Cheryl Philipsen PhD candidate Name Drs. C. Philipsen Telephone +31 71 527 4855 E-mail Supervisor(s) Paul Hooykaas Professor emeritus of genetics Remko Offringa Professor of Plant developmental genetics PhD candidate Science Instituut Biologie Leiden IBL Plant Sciences Work address Sylvius Sylviusweg 72 2333 BE Leiden Room number 5.4.12 Contact +31 71 527 4855 JavaScript is required to view this content. Philipsen C. (30 March 2017), Unraveling the auxin mechanism in 2,4-D induced somatic embryogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana (Dissertatie. Institute of Biology, Science, Leiden University). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Hooykaas P.J.J., Offringa R. Dissertatie No relevant ancillary activities - International Constitution Center - Vereniging Thorbecke - Stichting Professor Mr. J.R. Thorbecke Leerstoel - International Association for Legislation - Thorbecke- en Bachienestichting - Vrienden van de Juridische Faculteit - Share on Facebook Share by Bluesky Share on LinkedIn Share by WhatsApp Share by Mastodon