to phonology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Gulian M.E. & Levelt C.C. (2009), An acoustic analysis of child language productions with reduced clusters, BUCLD 33 supplement. Boston University Conference on Language Development.
- Levelt C.C. (2008), Phonology and phonetics in the development of schwa in Dutch child language, Lingua 118: 1344-1361.
- Fikkert P. & Levelt C.C. (2008), How does Place fall into place? The lexicon and emergent constraints. In: Avery P., Dresher B.E. & Rice K. (Eds.), Contrast in Phonology; Theory, Perception, Acquisition. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 231-270.
- Mennen I., Levelt C.C. & Gerrits E. (2007), Dutch speech acquisition. In: Mcleod S. (Ed.), The international guide to speech acquisition. Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning. 327-339.
- Levelt C.C. & Oostendorp M. van (2007), Feature co-occurrence constraints in L1 acquisition. Los B. & Koppen M. van (Eds.), Linguistics in The Netherlands. . Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 162-172.
- Levelt C.C. (2007), 9 stukjes voor de Wetenschappelijke Scheurkalender. [other].
- Tzakosta M., Levelt C.C. & Weijer J.M. van de (Eds.) (2005), Developmental Paths in Phonological Acquisition. Leiden Working Papers in Linguistics. Leiden: ULCL.
- Schiller N.O., Fikkert P. & Levelt C.C. (2004), Stress Priming in picture naming: an SOA study, Brain and Language 90: 231-240.
- Levelt C.C. & Vijver R. van de (2004), Syllable types in cross-linguistic and developmental grammars. In: Kager R., Pater J. & Zonneveld W. (Eds.), Constraints in phonological acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 204-218.
- Levelt C.C., Schiller N.O. & Fikkert P. (2003), Metrical Priming in Speech Production. Solé M., Recasens D. & Romero J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2003), Barcelona, 3-9 August, 2003. 2481-2485.
- Boersma P. & Levelt C.C. (2003), Optimality Theory and phonological acquisition, Annual Review of Language Acquisition 3: 1-50.
- Boersma P. & Levelt C.C. (2000), Gradual constraint ranking algorithm predicts acquisition order. Clark E.V. (Ed.), The Proceedings of the Thirtieth Annual Child Language research Forum. . Stanford, CA: CSLI. 229-237.
- Levelt C.C., Schiller N.O. & Levelt W.J.M. (2000), The acquisition of syllable types, Language Acquisition 8(3): 237-264.
- Levelt C.C., Schiller N.O. & Levelt W.J.M. (1999), A developmental grammar for syllable structure in the production of child language, Brain and Language 68: 291-299.
- Levelt C.C. (1999) Signal tot syntax. Review of: Morgan J. (1999), Signal tot syntax: bootstrapping from speech to grammar no. 2. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Applied Psycholinguistics 20: 315-318.
- Levelt C.C. (1995), Segmental structure of early words: articulatory frames or Phonological constraints. Clark E.V. (Ed.), The Proceedings of the Twenty-seventh Annual Child Language research Forum. . Stanford, CA: CSLI. 19-27.
- Wetenschappelijk adviseur bij het Radboud TOS fonds