Caspar van den Berg
Professor by special appointment Transitions in the Public Sector
- Name
- Prof.dr. C.F. van den Berg
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9400

Caspar van den Berg has held the special chair of Transitions in the public sector established and funded by the 'CAOP Chair Foundation' since November 2021. For further information, including his research fields and activities, please see
More information about Caspar van den Berg
Inaugural lecture
Dr. Caspar van den Berg is Professor at the Institute of Public Administration. He teaches Public Management, Politics, Governance and the Media, Multi-Level Governance, and Europeanization of Domestic Governance. For further information, including his research fields and activities, please see
He has been involved in teaching with the Institute of Public Administration at Leiden University since 2004. Over the years, he developed and taught courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, both for the Institute of Public Administration and Leiden University College The Hague, our Honours College. He was closely involved in the various teaching and training programs of the Centre for Professional Learning at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs. Below you find an overview of his current teaching portfolio.
Teaching portfolio
- Comparative Bureaucracy (2013 – 2014)
- Public Management: State of the Art (2011 – present)
- Politics, Governance and the Media (2011 – present)
- Strategic Management for Public Sector Organizations (2007 – 2014)
- Comparative Politics: Europe and the World (2013)
- Multi-level Governance in the European Union: (2012 – present)
- The Europeanization of Domestic Governance (2010 – present)
- Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods (2014 – present)
Teaching professionals
Development and delivering of teaching modules for civil servants, young diplomats and Public Affairs professionals in the fields of:
- Methods and techniques in Public Administration
- Multi-Level Governance: operating in a complex and multi-layered system of governance
- Public Affairs: Agenda setting, Stakeholder Management, Issue Management, Framing
- Political-Administrative Sensitivity: Political-Administrative Relations, The Media and the Political Process, Values of Bureaucracy
- European integration: History of the European Union, The EU’s Institutional Framework, EU-Decision Making, The EU’s Impact on National Politics and Administration
- The legislative process in The Netherlands and the European Union
Professor by special appointment Transitions in the Public Sector
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Instituut Bestuurskunde
- Berg C.F. van den (9 November 2015), Authoring a PhD. University of Potsdam. [lecture].
- Berg C.F. van den (18 November 2015), Koers houden in turbulentie: Veranderende rollen voor het Rijk en zijn ambtenaren in een participatiesamenleving. Vereniging JuristenRijk, Academie voor Wetgeving. [lecture].
- Berg C.F. van den (8 December 2015), The Shift towards the Enabling State in Europe and Europeanization of National Bureaucracies. Kaunas Technological University, Kaunas, Lithuania. [lecture].
- Berg C.F. van den (5 June 2013), Civil Service and Politics Around the World: New Political Governance, Diverging Paths, or Otherwise?. IIAS-IASIA Joint Congress 2013. Manama, Bahrain. [lecture].
- Meer F.M. van der, Dijkstra G.S.A. & Berg C.F. van den (1 March 2013), Het overheidspersoneel en Rutte II. De omvang van het overheidspersoneel vanuit nationaal en internationaal perspectief in het licht van de voorstellen in het regeerakkoord c.a. en de consequenties daarvan voor de kwaliteit van de ambtelijke dienst en samenleving in onderlinge samenhang bekeken. Brain storm meeting CAOP. Den Haag. [lecture].
- Meer F.M. van der & Berg C.F. van den (31 May 2013), Bureaucracy in systems of multi-level governance: towards a new civil service research project. Conference ramework Paper. Transatlantic Policy Consortium Conference: Civil Service Systems Panel. Leiden. [lecture].
- Berg C.F. van den (5 June 2013), Plenary session on 'Politico-Administrative Relations and Leadership'. IIAS-IASIA Joint Congress 2013. Manama, Bahrain. [lecture].
- Berg C.F. van den (4 October 2012), Caspar van den Berg en Lucas Lombaers over de ambtenarenstatus. interview. [interview].
- Berg C.F. van den (7 December 2012), De nationale politiek als zwakke schakel in de relatie EU - burger?. Raad voor het openbaar bestuur, Expert-meeting "Europa, Burgerschap en Democratie". Den Haag. [lecture].
- Berg C.F. van den (26 January 2012), Strategic Planning for Political Parties: Experiences from the Case of Georgia. NIMD symposium. Maputo, Mozambique. [lecture].
- Berg C.F. van den (8 July 2012), Pressure on impartial policy advice: an agenda for comparative research. IPSA / AISP 22nd World Congress of Political Science. Madrid, Spain. [lecture].
- Berg C.F. van den (28 June 2012), Vijf stellingen over politiek-ambtelijke verhoudingen in Nederland anno 2012. CAOP expert-bijeenkomst over politiek-ambtelijke verhoudingen. Den Haag. [lecture].
- Berg C.F. van den, Meer F.M. van der & Dijkstra G.S.A. (3 April 2012), The civil service and its (legal) position: an international comparison of quality, integrity and professionalism. 13th International Winelands Conference. Stellenbosch, South Africa. [lecture].
- Berg C.F. van den (9 October 2012), Ambtenaren en belangengroepen tijdens de kabinetsformatie. Alumnibijeenkomst B.I.L. en Abeur. Nieuwspoort, Den Haag. [lecture].
- Berg C.F. van den (10 September 2012), Comparative Civil Service Systems: Beyond the Europeanisation of National Bureaucracies. Invited guest lecture. Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, Singapore. [lecture].
- Berg C.F. van den (31 October 2012), Нидерландское государственное управление: развитие и современные задачи (Unravelling Dutch Public Administration: past developments and current challenges). PBLQ. Den Haag. [lecture].
- Berg C.F. van den (12 September 2012), Dutch Parliamentary Elections 2012: Dutch Politics at a Glance. Dutch Election Night 2012. Leiden University, Campus The Hague, The Hague. [lecture].
- Berg C.F. van den, Dijkstra G.S.A. & Meer F.M. van der (10 April 2012), A comparative historical analysis of the development towards and reappraisal of a protected civil service in France, the UK, Germanic territories and The Netherlands in the 19th and early 20th centuries. ECPR joint sessions. Antwerp. [lecture].
- Berg C.F. van den (29 May 2012), Strategic Planning for Political Parties: Towards a Process Design for Mozambique. NIMD symposium. Maputo, Mozambique. [lecture].
- Berg C.F. van den (14 November 2012), Grass-root Media Mobilisatie: Nieuwe Spelers, Nieuwe Spelregels, Een nieuw spel?. Vereniging Beoefenaars van de Toepaste Politicologie. Universiteit Leiden, Campus Den Haag. [lecture].
- Berg C.F. van den (15 September 2012), Crowdsourcing de grondwet: Inbreng "Nederland en Europa". Dag van de Democratie. Netwerk Democratie, Platform voor Democratische Innovatie, Amsterdam. [lecture].
- Berg C.F. van den, Bressers N.E.W. & Kort M. (1 December 2012), Complex knowledge confrontation in the water sector: The case of Ruimte voor de Rivier. NIG Annual Work Conference. Erasmus University Rotterdam. [lecture].
- Berg C.F. van den & Poppelaars C.H.J.M. (3 March 2011), Turning a blind eye to Europe? Europeanization of national consultation practices. EUSA 12th Biennial International Conference. Boston, MA. [lecture].
- Berg C.F. van den (23 November 2011), Multi-level governance en de toekomst van het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. Lezing Directie Europese Integratie Academie. Den Haag. [lecture].
- Berg C.F. van den & Poppelaars C.H.J.M. (14 October 2011), Consensus systems as administrative practice: The Europeanization of external advice seeking?. Conference Europeanization of Consensus Politics. Luxemburg. [lecture].
- Meer F.M. van der & Berg C.F. van den (10 March 2011), Eigene van de overheid vanuit internationaal perspectief. CAOP debat over de rol van de overheid. Den Haag. [lecture].
- Berg C.F. van den (14 September 2011), De EU, lidstaten en de regio’s: Waar en hoe zien we multi-level governance?. Conference Lecture Huis van de Nederlandse Provincies. Brussels, Belgium. [lecture].
- Meer F.M. van der, Berg C.F. van den & Dijkstra G.S.A. (24 August 2011), The changing position and (legal) status of top civil servants from a PSB perspective. ECPR conference. Reykjavik. [lecture].
- Meer F.M. van der & Berg C.F. van den (6 December 2011), De omvang van de overheid in vergelijkend perspectief. Jaarcongres Albeda Leerstoel: ‘De Staat van de ambtelijke dienst’. Den Haag. [lecture].
- Berg C.F. van den (8 December 2010), De toekomst van de rijksdienst, als onderdeel van een multi-level governance systeem. Conference lecture at the Lustrum of Jong OCW, Ministry of Education, Culture and Sciences. Den Haag. [lecture].
- Suvarierol S. & Berg C.F. van den (18 October 2006), Seconded national experts: Bridges between the European Commission and member-states? The case of Dutch officials. European research colloquium. Maastricht. [lecture].
- Berg C.F. van den (29 August 2006), The implications of multi-level governance for national civil service systems. From bureaucracy to entrepreneurial governance. Kopenhagen. [lecture].
- Bestuurslid
- Advisering t.a.v. de verbetering van de regionale ontwikkeling in Noordoost-Fryslân
- Secretaris. De stichting verpacht landerijen en beheer een financieel vermogen.
- Senator
- Adviseur Wetenschappelijke Beurzen
- Hoogleraar Bestuurskunde
- Fellow
- Lid Curatorium