Carolien Jacobs
Assistant Professor
- Name
- C.I.M. Jacobs
- Telephone
- 071 5277517
- 0000-0001-5304-4654

Carolien Jacobs is Assistant Professor at the Van Vollenhoven Institute. She has a background in International Development (MSc, Wageningen University) and in Legal Anthropology (PhD Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology/Wageningen University). She is a socio-legal, qualitative oriented scholar with an interest in interdisciplinary research. She teaches various courses in the field of Law and Society and regularly supervises Bachelor, Master, and PhD theses.
Her research covers the broad fields of law, governance and international development, especially in Africa and in conflict-affected countries. Migration in the contexts of conflict and of climate change are at the core of her research interests, as reflected in her long-term research agenda on internal displacement in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in collaboration with a team of Congolese research partners.
Concluded research looked at ‘Everyday justice and security provision for displaced and residents in Bukavu, DR Congo’, 'Climate-related displacement in Mozambique in the aftermath of cyclone Idai', and 'Transnational Figurations of Displacement'. At present, Carolien is involved in research for the Just Future Alliance, for which she conducts research on lawmaking in the DRC, and on legal identification and registration of internally displaced persons. Besides, she continues to conduct research on climate migration.
Carolien’s research is part of the research programme Effective Protection of Fundamental Rights in a Pluralist World. She is an editor of the Journal of Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis, a senior research associate of the Internal Displacement Research Programme, hosted at the University of London, a fellow member of the African Studies Centre Leiden Community, a member of the Law and Development Research Network, and a member of the Environmental & Climate Mobilities Network.
Assistant Professor
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Metajuridica
- Van Vollenhoven Instituut
- Jacobs C.I.M. (2025), Review of: Draper J. & Owen D. (eds) (2024), The Political Philosophy of Internal Displacement. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Journal of Refugee Studies .
- Jacobs C.I.M. (20 February 2025), The lived consequences of conflict. Leiden Law Blog. Leiden (Leiden University). [blog entry].
- Jacobs C.I.M., Kyamusugulwa P.M., Katembera R.S. & Lubala S. (2024), Lobbying for livestock legislation: an analysis of the lawmaking process in the DRC. Just Future DRC Report = Rapport Just Future RDC no. 2. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Jacobs C.I.M., Kyamusugulwa P.M., Katembera R.S. & Lubala S. (2024), Lobbying en faveur de la législation sur l'élevage: une analyse du processus législatif en RDC. Just Future DRC Report = Rapport Just Future RDC no. 2. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Jacobs C.I.M. (2024), Demokratische Republik Kongo. In: Oltmer J., Berlinghoff M., Düvell F., Lang C. & Pott A. (Eds.), Report Globale Flucht 2024: Im Auftrag des Projekts »Flucht und Flüchtlingsforschung: Vernetzung und Transfer« (FFVT). Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer Verlage. 218-226.
- Jacobs C.I.M. & Ribeiro de Almeida B. (2024), Defining risk areas and protecting land rights in a context of climate-related relocation: input for the HRC56 thematic report on climate change and internal displacement. [position paper].
- Jacobs C.I.M., Chevalier D.A.M. & Stapper M. (2024), Legal pluralism in the urban realm: an introduction, Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis 56(1): 4-12.
- Ribeiro de Almeida B. & Jacobs C.I.M. (2024), Zonas de risco, direitos à terra e alterações climáticas em Moçambique, Destaque Rural 2024(265): .
- Gini G., Piggott-McKellar A., Wiegel H., Neu F.N., Link A.-C., Fry C., Tabe T., Adegun O., Wade C.T., Bower E.R., Koeltzow S., Harrington-Abrams R., Jacobs C.I.M., Geest K. van der, Zivdar N., Alaniz R., Cherop C., Durand-Delacre D., Pill M., Shekhar H., Yates O., Khan M.A.A., Nansam-Aggrey F.K., Grant L., Nizar D.A., Owusu-Daaku K.N., Praeto A., Stefancu O. & Yee M. (2024), Navigating tensions in climate change-related planned relocation, Ambio 53(9): 1262-1266.
- Vetters L., Jacobs C.I.M. & Andreetta S. (2024), Legal pluralism and the production of (un)certainty in lived migration orders, Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis 56(3): 557-582.
- Jacobs C.I.M., Milabyo Kyamusugulwa P. & Katembera R.S. (28 November 2024), Sexual and Gender-Based Violence: looking beyond physical crimes. ISS Blog (blISS). The Hague (ISS/EUR). [blog entry].
- Jacobs C.I.M., Milabyo Kyamusugulwa P. & Katembera R.S. (17 December 2024), Violences sexuelles et basées sur le genre: au-delà des crimes physiques [Sexual and Gender-Based Violence: looking beyond physical crimes]. ISS Blog (blISS). The Hague (ISS/EUR). [blog entry].
- Jacobs C.I.M., Kyamusugulwa P.M., Assumani I., Katembera R.S., Lubala S. & Ruhamya J. (2024), Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms and access to justice in eastern DRC. Just Future DRC Report = Rapport Just Future RDC no. 3. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Jacobs C.I.M., Kyamusugulwa P.M., Assumani I., Katembera R.S., Lubala S. & Ruhamya J. (2024), Mécanismes Alternatifs de Résolution des Conflits et Accès à la Justice à l'Est de la RDC. Just Future DRC Report = Rapport Just Future RDC no. 3. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Durand-Delacre D., Jepkor Cherop C., Geest K. van der, Jacobs C.I.M., Kwesi Nansam-Aggrey F., Aditya Nizar D., Pill M., Shekhar H., Alaniz R., Bower E., Bronen R., Fry C., Gini G., Khan A.A., Koeltzow S., Link A.-C., Neu F.N., Owusu-Daaku K., Piggott-McKellar A., Singh C., Stefancu O., Takure S., Wade C.T., Wiegel H., Yates O., Yee M. & Zivdar N. (2023), Integrating planned relocation in national climate action: five key insights for consideration by governments and policymakers. Policy Brief / UNU Institute for Environment and Human Security no. 13. Bonn: UNU-EHS.
- Jacobs C.I.M., Kyamusugulwa P.M., Assumani I. & Ruhamya J. (2023), The social contract between the state and its citizens: registration of IDPs in election times in DRC. Just Future DRC Report = Rapport Just Future RDC no. 1. Leiden: VVI, Leiden University.
- Jacobs C.I.M. (2023), Inclusive lawmaking for a just future: five key insights for lawmakers and civil society actors [Policy brief Just Future]. Leiden: VVI, Leiden University.
- Jacobs C.I.M. (23 June 2023), Why care about electoral registration, if you're not going to vote anyway?. Leiden Law Blog. Leiden: Leiden Law School (Leiden University). [blog entry].
- Jacobs C.I.M., Kyamusugulwa P.M., Assumani I. & Ruhamya J. (2023), Le contrat social entre l’état et ses citoyens: l’enregistrement des personnes déplacées en période électorale en RDC. Just Future DRC Report = Rapport Just Future RDC no. 1. Leiden: VVI, Leiden University.
- Jacobs C.I.M. (2023), Un Processus Législatif Inclusif pour un Futur Juste: Cinq idées clés pour les législateurs et les acteurs de la société civile [Note d'orientation Futur Juste]. Leiden: VVI, Leiden University.
- Almeida B. & Jacobs C. (2022), Land expropriation – The hidden danger of climate change response in Mozambique, Land Use Policy 123: 1-10 (106408).
- Jacobs C., Kyamusugulwa P.M., Lubala Kubiha S., Assumani I., Ruhamya J. & Katembera R.S. (2022), Is translocality a hidden solution to overcome protracted displacement in the DR Congo?, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 48(18): 4313-4327.
- Etzold B., Isikozlu E., Christ S., Morosanu L., Kraler A., Pastore F., Jacobs C., Vlastou F., Papatzani E., Siotou A., Hatziprokopiou P., Buchenau B., Ayoub Momani F., Tobin S., Al Yakoub T. & Al Jarrah R. (2022), Nothing is more permanent than the temporary: understanding protracted displacement and people's own responses: TRAFIG Synthesis Report. Bonn, Germany: BICC (Bonn International Center for Conversion).
- Jacobs C. & Sonneveld N. (7 February 2022), Shining a light on the meaning and value of citizenship for Internally Displaced Persons. Researching Internal Displacement. [blog entry].
- Mosneaga A. & Jacobs C.I.M. (2022), Understanding human mobility in the global climate regime through a translocal lens, Transnational Legal Theory 13(2-3): 237-260.
- Jacobs C.I.M. & Ribeiro de Almeida B. (2021), Government-led Resettlement after Natural Disasters as a Durable Solution?: The Case of Cyclone Idai, Refugee Survey Quarterly 40(2): 239-247.
- Katsiaficas C., Jacobs C.I.M. & Wagner M. (2021), Leveraging networks to overcome displacement: urban internally displaced persons in the Democratic Republic of Congo. TRAFIG Policy brief no. 2. Bonn: BICC, TRAFIG (Transnational Figurations of Displacement).
- Jacobs C.I.M. & Sonneveld N. (2021), Empirical understandings of informal citizenship and membership: internally displaced persons in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Citizenship Studies 25(8): 1112-1127.
- Jacobs C.I.M., Kyamusugulwa P.M., Katembera R.S. & Kintuntu H. (2021), Containing COVID-19 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Government Measures and Women's Compliance, Journal of African Law 65(S2): 287-310.
- Jacobs C.I.M. & Rudolf M. (2021), Mobility dynamics in protracted displacement: Eritreans and Congolese on the move, Forced Migration Review = Revue Migrations Forcées 68: 52-55.
- Jacobs C.I.M. & Rudolf M. (2021), Dynamiques de mobilité en situation de déplacement prolongé: Érythréens et Congolais en mouvement, Forced Migration Review = Revue Migrations Forcées 68: 6-10.
- Aycock B., Jacobs C.I.M. & Mosneaga A. (13 October 2021), Justice or charity?: Climate change in the UN High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement Report. Researching Internal Displacement. [blog entry].
- Jacobs C.I.M. & Ribeiro de Almeida B. (2020), Research report - Land and climate change: Rights and environmental displacement in Mozambique. Leiden: Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Society (VVI), Leiden University.
- Jacobs C., Lubala Kubiha S. & Katembera R.S. (2020), The Upward Spiral Towards Local Integration of IDPs: Agency and Economics in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Refugee Survey Quarterly 39(4): 537-543.
- Ferreira N., Jacobs C., Kea P., Hendow M., Noack M., Wagner M., Adugna F., Alodat A.M., Ayalew T., Etzold B., Fogli C., Goumenos T., Hatziprokopiou P., Javed M.M., Kamanga K.C., Kraler A., Momani F.A. & Roman E. (2020), Governing protracted displacement: An analysis across global, regional and domestic contexts. TRAFIG Working paper no. 3. Bonn: BICC, TRAFIG (Transnational Figurations of Displacement).
- Jacobs C., Assumani I., Katembera R.S., Lubala Kubiha S., Kyamusugulwa P.M. & Ruhamya Mugenzi J. (2020), Figurations of Displacement in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Empirical findings and reflections on protracted displacement and translocal connections of Congolese IDPs. TRAFIG Working paper no. 4. Bonn: BICC, TRAFIG (Transnational Figurations of Displacement).
- Noack M., Wagner M. & Jacobs C. (2020), Governing protracted displacement: What access to solutions for forcibly displaced people?. TRAFIG Policy brief no. 1. Bonn: BICC, TRAFIG (Transnational Figurations of Displacement).
- Kyamusugulwa P.M., Ruhamya Mugenzi J., Lubala Kubiha S., Assumani I. & Jacobs C.I.M. (2020), Multi-stakeholder community consultations as a multi-purpose research tool: Experiences from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Bonn: BICC (Bonn International Center for Conversion), TRAFIG (Transnational Figurations of Displacement).
- Jacobs C. & Isikozlu E. (2020), Bolstering resilient connections in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. TRAFIG Practice Note no. 4. Bonn: BICC, TRAFIG (Transnational Figurations of Displacement).
- Jacobs C. (19 February 2020), Getting prior informed consent: A thorny issue. TRAFIG Blog. Bonn: BICC. [blog entry].
- Jacobs C. (22 April 2020), "I'd say 100% of the IDPs are still connected to the place of origin in one way or the other". TRAFIG Blog. Bonn: BICC. [blog entry].
- Jacobs C. (21 July 2020), Doing research on migration and asylum: Responsibilities and limits. TRAFIG Blog. Bonn: BICC. [blog entry].
- Jacobs C., Ferreira N. & Etzold B. Roman E. (10 September 2020), Policies should better support people trapped in long-term refugee situations. The Conversation. [blog entry].
- Almeida B. & Jacobs C. (11 May 2020), Resettlement after disaster in Mozambique. Leiden Law Blog. [blog entry].
- Ribeiro de Almeida B. & Jacobs C.I.M. (2020), Policy brief - Land and climate change: Rights and environmental displacement in Mozambique (Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Society (VVI)). [other].
- Jacobs C.I.M. & Ribeiro de Almeida B. (2020), Relatório de pesquisa - Propriedade e alterações climáticas: direitos e deslocados ambientais em Moçambique.
- Ribeiro de Almeida B. & Jacobs C.I.M. (2020), Síntese de pesquisa - A terra e as alterações climáticas: Direitos e deslocamento ambiental em Moçambique. Leiden.
- Jacobs C. & Etzold B. (2020), Connectivité et mobilité des personnes déplacées dans la province du Sud-Kivu, RDC: approche configurationnelle appliquée, Cahiers du CERPRU / Centre d'études et de recherches pour la promotion rurale 28(Numéro SPECIAL 27): 16-42.
- Jacobs C. (2020), Cadres de protection pour les réfugiés et les personnes déplacées en RDCongo, Cahiers du CERPRU / Centre d'études et de recherches pour la promotion rurale 28(Numéro SPECIAL 27): 44-72.
- Jacobs C. & Milabyo Kyamusugulwa P. (2020), Déplacement prolongé: Expérimenter et surmonter les incertitudes spatiales, socio-économiques et relationnelles en RDC, Cahiers du CERPRU / Centre d'études et de recherches pour la promotion rurale 28(Numéro SPECIAL 27): 89-106.
- Jacobs C. (2020), Conclusion: Est-il possible d'échapper de son sort de déplacement prolongé?, Cahiers du CERPRU / Centre d'études et de recherches pour la promotion rurale 28(Numéro SPECIAL 27): 237-241.
- Jacobs C., Ruhamya Mugenzi J., Lubala Kubiha S. & Assumani I. (2019), Towards becoming a property owner in the city: From being displaced to becoming a citizen in urban DR Congo, Land Use Policy 85(June 2019): 350-356.
- Jacobs C. (23 September 2019), Internally displaced people need more protection: Insights from Africa. The Conversation (The Conversation Africa). [blog entry].
- Jacobs C.I.M. & Kyamusugulwa P.M. (2018), Everyday justice for the internally displaced in a context of fragility: The case of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Journal of Refugee Studies 31(2): 179-196.
- Jacobs C. (2018), Capacity Development of Civil Society in a Fragile Context: Dutch donor interventions in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo. In: Bedner A. & Oomen B. (Eds.), Real Legal Certainty and its Relevance: Essays in honour of Jan Michiel Otto. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 177-192.
- Kyamusugulwa P.M., Hilhorst D. & Jacobs C.I.M. (2018), Accountability mechanisms in community-driven reconstruction in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, Development in Practice 28(1): 4-15.
- Jacobs C.I.M. (2018), Conference report INTERFACES. 3rd annual conference of the Law and Development Research Network, 19-21 September 2018, Leiden. . Leiden: Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Society.
- Jacobs C. (2018), Avec ou sans l'Etat: La justice népotique et ses alternatives en République Démocratique du Congo, Cahiers du CERPRU / Centre d'études et de recherches pour la promotion rurale 25(Special issue: Entre conflits et développement): 153-168.
- Jacobs C. (2018), Seeking justice, experiencing the state: Criminal justice and real legal uncertainty in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 50(3): 280-293.
- Jacobs C. (7 January 2017), Constitutional gymnastics to stay in power… or to leave? Elections in the DR Congo. Leiden Law Blog. Leiden. [blog entry].
- Jacobs C.I.M., Flaam H., Fowlis M. & Pangburn A. (2017), Justice needs, strategies, and mechanisms for the displaced: Reviewing the evidence. Social Science Research Council Working Papers. New York: Social Science Research Council.
- Jacobs C. (10 April 2017), Linking formal and informal justice: What can we learn from other public services?. Knowledge Platform: Security & Rule of Law. The Hague. [blog entry].
- Jacobs C.I.M., Flaam H., Fowlis M. & Pangburn A. (2017), Besoins, stratégies et mécanismes en matière de justice pour les personnes déplacées, Cahiers du CERPRU / Centre d'études et de recherches pour la promotion rurale 24: 27-46.
- Flaam H., Pangburn A., Fowlis M. & Jacobs C.I.M. (2017), Accès à la justice en RDC, Cahiers du CERPRU / Centre d'études et de recherches pour la promotion rurale 24: 47-58.
- Jacobs C.I.M., Kyamusugulwa P.M., Mashanda M., Ruhamya J., Assumani I. & Kubiya S.L. (2017), Quête de la justice pour les déplacés internes à Bukavu, Cahiers du CERPRU / Centre d'études et de recherches pour la promotion rurale 24: 59-72.
- Mashanda M., Kyamusugulwa P.M., Vlassenroot K., Flaam H., Niyomugabo E., Jacobs C.I.M. & Malitano J.C. (2017), Analyse comparative: Accès à la justice dans le Sud-Kivu et dans le Haut-Uélé, Cahiers du CERPRU / Centre d'études et de recherches pour la promotion rurale 24: 129-152.
- Vlassenroot K., Jacobs C.I.M. & Carayannis T. (2017), How does displacement affect access to justice in conflict areas? Evidence from research in the DRC. Ghent: Ghent University.
- Jacobs C.I.M. & Paviotti A. (2017), The elephant in the room: Internally Displaced People in urban settings. Leiden: Van Vollenhoven Institute and Groupe Jérémie.
- Jacobs C.I.M. & Paviotti A. (2017), The right to work in a context of urban displacement. Leiden: Van Vollenhoven Institute and Groupe Jérémie.
- Jacobs C.I.M. & Paviotti A. (2017), The right to decent housing in a context of urban displacement and fragility. Leiden: Van Vollenhoven Institute and Groupe Jérémie.
- Jacobs C.I.M. & Paviotti A. (2017), Social integration of internally displaced people in urban settings. Leiden: Van Vollenhoven Institute and Groupe Jérémie.
- Jacobs C.I.M. & Paviotti A. (2017), Distinguer les Personnes Déplacées Internes en milieu urbain: un défi sous-estimé. Leiden: Van Vollenhoven Institute and Groupe Jérémie.
- Jacobs C.I.M. & Paviotti A. (2017), Le droit au travail dans un contexte de déplacement urbain. Leiden: Van Vollenhoven Institute and Groupe Jérémie.
- Jacobs C.I.M. & Paviotti A. (2017), Le droit au logement dans un contexte de déplacement urbain et de fragilité. Leiden: Van Vollenhoven Institute and Groupe Jérémie.
- Jacobs C.I.M. & Paviotti A. (2017), L’intégration sociale des personnes déplacées dans les zones urbaines. Leiden: Van Vollenhoven Institute and Groupe Jérémie.
- Jacobs C.I.M., Vlassenroot K. & Carayannis T. (2017), Justice pour les personnes déplacées en RDC: Introduction, Cahiers du CERPRU / Centre d'études et de recherches pour la promotion rurale 24: 11-26.
- Jacobs C. & Otto J.M. (2016), Exploring Primary Justice in Insecure Contexts: South Sudan and Afghanistan. Challenges, concerns, and elements that work. Leiden: Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University.
- Braak B.J. & Jacobs C. (2016), Literature Review: Justice in South Sudan. Leiden: Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University.
- Rudolf M., Jacobs C. & Nguya G. (2015), ‘Si Dieu t’envoie de l’aide, tu ne peux pas refuser’- continuous displacement, vulnerability and humanitarian aid in protracted conflicts in DR Congo, Annuaire L'Afrique des Grands Lacs 2014-2015: 107-126.
- Bulte E., Hilhorst D., Berg M. van de, Jacobs C., Leuveld K. & Weijs B. (2015), Joint MFS II Evaluation DR Congo: Synthesis report.
- Kamp L. van de & Jacobs C. (2014), Christianity’s Role in Dispute Resolution in Mozambique, Social Sciences and Missions 27(2-3): 192-218.
- Jacobs C. (2013), Toward reconciliation: Religiously oriented disputing processes in Mozambique. In: Benda-Beckmann F. von Benda-Beckmann K. von Ramstedt M. Turner B. (Ed.), Religion in Disputes: Pervasiveness of religious normativity in disputing processes. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 93-110.
- Bulte E., Hilhorst D., Nillesen E., Douma N., Groot Kormelinck A., Jacobs C., Kusters C. & Weijs B. (2013), Joint MFS II evaluation Liberia: Synthesis report of the baseline study.
- Bulte E., Hilhorst D., Berg M van de, Jacobs C., Leuveld K. & Weijs B. (2013), Joint MFS II evaluation DR Congo: Synthesis report of the baseline study.